Jan 1, 2023·edited Jan 1, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova
"Pfizer with the FDA’s complicity want the public and medical professionals to believe that the delivery vehicle (LNP) is the “product”, while the payload that gets delivered is irrelevant and can be substituted with any surrogates."
looks like you found the key to the bioweapon program. the DOD can substitute any payload it wants - which seems to be happening, based on the "how bad is my batch" results - and get away with it.
also glad you focused on how the pfizer "studies" set a precedent for voodoo science in future genetic engineering "trials."
i love how there is always a beautiful payoff at the end of your articles. i can feel the snow under those trees. dreaming of curating a sasha latypova retrospective when this is all over!
Thank you, Sasha. The clear and simple language you use to explain complex steps in the trials stages with the definitions all clarified makes reading easy and comprehension good for everyone especially laypeople like myself.
Ok, Sasha your discovery that some mRNA had coding for luciferase production and not for spike proteins got my attention!
This is neurotech on steroids. This is exactly what neuroweapon experts have been warning is about. The genes light up, and though you can’t “see” through the skull (duh), the energy doesn’t disappear. It is transformed into heat and ultrasound that can be detected from a distance. Add nanoparticles and nanocurcuits, and you have intracelllular antennas for detecting optogenetically transformed genes, and since the connection is bi-directional, It also allows for intervention.
This has been shown even without nanotech present, but of course, nano antennas and transducers make the task much more accurate and reliable.
While we are debating whether mRNA jabs prevent Covid, their true purpose remains hidden. The fact that they have been called “vaccines” and were released in conjunction with a manufactured pandemic, serve as misdirection and prevents us from studying and learning what they were actually designed for.
When you look at it like this, it has CIA style deceit, misinformation, and misdirection written all over. It’s the same style of activity that the agency has been involved in since its inception.
I must have misunderstood what Sasha wrote. I thought she said the lipid nanotech particles were tagged with luciferase (bioluminescent protein) in order to determine where the lipid particles went throughout the body, not that the lipid nanoparticles served as a delivery vehicle for nucleosides that code for luciferase. In other words, they appear to have used luciferase tagged/ lipid nanoparticulate distribution as a "stand-in" for mRNA distribution in the study the Japanese asked for and that Dr Byram Briddle first drew our attention to. I don't think they ever proved that mRNA which codes for spike protein (as a payload) and allegedly contained within the lipid nanoparticle carrier distributes to the same locations. My understanding is that it is an inference from the aforementioned study and from immuno-histochemical studies of autopsy derived tissue in dead/vaccinated people, which was then subjected to testing for spike protein and nucleocapsid protein. Maybe I am wrong. I would appreciate Sasha clarifying so that I don't inadvertently make any errors.
My thoughts change over time but currently I feel that it's all tied up with the fourth industrial revolution and integrating the tech into the human so we become an integral part of the matrix.
It may seem far fetched but the government funded research papers on this subject are online.They are not vaccines ,in the UK classification is "novel gene therapy products "👍SM102 is listed as not for human or vetinary use on the manufacturer's website but is a listed ingredient in the product.Safe and effective is a marketing slogan not reality.
Without a reasonable doubt, very true. They have repeatedly told us what they intend to do. Why do so few people believe them? humanicide and for the survivors': IOT's, IOB's, CBDC, total enslavement.
I think the shots are in the experimental phase and the trial is still running hence all the problems.Intergrating the technology with the human was never going to be easy and loosing a few along the way inevitable👍One thing for certain is there not looking at stopping,they cant👍
It is obvious they took something off the shelf and lied about every aspect in order to collect billions of dollars. And the money was their only interest. Then they bribe governments to sign contracts that guarantee that money no matter what happens.
Jan 1, 2023·edited Jan 1, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova
From what John Campbell said on his tube channel, the UK government has done a deal with moderna for 10 years and 250 million doses🥳🍻🇬🇧 I believe Canada and Austarlia were also mentioned. It would appear were along way off being done with this💉💉💉💉💉💉💉interesting to note he said the shots should be pulled on twatter but didn't mention it on utube😳 censorship issues I suspect🍻
If that's the case then it could be a shot every three months for everyone and if the WHO gets its way your right to bodily autonomy will be removed possibly this year🥳
Sasha - your painting is stunning. I would like to buy one as it will be from an artist who will go down in history as a brave young woman who risked so very much in that we all would know the truth.
PS - I shared your video with Lara Logan with Jeff Childers, (very popular) Substack author of Coffee and Covid. He said “fascinating” and thanked me in a reply to my comment. I’m glad I didn’t assume he was familiar with your facts and evidence.
Sasha Latypova – I was struck by your painting of the old man - sitting alone, outside his house, leaning forward in his chair, intently reading a newspaper with focussed intensity and obvious growing alarm. The image tells the observer (us) - that he is deeply disturbed by what he is reading. I am reminded of a scene from a cinematic masterpiece of 1965, “Dr Zhivago”, where the ageing grandfather, sitting in his chair in rural Russia, reads with horror in a weeks-old newspaper that the Tsar, his wife, their five children, and their few remaining servants, had all been executed by the Bolsheviks.
It is rare to see such a forceful perception such as yours of the elderly captured in an image in these times, where communities are being deliberately degraded by the corporate media deceivers, acting as enablers for out-of-control technocratic ideologues – funded by the obscenely rich. In its pursuit of profits, the mainstream media saturates us with the imagery of youth - always pushing the sham appeal of shallow materialistic pursuits. But they never depict the wisdom that comes with age, not as it really is. The elderly are often relegated to being portrayed as vacuous, smiling, non-entities - useful mainly as advertising props for grasping corporations.
So, the reason I found your painting so remarkable is because it depicts myself - as I read everyday, with growing horror, the details of the assault on humanity that has been inflicted on us by the corrupt individuals who have taken control of what we thought were democratic societies, so that they could install the organs of the security state and its ideologies to serve themselves.
The events of the last three years have clearly been an historical watershed. If their effects are not somehow halted, we will be led into a dark future. Thank you for your role in helping to expose the perpetrators of this humanitarian catastrophe. I get a lot from the Substack articles such as yours.
Thanks for that info! Did you sell the sunflower?! I love the difference that oil paint makes in the vibrancy of the paintings! I'm also a biologist and my first degree is Fine Art, too, so I feel 'qualified' to comment on both the art and the due diligence!! You are a blessing, Sasha.
Jan 2, 2023·edited Jan 2, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova
I agree.
And another incredibly important post of information. If you do not have time to go through the whole lot this morning just read this for starters:
"Although not performed to industry GLP standards, these results seem to indicate that lipid nanoparticles with mRNA which codes for the spike protein, reach the bloodstream, circulate throughout the body, and then collect in a variety of organs and tissues. If this results in spike protein expressed in those organs, they will both stimulate immunity and cause those same cells to be attacked by the immune system. The resulting “vaccine reactogenicity” could resemble clinical symptoms seen with autoimmune syndromes of various severity, in some cases severe enough to cause death or permanent disability. With the rollout of the vaccines globally, these exact types of adverse events have been reported in thousands in the vaccine adverse event reporting systems, yet no public health agency has yet made a connection between this preclinically documented mechanism and the alarming current health outcomes data."
Jan 1, 2023·edited Jan 2, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova
“… the future “out” of safety testing claiming their products are derivatives of “approved safe products” while erecting a regulatory barrier to other manufacturers who would wish to design a different Covid-19 vaccine.”
This points to the drive to use the Covid jabs as the basis for the entire mRNA delivery platform.
The theater of the entire ‘process’ reads like a fraudulent tax return. All of the boxes and fields filled in, but rooted in lies and deception. And the auditor—the FDA, like the IRS—is in on the lie, ostensibly conducting a review, but merely confirming a checklist, without any scrutiny of the basis for claims. And just like the tax code, too few have actually read it, or understand the important details of what it requires or the loopholes contained.
Thank you, once again, for shining the light on this. The criminality is even more obvious with every article you share.
Describing all this as incompetence is clearly not strong enough. The only way this paper trail analysis and the whole scamdemic makes any sense is for us to see .it as purposely intended to cause harm. In my mind I wonder if the likes of Mr and Mrs Fauci, Collins, Birx, Walensky, Bourla Peter Dzazak, are "possessed" to be capable of such atrocity.
They are. It is indisputable. What Sasha is correctly arguing is that incompetence at that level among so many scientific experts is impossible, that is, it has now been ruled out as a possible explanation. The only option left is intent to harm.
If what Sasha revealed is true (I believe it is) then we have to go higher than Fauci, etc to the DOD and since the NSA appears to be above the DOD to the NSA and the CIA. What morons in those agencies thought they could get away with this mass-murder? And Congress needs to undo the damage they have done by ceding their powers to the executive branch so that now we have a President that can now become a King by declaring an emergency.
Read Katherine Watt. This entire process was set up by many different Congresses and Presidents over decades and similar changes were made in other countries throughout the world. It has been a multi-decade long global process to bring about a totalitarian OWG. The evidence is overwhelming.
From the work you have done re DoD involvement, being in total control of all "brands," I have read mostly about Pfizer, little less about Moderna, nothing about J&J or AZ which I know wasn't allowed in USA. I am referring to FOIA requests for trial data, CRFs (which are like hens' teeth) for these other brand trials. Have they been requested by anyone? The fact of 3 of the 5 eyes countries setting up r&d and manufacturing plants to produce hundreds of millions of new "vaccines" to be put into arms within 100 days from concept is terrifying.
Jan 2, 2023·edited Jan 2, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova
thank you Sasha for your clear explanation, warnings. although awareness seems to be increasing it is hard to be optimistic about 2023 given the May 2023 World Health Assembly scheduling for potential adoption of the WHO International Pandemic Treaty anointing the corrupt WHO as supreme world leader with power to supersede, at whim, all countries laws, citizens rights & freedoms.
That's their way to get around any anti-mandate laws. Nullification/secession will be the only option if they are successful. Neither one is very likely in the US unfortunately. Too few Americans understand what is being done to them.
I'm new to this circle of research, reflection, discussion and debate. I'm very glad to be among those advancing this new frontier of understanding of the COVID debacle, with Sasha Latypova in the lead. Like other commentators here, I am struck by how much the analysis above seemed to prove and illustrate the thesis the the DOD has been in charge all along and that the federal regulators and drug companies are engaged in an especially insidious saga of play acting. Are you writing this essay, Sasha, for an audience that you believe might become be alienated if you were to them a bridge too far into the realm of murder by deception?
You mean for the uninitiated and or the covidians? Otherwise most anyone following this particular vein of Substack authors have already crossed that bridge long ago.
I have no disagreement with your position. But it did seem to me strange that Sasha did not include in her introduction something to establish how the content of the essay well illustrates her own play acting/performance art thesis. I offered up the one-bridge-too far idea as one possible explanation. Its not that rare that authors pitch their material differently to particular groups with varying kinds of backgrounds and expectations. Anyway, thanks for your interest and thoughtful response.
I love Sasha's description of "performance art." That's what it is, a theatrical farse. She lets readers come to the final conclusion/existential crisis, without specifically spelling it out in words. Once you understand what Sasha and Katherine Watt have revealed, the implications are simply so unspeakable/yet understandable, that few have the fortitude to say it.
That's quite a litany of accusations Laughing Water, in response to my way of introducing myself to a new circle here at the Due Diligence and Art.
I enjoyed Eustace Mullins in his tome inspired by Ezra Pound on the depravities concerning the Secrets of the Federal Reserve. Then I later found Mullins' volume on the corruptions of the medical profession. If by any chance you are sincere in genuinely wanting to understand where I am coming from in terms of my own thinking and writing, you can check out the following for links to many of my recent essays.
You ask, "which narrowly slit-opened lens have you been peering through?" Aren't you being a tad bit excessive and incautious in deriving such bold and sweeping conclusions from one small written comment by a person you have never met.
Jan 1, 2023·edited Jan 1, 2023Liked by Sasha Latypova
The short and certain answer is 'no'. Nor did they ever intend to, nor have they ever, nor do they plan to in the future.
I've found one of the most effective ways to discuss this particular aspect of the Pfizer Pfraud is to open the discussion/debate with a short chronology of Pfizer's past track record to provide context- they have been convicted of over 70 felony offenses. This can't be contested by anyone trying to defend Pfizer as Pfizer has admitted to these criminal offenses and paid the fines.
One could list the specifics of just a few of these offenses, cooked trial data and bribed medical/health officials in the past e.g., before getting into the specifics of their most recent fraudulent "clinical trials" for the mRNA injections.
One could add to this opening salvo a quick explanation of how ALL vaccine studies are manipulated- they go through this in detail in "Turtles All The Way Down."
Such an opening serves to undermine the acrobatics that so-called "experts" perform as they try to defend these insanely dangerous injections and explain away the shortcomings of Pfizer's protocols.
In the logical construct of a debate such a tactic illustrates the mechanisms that they have used historically and repeatedly to determine the "safety and efficacy" of previous Pfizer drugs, which the courts deemed were fraudulent, resulting in drugs that the company itself was forced to admit were harmful.
Hi Sasha, didn't you say that because these SHOTS were ordered by the DoD and are part of a defense system, as bioweapons, no pharmacological testing was required, and that the producers were just "following orders"? If this is correct, why did they have to apply for approval on the "medical" bases that you describe above? Why was the FDA involved if the DoD belongs to an entirely different ddepartment?
Testing wasn't required but the FDA and pharma did this fake performance. This is for anyone who thinks these poisons were really "tested and approved". And as evidence for prosecution.
"Pfizer with the FDA’s complicity want the public and medical professionals to believe that the delivery vehicle (LNP) is the “product”, while the payload that gets delivered is irrelevant and can be substituted with any surrogates."
looks like you found the key to the bioweapon program. the DOD can substitute any payload it wants - which seems to be happening, based on the "how bad is my batch" results - and get away with it.
also glad you focused on how the pfizer "studies" set a precedent for voodoo science in future genetic engineering "trials."
plus as sage has documented, the second the eua was announced, fullscale manufacturing began. the trials were a sham https://sagehana.substack.com/p/jared-kushner-the-lancet-had-a-study
i love how there is always a beautiful payoff at the end of your articles. i can feel the snow under those trees. dreaming of curating a sasha latypova retrospective when this is all over!
Thank you, Sasha. The clear and simple language you use to explain complex steps in the trials stages with the definitions all clarified makes reading easy and comprehension good for everyone especially laypeople like myself.
Ok, Sasha your discovery that some mRNA had coding for luciferase production and not for spike proteins got my attention!
This is neurotech on steroids. This is exactly what neuroweapon experts have been warning is about. The genes light up, and though you can’t “see” through the skull (duh), the energy doesn’t disappear. It is transformed into heat and ultrasound that can be detected from a distance. Add nanoparticles and nanocurcuits, and you have intracelllular antennas for detecting optogenetically transformed genes, and since the connection is bi-directional, It also allows for intervention.
This has been shown even without nanotech present, but of course, nano antennas and transducers make the task much more accurate and reliable.
While we are debating whether mRNA jabs prevent Covid, their true purpose remains hidden. The fact that they have been called “vaccines” and were released in conjunction with a manufactured pandemic, serve as misdirection and prevents us from studying and learning what they were actually designed for.
When you look at it like this, it has CIA style deceit, misinformation, and misdirection written all over. It’s the same style of activity that the agency has been involved in since its inception.
I must have misunderstood what Sasha wrote. I thought she said the lipid nanotech particles were tagged with luciferase (bioluminescent protein) in order to determine where the lipid particles went throughout the body, not that the lipid nanoparticles served as a delivery vehicle for nucleosides that code for luciferase. In other words, they appear to have used luciferase tagged/ lipid nanoparticulate distribution as a "stand-in" for mRNA distribution in the study the Japanese asked for and that Dr Byram Briddle first drew our attention to. I don't think they ever proved that mRNA which codes for spike protein (as a payload) and allegedly contained within the lipid nanoparticle carrier distributes to the same locations. My understanding is that it is an inference from the aforementioned study and from immuno-histochemical studies of autopsy derived tissue in dead/vaccinated people, which was then subjected to testing for spike protein and nucleocapsid protein. Maybe I am wrong. I would appreciate Sasha clarifying so that I don't inadvertently make any errors.
My thoughts change over time but currently I feel that it's all tied up with the fourth industrial revolution and integrating the tech into the human so we become an integral part of the matrix.
It may seem far fetched but the government funded research papers on this subject are online.They are not vaccines ,in the UK classification is "novel gene therapy products "👍SM102 is listed as not for human or vetinary use on the manufacturer's website but is a listed ingredient in the product.Safe and effective is a marketing slogan not reality.
Without a reasonable doubt, very true. They have repeatedly told us what they intend to do. Why do so few people believe them? humanicide and for the survivors': IOT's, IOB's, CBDC, total enslavement.
I think the shots are in the experimental phase and the trial is still running hence all the problems.Intergrating the technology with the human was never going to be easy and loosing a few along the way inevitable👍One thing for certain is there not looking at stopping,they cant👍
What a concise summary , thanks so much . When you paint , is there a calming effect ? Very beautiful! Happy New Year.
Maybe 🤔 u don’t paint , I sure can’t .
It is obvious they took something off the shelf and lied about every aspect in order to collect billions of dollars. And the money was their only interest. Then they bribe governments to sign contracts that guarantee that money no matter what happens.
Like any "defense" contractor.
From what John Campbell said on his tube channel, the UK government has done a deal with moderna for 10 years and 250 million doses🥳🍻🇬🇧 I believe Canada and Austarlia were also mentioned. It would appear were along way off being done with this💉💉💉💉💉💉💉interesting to note he said the shots should be pulled on twatter but didn't mention it on utube😳 censorship issues I suspect🍻
Production capacity is 250M doses per YEAR (source: youtube.com/watch?v=AYiwms-Yp5s&ab_channel)
If that's the case then it could be a shot every three months for everyone and if the WHO gets its way your right to bodily autonomy will be removed possibly this year🥳
That's the real concern. It would override every gain made against mandates. That's their ace in the hole.
Sasha - your painting is stunning. I would like to buy one as it will be from an artist who will go down in history as a brave young woman who risked so very much in that we all would know the truth.
PS - I shared your video with Lara Logan with Jeff Childers, (very popular) Substack author of Coffee and Covid. He said “fascinating” and thanked me in a reply to my comment. I’m glad I didn’t assume he was familiar with your facts and evidence.
Thank you. Paintings available at sashalatypova.com
Sasha Latypova – I was struck by your painting of the old man - sitting alone, outside his house, leaning forward in his chair, intently reading a newspaper with focussed intensity and obvious growing alarm. The image tells the observer (us) - that he is deeply disturbed by what he is reading. I am reminded of a scene from a cinematic masterpiece of 1965, “Dr Zhivago”, where the ageing grandfather, sitting in his chair in rural Russia, reads with horror in a weeks-old newspaper that the Tsar, his wife, their five children, and their few remaining servants, had all been executed by the Bolsheviks.
It is rare to see such a forceful perception such as yours of the elderly captured in an image in these times, where communities are being deliberately degraded by the corporate media deceivers, acting as enablers for out-of-control technocratic ideologues – funded by the obscenely rich. In its pursuit of profits, the mainstream media saturates us with the imagery of youth - always pushing the sham appeal of shallow materialistic pursuits. But they never depict the wisdom that comes with age, not as it really is. The elderly are often relegated to being portrayed as vacuous, smiling, non-entities - useful mainly as advertising props for grasping corporations.
So, the reason I found your painting so remarkable is because it depicts myself - as I read everyday, with growing horror, the details of the assault on humanity that has been inflicted on us by the corrupt individuals who have taken control of what we thought were democratic societies, so that they could install the organs of the security state and its ideologies to serve themselves.
The events of the last three years have clearly been an historical watershed. If their effects are not somehow halted, we will be led into a dark future. Thank you for your role in helping to expose the perpetrators of this humanitarian catastrophe. I get a lot from the Substack articles such as yours.
Thanks for that info! Did you sell the sunflower?! I love the difference that oil paint makes in the vibrancy of the paintings! I'm also a biologist and my first degree is Fine Art, too, so I feel 'qualified' to comment on both the art and the due diligence!! You are a blessing, Sasha.
thank you! yes that sunflower painting was sold. I will upload another one soon.
I love the little girl sleeping on the couch. It reminds me so much of my daughter when she was young, it kind of hurt my heart.
I agree.
And another incredibly important post of information. If you do not have time to go through the whole lot this morning just read this for starters:
"Although not performed to industry GLP standards, these results seem to indicate that lipid nanoparticles with mRNA which codes for the spike protein, reach the bloodstream, circulate throughout the body, and then collect in a variety of organs and tissues. If this results in spike protein expressed in those organs, they will both stimulate immunity and cause those same cells to be attacked by the immune system. The resulting “vaccine reactogenicity” could resemble clinical symptoms seen with autoimmune syndromes of various severity, in some cases severe enough to cause death or permanent disability. With the rollout of the vaccines globally, these exact types of adverse events have been reported in thousands in the vaccine adverse event reporting systems, yet no public health agency has yet made a connection between this preclinically documented mechanism and the alarming current health outcomes data."
“… the future “out” of safety testing claiming their products are derivatives of “approved safe products” while erecting a regulatory barrier to other manufacturers who would wish to design a different Covid-19 vaccine.”
This points to the drive to use the Covid jabs as the basis for the entire mRNA delivery platform.
The theater of the entire ‘process’ reads like a fraudulent tax return. All of the boxes and fields filled in, but rooted in lies and deception. And the auditor—the FDA, like the IRS—is in on the lie, ostensibly conducting a review, but merely confirming a checklist, without any scrutiny of the basis for claims. And just like the tax code, too few have actually read it, or understand the important details of what it requires or the loopholes contained.
Thank you, once again, for shining the light on this. The criminality is even more obvious with every article you share.
Describing all this as incompetence is clearly not strong enough. The only way this paper trail analysis and the whole scamdemic makes any sense is for us to see .it as purposely intended to cause harm. In my mind I wonder if the likes of Mr and Mrs Fauci, Collins, Birx, Walensky, Bourla Peter Dzazak, are "possessed" to be capable of such atrocity.
They are. It is indisputable. What Sasha is correctly arguing is that incompetence at that level among so many scientific experts is impossible, that is, it has now been ruled out as a possible explanation. The only option left is intent to harm.
Way ahead of you on that.
Glad to learn someone else sees it the same way. I have no one to speak about it with in my small circle. Like old age, this is not for sissies.
Believe me, I understand.
If what Sasha revealed is true (I believe it is) then we have to go higher than Fauci, etc to the DOD and since the NSA appears to be above the DOD to the NSA and the CIA. What morons in those agencies thought they could get away with this mass-murder? And Congress needs to undo the damage they have done by ceding their powers to the executive branch so that now we have a President that can now become a King by declaring an emergency.
The military is supposed to be governed by civilians aka elected representatives. My fear is that the Golem won't respond to its master any longer.
Read Katherine Watt. This entire process was set up by many different Congresses and Presidents over decades and similar changes were made in other countries throughout the world. It has been a multi-decade long global process to bring about a totalitarian OWG. The evidence is overwhelming.
From the work you have done re DoD involvement, being in total control of all "brands," I have read mostly about Pfizer, little less about Moderna, nothing about J&J or AZ which I know wasn't allowed in USA. I am referring to FOIA requests for trial data, CRFs (which are like hens' teeth) for these other brand trials. Have they been requested by anyone? The fact of 3 of the 5 eyes countries setting up r&d and manufacturing plants to produce hundreds of millions of new "vaccines" to be put into arms within 100 days from concept is terrifying.
J&J was allowed in the US.
thank you Sasha for your clear explanation, warnings. although awareness seems to be increasing it is hard to be optimistic about 2023 given the May 2023 World Health Assembly scheduling for potential adoption of the WHO International Pandemic Treaty anointing the corrupt WHO as supreme world leader with power to supersede, at whim, all countries laws, citizens rights & freedoms.
That's their way to get around any anti-mandate laws. Nullification/secession will be the only option if they are successful. Neither one is very likely in the US unfortunately. Too few Americans understand what is being done to them.
Do you expect honesty in a war?
Of course they didn't test out their poison!!
They knew it was deadly.
What need to prove to the enemy (mankind) that their weapon is deadly?
I'm new to this circle of research, reflection, discussion and debate. I'm very glad to be among those advancing this new frontier of understanding of the COVID debacle, with Sasha Latypova in the lead. Like other commentators here, I am struck by how much the analysis above seemed to prove and illustrate the thesis the the DOD has been in charge all along and that the federal regulators and drug companies are engaged in an especially insidious saga of play acting. Are you writing this essay, Sasha, for an audience that you believe might become be alienated if you were to them a bridge too far into the realm of murder by deception?
Anthony J. Hall
Professor Emeritus
University of Lethbridge
Alberta Canada
You mean for the uninitiated and or the covidians? Otherwise most anyone following this particular vein of Substack authors have already crossed that bridge long ago.
I have no disagreement with your position. But it did seem to me strange that Sasha did not include in her introduction something to establish how the content of the essay well illustrates her own play acting/performance art thesis. I offered up the one-bridge-too far idea as one possible explanation. Its not that rare that authors pitch their material differently to particular groups with varying kinds of backgrounds and expectations. Anyway, thanks for your interest and thoughtful response.
Tony Hall is a real human, and has paid his dues.
I love Sasha's description of "performance art." That's what it is, a theatrical farse. She lets readers come to the final conclusion/existential crisis, without specifically spelling it out in words. Once you understand what Sasha and Katherine Watt have revealed, the implications are simply so unspeakable/yet understandable, that few have the fortitude to say it.
That's quite a litany of accusations Laughing Water, in response to my way of introducing myself to a new circle here at the Due Diligence and Art.
I enjoyed Eustace Mullins in his tome inspired by Ezra Pound on the depravities concerning the Secrets of the Federal Reserve. Then I later found Mullins' volume on the corruptions of the medical profession. If by any chance you are sincere in genuinely wanting to understand where I am coming from in terms of my own thinking and writing, you can check out the following for links to many of my recent essays.
You ask, "which narrowly slit-opened lens have you been peering through?" Aren't you being a tad bit excessive and incautious in deriving such bold and sweeping conclusions from one small written comment by a person you have never met.
A sweet song for Laughing Waters, about "laughing waters"... :-)
It's what I thought of immediately when I first saw your name. I have loved this song since 1974.
What's your name? You know mine. There is a bio in my essays if you care to look.
The short and certain answer is 'no'. Nor did they ever intend to, nor have they ever, nor do they plan to in the future.
I've found one of the most effective ways to discuss this particular aspect of the Pfizer Pfraud is to open the discussion/debate with a short chronology of Pfizer's past track record to provide context- they have been convicted of over 70 felony offenses. This can't be contested by anyone trying to defend Pfizer as Pfizer has admitted to these criminal offenses and paid the fines.
One could list the specifics of just a few of these offenses, cooked trial data and bribed medical/health officials in the past e.g., before getting into the specifics of their most recent fraudulent "clinical trials" for the mRNA injections.
One could add to this opening salvo a quick explanation of how ALL vaccine studies are manipulated- they go through this in detail in "Turtles All The Way Down."
Such an opening serves to undermine the acrobatics that so-called "experts" perform as they try to defend these insanely dangerous injections and explain away the shortcomings of Pfizer's protocols.
In the logical construct of a debate such a tactic illustrates the mechanisms that they have used historically and repeatedly to determine the "safety and efficacy" of previous Pfizer drugs, which the courts deemed were fraudulent, resulting in drugs that the company itself was forced to admit were harmful.
Hi Sasha, didn't you say that because these SHOTS were ordered by the DoD and are part of a defense system, as bioweapons, no pharmacological testing was required, and that the producers were just "following orders"? If this is correct, why did they have to apply for approval on the "medical" bases that you describe above? Why was the FDA involved if the DoD belongs to an entirely different ddepartment?
Testing wasn't required but the FDA and pharma did this fake performance. This is for anyone who thinks these poisons were really "tested and approved". And as evidence for prosecution.