My position regarding informed consent is the American pubic knows damn well their military brothers and sisters are paid mercenaries who murder for a living. None of the information is new...
That's heavy, but true. Everyone has a price. And the gamble, for some taking the jab, was for travel or feeding their children. It was a heartless request of them.
Hello Franklin O'Kano: I just perused your article regarding "Enjoying Your Enslavement". Unfortunately, it only retraces the well trodden path. It is quite well written. Thank you.
I generally don't publish my works, as the public seems a bit distracted from essential truths or anything resembling spiritual philosophy. Never the less:
I find all of these titles fascinating. Most "news" and entertainment is annoying noise and disinformation to me. But your titles spark my attention. I wouldn't be surprised to find "Planned Chaos" or "Didactic Dialectic Sophistry" in your production. I'd write them myself if I thought anyone cared.
It may be legal for the government to legalize EUA products without informed consent, based on the bad laws our government has passed, protecting the villains who deceived them into thinking it would be a good idea. However, it is still unethical for a physician to initiate treatment of any sort without first giving informed consent. Obviously, in emergencies, where it is not possible owing to the compromised mental status of the patient, the doctor can go ahead, but this is rarely the case, and was not in COVID. Those doctors who administered the COVID-19 toxic injection or recommended it without first giving informed consent were in violation of the Hippocratic oath, and basic medical ethics. In other words, all of them were. No physician or other health professional who gave or green-lighted the injections soon after their becoming availability knew what was in the shot, and what the true risks and benefits were. They might have thought they did, based on the propaganda disseminated by Pfizer through the media. But doctors are held to a higher standard than following what is reported by CNN. They are supposed to do a thorough and critical appraisal of the treatment they offer. That is why they spend 3-6 YEARS training in their specialty AFTER 4 years of medical school. None of them who did their homework gave the injections, because they knew the claims of "safe and effective" were unsubstantiated by sound research data. Only the lemmings who failed to do their jobs followed suit with the mindless and hyped exhortation to "get vaxxed!" Much as the politicians can be criticized for passing such legislation, the medical profession which uncritically and unethically permitted what the law had legalized -- namely, the license to kill -- must be held responsible too. The profession is in disgrace. I speak as one with an M.D. who was cancelled for speaking the truth.
FYI, I sent the email below on the 23rd April 2024:
For the attention of:
Secretary Xavier Becerra
US Department of Health and Human Services
Dear Secretary Becerra, please could you advise to what extent the PREP Act provides immunity from criminal liability for administrators of medical countermeasures, that would arise where battery and clinical negligence occur due to a failure to obtain valid informed consent for medical countermeasures?
“…it is still unethical for a physician to initiate treatment of any sort without first giving informed consent…Much as the politicians can be criticized for passing such legislation, the medical profession which uncritically and unethically permitted what the law had legalized -- namely, the license to kill -- must be held responsible too. The profession is in disgrace.”
Exactly Mark!
The medical profession could have stopped this thing dead in the water if they had refused to collaborate with coercion, intimidation and mandates.
But they didn’t. In Australia, the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and the Australian Medical Association actually DEMANDED vaccination mandates!
And now the RACGP is in bed with the vaccine industry, with continuing professional development being provided by the Immunisation Coalition, which is sponsored and supported by Pfizer, moderna, CSL/Seqirus, GSK, sanofi, MSD… You could not make it up how bad this is! The medical ‘profession’ has betrayed the people.
For more background from an Australian perspective see for example:
Quoted from your comment: "Those doctors who administered the COVID-19 toxic injection or recommended it without first giving informed consent were in violation of the Hippocratic oath, and basic medical ethics."
Correct. They Aided and Abetted Murder in the First Degree. They should also be considered as ACCOMPLICES. Accomplices are a claimed party who agrees to a crime as the main criminal or in accessory.
These doctors…and nurses and pharmacists…have no idea what they’re doing, they not qualified to advise on ‘Covid’ or the injections.
They’re not qualified to obtain authentic voluntary informed consent, and certainly shouldn’t be collaborating with mandates.
As for the Hippocratic Oath, I think you’ll find that went by the wayside years ago…
The medical ‘profession’ needs a thorough investigation, these handmaidens to the medical industrial complex are complicit in exploiting the community via all sorts of snake oil.
I believe you are correct regarding "qualifications". If the doctor or their assistant has no credentials clearly stating PhD certifications in infectious disease, they should be prohibited from advisory activities.
In my opinion, the medical profession shouldn't even exist as a social construct.
Even if they had read the clinical trial reports and even if those reports showed safety and efficacy (which these did not), the product shipped by manufacturers was not the same as the one that was in the clinical trials, due to a substantial process change. I wonder if doctors have any way of knowing when that happens, or having found out, can sue anyone for fraud or consequences. Perhaps immaterial at this point.
I published on the process change. There were continuous process and version changes throughout clinical trials and commercial scale up. It wasn't limited to highly publicized Process 1 v Process 2. And according to the US law, EUA countermeasures can be adulterated and misbranded. It is completely allowed by the law. There is no fraud according to how the US law is written and none will be accepted as an argument in court.
The fraud is in the laws themselves and in that the EUA counter measures were fraudulently enacted in the first place; none will be accepted in a US court at this point but then there is no rule of law in the US and why the real fight is in Costa Rica.
Government covered these doctors with full immunity under the prep act. Cha Ching great financial rewards were also provided to these “doctors” - you can’t make this stuff up. No informed consent now it is all presented as for the communities well being - the individual no longer matters - wake up folks no one will be held account under the laws that exist.
Just like Dick Cheney helped write the Patriot Act, which was signed into law soon after 911 - since then the US has removed the requirement for a declaration of war by Congress.
This began long before the Patriot Act. The last declaration of war issued by Congress was in 1942. Since then there have only been “armed conflicts” such as in Korea and Viet Nam.
The Constitution is a sham as we saw native Americans and African Americans had no rights at all.
The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
-Frank Zappa
"If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal."
~ Emma Goldman
The Constitution was so lacking that they had to AMEND it with the bill of rights, because people were protesting the lack of rights in the Constitution!
Thanks Sasha for more evidence of what I believe was criminal indifference (and I understand why you believe it was criminal intent) to deploy EUA products on the entire population for an indefinite period of time — which is in and of itself illegal.
It is so incredibly frustrating that even when people read actual EUA statutes and CDC/FDA guidelines stating explicitly that EUA is not — and cannot by definition be — part of any consent-based scientific investigation or regulatory process - they still think a product that was authorized under EUA can magically be turned into a legally licensed product without doing exactly what you say: starting from the beginning and designing, running and evaluating an actual clinical trial.
In the absence of such a real clinical trial, there is not and never will be a scientifically reproducible basis for the “safe and effective” claim — which means all such claims attached to any product brought to market under EUA are by definition fraudulent and deceptive.
Not sure any lawsuits have addressed this issue with the correct legal basis for fraud claims. It’s maddening!!!!
Yes, it's very difficult to get people to understand what happened with the PHE laws and Informed Consent specifically. I am member of an organization that is trying to fight this but they have a terrible time understanding the law as Sasha and Katherine have laid out.
I was going to, I even bought the ticket myself in early March. The judge did not allow our testimony. I am not sure where that case stands now, at the time they dismissed it, and the IOJ group was refiling.
Well the AND?? could be answered if you bothered to check the IOJ website and very detailed information that has been available for years; they have several lawsuits pending against the Big Pharma operatives, the WHO, etc. their most compelling case is based on the fraud of calling the "vaccines" real vaccines when evidence points to their being experimental concoctions; many laws were broken including the importation of the so-called vaccines into Costa Rica and convincing the Costa Rican medical authorities of their safe and effective use; the IOJ legal challenge is based on the laws and has been accepted to proceed in the courts; what is of extreme importance here is that Costa Rica is unique in fully supporting informed consent and the principles of the Nuremberg Code ,both of which are fully enshrined into Costa Rican law and constitution.
Well, initially they were fooled like most nations of the world by believing in and following local health authorities which deferred to the WHO for information (based on lies and deception); with a great deal of thanks to the IOJ team and revamping of Costa Rican laws, Costa Rica has now become the model for legal resistance and is in the process of setting legal precedents with world-wide application.
I have posted comments via email to my many contacts (friends, family, business associates, etc.) regarding the 21 U.S. Code 360bbb-3 Authorization for medical products for use in emergencies. I actually printed that law which I found on Cornell's law school, on March 30, 2021 so that I could share this information widely. But obviously it means nothing to these government and pharmaceutical criminals. I have asked everyone who I know had the jab if they were given an "informed consent" form to fill out before they stuck their arm out the vehicle window and allowed the poison to be injected. No one that I've asked signed any type of consent form. They all just lined up by the hundreds to get the "safe and effective" vaccine because they were so afraid of dying. Believe me when I say there are things much worse than death!
The people behind these evil plans will pay eternally, of that I’m confident. But sadly, here and now they weasel on with the help of many despicable and greedy people. The scale of their greed and evil is off the charts. Mat the Lord above bring some serious justice to them in the here and now!! 🙏🏻 Thank you for exposing their evil schemes. Now may this information be used to help us all. 🙏🏻
What's new? Throughout my life, I have not been afforded informed consent.
People need to read about Operation Paper Clip, MKUltra, and Project Monarch. The collapse of our civilization has likely been orchestrated.
It's very difficult to counter people who staunchly believe that they are doing the righteous thing in committing atrocities upon countless persons. Every single American deserves their constitutional rights. Secret government programs working against good American citizens needs to end.
I need to be on the record that I am not a violent or aggressive person and I would never hurt a person.
I believe our focus as far as trying to change should be on the individual state level or as local as possible. The federal government is to far gone. Start demanding more action from your state legislatures and even in your local communities. Community will be key.
Sasha, you are a priceless asset to humanity. Diligence is certailny a very appropriate word to describe your nature. I'm glad you have art as an anchor to keeping sanity intact while understanding the extreme nature of evil being shoved onto all forms of life. Know you are loved!!!
Yes. They have deployed it without any testing (fraudulent testing and data manipulation) under pretenses of public health emergency and EUA law. They subsequently launched a bunch of fraudulent "updated" versions of the product, claiming that the "platform" is approved. None of this was ever approved (not by FDCA investigational pharmaceutical regs), and to actually get this done properly one would need to go back and do it. But of course they will never do it, they will just keep extending the emergencies now.
true. the list of laws making it possible are on Katherine Watt's site... no one seems to even have paid attention to what this all would lead to, starting with the law that made jab producers covered against damage caused by their product. That should have never happened! Everyone is responsible for their own damage. And these big harma should be fined 100 times more, or better even, put out of business with all the damage they did and still do!
NATO member governments are at war with their citizens, and have been for a very long time. The war is now on the surface level, as they have decided they have sufficient control to be blatantly obvious and indiscriminate in their tyranny. Yet many are still asleep and at peril of self-destruction.
"As you can see, the criminals occupying government positions do not follow the laws. They write them."
-Sasha Latypova
“War is when the government tells you who the bad guy is.
Revolution is when you decide that for yourself.”
-Benjamin Franklin
Curious when the people around the world will realize that REVOLUTION is needed to escape enslavement:
And then, we have to decide: what does EFFECTIVE REVOLUTION look like? Can we measure this? Can we see if we’re going in the right direction?!
Probably not, asa matter of fact, 2 out of 3 Revolutions have to be repeated because the wrong people ended up in charge, or maybe 9 out of 10.
lol are you the right people
I'm not, I'm 68, that's funny, they are 85 (or somewhere around there).
My position regarding informed consent is the American pubic knows damn well their military brothers and sisters are paid mercenaries who murder for a living. None of the information is new...
That's heavy, but true. Everyone has a price. And the gamble, for some taking the jab, was for travel or feeding their children. It was a heartless request of them.
Hello Franklin O'Kano: I just perused your article regarding "Enjoying Your Enslavement". Unfortunately, it only retraces the well trodden path. It is quite well written. Thank you.
I generally don't publish my works, as the public seems a bit distracted from essential truths or anything resembling spiritual philosophy. Never the less:
The Collective
The collective shall always immerse itself
In the busy grey beatitude of consensus
Condemning any singular effort
That probes the flames of self-surrender
Self-love invites the curse of envy
Mystical love is considered subversive
Erotic love is not concerned with economy
We tear our saviors’ limb from limb
Listen not to needful fires
And build numb arks of coinage
11/16/2002 PV
I find all of these titles fascinating. Most "news" and entertainment is annoying noise and disinformation to me. But your titles spark my attention. I wouldn't be surprised to find "Planned Chaos" or "Didactic Dialectic Sophistry" in your production. I'd write them myself if I thought anyone cared.
Sasha, you and Katherine are true Heroines in the most romantic sense.
Agreed, historians will refer to them as Alexandra and Katherine the Greats!
"Criminals do not follow laws. They write them." ~ Priceless! ~ Ginger
It may be legal for the government to legalize EUA products without informed consent, based on the bad laws our government has passed, protecting the villains who deceived them into thinking it would be a good idea. However, it is still unethical for a physician to initiate treatment of any sort without first giving informed consent. Obviously, in emergencies, where it is not possible owing to the compromised mental status of the patient, the doctor can go ahead, but this is rarely the case, and was not in COVID. Those doctors who administered the COVID-19 toxic injection or recommended it without first giving informed consent were in violation of the Hippocratic oath, and basic medical ethics. In other words, all of them were. No physician or other health professional who gave or green-lighted the injections soon after their becoming availability knew what was in the shot, and what the true risks and benefits were. They might have thought they did, based on the propaganda disseminated by Pfizer through the media. But doctors are held to a higher standard than following what is reported by CNN. They are supposed to do a thorough and critical appraisal of the treatment they offer. That is why they spend 3-6 YEARS training in their specialty AFTER 4 years of medical school. None of them who did their homework gave the injections, because they knew the claims of "safe and effective" were unsubstantiated by sound research data. Only the lemmings who failed to do their jobs followed suit with the mindless and hyped exhortation to "get vaxxed!" Much as the politicians can be criticized for passing such legislation, the medical profession which uncritically and unethically permitted what the law had legalized -- namely, the license to kill -- must be held responsible too. The profession is in disgrace. I speak as one with an M.D. who was cancelled for speaking the truth.
FYI, I sent the email below on the 23rd April 2024:
For the attention of:
Secretary Xavier Becerra
US Department of Health and Human Services
Dear Secretary Becerra, please could you advise to what extent the PREP Act provides immunity from criminal liability for administrators of medical countermeasures, that would arise where battery and clinical negligence occur due to a failure to obtain valid informed consent for medical countermeasures?
I look forward to your response on this matter.
Yours sincerely
Elizabeth Hart
“…it is still unethical for a physician to initiate treatment of any sort without first giving informed consent…Much as the politicians can be criticized for passing such legislation, the medical profession which uncritically and unethically permitted what the law had legalized -- namely, the license to kill -- must be held responsible too. The profession is in disgrace.”
Exactly Mark!
The medical profession could have stopped this thing dead in the water if they had refused to collaborate with coercion, intimidation and mandates.
But they didn’t. In Australia, the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and the Australian Medical Association actually DEMANDED vaccination mandates!
And now the RACGP is in bed with the vaccine industry, with continuing professional development being provided by the Immunisation Coalition, which is sponsored and supported by Pfizer, moderna, CSL/Seqirus, GSK, sanofi, MSD… You could not make it up how bad this is! The medical ‘profession’ has betrayed the people.
For more background from an Australian perspective see for example:
- "Doctor, I don't want the vaccine." What happens next?
- Vaccinators DO NOT have specific medical indemnity for administering COVID-19 vaccines in Australia. Have vaccinators obtained valid voluntary informed consent for COVID-19 vaccination?
- Coercion, intimidation and mandates preclude voluntary informed consent for vaccination. There has been no valid consent for COVID-19 vaccination:
- The destruction of voluntary informed consent via mandatory COVID-19 vaccination. “A political decision, not a health decision"
- The vaccine industry sponsors vaccination education for doctors... Yes, really... The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners is in bed with the vaccine industry-sponsored Immunisation Coalition:
Quoted from your comment: "Those doctors who administered the COVID-19 toxic injection or recommended it without first giving informed consent were in violation of the Hippocratic oath, and basic medical ethics."
Correct. They Aided and Abetted Murder in the First Degree. They should also be considered as ACCOMPLICES. Accomplices are a claimed party who agrees to a crime as the main criminal or in accessory.
These doctors…and nurses and pharmacists…have no idea what they’re doing, they not qualified to advise on ‘Covid’ or the injections.
They’re not qualified to obtain authentic voluntary informed consent, and certainly shouldn’t be collaborating with mandates.
As for the Hippocratic Oath, I think you’ll find that went by the wayside years ago…
The medical ‘profession’ needs a thorough investigation, these handmaidens to the medical industrial complex are complicit in exploiting the community via all sorts of snake oil.
I believe you are correct regarding "qualifications". If the doctor or their assistant has no credentials clearly stating PhD certifications in infectious disease, they should be prohibited from advisory activities.
In my opinion, the medical profession shouldn't even exist as a social construct.
Even if they had read the clinical trial reports and even if those reports showed safety and efficacy (which these did not), the product shipped by manufacturers was not the same as the one that was in the clinical trials, due to a substantial process change. I wonder if doctors have any way of knowing when that happens, or having found out, can sue anyone for fraud or consequences. Perhaps immaterial at this point.
I published on the process change. There were continuous process and version changes throughout clinical trials and commercial scale up. It wasn't limited to highly publicized Process 1 v Process 2. And according to the US law, EUA countermeasures can be adulterated and misbranded. It is completely allowed by the law. There is no fraud according to how the US law is written and none will be accepted as an argument in court.
Stupefying. I struggle to accept anything less than genuine supernatural evil—however we wish to define it—as an explanation for this monstrosity.
The fraud is in the laws themselves and in that the EUA counter measures were fraudulently enacted in the first place; none will be accepted in a US court at this point but then there is no rule of law in the US and why the real fight is in Costa Rica.
Ah thanks, i missed that report!
Thank you so much, Dr. Brody, for speaking out. Please know that you have my profound respect and gratitude.
Well said!
Government covered these doctors with full immunity under the prep act. Cha Ching great financial rewards were also provided to these “doctors” - you can’t make this stuff up. No informed consent now it is all presented as for the communities well being - the individual no longer matters - wake up folks no one will be held account under the laws that exist.
Just like Dick Cheney helped write the Patriot Act, which was signed into law soon after 911 - since then the US has removed the requirement for a declaration of war by Congress.
Changing the constitution right before our eyes…..
This began long before the Patriot Act. The last declaration of war issued by Congress was in 1942. Since then there have only been “armed conflicts” such as in Korea and Viet Nam.
Correct. These activities are sometimes referred to as "Liberating" a country or Nation. You know? Setting things straight via 'democratic' means...
Wow - thanks for the correction. I'm not surprised Cape.
Vietnam was never officially declared either.
The Constitution is a sham as we saw native Americans and African Americans had no rights at all.
The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
-Frank Zappa
"If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal."
~ Emma Goldman
The Constitution was so lacking that they had to AMEND it with the bill of rights, because people were protesting the lack of rights in the Constitution!
"We are under a Constitution, but the Constitution is what the judges say it is." - Judge Charles Evans Hughes
“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.” ― Benjamin Franklin
Thanks Sasha for more evidence of what I believe was criminal indifference (and I understand why you believe it was criminal intent) to deploy EUA products on the entire population for an indefinite period of time — which is in and of itself illegal.
It is so incredibly frustrating that even when people read actual EUA statutes and CDC/FDA guidelines stating explicitly that EUA is not — and cannot by definition be — part of any consent-based scientific investigation or regulatory process - they still think a product that was authorized under EUA can magically be turned into a legally licensed product without doing exactly what you say: starting from the beginning and designing, running and evaluating an actual clinical trial.
In the absence of such a real clinical trial, there is not and never will be a scientifically reproducible basis for the “safe and effective” claim — which means all such claims attached to any product brought to market under EUA are by definition fraudulent and deceptive.
Not sure any lawsuits have addressed this issue with the correct legal basis for fraud claims. It’s maddening!!!!
Yes, it's very difficult to get people to understand what happened with the PHE laws and Informed Consent specifically. I am member of an organization that is trying to fight this but they have a terrible time understanding the law as Sasha and Katherine have laid out.
Actually the Interest of Justice group operating in Costa Rica did file such a lawsuit with exactly that legal basis for fraud!
great question...
it looks like they want to pay you to testify in the case or maybe just a ticket to go there
I was going to, I even bought the ticket myself in early March. The judge did not allow our testimony. I am not sure where that case stands now, at the time they dismissed it, and the IOJ group was refiling.
It will be refiled and pursued, now, most likely as a CRIMINAL prosecution on the basis of the crimes already proven in court!
Well the AND?? could be answered if you bothered to check the IOJ website and very detailed information that has been available for years; they have several lawsuits pending against the Big Pharma operatives, the WHO, etc. their most compelling case is based on the fraud of calling the "vaccines" real vaccines when evidence points to their being experimental concoctions; many laws were broken including the importation of the so-called vaccines into Costa Rica and convincing the Costa Rican medical authorities of their safe and effective use; the IOJ legal challenge is based on the laws and has been accepted to proceed in the courts; what is of extreme importance here is that Costa Rica is unique in fully supporting informed consent and the principles of the Nuremberg Code ,both of which are fully enshrined into Costa Rican law and constitution.
It was such a disappointment and somewhat of a surprise when Costa Rica submitted to the mRNA injections.
Well, initially they were fooled like most nations of the world by believing in and following local health authorities which deferred to the WHO for information (based on lies and deception); with a great deal of thanks to the IOJ team and revamping of Costa Rican laws, Costa Rica has now become the model for legal resistance and is in the process of setting legal precedents with world-wide application.
There does seem to be some resistance to this in the Costa Rican government, based on the hoops IOJ is having to jump through. Not unexpected...
As I understood it the non-random variation in the batches by itself proves criminal intent, not just indifference.
Yes. It was (and is) Premeditated Murder.
Did the manufacturers call them safe and effective or governments? (Or both)
Also manufactured and promoted by known fraudulent companies yet people can’t get enough!
I have posted comments via email to my many contacts (friends, family, business associates, etc.) regarding the 21 U.S. Code 360bbb-3 Authorization for medical products for use in emergencies. I actually printed that law which I found on Cornell's law school, on March 30, 2021 so that I could share this information widely. But obviously it means nothing to these government and pharmaceutical criminals. I have asked everyone who I know had the jab if they were given an "informed consent" form to fill out before they stuck their arm out the vehicle window and allowed the poison to be injected. No one that I've asked signed any type of consent form. They all just lined up by the hundreds to get the "safe and effective" vaccine because they were so afraid of dying. Believe me when I say there are things much worse than death!
The people behind these evil plans will pay eternally, of that I’m confident. But sadly, here and now they weasel on with the help of many despicable and greedy people. The scale of their greed and evil is off the charts. Mat the Lord above bring some serious justice to them in the here and now!! 🙏🏻 Thank you for exposing their evil schemes. Now may this information be used to help us all. 🙏🏻
"Premeditated murder and attempted murder are typically not experimental, non-investigational activities." — BOOM!!
What's new? Throughout my life, I have not been afforded informed consent.
People need to read about Operation Paper Clip, MKUltra, and Project Monarch. The collapse of our civilization has likely been orchestrated.
It's very difficult to counter people who staunchly believe that they are doing the righteous thing in committing atrocities upon countless persons. Every single American deserves their constitutional rights. Secret government programs working against good American citizens needs to end.
I need to be on the record that I am not a violent or aggressive person and I would never hurt a person.
legal immigrants are not asked for informed consent, the doc just jabs you and that is it.
Yep. Informed consent, in actuality, doesn’t exist any more.
Or how about US citizens who were born abroad to expatriate parents?
..and you are neither depressed nor suicidal... ;)
For the first time in my adult life, I have been subthreshold for clinical levels of depression for over a year.
I'm not suicidal. I've been fighting my tail off for decades to have a quality life.
by any chance are/were you a targeted individual?
Great article. You're going to get a lot of butt hurt people in here unable to cope with evil.
I believe our focus as far as trying to change should be on the individual state level or as local as possible. The federal government is to far gone. Start demanding more action from your state legislatures and even in your local communities. Community will be key.
The Congressional Reps are useless! It's even hard to get an appointment with a state legislator, as there are too many issues they're working on.
Sasha, you are a priceless asset to humanity. Diligence is certailny a very appropriate word to describe your nature. I'm glad you have art as an anchor to keeping sanity intact while understanding the extreme nature of evil being shoved onto all forms of life. Know you are loved!!!
if I understand this right, all mRNA can now come to market without any testing, and can never be tested properly?
Yes. They have deployed it without any testing (fraudulent testing and data manipulation) under pretenses of public health emergency and EUA law. They subsequently launched a bunch of fraudulent "updated" versions of the product, claiming that the "platform" is approved. None of this was ever approved (not by FDCA investigational pharmaceutical regs), and to actually get this done properly one would need to go back and do it. But of course they will never do it, they will just keep extending the emergencies now.
thanks for clearing this up. So this is all illegal as can be!
You mean legal. Laws were passed to enable it.
I dont know if anybody is claiming these laws were moral or ethical or even constitutional.
Same in Nazi Germany…all “legal” things the Nazi government did then as well!
Yes, and remember they were elected and then created a crisis (the Reichstag fire) to seize complete power. A repeating pattern in history
true. the list of laws making it possible are on Katherine Watt's site... no one seems to even have paid attention to what this all would lead to, starting with the law that made jab producers covered against damage caused by their product. That should have never happened! Everyone is responsible for their own damage. And these big harma should be fined 100 times more, or better even, put out of business with all the damage they did and still do!
sasha is this the same in the uk or are we dealing with a completely different scenario regarding informed consent eua ,thanks
The PREP act gives the big pharma Cosa Nostra all the protection it needs.
La Cosa Nostra: Our "Thing". Just one of those things...
NATO member governments are at war with their citizens, and have been for a very long time. The war is now on the surface level, as they have decided they have sufficient control to be blatantly obvious and indiscriminate in their tyranny. Yet many are still asleep and at peril of self-destruction.
Agreed. Everything since 9/11 was “practice” for a war on “us.”