What a great response to Malone. In the early days, I was naive enough to think he was one of the good guys. Instead, he is just one of the Jabs Bad Goodies (see Sage Hana for context). He is the essence of pure evil.

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I too once considered Dr. Malone one of the good guys... I can only thank him for correcting my mistaken impression... On a related note... It's actually a fun thing to watch what happens to a liar who can't keep his mouth shut.

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May 6
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Go Away!

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Beautiful- Malone has this tactic where when the wrong question is asked, he cuts people off in an angry voice and pivots the conversation. Then embarks on a social media campaign to discredit them in the deepest way possible. He is a charlatan. They’ve given him every platform to establish himself as the “vax bad” expert so the genuine voices are drowned out.

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Malone is trying to build his Brand to build his bank account. His Build Back Better strategy is not working.

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He’s a hired gun. This isn’t personal

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It's astroturfing. See my comment above.

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did you see Dr. Malone’s recent interview on the substack “Illusion of the consensus” about the FDA, regulatory capture, EUA approval process, Big Pharma and the new booster?

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Your reply constituted the art: your art, however, felt woefully untimely. Have you no depiction of a jackass??

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The eye is drawn to the backside of the horse that Sasha has shared. My initial thought was that it was a subtle punctuation to her written piece indicating Malone is a horses ass.

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I felt exactly the same way about the art; a horse’s ass.🤣🤣

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It seems to me the horse is farting as his tail is a little bit lifted. So in a way ...🤣🤣🤣

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Yeah, that would've been appropriate, hey.........?

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If he's the 'essence of pure evil' then evil is highly unimpressive.

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Only "quasi evil", to quote Dr. Evil.


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the Diet Coke of evil. 🤣

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"Just one calorie"


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If pure evil is akin to an isolated virus, maybe all we have in Bob is a bad digitally patched-together genetic sequence...but his namesake in Twin Peaks was a piece of work, so there's that.

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Interdimensional piece of work, to be precise.

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You should change your definition of pure evil, since there has never been such a thing as a isolated virus.

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That's why they refer to "the banality of evil"... Reminds me of the pathetic old man behind the curtain, pretending to be much more powerful than he actually is.

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I remember seeing Dr. Bob's picture, with his wife, on the sandy beach ... and I remember thinking, "What a really odd picture to publish."

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Is that the time he was telling a group of children: "Don't be scared of the [COVID] vaccine" ?? What kind of man encourages children to take poisonous injections ???

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You should watch the interview he just did with Steve Kirsch on VSRF (rumble.com) . Dr. Malone addressed Sasha’s open letter to him in the first part of the interview. Incredible.

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My wife and I watched it last night. He is pathetic. Instead of demonstrating where Sasha might be wrong (which would be impossible), he launched an ad hominem attack against her. He said "hate" so many times I lost count. He is trying to play the victim (of hate), but he gets no sympathy from me.

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Yeah, apparently, Livio mentioned it on the hot mic before they went live and Dr. Malone had a little meltdown about it. WOW. He said that the people criticizing him (like Sasha) were themselves the Controlled Opposition, needed attention, and might have mental problems! Yikes!

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Yes! I guess everyone should watch the interview and maybe then decide for themselves

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I think Dr. Malone is conflicted with his past, especially since he was an insider and learned the truth by the Moderna experience that almost killed him. I'm sure he has non-disclosure agreements that makes him walk a tight rope, and/or he is being managed to what he can an cannot say by the deep state which in the case is DARPA and cohorts at NIH.

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did you happen to watch his incredible interview with the Substack “Illysion of the Consensus” about the FDA, Peter Marks, regulatory capture, clinical trials, the approval process, and the new booster?

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Did you see his amazing interview on the Substack “Illusion Of The Consensus” about regulatory capture, FDA, the approval process and the new boosters? It’s a worthwhile interview.

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Do you have a link? I searched but could not find.

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just go to «Illusion Of The Consensus» on Substack

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Sasha, you left Bobby bruised and stuttering with anger. I’m certain that he is likely foaming at the mouth, also.

He has shown his ass multiple times lately which is shameful for any person of decent intelligence.

Your skills are well honed. I’m sticking with you!!


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I feel dumb for asking, but Malone is saying to not trust the government, that we were lied to. Why does that make him a bad-guy - - is it because he is being told to tell the truth by the real-lizard-people? Or because he is telling half-truths? Or because his message will in 4D chess make me trust the government in the future?

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The same person tells you that it's ok for the government to announce pandemics. Same person manipulatively tells children to think about vaccines as potential ways to not infect grandma with deadly viruses. Same person never brings up the military nature of the kill program. "don't trust the government" is a way to pretend he is on your side. Please learn to discern. Liars are skilled at their work.

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Same person choses to be careless, lazy and “trust the friends & government” that the toxicity which he has seen with the LNPs in the 1990s “had been resolved”. Same person never asked anyone specifically how / what/ to what extent has been done to “fix the toxicity”.

Same person uses character smear instead of arguments:“She makes a lot of statements (which statements?) that are unsubstantiated (what specifically is unsubstantiated in those statements), and if you look at the documents (which documents and what specifically in those documents is not as Sasha asserts) they are not nearly what she asserts they are”.

Only morons would trust “friends & government” to inject something into their bodies without asking those same friends what exactly did they do to fix the toxicity of LNPs (which they “invented” and intimately know how toxic and unfixable they are). And only skilled operative would use the language (generalization, deflections etc) the way RM does. For example the very basic entry level skill every politician is taught when they enter the office is how to “talk without saying anything”. Instead of answering the question about DOD and DARPA, the RM goes on along the lines “she is bad I am good”. Nobody asked him whether Sasha says a lot of shit and whether Sasha attacks him. The question was about DOD and DARPA but the RM just aikido that and goes on talking without saying anything remotely related to the question he was actually asked. He hides behind “a lot of people” and other generalisations which are logical and thinking fallacies (check out David Rock and Logical fallacies). When people have no valid argument they make this logical aikido with character smear and put labels on a person or put down the members on their family. Very low. Very not Ok. CIA does it all the time (for decades) all over the world with politicians they are not happy about.

RM language and thinking manner, how he constructs arguments (that may sound convincing or true to majority but are actually flawed in logic) indicates (to me) he is playing a “role” deliberately manipulating others. When someone makes so many logical fallacies and leaps of logic and leads us to unsupported “truths” while hiding behind generalization and keeps doing it consistently over extended period of time…well…make your own conclusions. As for me, RM is full of shit. I am sorry that Sasha and others are placed in this situation that they have to stand up to such an insignificant and irrelevant man (IMHO).

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Yes it seems very unlikely that he didn’t check what had been done to make the previously dangerous vaccine safe, before having it injected into his body. I’m no scientist and I knew it wasn’t safe before it was widely available. Even if he hadn’t asked those questions, Mike Yeadon did, James Lyons-Weiler did and several others, enough to cast doubt on its safety.

And with his contacts and experience in the lab, with these substances, he surely would’ve been curious to know what had been changed to make it safe, before injuring himself with it?!?

I’m sorry, I do not believe it for one moment. Mainly because I don’t believe he is stupid.

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Totally agree. I mean he says he is proud that he invented something to "save the world" (BIG WORDS) but he has no intrest in knowing how "they" fixed its toxicity. Yup! Total bullshit!

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I dont believe he is stupid. He is playing a role, manipulating the narrative.

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Another point is that the trials, such as they were, had been run and people who were injured by the jab were thrown off the trial. Including a 12 year old girl called Maddie something, who is now in a wheelchair. These people took to the internet and many of us had seen their stories, well before the vacc was released. There is also a film called Vaxxed which was widely available back in 2020 about the corruption around all vaccines, which any scientist insider must be aware of.

Dolores Cahill was another prominent scientist sounding the warning bells. People like me were standing on bridges holding up yellow boards with links and headlines on them to draw the attention of everyone in the country with any curiosity or interest in making an informed choice rather than following the herd guided by the media.

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May 2
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The spurts of malice from Dr. Malone are what sets off my alarm system.

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Excellent analysis of Mr Malone's behavior. I believe he is a political athlete - possibly trained at Rand Corporation or similar...

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I stopped following him a while ago, years. I got smear canceled starting around 2012 and it just kept going. Media wouldn't drop it. It was the big nasty innuendo joke that never ended - but I eventually realized it was secret. Lots of people had no idea what the jokes had as a basis. But that also revealed that it was the same celebrities and talking heads who kept the innuendo smear jokes going for a decade. It showed me who knew, who kept making the jokes over the years, or started them back up when I had a more powerful blog series going. .... And Robert Malone was making the jokes about me...he did seem to know the secret scandal. So, I stuck him in my insider category mentally and stopped subscribing to his Substack.

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Same jerk of a person, about to go into a Joe Rogan interview, tells a reporter, people should avoid being vaccinated against Covid-19, except the elderly (who we know are more susceptible to dying from the jab). At that moment, I wouldn't have flinched in the slightest if a meteor had snuffed him out.

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Reminds me of a high school cheer: "hit 'um again, hit 'um again, harder, harder!"

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Liars are often revealed by the pattern of what they don’t say.

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WHEN will the investigations commence?!

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He was warning parents to never have their child injected with the covid vaccine. You can see his video on The Unity Project's website.

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he was also manipulating children without their parents present on a Hawaiian beach. He talks from both sides of his mouth...

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I was so pissed-off, and stopped recognizing his knowledge. He was nowhere before the plandemic surfaced and everywhere after. Has all the time in the world to be engaged in videos, conferences and so much writing. Don't forget he manages the ranch too. I say he outsources a lot to good old public servants.

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and what do you even mean by this comment?

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Just listened to his podcast with Steve Kirsch today. He addresses your letter. You should listen. Incredible .

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didn't see that one. saw the one where he and the wife told the kids in hawaii not to be afraid of the vax.

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"not to be afraid of the vax" - meaning inject it without fear. Did you notice the subtle "you must think of your vulnerable grandma" method of guilt-tripping children into self-poisoning?

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oh - can you send me the link where he is saying that?

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look up "Sage's Newsletter." it's behind a paywall but this is a recap by Tereza Corragio in Third Paradigm:

"To the girl who says she’s “a little bit scared about getting the vaccine,” Malone asks what she thinks she can do to not be scared? She says there are a lot of smart people here to help her. Malone replies that he can tell she’s a really smart girl and she should ask her parents about the virus and the vaccine and they can help her not be scared. When asked if adults should get the vaccine, he says it’s a big decision and he can’t tell anyone what to do.

Another young girl says she’s worried about whether the vaccine will affect her reproductive fertility. Malone replies that “I have a friend who studies the virus and he says it affects the reproductive tissue. We don’t know how the virus will affect your reproductive organs or your fertility. And the studies to see whether the vaccine is safe in pregnancy or whether it will affect fertility, those studies are also ongoing, as are the studies for whether the vaccine can harm a fetus, your baby.”

One girls asks, “If you got the vaccine, would part of your body shut down?” Malone replies that the immune system does shut down for a few weeks after the vaccine and it’s a good idea to be ‘a little extra careful’ in that time. A young man says he’s heard that you’re more likely to get the virus if you’ve had the vaccine. Malone says it’s hard because the science is changing, and Jill glares at him.

Later Malone talks about high performance athletes who won’t get the vaccine because it could just slightly decrease their performance—not kill them or put them in the hospital, he clarifies, just give them small micro-blood clots that slightly compromise their performance. I’ve never heard of these microclots. How did he know about them in Oct 2021? And did he not know or not tell about clots killing and hospitalizing athletes?"


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you could look in Sage Hana's archives, he posted it many times, I will look too.

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Plannedemic 3.0: WHO Circle Jerking back to the Bird Flu Hoax ft Kill All Pets, Ban All Animals (Just like they do with the Chickens) with fake bird-flu! To Force Pandemic Treaty by May 10th. https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/plannedemic-30-circle-jerking-back

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Same person says "we had to trust the government, we didn't know" when it was ALL KNOWN. Including that he knew, and if he didn't know, then he is lying about his mRNA expertise.

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Exactly ! and may i please add,those who are still deceived by Trump, please take this to God, ask him to show you the truth about who and what Trump really is. I say this in all sincerity, with love and concern for my fellowmsn and my Natiin. I say this becsuse we are in the last days, where deception is onky going to grow bigger and stronger. I suggest reading, studying, praying, pondering the Constitution of the United States( not the Constitution of the United States of America, that govt uses to approve their abuses of power) and also the Federalist Papers. It's through doing all the above you will learn the standards, the character by which a President, a leader of our Constitutional Republic should have. You will understand the 3 branches of Govt, the only powers that were given each and you will then understand how misguided, how we as a people have been seriously lied too. You will understand that you, we the people are the Gov't, we are the law enforcers and you will see and understand how we have not had a President who has the standards necessary to lead a free world. Hiw they have abused, trampled on God, the Constitution and we as a people.

I once many yrs ago considered myself republican. Instead, I say ,i am a daughter of God. I stand with my Savior, Jesus Christ and I will onky vote when I know through fervent prayer that a man of God is a candidate.

We no longer have a Gov't. It's completely taken over with tyranny. Trump opened the door wide to this tyranny in 2020.

To add to Sahas comment, if Malone was serious, if he truly saw the light, he would be publicly offering an apology to Sasha, Dr Jane Ruby, the Bregginss, Micheal Eaden etc and would be publicly apologizing to the American people and asking for forgiveness. This is humility, this is a true admittance of guilt and desired repentance.Until I see thus kind of sincere humility I will never trust him. I remember an interview he had where he was talking about the dangers of mrna and stated, children didn't need these vaccines( bioweapon, I don't call it vaccines) if any age group needed it it would be thise 60 and older. Well if anything in a vaccine is dangerous, why would you in the same breath make such a statement? I immediately thought, oh my gosh, how many kids are going to talk their parents, grandparents into taking this because of what he said, because he wears a white coat with Dr behind his name? He has blood on his hands just as Trump and many many many others do!

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Amen and amen. I have seen no contrition for his role in a biowar on Humankind.

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none in any of them. None has exhibited true emotion, true admittance of their true intent. no true remorse. no acceptance of the level of this guilt. none.

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Yes...exactly... he has the death of many elderly people on his hands. But, Malone loves to sit in the limelight, right next to Senator Ron Johnson during Johnson's House of Representative's hearings on Covid-19 vaccines, as if Malone is one of the most important people in the room.

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He may also be pursuing a form of plausible deniability, albeit suspiciously after-the-fact. You really nailed it, Sasha. Masterpiece.

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Yes. Karen Kingston stated your suspicion during a Stew Peters interview when she pointed to a 1996 patent application where Malone was investigating the synthetic mRNA encoding of various toxic peptides such as cobra snake venom factor, ricin, diphtheria toxin, enterotoxin, etc. to then be produced within jab recipient cells. Kingston suggested it is in Malone's interest to call everyone a "conspiracy theorist" who starts to point to this work of his.

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This is interesting. Transfecting this mRNA into cells so the cells make snake venom. Im beginning to think this is exactly what is happening to many vax injured. The smell coming from them is remarkable and reminds me of a person going through kidney failure. The vertigo and other adverse reactions could also overlap with snake bit envenomation and injury. Interesting.....

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"The smell coming from them is remarkable..." I do not smell them, but I am unconfortable when in meetings and surrounded. If you don't follow amidwesterndoctor on substack, there are a couple of articles on people like you who are sensitive and also on shedding. A lot of people are sickened by it.

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if I knew, he definitely knew, or could have known if he'd bothered. His narrative also attempts to create cover for EVERY doctor and nurse who also either knew or could have known. Again, if I knew, EVERYONE connected to this industry -- every sales rep, every nurse, every pharmacist, every pharmD -- in any way knew, or could have known. No quarter for any of them.

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"There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know."

- Donald Rumsfeld - Former secretary of defense Spawned: July 9, 1932

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We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying…or something like that…

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LOL!!! Excellent!

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"then there's just sheer bullshit we make up so we have an excuse to kill a lot of people." That part was off camera. 😉

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Was Rumsfeld talking to himself?

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Donald Rumsfeld, former U.S. Secretary of Defense, in response to a question about the lack of evidence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, February 12, 2002. >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiPe1OiKQuk&t=2s

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🎯… that was the part I could never wrap my head around .

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I asked about psuedouridine once and inflammatory mechanism with IL-6… met with nonsense response. I do believe he can write a helluva convincing grant .

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I see now that Substack was only alerting me to very few comments to my post. The various posts have helped. thanks

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May 1
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TDS can be cured by cutting off the propaganda.

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A crook he is!!! Always has been!!!

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You should read his book

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Sorry, not interested !!

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He was and is the government. With all his degrees and 'expertise" in the area of biology and "vaccines", he injects the unknown or in his case a known poison and claims to be a victim of government disinformation. There were average people that did not even know the definition of a virus at the time of vax scam, yet they resisted "forced" injections. Tell me who is more logical and trustworthy.

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After reading everything under this one post of yours, you would do well to understand that, as Shasha advises, Malone says "don't trust the government", or 'don't trust the jabs', while not telling you that he (Malone) has been directly involved in patents which were awarded for work he did in inventing the basis for the Covid-19 "clot/kill shots" which are being used by our government/military to injure, debilitate and depopulate the U.S. citizenry. and by other governments to injure, debilitate and depopulate their citizenry. In other words, Malone doesn't want you to know that he is, at least in part, responsible for every injury, debilitation and death caused by this plandemic.

This potential can of worms was opened by Karen Kingston, who appears to have been somewhat miffed by something Malone said, as she implies in the following video:

March 13, 2023

"FOREIGN U.S. Biolabs EXPOSED! Russian General Igor Kirillov Cites Karen Kingston & Stew Peters!"

rumble.com/v2czuaa-foreign-u.s .-biolabs-exposed-russian-general-igor-kirillov-cites-karen-king.html

Kingston at time = 19:41: "Yeah. Well, when you brought forward, and Dr. (Bryan) Ardis brought forward that there were snake venom peptides in the spike protein, that was true; and, it was confirmed by scientists out of the University of Pittsburgh, Germany, the Cedars-Sinai in LA. And the lung samples of people who died out of Lombardi, Italy...Europe's ground zero; and, they found there was cobra venom peptides and krait venom peptides, as well as glycoprotein 120 ( Ed Paré Note: I couldn't understand the next 5 or 6 syllables) in the spike protein. So, it is true."

"Now, the other thing that probably Dr Malone wants people to say, you know he's saying, "that's a crazy conspiracy theory" ( Paré Note: I assume Kingston means about the presence of venom in the people who died of the jabs), is because in his 1996 patent (5,580,859) for creating non-mammal DNA inside of mammals..inside of humans, him and his co-inventors used his cationic liposome lipidnanoparticle specifically to express toxic peptides, including cobra venom factor and ricin. So, it's in Dr. Malone's best interest; you know, if it was his idea and he patented the ability for this technology to convert human cells; because it also says you can use the mRNA to code cells in the tissue to produce the polypeptides for less than about 20 days and usually less than 10 days. So, he invented the technology that can convert human cells and program them to produce toxins such as cobra venom, it's in his best interest to call you and I a conspiracy theorist and discredit it; because that's his only chance at not being accused of being a biowarfare terrorist. He has to say what, everything that he's done, that he doesn't want people to know about, is a conspiracy theory. - Does that make sense?"

Peters: "Makes sense, yeah."

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did you not read his book?

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No. Why would I want to read his book; and, why would I believe anything that he's written? I don't consider Malone a paragon of virtue. I would expect him to exonerate himself from everything untoward he's ever done. I remember viewing a video of him about to walk into an interview with Joe Rogan and stating to people/reporters outside that older people should get the jabs. That advice was counter to everything we knew and now know about giving the jabs to people who have comorbidities or who may be immune compromised. That was enough for me to write off Malone's Covid-19 advice forever.

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Thanks. I have heard Dr M admit his responsibility in this drama - though he did not go so far as to call for his own arrest. And I always assumed he was still getting money from the technology.

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From watching you present (Thunderbolts) you seem like a pretty sharp dude. And not just on "science". Are you as naïve and uninformed as your comment makes you appear, related to "pandemic" matters? Have you been "taken in" by the pseudo-suave enchantment Malone attempts to put over? (many have, apparently) Although you're reading here (on Sasha) I wonder if you've perhaps censored yourself against exposure to other (i.e., sufficient) critics of "the narrative" out of a fear of becoming contaminated by "conspiracy thinking". It's hard to conceive (possible, I'm sure) of how someone of your obvious intellect could be so undiscerning. I'm not meaning to attack, but yes, perhaps throw a cup of cold wakeup-water in your face. I'd like to assume you simply spend your valuable time consumed with more heavenly matters, and just haven't been dragged into greater examination of these dirty rotten problems besetting the world we inhabit down here. I'm glad to know that you're at least "here", and seeking to know. Good health to you, Mr. Clarage, and keep pursuing truth in every sense.

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Uh, thanks for some kinds words

I make it a policy to only welcome glasses of cold water thrown in my face from beautiful women & good friends.

Perhaps you could answer my question, or what you perceive as the question behind the question.

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he's studied vaxes forever.

"[RM] .. served as chairperson on numerous NIAID and DoD vaccine-focused study sections."


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My friend (if I may be so bold), perhaps I'm not clever enough to perceive your actual "question" but if I do, and you don't find the answer within Sasha's article, then perhaps in her replies, and those who's comments seem to respond to yours. I can't do better than all of that. (Caveat: I question the premise you pose as the basis for what might "make him a bad-guy" in Sasha's view.) So, good luck in finding your answers--may your glasses always be half-full! And thanks for your time.

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thanks - lots of info there.

you are not really answering my question., so signing off on this particular thread for now.

Maybe we will meet on another thread.

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HE IS ALL IN !!!!!

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Basically, we have probably been played by most of the health freedom movement. When you think about it, if the "pandemic" was planned, so was the "opposition". One reason is to get us to follow our "heroes" down blind alleys or into the health tech. space where our data can be mined.

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Why would Malone get jabbed in the fall of 2021, when I was able to learn in January of that year that the mRNA jabs are biological weapons? This just doesn't make any sense and points to Malone either lying or being supremely stupid.

Proof that the Covid-19 mRNA jabs are biological weapons meant to kill us:

The following speech by Dr David E Martin, about a year ago in 2023, explains why the Covid-19 mRNA jabs are biological weapons meant to kill us and why the WHO should be destroyed.

Dr. David Martin gives a speech to the EU parliament concerning the WHO


This speech is available on many different platforms and has been viewed over a billion times. During the speech you will hear Martin explain that he is credentialed in biological and chemical weapons because, for many years, he was contracted by the U.S. government to travel the world, assessing biological and chemical weapons in other countries. In other talks by Martin, he has stated he traveled to 168 countries, doing this job for the U.S. government.

Martin is one of the two people who first convinced me (in Jan. 2021) to not be jabbed. The other person is Professor (and attorney) Francis Boyle, who drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 (BWATA).

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May 2
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I see now that Substack was only alerting me to very few comments to my post. The various posts have helped. thanks

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but what is the answer to my question?

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I actually just watched an interview with him today with Steve Kirsch on VSRF (rumble.com). He addressed this letter in the beginning of the interview. Incredible interview by the way.

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yes - they all are…scary times - know the enemy

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I'm just learning of all this. Idk your reference to Bobby w/whom I am a big supporter. Did he also fall under the guise of white hat Malone?

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I followed Malone initially. Until he sent out the email about his dressage horse breeding/training operation. I unsubscribed soon after.

I once took part in that sport. One would be hard-pressed to find an endeavor more full of big egos and narcissistic princesses. We even had parking signs for the stable: "Dressage Queen." (Play on Drama Queen.)

I still love horses. But that sport is a monstrous dive into "look-at-me-land." I could hardly believe he "advertised" the business with everything else going on in the world....

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May 1Edited

I emphatise with you. I too followed Malone intially until I started seeing question marks all over the place. When I read his piece about his holiday in Greece and how he praised greek hospitals and health care I knew there is something deeply off with him. RM is committing logical fallacies unintentionally, due to poor reasoning, or intentionally, in order to manipulate others. Either way he is full of shit in my humble opinion.

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What is so wrong about praising another health care system, especially if he has experienced it. My friend in the US actually waits to be in Greece to see the doctors and dentist. She says it is wonderful care. If you would like to hear him he will be on this Thursday's podcast with Steve Kirsch (see Steve Kirsch substack)

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Nothing wrong in praising whatever one feels like praising. Making generalised statements about the quality of care available to majority in one country which is unsupported by national health care DATA and anecdotal experiences of my friends, their relatives and parents living in Greece makes me uninterested in listening Thursday's podcast (nor any podcast with Steve Kirsch).

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ha! Bibi julie sounds like a bot, a naive one.

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I really don't see the big deal in people making a generalized statement and I am sorry you won't at least try to inform yourself by listening to VSRF's podcast with Steve Kirsch and Dr. Malone this Thursday. Doing amazing work!

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Enjoy & have fun Julie!

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you might want to listen to Steve Kirsch interviewing Sasha on April 12, 2024 on vsrf. org

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I distinctly remember Kirsch strongly recommending FTX right before it collapsed and SBF was arrested. 🤣 (SBF another WEF-planted charlatan.) So yeah, heads up to all.

"Bankman-Fried, a 'prolific philanthropist,' ... described his public commitment to ethics as 'a dumb game we woke westerners play.'"


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He has done some really amazing work the last few years. I mean - he is a millionaire if not billionaire. Why would he put some much time and effort in what he is doing? I beg to differ - he is doing great things and one day hopefully in my lifetime he will get recognition for his incredible work. In addition - to the doctors and scientist, nurses and volunteers that have helped him in this journey.

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May 1Edited

The healthcare I personally receive at privately-owned hospitals overseas easily matches and usually significantly exceeds the quality and affordability of that which I receive in the USA. So affordable that I’m actually delighted to just pay it on the spot with my credit card.

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What country?

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I don't doubt, but would you mind sharing where?

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Go to the wait times website for the masses. It’s not good.

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Why on earth should he NOT praise Greek hospitals and healthcare? I spent 12 days in a Greek public hospital once. Not only was the care excellent, they actually served nutritious, healthy and tasty food!

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Wow-I, too, began following him & hearing your analysis of his defensive posturing & other does make me pain him differently.

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I too followed RM in the early days of the ‘pandemic’. But I found his posts on travelling the globe (when nobody else could) and the constant references to “me and Jill” offputting. It was “it’s all about me”. Something just sounded ‘off’. And he hasn’t stopped. Only this week a post of ‘me and Jill’ dancing in Romania and celebrating our 50 years together. Who does that?

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Yes, the irony of the "Art for today" was not lost on me. It is absolutely awesome that you have the talent to be able to compose such an elegant coda to your response.

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It probably was a good article to write on his behalf to get away from the usual, dark, incredible articles that he writes. Good to take a break and write about what you like even if people could care less or unsubscribe

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Interesting. Similar "gut feeling" observations raised MY antennae. You try to stay objective, and you really SHOULD be. But it is hard. Because when you know almost to a certainty that you're looking at a person who would look down their nose at you. Well, the bells start to ring.

For me it was not the inside knowledge like you have. I've never gotten close enough to that class to know how they really are, I just presume I'd be persona non grata till I come back appropriately wealthy and credentialed. I don't even belong to a private club with a $$$ price tag and selective entrance criteria. Only thing I can do is drive by and admire the beautiful farms

What struck me when I saw the horse stuff was "THAT life cost a whole bundle of money". Sure, there are lots of tech geeks out there doing OK, some of them are even "well to do". But most I know are just middle class grunt soldiers in the tech world. I HAVE NEVER MET a tech geek that is fancy horse farm wealthy. Nothing wrong with wealth. But one thing wealth brings is A LOT to lose. And a need for A LOT of continuing income. Which makes one vulnerable to lots of pressure points. For all I (we) know Dr Malone is a basically decent guy but is under intense pressure at a lot of pressure points by the people who pay his salary and keep the horse farm bills paid. I don't write him off as a bad guy because it was him and others on the Dark Horse Podcast that warned me off the clot shot. So I seem him as a complex guy who is probably under lots of duress.

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What an excellent summary exposing the fake [deliberately so] facade that is RM.

And the horse picture was a perfect ending!


I expect he will either ignore all the holes pointed out in his own "telling" of his involvement, hoping most will continue to bow down to his arrogance, or he will lash out once again like a bruised elementary-school student who has been bested in something by another classmate he egotistically told himself he was smarter than.

Either way would be typical RM behaviors and not worth anyone's time or energy.

Thank you for all that you -- and Katherine and Dr. Ruby - expose. It is needed. It is brave. It is inspiring to many others.

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The quality and ethical standard (integrity) of information that Sasha and Kathleen provide is outstanding and expressed in black and white language with links.

The People are indeed fortunate to have such human beings.

When Malone lodged his complaint about Breggins - that did it for me, as Breggins have a solid track record in their CV's backed up with qualifications and much experience with helping their fellow man. Also not interested in Malones private persona nor his wifes' with its overtones of a contempt towards people.

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Ha! I totally missed the horse 🐎 reference! 🤣

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Amen !!

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>We had to trust the government.

This is where I have beef with Malone.

This is, quite literally, the worst take I have ever seen.

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Trust and government in the same sentence. Isn't that an oxymoron or double negative or something? I'm from the government and I'm here to help. Rings a bell, doesn't it?

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It's gaslighting.

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& indubitably

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hear! hear!

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Absolutely it's gas lightening, which we also see on BOTH SIDES OF THE ISLE! THEY ARE ALL BOUGHT AND PAID FOR

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Totally agree. Exactly my thoughts.

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I stopped trusting the government the moment Fauci…live on TV…lied about early results with HCQ as being “anecdotal”, thereby throwing the projected 2-3 million people expected to die of covid under the bus, with no therapy on the table other than his nonexistent jabs. I knew that everything under Fauci’s leadership was f’d from that moment on. So I immediately procured a large supply of the HCQ therapy befor Fauci banned it.

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I learned that during the AIDS epidemic. Fauci should have been fired and shunned for what he put sick people through!

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May 2Edited

Fauci has been instrumental in creating perhaps the most catastrophic crime in human history, bringing misery to billions and death to millions, and flushing trillions of $$ down the rat hole. I doubt the AntiChrist could do much worse. And the damages continue to mount. The guy deserves the rope.

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And yet he was never fired. Wonder why. Could Whitney Webb be correct? One Nation Under Blackmail?

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May 4Edited

The Epstein Island operation had a very specific objective. Given Maxwell’s involvement it was probably a joint US/Mossad operation. Ghislaine still walks freely with not a care in the world. I’m guessing she’s got Mossad protection. She’s Daddy’s Girl, ya know.

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Just sitting in the bleachers observing what goes on one can't help but wonder

"where is the line between the USA & Israel"? Which one is the actual sovereign? Which one is the Alpha?

Discuss among yourselves:)

IE which one is the puppet & which one is the puppeteer? Or do they switch rolls?

We know that despite lip service to mutual "independence & autonomy" even in the most open arrangements (like marriage) virtually always one party has more power than the other to run the show

There are marriages with children with more individual sovereignty between the partners than what one can observe going on between the USA & Israel.

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Well said and I agree. It took too many years for me to understand that Fauci killed my brother with AZT.

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I’m sorry for your loss.

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Thank you. I’m glad that I didn’t know that at the time or I would have lost it more than I did. I’m glad that I will never understand how people can be so cruelly evil.

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You know that things are waaaay off the rails when the permanently installed unelected bureaucrats can blatantly lie to the POTUS and the POTUS is afraid to fire or discipline them.

Be it the icon of that stuff J Edgar Hoover or all the less well known extortion fiefdom head wannabes before & since then. Trump learned his lesson firing Comey which was used (along with all the other stuff) to turn his term to chaos.

Fire a snake, which is your executive right AND DUTY and put yourself in jeopardy of destruction. You could almost feel the weight of that Comey lesson when Snake Fauci was openly lying to him and everyone could sense it, including I believe the president. BUT, the normally impulsive instinct driven Trump was afraid to pull the trigger on tossing Fauci because he learned his lesson with Comey. The insiders have decades of favors to call in because of all the favors they've done should anyone threaten their reigns of terror. Same as Hoover did in the old days. Be it shyster Schumer warning the intelligence community has 6 ways to Sunday of getting you (including assassinations') or Don Corleone wannabes like Fauci. Everyone is afraid of the insiders.

You can't trust "the government" because (for one reason) "the government" is the internal and external UNELECTED autocrats that hold the ultimate control

You can't trust the government because it is not YOUR government. They don't work for you even though that is the spin we are told. They work for the donors and the favor givers. YOU, are last in line, if you're even allowed in line

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Great post. I’ve long suspected that Trump was forced to hire certain people (Pence, Sessions, Barr) to get the nod from the RNC to run for POTUS. For years Trump’s reputation was as the guy who knew how to hire and fire. The bum AG’s he appointed prevented draining the swamp. At this point, America’s most dangerous enemy in the world is the Federal Government which can’t be fixed and will resist any attempt to fix it. Both the DNC and RNC are controlled by big money, who’ve effectively wrested control away from the people. Washington has been hijacked. In the short term states need to start exercising their right (and DUTY)to NULLIFY any, and if necessary, all powers of the federal government. Up to and including retaining all federal income tax monies for in-state needs.

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This would be similar to: we have to trust the media…

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and trust the experts ...

and trust "The Science" ...

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And that's beyond the realm of possibility

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And yet more than 100 million Americans did trust the media for all of 2020 and 2021 and 2022.

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Considering that 80% of Americans have received @ least one countermeasure, that number might be closer to 250 million. may not have trusted, may have been hypnotized, brain washed, MK'd.

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Trust the government after they gave total immunity from lawsuits because they couldn’t make any vaccines safe? Only a fool would do that…oh wait.

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Mic drop. Malone has always been controlled opposition and he continues to prove that he is with both his words and his actions.

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Most absolutely he has always been controlled and still he is.

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Meryl Nass used to vehemently defend him. Does she still?

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From what I remember hearing her say, it was the other way around!

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Nice succinct comment. Spot on.

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I love this post for setting the record straight politely but firmly and


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Wow, so sorry you had to go through this, Sasha. Malone’s over-defensiveness smacks of a desperate kind of narcissism, that always blames others, and his attacks on others are crass and uncalled for. I would like to think better of Malone, but if he knows he is truly in the right, why can’t he say he’s sorry, or fess up and try having normal meaningful conversations with others?

A good man produces good deeds from a good heart. And an evil man produces evil deeds from his hidden wickedness. Whatever is in the heart overflows into his speech. (Luke 6:45, The Bible)

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And the river runs deep. Malone is arm-and-arm with the man, Mattias Desmet, who teaches us that our trouble is type of hypnosis called "mass formation psychosis." If we were to buy into this we'd be sitting here thinking that the problem is "ourself" instead of the freaking evils on the planet who are trying to kill us off.

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you don't think what just happened over the last 4 years did not have something to do with mass psychosis? You should read Desmet's book 'The Psychology of Totalitarianism"

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You need to “get out more”. One should not be so naive and hero worshiping at this stage. Can’t you see that he is diverting your attention from the military’s construction and execution of the kill box?

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what does that even mean?

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It means that our " democratic " governments that purport to represent us are actually controlled by some very evil and nasty hidden people.

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Totally Agree. Thanks for the explanation

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Guilt by association is a poor argument when desmets main thrust is self evident.

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Narcissism is one of the characteristics of a Sociopath or Psychopath, as is blaming everyone else except yourself. Garrulous, not saying sorry, and thinking your Agenda is ALWAYS RIGHT, belittling other people, are a few of other identifying behaviours of these sad people.

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very nicely said. I agree.

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I don't know about narcissism, but it does look somewhat like psychological projection.

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Narcissism is one of the characteristics of a Sociopath or Psychopath, as is blaming everyone else except yourself. Garrulous, not saying sorry, and thinking your Agenda is ALWAYS RIGHT, belittling other people, are a few of other identifying behaviours of these sad people.

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umm....I'm thinking she enjoyed the task Someone had to handle him, and noone's more qualified, obviously.

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Someone traveling with him after he supposedly had the jab, said he had to take a rapid test because he was unvaccinated.

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I came by to make sure somebody mentioned that! Thanks.

I was appalled by his Hawaii CHDF talk with children, that was enough to know I wasn’t goin to be taking his advice. Last I knew, he & Jill started the Malone Institute.

( Reminds me of Hillary Clinton starting non profit to launder money and worse. )

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Narcissism is one of the characteristics of a Sociopath or Psychopath, as is blaming everyone else except yourself. Garrulous, not saying sorry, and thinking your Agenda is ALWAYS RIGHT, belittling other people, are a few of other identifying behaviours of these sad people.

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I know! I have a sibling a lot like that.

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They are very destructive people and this is the personality disordered people who are forcing their will onto the majority of people on this Planet NOW -without any discussion and aided by their anti social behaviours.

They can be very charming - to get their own way, and promise the World and to make changes in behaviour - do not EVER believe them.

ALL the time they are MANIPULATING and CONTROLLING. They are unable to love in a normal way. They just take emotionally from the other person.

They MUST ALWAYS WIN-at any cost or sacrifices. They have their own AGENDA but shall agree with you to achieve their Agenda and then just shrug it off if you challenge them. They are childish and demanding.

ALL these behaviours are what we see happening in the World now.

The no answers, no responses/ignoring people, or they suddenly change their minds (read THEIR AGENDA) as something is not working to their plan, or simply to keep people unhinged and insecure. SICK very sick. Years ago when there were Mental hospitals they were admitted as in patients.

SO vital for the general public to realise and be aware (factor in these traits/knowledge) that this is what they are dealing with.

They also hate with a passion if you reject them.

They have a sense of ENTITLEMENT.


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My only sibling. Weaseling his way out as we speak.

Apparently he had unregistered guns, various drugs and was holding a mentally disabled woman hostage in his home. Right now he’s continuing his crime by pretending to be her boyfriend so she drops the charges. He’s being protected because he works for Hughson and benson in Cooperstown insurance company and his neighbors work at New York central mutual, they need his business acumen. He’s an evil genius and extremely perverse.

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Dr. Hatfield 🎩

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Spelling may be Hatfill

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wish we had somebody more reliable than hatfill ("person of interest" to fbi in 2001 anthrax attacks) to substantiate that

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I just have the hardest time believing that anyone who had anything to do with modified mRNA technology would ever have it injected into themselves. I am not an expert, I don’t claim to be one, nor could I explain anything technical in depth about modified mRNA injections. But, I understand a few basic principles of it and I would never allow it near my body. Sounds like purposefully inducing autoimmune disease to me, which is one of the MANY problems/injuries that we see now.

The explanation that I heard from Malone in an interview for him receiving the injection was that he needed it to travel. Didn’t seem like a very sound explanation. (Side note- Interesting how little people care about their health. I heard this same excuse from many friends, acquaintances, and public figures. Ironic considering the person most susceptible to the very scary virus were those in poor health. Very circular logic. But hey, it’s post 2020, nothing makes sense anymore.)

With all the attacks and lawsuits coming from Malone, and little logical explanations of his assertions, I assume he is up to his eyeballs in things that he does want us to know about. I remember him saying something about not approving of the current Covid “vaccines” but that he was working on a different vaccine of his own for Covid (that was a head scratcher for sure- he said it at a convention in Alaska in 2021 if my memory is correct.)

Something has gone horribly wrong in the “scientific community” and I don’t think science is the root of the problem. It seems to simply be the tool/weapon that is being wielded against the public.

Great open letter. Lots of logic and evidence for those interested in knowing who’s sincere and who has an agenda.

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I never believed the travel explanation. Video, internet conferences work just fine.

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Same for me. I’ve since heard about 4 other explanations, which didn’t seem legit either. Who knows? He’s a mystery. I assume disclosure of his government and pharmaceutical contracts would shed light on who he is and what his objectives are. But that seems unlikely to be given up voluntarily so we are all just guessing and trying to make sense of his story.

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Yes. Though I love trying to solve some mysteries and discussion here was fun, Malone ultimately isn't that interesting for me. He has great expertise in some things, other areas are more suspect and we each have to decide what to take and what to reject.

What bothers me is this mass formation psychosis, a way to off put people by suggesting they are nuts when we need people to speak out and join the health freedom movement. Even Cuomo, who deserves what he got for all the damage he caused and won't admit to, is better for health freedom speaking out than shamed into silence.

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>> standingovation.gif <<

THANK YOU again for your diligence and hard work, Sasha! Your acumen and wit are unmatched!

Beautiful horse, by the way! =)

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Can we organise a medal for Doc Malik, sitting through the RM tantrum without reacting? 🙏

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🎖️🏆 Although I wish he would have been a little less patient and a little more direct.

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Art for today, is fitting. 🤔

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the punchline killed me. that's one phar-out percheron

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“they are factual disagreements, backed up by substantial evidence”

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Brilliant Bob blocked me and I don't recall ever saying anything that contradicted his self-proclaimed genius, but his trust in the FDA speaks volumes to me. This is a 1970 quote from FDA Commissioner Herbert Ley when the FDA was far less corrupt - "The thing that bugs me is that people think the FDA is protecting them. It isn't. What the FDA is doing and what the public thinks it's doing are as different as night and day". This 2008 Huffpost article titled "FDA: Another Government Regulatory Disaster -- II of III" says a lot and there have been many others like it over the years, but I guess Brilliant Bob missed those. Huffpost even called for criminal prosecutions. I couldn't agree more. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/fda-another-government-re_b_130279

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Maybe the source of the problem is that you and many others have bought into the Progressive Era dogma that there should be no constitutional constraints on the federal government. Under constructive constitutional law, the FDA is not one of the 30 enumerated powers and hence is an un-law-ful organization, and has been from day 1.

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Brilliant, Sasha! I make no bones about despising Malone, and won't mince words about the fact that I have been among those posting evidence of him being a PILLAR of the DOD 'vaccine' R&D and propaganda mill for the past 3 years or more.

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