Who knows? Maybe she bought herself a new identity and is living in Maui…

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Aug 17Liked by Sasha Latypova

Yes, and living as a man! 😉

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They do it all the time.

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Aug 16Liked by Sasha Latypova

Delusion, deceit, depravity. That is their code of honor. Consequently, as a binding rule, I do not believe anything the MSM or a similar proxy communicates. Chances are 98% she is DEAD. That is a relief to the rest of us who still have a soul.

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In my view you have won the comments section with this post.

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thank you. i have been witnessing this horror show since 9.11 and those three words seem to capture it all for me.

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Yes since 9.11…very few link that ‘false flag event’ to the serious beginning of the propaganda & fear promoting ‘surveillance state’ we now live under.

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it was the JFK assination partII. Not to trivialize death, but more people die from highway accidents annualy and we don't even notice. 9/11 was composed for maximum impact on the minds of the world. It was absolutely a 3 letter agency project, probably multiple 3 letter agencies and it wrapped up a lot of lose ends like the Pentagon Audit and a whole lot of financial manipulations and theft. A 2 for 1, the alphabet agencies love that style of things.

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Aug 16Liked by Sasha Latypova

The gaslighting continues. Three weeks prior to dying from lung cancer, you’re in hospice care.

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Possibly….possibly not. As a former hospice nurse, we had LESS people admitted to hospice that pretty much anything else (despite the number of people who die from cancer….🤔). When admitted to hospice, the requirements were “If everything goes perfectly per the norm, this patient is not expected to live longer than 6 months.” (Which of course is the requirement for Medicare…which she was too young for) When someone is admitted into hospice care, they can no longer see “curative” measures related to the disease process they were admitted for… That means if they are admitted to hospice for cancer, they can still go to their cardiologist or even continue with dialysis, etc…BUT -they can no longer go to their oncologist, receive expensive cancer treatments/testing, etc unless they revoke hospice (which anyone can do at ANY time just like a DNR). The fact is (at least in MY experience as a hospice RN) that the ONLY cancer patients I EVER received were either patients that had REFUSED to continue with all the chemo/radiation/testing and just wanted to live out the rest of their life at home as peacefully and comfortably as possible, their insurance had maxed out….OR-they were actively dying. I’m talking in the stage of actively dying to where we weren’t even sure that the patient would be able to survive the ambulance ride home… (BTW- the hospice company that accepts this patient into care will receive nothing from Medicare because the patient usually only has hours…so they foot the bill for all the meds, supplies, and medical equipment rental for the patient) It made me so angry because I felt like so many of these patients could have benefited from hospice so much sooner, but they couldn’t get their oncologist to refer them. 🤬 I would love to believe it’s because all oncologists want so badly to save their patients that they want to keep them on service as long as possible to try and that has nothing to do with the $15,000 testing/treatment (I’m throwing out numbers here because it’s probably WAY HIGHER)… I’m sure that some oncologists do feel this way, but unfortunately I don’t feel that the majority of them are doing it because they just want so badly to save their patient (although I do believe there are some)…

So no….she may or may NOT have been on hospice. I will say, if she was put on hospice, I agree with you 100% that she would not have felt like doing all of this. With lung cancer she this progressed, she would have been on oxygen and working and just everyday living would be work…let alone having a JOB and working.

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Thank you for your ongoing service to the dying! I read a study many years ago (I can't find it now unfortunately) that showed that stage 4 lung cancer patients actually lived longer on hospice service as opposed to being treated with chemo. Probably not surprising as a good hospice addresses the physical, social, mental and spiritual needs of the patient.

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Just wondering.... Maybe bc of the jabs, if it is becoming difficult to predict and give an accurate prognosis/ estimate? There has been a series of sudden deaths reported in the public. As if someone had suddenly turned the switch on and then droped. I hear treating docs say the pre cvd medicine / treatment no longer works effectively for these people.

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Aug 17·edited Aug 17

Jabs people is like a ticking bomb that literally can have the potential to explode anytime! You don’t have to have cancer to die suddenly! I have a lot of residents in the nursing home were still eating and drinking well and walking then suddenly became ill for 2-3 days then there dead! Just like that! It’s becoming the trend!

But if she’s known to have cancer and still don’t want to give up career, fame and power rather than her own health and family! That’s greed! Sometimes people don’t realise that they can’t take all these things to their grave! It won’t matter!

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Perhaps she was led to believe (by her docs) she could beat it ? (When jabbed, it could be even more difficult)

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Such as Dr. William Makis.

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Yes. I have a neighbor who is allegedly dying of lung cancer. When advised toward hospice care, his support equipment, insulin for diabetes, and all medications were switched toward different vendors, etc. Again I repeat: He was "advised" toward hospice care, rather than offering support for *recovery*. That's bullshit healthcare...

Hospice has become a glorified death wish system, and people blandly support it.

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The whole point of Hospice is death. Its not a curative system. Hospice is not health care per se, its preparation for death in a comfortable situation.

your neighbor should seek a 2nd and/or 3rd opinion. No doctor heals you, you heal you, a doctor can only provide a plan that may or may not work. if you don't like the plan, get another dr.

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Hello Garth. Your point is well taken. My belief is that the attending physician *should* have advised toward treatment options, and/or other physician advisory. I've been hearing of MANY cases of cancers and turbo cancers being diagnosed these last nine months. These documented responses are inextricably tied to the 'vaccine' bio-weapon injections.

I would submit that these doctors are medically incompetent. Take a look at the skies filled with chemical tracers. The prevalence of genetically altered phoods. The wide use of herbicides and pesticides on farm lands. The environmental contamination of industrial filth into landfills and water ways.

The medical "profession" is made up of drug pushers and deniers of reality. I hate the bastards.

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better to be aware and make choices to limit your own personal damage, than to invest hate in the worthless bastards. Medicine is a great notion, that like most aspects of our current society has been subverted for gain. We f*cked up, we trusted them.

realize your health is yours, and no one is going to take better care of it, than you. for you have a vested interest in you.

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The reason for the vendor switch out is because each hospice is required to pay for durable medical equipment (DME) and medications out of their per diem reimbursement from Medicare. Private insurance companies usually have similar reimbursement as well. So to control that cost, the hospices contract with specific DME companies and pharmacies.

As for whether your neighbor was inappropriately advised to hospice, that's a possibility. On the flip side, my dad had a neighbor who was admitted to hospice with stage 4 colon cancer. He lived for 3 more years and died after falling and breaking his hip.

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No argument to that, although there are several different types of hospice care, not all meet the medicare definition and some are simply carried out at home, by family members. My point, which I know you agree with, is that death from lung cancer is more like a fading light than an on/off switch. Death from the jab…different story.

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Not so with my Dad. He had lung cancer and I spoke with him weekly. My family assured me that he was doing fine. Some days were worse than others and my mom insisted that she take him to the hospital on one of his bad days. He insisted on brushing his teeth before they left. At the hospital they put him in a wheelchair and he died in the elevator. He was a non-smoker and was in generally good heath otherwise.

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Was his cancer caused by Covid vaccine injection ?

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No. He died about 25 years ago.

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Geez. I’m so sorry about your loss. It is hurtful no matter how it happens or where. I know from experience. In the case of hospice patients in actual final stages of life, I was afraid to agree due to “medications” used to ease pain or suffering for both my parents. The concoctions which include morphine (opioid) tend to have a very strong, slowing effect on the breathing rate, thereby oxygen levels and heart rate. That was the reason for my initial fear of agreeing to it, since I didn’t want to push the natural process and be the “cause” of their passing sooner than not. However, pain and suffering are what I didn’t want them to feel- especially in the end. It’s quite unnerving to hear that not agreeing to aggressive hospice “treatment” is a selfish act. On the other hand, I do believe that there are good and bad people, situations in the field of hospice. I think perhaps we were lucky to have had such kind hearted individuals in our situations. Peace be with you and your loved ones.

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Not certain a recently deceased neighbor of mine who had lost his 50 something daughter to lung cancer had told me she was diagnosed and was dead within the same week.

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This was before the COVID con. My point was that it wasn't diagnosed well in advance of her passing.

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Many people die of unknown causes.

Sometimes people are told they're dying of cancer a few days before they die. Does it really matter what people die of? I don't think so, unless they are murdered, intentionally poisoned, tortured to death, or are victims of other sorts of crimes. "Other sorts of crimes" includes death caused by directed energy weapons.

For more information about directed energy weapons, etc. please study this website: TargetedJustice.com/

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That reminds me of Nam.

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Boy, Long Covid is strange.

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She's grateful for the protection. It could've been worse.

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Aug 16Liked by Sasha Latypova

She was in the epicenter of deep state internet access control, it might have been awkward having her around as/when questions came up? Nah, probably not....

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Aug 16·edited Aug 16Liked by Sasha Latypova

Looks like she had a bad case of Terminal Cognitive Dissonance.

Have a listen to Foundring's old and new versions of his song "Hey, Susan Wojcicki"



Aside from being fired from his 17-year job as church organist for refusing the jab, he was one of many banned by YouTube and other sites for speaking (and singing) out.

"Tyrants always fall." <-- True statement

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Now her hubby can get that trophy wife he always wanted! Then he will die and the new wife gets rich all because of the clot shots

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Aug 16·edited Aug 16Liked by Sasha Latypova

I remember seeing that, that he'd put years' worth of ragtime videos on YT, and he protests something about covid policy, and boom, gone. Glad he's posting on Odysee.

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Aug 16Liked by Sasha Latypova

Wasn't aware of those songs, thank you!

And yes, those songs represent a level of public visibility that, "the people who thrive in darkness" detest.

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Foundring is my jam.

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Aug 16Liked by Sasha Latypova

foundring is great but do you know victor muhlberg? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq6myqv09EiG53web568ZMw/videos

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May she rest in piss ( one of the comments :) )

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Aug 16·edited Aug 16Liked by Sasha Latypova

@foundring is an amazing talent! He’s paid a big price for his highly imagininative and entertaining truth telling through song. Please support him if you are able.

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"deep state internet access control" a fine phrase--sheds light on our world.

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Yep, it's now an established "thing." And it's worldwide, consider what recently happened to Venezuela:

TeleSur: Joaquin Perez, the Deputy Ambassador of Venezuela to the UN: Since July 28, Venezuela has been the victim of over 30 million cyberattacks per minute which affect all government websites. Over 106 State Institutions Targeted. The cyberattack is part of a political destabilization operation which was initially aimed at creating an information blackout on election day, thereby generating uncertainty about the vote. Vice President Delcy Rodriguez said that the delay in the electoral records by the National Electoral Council was due to a cyber attack that blocked the transmission process.

Independent cyber researcher Kenny Ossa presented data from a report by the US-based company NetScout that confirms what Venezuelan authorities said. “Between July 28 and 29, Venezuela experienced one of the largest cyberattacks in the history of the Internet. There was an oversaturated traffic of between 685Gbs and 700Gbs towards our country.”

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The CIA changes foreign governments like I change a light bulb. Of course, the CIA prefers the Dark.

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well to be fair, the deep state did invent the internet. so if they want to take their ball and go home, what are we to do? its their world, we are just messing up their lawns and getting in the way. its like banking, all the world's money is theirs and they just want it all back.

Backup anything you want from the internet now, its likely to be closed system soon.

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Excellent point.

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Aug 16Liked by Sasha Latypova

Unless something sudden… massive PE?

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that is what I am thinking.

OR, maybe she was taking one of those new drugs "to help you live longer with terminal lung cancer" and it did not work. On tv, they always make the patients look so happy active and perfectly healthy, same with the terminal breast cancer patients.

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A PE could definitely cause a quick death, but wouldn’t the cause of death then be Pulmonary Embolism and not lung cancer? I could even see it as Pulmonary Embolism related to Lung Cancer…. 🤔

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I suspect death certificates, in general, are no more reliable than anything else the government has its "hand" in: Demonstrated very CLEARLY with how COVID "deaths" were recorded. My mother-in-law's death certificate (issued in 2011) was factually inaccurate.

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Exactly. I worked in longterm care settings for 20+ years & there is most definitely lots of data manipulation with regards to patient care documentation, in addition to death certificates. Just like all the data manipulation with drug company’s drug “trials” & safety & efficacy research. Much of it is fraudulent. Unfortunately. I saw way more than I wanted to see. Back in the days I was working & had access to patient charts. I watched nurses record things they hadn’t done. I watched therapists do the same. And doctors would show up, write in patient’s charts that they visited the patients & treated them as needed, chat with the nurses at the nurse’s station for a while, then leave. Never having seen one patient! This occurs more than you’d care to know. Healthcare is joke. Nobody cares!

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The fraud and other criminal conduct I observed in numerous employment settings is precisely why I retired my license many years earlier than anticipated. The mental health licensing boards are just as corrupt as the medical licensing boards. However, they have yet to come under the scrutiny medicine has. That is until now . . . I am going to ensure that their nonfeasance/malfeasance, particularly as regards some of the most vulnerable patients, gets the public attention it deserves.

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It’s extraordinarily frustrating to realise that if you have in depth knowledge of a situation & you begin speaking about it publicly and with the intention of reaching many people, you will be censored to the point that you will be prevented from accomplishing your goals.

The perpetrators have total control of mass communication. It’s no longer surprising but it’s unmistakable. Consider it an alternative to extreme prejudice, which used to be employed in such a position.

Nevertheless, please proceed. Your testimony is important. If you can’t reach everyone, reach those you can

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Thought of using a proxy?

Many are willing to help in that way.

Extreme prejudice is contraindicated for well known figures. Would be too obvious. You strike me as genuine, but apparently under extreme pressure from some quarters. Thank you for your courageous action.

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Yes, this is one of the reasons I left myself. Thank you for your dedication & hard efforts! 🙏🏽

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Thank YOU for your kind words of support. Kudos to you as well.

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Denise: I agree. I requested the records from my "healthcare" provider (Kaiser Permanente) after they ruined my right arm by maltreatment of several broken bones. The horribly negligent treatment I was given resulted in a permanently crippled right hand and a permanentlly injured right elbow. My medical record was full of lies: numerous blatant, unabashed, brazen lies, both of commission and ommission. There were so many lies it was impossible to even begin to count them.

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A death certificate will always include the proximate or immediate cause of death and then any underlying or related causes that led to the event causing death. So in your scenario, the immediste cause of death would be the PE and the underlying cause of death would be lung cancer.

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That’s how it ought to be done. It’s not necessarily how it’s actually being done today. We’ve all heard of cases of a death in the family where the hospital wanted to put covid19 against wishes of the family, who would say that their relative’s symptoms immediately prior to death were utterly inconsistent with the alleged pandemic illness. Probably there is cash incentive to force “covid” onto a death certificate.

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This policy is well known as "hospital death protocols", and has been discussed among the truther community for the last couple of years. They did get ~50K USD for every hospital covid death(eg. NYC). The method was to intubate the patient, get them tranquilized on Remdesivir(known as "when death is near"), keep the patient isolated until they die....ching ching!

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Most of em received between $150,000-$200,000! Hospitals got paid to use Remdesivir, then ventilator, then death. Payment for for each protocol used! Diabolically evil. All in the name of population control for the globalists & profits for hospitals.

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Correct. Covid 'vaccinations' were incentivized as well as unneeded intubation's and the application of a known toxin (Remdesivir). Medical staff and doctors should be indicted for Criminal Assault and Murder.

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Yes, there is. Paid by Department of Homeland Security-FEMA division, to the family, for funeral expenses, if and only if they consent to list Covid as cause of death.


As of January 2024, FEMA had spent $2.8 billion in hush money to families of 499,096 dead people. Families received an average of $6,500 per death.

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Hello Dr. Yeadon, I hope you are having a great day. I'm sorry to have to contact you here, but your chat admin Tim West has gotten pretty abusive today to chat users, including myself, and I am now banned from chat. I'm sure he has deleted / censored my chat comments by now (which were respectful as I was trying to engage with his abusive replies). He has also been verbally abusive towards the Breggins and anyone else who doesn't believe with a religious fervor 100% like he does, calling them "shill", "troll", "idiot", "irresponsible", etc. Being a chat admin can be taxing, and maybe it's too much for him. Just wanted you to know, there are other users in chat who might make better admins.

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The government lies all the time.

Just look at how many death certificates read covid when it was something else.

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I'm not well versed in the topic, but can't a death certificate state any cause at all? I mean an autopsy is what determines cause of death, without an autopsy, any cause of death can be on the death certificate or so it would seem.

Certainly the person signing the death certificate would want the cause to seem reasonable to make their own life and career easier, but I don't see where the failsafe mechanism is in their opinion without an accompanying autopsy.

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You’re assuming the death would be coded correctly…see John Beaudoin’s work for clarity

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Aug 16Liked by Sasha Latypova

I miss the gold old days when dead people could only vote and not serve on corporate boards.

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the dead are just becoming so many busybodies...

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Heh, heh... Good one!

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I can't speak for this particular cancer, Sasha, but I had a violin teacher many, many years ago who was famously energetic, unbelievably engaged with his pupils and generally had a joie de vivre possessed by few.

At the last lesson before Christmas, all his pupils were told that he would be going into hospital for some tests the first week of January, so we should expect to miss one lesson in the New Year.

Next thing we knew, the tests spotted something abnormal, a quick piece of exploratory surgery showed he had terminal, inoperable cancer and he died within a week. We heard about it as adult former pupils of his were tasked with ringing around all his current pupils with suggestions for who they might seek out as a new mentor.

I saw nothing one week before Christmas to suggest that my teacher would be dead at the age of 70 within 3 weeks.

However, in the case you describe, it wouldn't surprise me if this were the sort of death routinely faked by CIA operatives (I even saw one faked by MI6 in a Swiss Ski Resort), so that the 'dead person' could start a new life, with a new identity, free of the burden of being tried for capital crimes......

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Ginger here--especially since her son had died before her--if she had no living children it would be easier to vanish into a 'new life' 'new identity' -- Most mothers would probably think twice about vanishing out of their living children's lives, and those of their future grandchildren. But she no longer had that to look forward to.

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I believe Susie & Denny had 5 kids, with 4 of the 5 still alive.

"Does Susan Wojcicki have kids?

When she stepped down in 2023, she said it was to focus on “family, health, and personal projects I'm passionate about”. She is survived by her husband, four of their five children, her sisters, Anne and Janet, and her mother."

^THIS^ from a Goolag search: "susan wojcicki had hown many children"

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Aug 16·edited Aug 16Liked by Sasha Latypova


Last paragraph sounds like it is close to target. Given her and her family history.

And the people covering for her here.

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Please tell us more about what happened at the Swiss Ski Resort.

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According to the linked NPR article, Wojcicki had a "two-year battle with non-small cell lung cancer". It wasn't sudden (if you believe the MSM).

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According to the Planet Lab exec, nobody knew she had cancer. The article on NPR now says it was 2 year battle, but this wasn't in the news before.

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Aug 16Liked by Sasha Latypova

"I was at Google for 17 years and I joined it when it was REALLY TINY."--Susan Wojcicki, 2016

Sure. I call bullshit on this entire operation. Was Google ever REALLY TINY? Susan is simply one of faces of this deep state control operation, always dressing like teenager and speaking with a vocal fry so as to appear unthreatening and "ordinary" (or what these creatures believe we believe is "ordinary") all while engaging in the most draconian of behaviors. Susan's father had to be involved in some deep state puppetry with his connection to Lawrence Berkley Laboratory and Stanford and everything horrorshow in Palo Alto. And I'm sure it's just a "coincidence" that sister Anne was married to Sergey Brin and that she is the founder of 23andMe. The nerve of these people to lie and transgress so consistently without even batting an eyelash. But apparently, they have given up their souls, so a sentiment like that means nothing to them.

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Aug 16Liked by Sasha Latypova

No doubt that mRNA poisons can really speed things up. They came at us at warp speed after all.

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Exactly! What we're witnessing now is the real operation warp speed.

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Warp speed Death, something to think about……

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Yes, it is. Here is the mother of all horror movies if you haven't already seen it.


The good thing now is that the people of Japan are now sufficiently pissed off, and recently I read somewhere here on substack that the Japanese government has issued an apology, and started a criminal investigation into all things Covid. I hope the snowball rolls far and fast. Time is of the essence.


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Aug 16Liked by Sasha Latypova

The Deep State does whatever the Deep State wants to do. There is little doubt they are getting better at the Chinese art of disappearing a person. In China it is done at scale. The Rule of Law is passè in America. Keep your head on a swivel and watch your steps if you are high profile. For the rest of us, well, we’re at over 1,000 FEMA camps and growing, up from just a few hundred in the 1990s(per a recent podcast on Blaze).

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Bizarre fact, indeed.

However, there's Kate Middleton. I'm 99% sure she's all better now and she's returning to her lame job as a royal, as the official version says. Yet, I don't think there is anyone who thinks it's too farfetched the version that says that another person has been created and trained for months, to substitute the original twice mRNA shot woman. Maybe it's false, probably it's false, but it's not farfetched these days. Not after a fake pandemic and the greatest heist in recorded history.

The case of the tyrant at the helm of the Youtube Soviet is more complex. This woman used to be a room mate of that evil bastard from Kanada, what's her name, can't rememeber. She likes old Nazi warriors hiding in the Americas. If I remember correctly, both the officially departed lady and this other lady who is still officially alive and ruining Kanada, studied in a University in Central Asia, some country called Misunderstan or Suddenlystan or something like that. I'm not a good reporter, okay?

My conclusion is that if these well groomed high executives with so many connections and so much ambition are never told when they are going to be sent for recycling, I don't know what hope is there for the hoi polloi.

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"This woman used to be a room mate of that evil bastard from Kanada, what's her name, can't rememeber." — Interesting if true. Any link or reference for this claim would be much appreciated. Thanks.

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Aug 16Liked by Sasha Latypova

Lived, suddenly.

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Aug 16Liked by Sasha Latypova

Maybe She was contemplating becoming the ultimate whistleblower. Someone must have said:

“Now we couldn’t have that, could we?”

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No, look at her family.

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you might have a thread there !

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Aug 16·edited Aug 17Liked by Sasha Latypova

What I found odd about Wojcicki's death is that there are reports her body was found in her garage - the same one she rented out to the founders of Google when they were starting their company.

Why would a stage four cancer patient be hanging out in her garage? Has it crossed anyone else's mind that she might have committed suicide?

It's interesting that her husband worded the announcement of her death thus: "My beloved wife of 26 years and mother to our five children left us today after 2 years of living with non small cell lung cancer." He didn't say she died of cancer... just that she had been "living with [it]."

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Good observation. Words matter, don’t they.

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Aug 16Liked by Sasha Latypova

We can rule out the Clinton’s. They usually leave a shotgun next to the hung, suicided victim. Hope this was helpful.

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However the Obama's are still in play, was a wind surfing board found in the proximity?

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