Like a good little girl, I had yearly mammograms and PaP smears exactly as I was told. Looking back I remember the anxiety, the pain, the worry, the expense, the waiting, the follow up ultrasounds, the lumpectomy of benign tissue just because it looked “suspicious.” I gave up a healthy ovary for the same reason, launching me into early menopause for NO GOOD REASON. I am angry thinking of how I was a well insured cog in the endless and brutal medical machine. Boy they saw me coming! Not anymore. I refuse to participate in this mindless manipulation ever again.
Good for you Angie for thinking for yourself. I had one mammogram and one PaP when I was in my 50's ( and asleep , unlike now ), and have refused ever since much to my dr's concern. I'm now 85 , unjabbed with anything and vigorously protest every chance I get the tyranny of the medical industrial complex. My dr just loves to see me coming ! :)
Thanking God I learned this lesson before the death jabs came out. My husband and I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that those shots were evil. He lost his job over his refusal and we have NOT looked back! God is good. God made a way when there was no way.
Yes. There's always an exit in every Milligram experiment. We don't always see it. And sometimes it's found accidentally, like puncturing a hole in a beautiful sky.
Wow! That is some bad stuff you went through for just doing as you were told. Good you learnt the lesson once and for all - these tests are not for your benefit. Live your life freely enjoy it and don't worry - if you get ill you will know!
Yes. This over-testing/diagnosing/screening is a horrible and harmful situation. Unfortunately, this type of "care" has grown into massive numbers of "for profit" centers that are aimed at extracting the last pfennig from the pockets of we-the-peasants. ...Add, colonoscopy to the list of un-necessary invasive diagnostics. As a board-certified ophthalmologist, I am also certain that one does not need yearly "eye exams"... But, then, I am a heretic.
Off topic, but you might appreciate this: When I was 3 years old I had surgery for a lazy eye. Then I had to wear glasses, which was to be for the rest of my life. But when I was around 16, I lost my glasses and had to go without for several days while waiting for a new pair to be made. For the first time since surgery, my eyes had to work on their own. By the time my new glasses arrived, my vision had changed and I no longer needed glasses!
Absolutely...I learned about unnecessary medical testing from another medical heretic, Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn, American pediatrician in 1988. Actually one of his books was, "Confessions of a Medical Heretic",1979. Another book of his was "How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor",1987. Great info Sasha, thank you
I had to smile. I ordered this book a few weeks ago. I had read it way back and it was so amazing, it always stuck in my mind but I had forgotten who wrote it. Then someone brought his name up recently in a comment section and I knew that was the man. Dr. Mendelsohn was a true heretic! Love him still after 40 years. RIP
Add in the NHS the craze is for gall bladder removal, any knee pain leads to replacement, get one you get the other needed or not. Then the hips the same either before or after the knee fiasco. I know folks who've had both done twice. And still greatly overweight and unfit which is where it all started anyways. Then they moan about not being able to kneel.... did they ever before surgery??? Oh yes and the latest fad as you hint is colon removal, bag fads I call it, leaking stomas ..... Instead of sorting out the diet. Then the numbers with diabetes and on anti depressants popping pills cos they split up with a boyfriend 20+ years ago. I sometimes wonder if I'm the only one with all body parts still present and no drugs?? 🤣🤷 it's nuts!
I have all my parts. I said no when highly pressured to have invasive surgery because I trusted that my body would heal given time. And no drugs, unless you count chocolate :-)
Screening exams for high risk people is wise. Considering our family history, I wish my brother would have had screening colonoscopies before he became symptomatic for stage 3 colorectal cancer. He could have avoided a lot of heartache if he had had these exams. And I blame his doctor for ignoring signs and symptoms, telling my brother to just take iron for his anemia! Same thing with my aunt. Her doctor also just told her to take iron for her anemia. She was post-menopausal and had no normal excuse for her anemia.
Sorry to hear of your relatives' issues. Unfortunately, you are describing an incompetent physician. I fear that more testing (always with its own set of ricks) does not necessarily replace a competent physician. Even an old ophthalmologist recognizes a need for more work up in the two cases you describe. Sad - common...
I'm 72, and have never had a mammography. Never. Instinctively I recoiled at the very idea of it.
Recently I had a "meet & greet" with a new doctor (I haven't had one since being dropped by my former one for arguing with her about the quackseen). He wanted me to have a m-gram and couldn't wrap his head around my refusal. Knows nothing about the controversy that's been surrounding it for decades. I'll be visiting him only if I'm desperate... and maybe not even then.
Yeah right! Let's squeeze this tissue til you cry, & subject it to radiation every year, to look for cancer ....oh look! We found it! Come in for chemo and more radiation. Those bastards have tortured too many friends to death.
HIV testing is the next great scam. Testing everyone in NV (laws passed recently) e.g. kids in school at the health clinic, adults to be offered HIV test at EVERY medical appointment. All to get the population onto HIV PrEP drugs. Drugs that you NEVER stop taking.
The one that gets me is your doctor will measure you glucose levels but not insulin. If reversed, and we did insulin screening, we could drastically cut the effects of diabetes
Thank you for bringing to your leadership, Sasha! I read his book on the medical cartel 15 years ago. It was one of several, including Suzanne Humphies' book, Dissolving Illusions, to shake up the biological story we were force-fed for lack of knowledge. Thank God I had read this material before covidian theater was unleashed. Highly recommend.
They now also started their "screening campaign" to examine healthy people for cancer....hmm...interesting..and can only lead to one conclusion: They knew all along it was coming.
STAY AWAY FROM ALL SCREENINGS. They obviously cause the cancer they are "screening" for.
They're the ones who told me that the sun is my enemy so smear myself in chemicals before sun exposure. And wear dark glasses to save me from UV stuff.
And weren't they the guys who told me about the white hat cholesterol thingies and black hat cholesterol thingies? But how someone my age needs to thin out the population of all cholesterol thingies just in case...till my brains gets a nice chalky quality to it?
And how solidified motor lubricant will stop my heart clogging like it does with butter...or something...
And about taking anti-bug chemicals to kill any inflamed injun bugs but preferably not the cowboy bugs? Even if I have to kill lots of cowboys as well as injuns, because in inflammation wars you get that?
The good news is that skin cancer clinics are one of the few small businesses which survived Covid lockdown in Australia...along with vape shops and nail salons.
When I was in training as a physician, I was taught never order a test unless you had a good reason for ordering it. My professor knew tests often err and then you end up chasing your tail doing many more tests all because of lab errors. It applies to any diagnostic procedure - is there a good reason to be doing this test on a specific patient.?
Now, there are many tests that should be done that never get done because of lack of knowledge or understandings of various diseases. Physicians are kept ignorant of many aspects of medical knowledge because having this knowledge would cause Big Pharma/Rockefeller medicine to loose control and profit, but that is another matter.
Spraying ? iun the skies throughout the world. Onto earth and animals eat and vegetable try to grow.
Retired Agronomist during 2011 stated where there is pollution then the rain carrying Methylsuphurmethane does not fall. research what MSM does for all of us.
I’m so glad you wrote about this Sasha! I have personal experience of a faulty mammogram, followed by horrifically, painful biopsies, and then an unnecessary lumpectomy. When the results came back, there was absolutely nothing there. I was furious. To top that off, they wanted to put me on Tamoxifen and take me off of all of my hormone replacement therapy. I asked why? -( because there was nothing there.) The oncologist replied, “Just in case…”. I said absolutely not. I highly recommend your readers watch that 2020 documentary called “Boobs - The War On Women’s Breasts.”
The false positive percentage of 25-50% after 10 screening rounds is the only argument you really need to demolish the mammography screening scam. The problem is that people use the heuristic "An ounce of prevention" where it doesn't apply.
Yes those stats are truly shocking. In Ontario Canada there are substantial resources put toward contacting people to conduct an excessive number of cancer screening tests on healthy people. Yet health care for people seeking urgent care is severely lacking. Thousands are dying in emergency rooms across the country. A Large minority of the population has no access to a family doctor. The incentive structures built into health care systems are no longer matching the health care needs of the population. Bureaucratization has infected every corner of health care provision resulting in massive wasted dollars and the propping up of the non productive over productive parts of society. Bureaucrat’s are provided many perks not seen in other types of work including lifelong pensions. Today it is common to observe that the more money that is spent in an area the worse the outcomes. While counterintuitive, cuts and streamlining are often the means to better, more accessible services.
Thanks Sasha for the link. He is exactly right. If you are healthy you need no tests, no drugs, no screening, no nothing, because you are healthy. It is simple. These damned vampires will do anything to get you to believe you are sick, or at risk of being sick, or sick without knowing you are, all so they can catch you and make you really sick. By which, of course, they profit. The wild deer on our mountain and the wild fish in the stream and birds in the air and insects in the ground need no tests or drugs or vaccines or screening or anything else to be healthy. In fact the only life on our mountain showing any sign of sickness are the trees near the road at the bottom which the local council have a nice little earner spraying with some stupid chemical. The first and best way to protect your God given good health is to avoid all doctors and drugs. Just think of the way a heathy wild animal would behave if a doctor caught it. That is how you should. the second is take exercise each day. The third is eat food without poison in it, and not too much of it.
The bees and butterflies have been reducing in numbers for the last 30+++ years at least.- BALL parts of hte World. check with Farmers to see how their cattle are fareing and why in USA the farm animals are the biggest users of ANTIBIOTICS-
By age 72, I've never had a mammogram, nor a colonoscopy. Why ? I’ve been a nurse since 1975.
By 1978, after working in major Boston hospitals for 3 years, I decided I could no longer do to others what I didn’t want done to myself.
Being behind the curtain, one couldn’t help but witness the poisonings- (when hanging chemo w/ a biohazard emblem on the bag, while wearing ‘biohazard’ protective gloves), and wondering, “If I am a well person, and I am infusing these toxic chems into a sick man, why do I need to be protected?”
At that point, any somewhat conscious employee of the Industry will either admit to themselves
that they are witnessing incremental poisonings of beings who are already compromised; (that’s why they come to the hospital), and stop taking part in it, or they will go into auto-pilot mode, where they navigate this world in a state of mesmerism, believing the powerful and diffuse Industry lies.
Overcoming the mesmerism is the most difficult thing in the world.
Like a good little girl, I had yearly mammograms and PaP smears exactly as I was told. Looking back I remember the anxiety, the pain, the worry, the expense, the waiting, the follow up ultrasounds, the lumpectomy of benign tissue just because it looked “suspicious.” I gave up a healthy ovary for the same reason, launching me into early menopause for NO GOOD REASON. I am angry thinking of how I was a well insured cog in the endless and brutal medical machine. Boy they saw me coming! Not anymore. I refuse to participate in this mindless manipulation ever again.
Good for you Angie for thinking for yourself. I had one mammogram and one PaP when I was in my 50's ( and asleep , unlike now ), and have refused ever since much to my dr's concern. I'm now 85 , unjabbed with anything and vigorously protest every chance I get the tyranny of the medical industrial complex. My dr just loves to see me coming ! :)
Thanking God I learned this lesson before the death jabs came out. My husband and I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that those shots were evil. He lost his job over his refusal and we have NOT looked back! God is good. God made a way when there was no way.
Many of my husband’s coworkers have since had strokes or heart attacks. We tried to warn them. 😢
Yes. There's always an exit in every Milligram experiment. We don't always see it. And sometimes it's found accidentally, like puncturing a hole in a beautiful sky.
Yes, God does not abandon those who stand up for the truth.
Wow! That is some bad stuff you went through for just doing as you were told. Good you learnt the lesson once and for all - these tests are not for your benefit. Live your life freely enjoy it and don't worry - if you get ill you will know!
Where do you live?
Yes. This over-testing/diagnosing/screening is a horrible and harmful situation. Unfortunately, this type of "care" has grown into massive numbers of "for profit" centers that are aimed at extracting the last pfennig from the pockets of we-the-peasants. ...Add, colonoscopy to the list of un-necessary invasive diagnostics. As a board-certified ophthalmologist, I am also certain that one does not need yearly "eye exams"... But, then, I am a heretic.
Off topic, but you might appreciate this: When I was 3 years old I had surgery for a lazy eye. Then I had to wear glasses, which was to be for the rest of my life. But when I was around 16, I lost my glasses and had to go without for several days while waiting for a new pair to be made. For the first time since surgery, my eyes had to work on their own. By the time my new glasses arrived, my vision had changed and I no longer needed glasses!
Excellent. Not an uncommon tale! Thanks for sharing!
You're welcome!
Absolutely...I learned about unnecessary medical testing from another medical heretic, Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn, American pediatrician in 1988. Actually one of his books was, "Confessions of a Medical Heretic",1979. Another book of his was "How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor",1987. Great info Sasha, thank you
I had to smile. I ordered this book a few weeks ago. I had read it way back and it was so amazing, it always stuck in my mind but I had forgotten who wrote it. Then someone brought his name up recently in a comment section and I knew that was the man. Dr. Mendelsohn was a true heretic! Love him still after 40 years. RIP
Add in the NHS the craze is for gall bladder removal, any knee pain leads to replacement, get one you get the other needed or not. Then the hips the same either before or after the knee fiasco. I know folks who've had both done twice. And still greatly overweight and unfit which is where it all started anyways. Then they moan about not being able to kneel.... did they ever before surgery??? Oh yes and the latest fad as you hint is colon removal, bag fads I call it, leaking stomas ..... Instead of sorting out the diet. Then the numbers with diabetes and on anti depressants popping pills cos they split up with a boyfriend 20+ years ago. I sometimes wonder if I'm the only one with all body parts still present and no drugs?? 🤣🤷 it's nuts!
I have all my parts. I said no when highly pressured to have invasive surgery because I trusted that my body would heal given time. And no drugs, unless you count chocolate :-)
We are not patients…we are recurring revenue streams
Absolutely! You got it! Slavery did not in the US in 1865, it simply expandd to encomass the entire planet.
Screening exams for high risk people is wise. Considering our family history, I wish my brother would have had screening colonoscopies before he became symptomatic for stage 3 colorectal cancer. He could have avoided a lot of heartache if he had had these exams. And I blame his doctor for ignoring signs and symptoms, telling my brother to just take iron for his anemia! Same thing with my aunt. Her doctor also just told her to take iron for her anemia. She was post-menopausal and had no normal excuse for her anemia.
Sorry to hear of your relatives' issues. Unfortunately, you are describing an incompetent physician. I fear that more testing (always with its own set of ricks) does not necessarily replace a competent physician. Even an old ophthalmologist recognizes a need for more work up in the two cases you describe. Sad - common...
The Market (peace unto Its name) is infallible. Lest we befall the evils of khamnyanism, It must ever remain unquestioned.
I wouldn't say "useless". It's actually dangerous. They'll find shit that isn't even there and "treat" you for it.
I'm 72, and have never had a mammography. Never. Instinctively I recoiled at the very idea of it.
Recently I had a "meet & greet" with a new doctor (I haven't had one since being dropped by my former one for arguing with her about the quackseen). He wanted me to have a m-gram and couldn't wrap his head around my refusal. Knows nothing about the controversy that's been surrounding it for decades. I'll be visiting him only if I'm desperate... and maybe not even then.
I stay away from the doctors too, even though I have a private one now and he doesn't push any of these things.
Smart move.
Yeah right! Let's squeeze this tissue til you cry, & subject it to radiation every year, to look for cancer ....oh look! We found it! Come in for chemo and more radiation. Those bastards have tortured too many friends to death.
HIV testing is the next great scam. Testing everyone in NV (laws passed recently) e.g. kids in school at the health clinic, adults to be offered HIV test at EVERY medical appointment. All to get the population onto HIV PrEP drugs. Drugs that you NEVER stop taking.
dang, I didn't know this for NV, but I don't go to the doctors. This is just so bad.
Remeber that HIV is in all jabs since early 1980s.(and maybe longer)
Iraq requires a blood test for HIV and hepatitis unless you are travelling on a visit visa. This has been going on since Saddam's era.
Is Nevada treating its citizens as inmates of an open-air prison camp?
The one that gets me is your doctor will measure you glucose levels but not insulin. If reversed, and we did insulin screening, we could drastically cut the effects of diabetes
Thank you for bringing to your leadership, Sasha! I read his book on the medical cartel 15 years ago. It was one of several, including Suzanne Humphies' book, Dissolving Illusions, to shake up the biological story we were force-fed for lack of knowledge. Thank God I had read this material before covidian theater was unleashed. Highly recommend.
They now also started their "screening campaign" to examine healthy people for cancer....hmm...interesting..and can only lead to one conclusion: They knew all along it was coming.
STAY AWAY FROM ALL SCREENINGS. They obviously cause the cancer they are "screening" for.
Sounds familiar?
Oh, I know these guys.
They're the ones who told me that the sun is my enemy so smear myself in chemicals before sun exposure. And wear dark glasses to save me from UV stuff.
And weren't they the guys who told me about the white hat cholesterol thingies and black hat cholesterol thingies? But how someone my age needs to thin out the population of all cholesterol thingies just in case...till my brains gets a nice chalky quality to it?
And how solidified motor lubricant will stop my heart clogging like it does with butter...or something...
And about taking anti-bug chemicals to kill any inflamed injun bugs but preferably not the cowboy bugs? Even if I have to kill lots of cowboys as well as injuns, because in inflammation wars you get that?
Yeah...those guys!
Yep. Skin cancer skyrocketed AFTER the introduction of sunscreen, which interferes with the skin being able to produce vitamin D. Go figure.
The good news is that skin cancer clinics are one of the few small businesses which survived Covid lockdown in Australia...along with vape shops and nail salons.
And alcohol shops
Gotta keep those nails looking good!
Vietnamese Nail Salon mafia is too tough for any Covid virus:).
Yep. The lower the cholesterol thingy is pushed the higher the development of cancer cells.....🤔
Cholesterol is needed to make hormones.
The push for statins for heart ailment, but then you need to ingest CoQ10 . Ubuiquinol is the more absorbable.
Lolol! Right? OMG. Thanks for the belly laughs.
When I was in training as a physician, I was taught never order a test unless you had a good reason for ordering it. My professor knew tests often err and then you end up chasing your tail doing many more tests all because of lab errors. It applies to any diagnostic procedure - is there a good reason to be doing this test on a specific patient.?
Now, there are many tests that should be done that never get done because of lack of knowledge or understandings of various diseases. Physicians are kept ignorant of many aspects of medical knowledge because having this knowledge would cause Big Pharma/Rockefeller medicine to loose control and profit, but that is another matter.
Not to mention the potential danger of unlimited X-Rays!
Or of unlimited "vaccinations".
Or increasing exposure to EMFs.
Or anything else, that is potentially dangerous to our welfare!
We do not want to responsibly investigate anything, that might return results that are undesirable to the power/profit motives of the gobblists!
We will just cover up any inconvenient results and nail the carpet down!
Spraying ? iun the skies throughout the world. Onto earth and animals eat and vegetable try to grow.
Retired Agronomist during 2011 stated where there is pollution then the rain carrying Methylsuphurmethane does not fall. research what MSM does for all of us.
I’m so glad you wrote about this Sasha! I have personal experience of a faulty mammogram, followed by horrifically, painful biopsies, and then an unnecessary lumpectomy. When the results came back, there was absolutely nothing there. I was furious. To top that off, they wanted to put me on Tamoxifen and take me off of all of my hormone replacement therapy. I asked why? -( because there was nothing there.) The oncologist replied, “Just in case…”. I said absolutely not. I highly recommend your readers watch that 2020 documentary called “Boobs - The War On Women’s Breasts.”
Stick with HRT. Your sex appeal is important.
absolutely. I am 70 and feel like I am 40.
The false positive percentage of 25-50% after 10 screening rounds is the only argument you really need to demolish the mammography screening scam. The problem is that people use the heuristic "An ounce of prevention" where it doesn't apply.
Yes those stats are truly shocking. In Ontario Canada there are substantial resources put toward contacting people to conduct an excessive number of cancer screening tests on healthy people. Yet health care for people seeking urgent care is severely lacking. Thousands are dying in emergency rooms across the country. A Large minority of the population has no access to a family doctor. The incentive structures built into health care systems are no longer matching the health care needs of the population. Bureaucratization has infected every corner of health care provision resulting in massive wasted dollars and the propping up of the non productive over productive parts of society. Bureaucrat’s are provided many perks not seen in other types of work including lifelong pensions. Today it is common to observe that the more money that is spent in an area the worse the outcomes. While counterintuitive, cuts and streamlining are often the means to better, more accessible services.
Yes "the poor and the needy" appear to be the losers as usual.
Expendable collateral damage!
Desirable collateral damage!
There are far too many stories of misdiagnosis, mistreatment and maltreatment to be able to ignore the clear writing on the wall.
Perhaps the poor are not well informed.
Yet the clear writing in the sky is habitually ignored by most apparently.
The clear failure of governments to prioritise the welfare of the people also.
One might wonder why.
Lifelong indoctrination in system propaganda, and full immersion in the false gospel of medical salvation, are very hard addictions to break.
Public health is run by the military.
Militaries are run by the banks.
All you need to know
Thanks Sasha for the link. He is exactly right. If you are healthy you need no tests, no drugs, no screening, no nothing, because you are healthy. It is simple. These damned vampires will do anything to get you to believe you are sick, or at risk of being sick, or sick without knowing you are, all so they can catch you and make you really sick. By which, of course, they profit. The wild deer on our mountain and the wild fish in the stream and birds in the air and insects in the ground need no tests or drugs or vaccines or screening or anything else to be healthy. In fact the only life on our mountain showing any sign of sickness are the trees near the road at the bottom which the local council have a nice little earner spraying with some stupid chemical. The first and best way to protect your God given good health is to avoid all doctors and drugs. Just think of the way a heathy wild animal would behave if a doctor caught it. That is how you should. the second is take exercise each day. The third is eat food without poison in it, and not too much of it.
The bees and butterflies have been reducing in numbers for the last 30+++ years at least.- BALL parts of hte World. check with Farmers to see how their cattle are fareing and why in USA the farm animals are the biggest users of ANTIBIOTICS-
If it ain’t broke…
By age 72, I've never had a mammogram, nor a colonoscopy. Why ? I’ve been a nurse since 1975.
By 1978, after working in major Boston hospitals for 3 years, I decided I could no longer do to others what I didn’t want done to myself.
Being behind the curtain, one couldn’t help but witness the poisonings- (when hanging chemo w/ a biohazard emblem on the bag, while wearing ‘biohazard’ protective gloves), and wondering, “If I am a well person, and I am infusing these toxic chems into a sick man, why do I need to be protected?”
At that point, any somewhat conscious employee of the Industry will either admit to themselves
that they are witnessing incremental poisonings of beings who are already compromised; (that’s why they come to the hospital), and stop taking part in it, or they will go into auto-pilot mode, where they navigate this world in a state of mesmerism, believing the powerful and diffuse Industry lies.
Overcoming the mesmerism is the most difficult thing in the world.
The mind must be reset, renewed.
Like (very much)
Thank you.