"They lied; they knew they were lying". That is a crime:


Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, ... shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or MAY BE SENTENCED TO DEATH. (emphasis my own)

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Thank you Ollie. I've posted links to 18 U.S. Code § 241 - Conspiracy against rights and 18 U.S. Code § 242 - Deprivation of rights under color of Law many times. The civilian public generally disregards these Laws, and I seldom receive comment regarding my posts. I've also posted links to 18 U.S. Code § 175 - Prohibitions with respect to biological weapons >>> https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/175

and 18 U.S. Code § 178 - Definitions >>> https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/178

No response from reader/commentators for years. Very frustrating... Thanks for posting.

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State AGs have been accessories to treason since the beginning, and the Constitution has been suspended, and state and federal courts have been blocked from conducting judicial review -- 42 USC 247d-6d(b)(7) -- and state law has been preempted -- 42 USC 247d-6d(b)(8) -- by Congress, which is also an accessory to treason.

Re: biological weapons law, my position is that the products that would otherwise be prohibited (possession and use of them criminalized under 18 USC 175 and 18 USC 229) such as viruses, toxins and vaccines, are legalized because they are characterized as falling under exemptions for prophylactic, medical and pharmaceutical products.

The loopholes are in the interplay between 42 USC 262, 42 USC 262a, 18 USC 175, 18 USC 229, 22 USC 6701, 50 USC 1520a, 21 USC 355f, 21 USC 360bbb-3 and a few others.

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Treason is still treason.

The moral, natural and common law cannot be suspended.

The powers that be, presume to have the authority to suspend the moral, natural and common law.

They do not have any legitimate authority to do this.

This is not just treason against all people.

This is treason against the One.

Revolt against the sovereignty of the One.


The sovereignty of the One is inviolate.

Those who challenge the authority of the One judge themselves.

They are engineering their own destruction.

They will be held accountable.

We all judge ourselves by how we treat others.

We will all ultimately receive our just rewards.

Universal justice is always being established regardless of appearances.

The High Court of the Universe is a fully operational administration of justice.

This truth anchors all truly free people, regardless of all the sometimes devastating suffering and death, in the storms of life.

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We live in a time of the Matrix where people live in an alternate reality and are lulled into a semi concious state with no willing to ask alarming questions. Corruption from

Top To the bottom of All government positions keeps it a closed system. Only a greater force from the outside will bring a Change . The Church has blended in with the dark culture calling it good . In the end , All created things will kneel before the King and call God , their sovereign one. Until then Men will love the darkness rather the Light.

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Hello Katherine Watt. Yes. I have followed your Substack articles for several years, and highly respect your analyses and expertise. I post links to your page when appropriate, and hope other readers do so as well...

I found this page to be particularly helpful. > Vaccine non-regulation history, shortest form versions currently available. >>> KATHERINE WATT >>> January 18, 2025 >>> https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/vaccine-non-regulation-history-shortest

Much appreciation, and best regards.

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At this juncture ANY State's AG who does not file charges of Murder in the first degree is guilty of failing to carry out the duties of office for which they swore an Oath, Dereliction of Duty and ultimately Treason. Thank you for your vigilance. More Americans need to be aware of the Law of the Land which is exactly why it's not taught in primary nor secondary education. (I hit the like button but nothing happened, apparently my OS id too old).

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I agree 100%. States Attorneys General are now Accessories After the Fact, and should be served writs of Quo Warranto for impersonating public office.

Definition Quo Warranto: Quo warranto is Latin for "by what warrant” (or authority). A writ of quo warranto is a common law remedy which is used to challenge a person's right to hold a public or corporate office. A state may also use a quo warranto action to revoke a corporation's charter. When bringing a petition for writ of quo warranto, individual members of the public have standing as citizens and taxpayers.


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Thank you.

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Link in red here is good - denotes vital info for all/share...

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Although the legal research you guys do is WAY above my pay grade, I really appreciate your scholarship and understand and the posting and publishing you do, because the implications of your work are mind-blowing and necessary for the average citizen to know. We have got to turn this ship around and we cannot do it unless we know the truth. Thank you for your collective efforts.

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I am not US, but always read your valuable comments. I may have commented at times? At times one can be ahead of the crowd!

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Hello Gumnut123. Yes. I've read many of your posts, and appreciate your intelligent insights. Thank you for your kind reply.

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The painting today was a beautiful start to my day. I could feel the motion and energy of the sweet little calf. Thank you for your sharing.

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Sasha you are as creative as you are a brilliant mind. Love your composition, vibrant colors and sweet subject matter. Thank you!

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Hope Kennedy has the elbow room to do something. Unfortunately, his underboss is Jim O'Neil, who has big investments in mRNA. Art of the Deal

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Gordon Groves thank you for saying this and to Sasha and KW for your tireless efforts.

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I'm here for the art :-)

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The art is always the cherry on top !!!

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Never tried this, but maybe someone could…Go after the public officials’ surety bonds.

Surety Bonds - Bonds for the Win (national)

Surety bonds protect WE THE PEOPLE from fraud and malpractice. When a bondholder breaks a bond’s terms, the harmed party can make a claim on the bond to recover losses.: https://bondsforthewin.com/

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Sunshine is the greatest disinfectant.

Sasha has emerged as one of the greatest defenders of health freedom in the world.

Our government is at war against us.

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All the legal citations posted in these comments are amazing and excellent. They should be protecting us, but they don’t. We know and they know that the laws can be broken with virtual impunity. No one will enforce them, not even most AGs in this country (and the ones who try often get slapped down).

Only a very few lawyers and plaintiffs have the time and the deep pockets — or the courage — to call out the violations. It’s going to come down to each person learning what’s going on and saying not just NO, but HELL NO! Do not comply with maniacs and tyrants.

By the way, no comments or likes, doesn’t necessarily mean you’re being ignored. Many people find the LIKE button doesn’t work for them and many copy/paste or cross-post without commenting. So little time, so much to learn and do!

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Hi Sasha,

Not sure if you have seen this timeline yet- it's Part One of a longer series. Please get it out there as you see fit.

They built this great pandemic machine, rehearsed and prepared for emergencies for years.

Timeline to Covid Tyranny- Part One: Constructing the Biosecurity Empire (1999–2018)


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At 49:36: "However, we need to demand the declassification of it and full disclosure, transparency, accountability, and figuring out what exactly happened. We are all petitioning the government at different levels to either stop mRNA vaccines, put a ban on them temporarily. I'm part of several legislative efforts on this, or at least remove them from the childhood schedule." [End quote] Thank you once again Sasha. For readers and concerned parties, see:

15 U.S. Code § 3710a - Cooperative research and development agreements >>> Excerpt:

(6) Each agency shall maintain a record of all agreements entered into under this section.

(7) (A) No trade secrets or commercial or financial information that is privileged or confidential, under the meaning of section 552(b)(4) of title 5, which is obtained in the conduct of research or as a result of activities under this chapter from a non-Federal party participating in a cooperative research and development agreement shall be disclosed. >>>

https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/15/3710a >>> Study the complete text. It's ever so 'legal' --- sounding...

Also see: Public information; agency rules, opinions, orders, records, and proceedings >>>


Obviously, these 'legal' scholars have covered the bases...

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Not all the bases.

They forgot the immortal moral laws written indelibly in the sands of time.

Probably don't even know they exist!

But their boss certainly does.

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OMG….that painting is perfection!

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We don't know the provocative chemicals used to trigger panic? Could you provoke flu-like symptoms by cranking up the 5G towers to cause radiation poisoning? Spraying glyphosate in the airports and subways? Common insecticides?

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It's highly questionable and unproven that any virus called Covid ever existed, except in the depopulationist media complex. The fearmongering was a ploy to drive the herd toward the poisoned injections. Useless eaters are being culled, and the poisons are still being turned out by the tens of billions of vials.

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Hi Sasha,

You have a remarkable ability to choose your responses while staying true to the subject matter to make a difference even with interviewers that are not too far up the learning curve regarding background issues. Other interviewers you have dealt with have been farther up the learning curve, so you put it in a higher gear with them. Kudos, Brian

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