Oct 1Liked by Sasha Latypova

Those of us had access to science, less manipulated by government and big Pharma knew instinctively that the outcome would show that vaccination was not only unnecessary, it was harmful

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Oct 1Liked by Sasha Latypova

They didn't just know instinctively, I bet they knew for sure how damaging their cure was, but they did it anyway. This was criminal.

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Oct 1Liked by Sasha Latypova

The vast majority of people are not educated in healthcare, and therefore they didn’t make a proper choice during the mandates and allowed their kids to be vaccinated. The small amount of parents who have stood up against vaccinations in the last three decades were often ridiculed.

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I never went to med. school. Since 2006 when I understood that the official 9/11 narrative is a conspiracy theory I have become rather immune to ridicule. In 2020 I still fell for their bovine fecal matter. I snapped out of it when they rolled out the vaxxine after eight months of intense fear mongering. That's when I understood that the pandemic was about the vaxxine, and not the other way around. They couldn't POSSIBLY have tested the vaxxine in eight months.

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2Liked by Sasha Latypova

I'll never forget when my gastroenterologist told me they did very short-term tests and extrapolated the results. She seemed to really believe it. It was painful and embarrassing to watch.

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Even if not educated in healthcare, we do have - or used to have - instincts to warn of danger. These apparently are gone. Humans are not trusting themselves. In defense, “we” have been propagandized to believe we know nothing, ignoring those built in, inherent tools. It’s very sad to view.

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1Liked by Sasha Latypova

Speak for yourself.

No need to be particularly "educated" in healthcare to see a blatant scam for what it is.

No need to be particularly "educated" in engineering to see that the twin towers did not collapse because two planes crashed into them.

No need to be be particulary "educated" in political science to see the JFK and RFK assinations for the conspiracies that they were.

All that is needed is to not be a fucking dumbass.

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"No need to be particularly "educated" in engineering to see that the twin towers did not collapse because two planes crashed into them."

...., or as I would put it: No need to be particularly "educated" in engineering to see that three towers did not collapse into their own footprint at the speed of gravity because airplanes crashed into two of them.

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2

Even better, thank you.

The lies are so brazen and numerous, it's near impossible to remember them all.

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True, but calling people dumbasses does not help. It's adding insult to injury.

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Oh, so you think calling people dumbasses is the height of intellectual discourse? Let me break it down for you, genius.

First off, many of us didn't exactly have a choice. Ever heard of coercion? Yeah, that's when you're forced to do something to keep your job. And guess what? During that time, jobs weren't exactly growing on trees. As a single mom, I had to keep a roof over my kids' heads and food on the table. We had already been homeless once when my abusive husband walked out. So, forgive me for not living in your world of conspiracy theories and medical tyranny.

Medical expertise? Not my thing. Law enforcement and photography? Absolutely. And let's not forget the pressure from venues, bands, and artists to get the shot so we wouldn't "kill high-profile musicians."

Now, about your so-called "common sense." It's neither common nor sensible. It's shaped by personal experiences, cultural influences, and cognitive biases. Ever heard of those? Probably not. Let me educate you:

- **Varied Experiences**: What seems obvious to someone who has lived through a particular crisis might not be apparent to someone who hasn’t.

- **Cultural and Environmental Influences**: What's considered common sense in one culture might be completely different in another.

- **Limited Exposure**: Many people’s experiences are limited to their immediate surroundings and social circles.

- **Crisis and Stress**: During crises, people’s ability to think clearly can be impaired.

- **Cognitive Biases**: These can distort our perception of reality and affect our decision-making processes.

I did my due diligence. I asked my doctor, whom I trusted. I talked to others. No one said, "Hey, don't take it." There was no one screaming in the streets, nothing on social media. I understand why now.

There was no information available that indicated I would end up with five rare diseases, 35 side effects, and be disabled. So, your "knowledge" and "forethought" are not universal. What we need is empathy and support, not your condescending attitude.

I lost everything but have fought for every vaccine-injured person, long COVID sufferer, unvaxxed, advocate and health professional for the past three years. We need community and support, not judgment.

So, next time you feel like throwing stones, remember: you live in a glass house.

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3

Oh boy, this calls for as lengthy rebuttal, which I will nevertheless keep as short as possible. Here goes:

"Oh, so you think calling people dumbasses is the height of intellectual discourse?"

No, I actually was stooping down to their level in a way that they would hopefully understand.

"First off, many of us didn't exactly have a choice."

Imma call BS on that hyperbole right off the bat. Relatively speaking, only a few people were in a position where they were in a bind so tight that they couldn't refuse the shots. For many, losing their jobs would have presented a hardship, yes, but one they could have dealt with. For many others, it wasn't a hard choice at all. Most gladly took the shots to keep their jobs, no coercion needed.

"As a single mom, I had to keep a roof over my kids' heads and food on the table. We had already been homeless once when my abusive husband walked out."

Sounds like you made some previous bad choices in your life, which were the reasons you were left with no wiggle room.

" So, forgive me for not living in your world of conspiracy theories and medical tyranny."

It's not "my world", sweetie, it's reality.

"Now, about your so-called "common sense." It's neither common nor sensible. It's shaped by personal experiences, cultural influences, and cognitive biases. Ever heard of those? Probably not. Let me educate you:

- **Varied Experiences**: What seems obvious to someone who has lived through a particular crisis might not be apparent to someone who hasn’t.

- **Cultural and Environmental Influences**: What's considered common sense in one culture might be completely different in another.

- **Limited Exposure**: Many people’s experiences are limited to their immediate surroundings and social circles.

- **Crisis and Stress**: During crises, people’s ability to think clearly can be impaired.

- **Cognitive Biases**: These can distort our perception of reality and affect our decision-making processes."

You, for one, certainly sound like a person that's been "educated" (read: brainwashed) by an institution - probably the law enforcement you mention - to think that a person can be all things to all people, and/or react appropriately in any given situation. And if they don't, it's somehow their fault.

Frankly, you sound like am impressionable nitwit, who believes whatever psychobabble you're told, as long as it comes from an "authoritative" source.

"I did my due diligence. I asked my doctor, whom I trusted. I talked to others. No one said, "Hey, don't take it." There was no one screaming in the streets, nothing on social media. I understand why now."

But again, there HAVE been people that indeed have been literally screaming in the streets about the conspiratorial aspects of the assassinations of the 1960s, the deliberate demolition of the World Trade Center and other events. Frankly, you don't sould like a person that was ever bothered by any of that, and for that you paid the price when the evil finally came to you personally.

It also occurs to me that the fact that you require "screaming in the streets" to grab your attention speaks volumes about your intellectual prowess, or lack thereof.

Also, on the one hand you claim that you were coerced, yet at the same time you say that no one told you not to take the shot(s). They can't both be true. If you were clueless about the potential danger of the shot(s), then you couldn't have been coerced into taking them.

The narratives coming from people like you always fall apart upon closer scrutiny.

"There was no information available that indicated I would end up with five rare diseases, 35 side effects, and be disabled. So, your "knowledge" and "forethought" are not universal."

Of course "knowledge" and "forethought" are not universal. Some people have them, others are dumbasses, no matter how many times they get screwed over by authorities.

"What we need is empathy and support, not your condescending attitude."

No, screw you and others like you. People like you are exactly the types that have always rolled over for authorities. People like you are the ones that have censored people like me for decades, especially since the advent of the internet. People like you have no powers of discernment and no ability to think critically.

And you, for one, actually have the fucking balls to reveal here that you acted in some capacity as part of law enforcement. How has that welfare job worked out for you?

"We need community and support, not judgment. "

Oh puleese, I'm not judging you, you're not worth the effort.

"So, next time you feel like throwing stones, remember: you live in a glass house."

I do? How? In what regard? That doesn't even makes sense.

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Sorry to hear of your many health issues after vax. It’s diabolical what ‘they’ did to us. Also, I think ‘commonsense’ possibly boils down to a ‘gut feeling’ that something is not right with the messaging. I have been mistrustful of all kinds of health authorities since long before Covid for various reasons. I am 76 and been around a while. All the best with regaining your health.

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"First off, many of us didn't exactly have a choice. Ever heard of coercion? Yeah, that's when you're forced to do something to keep your job."

Countless thousands of health care workers (nurses in particular) in the US lost or gave up their jobs for that reason. That's what I call character.

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Lol! You speak profound wisdom, sir.

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"These apparently are gone."

No, they're not. I'm unvaxxed.

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fear cancels the ability to think clearly. The media did its job well.

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We were led - pretty forcibly— by our noses.

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I didn’t even pay attention to the “science.” The character and lack of integrity of ANYONE pushing ANYTHING in the med field has been suspect to me for a long, long time. Or pushing, even encouraging ANYthing in the guv realm. These have not been trustworthy for a very long time. My issue is trying to understand why so many cannot see through the b.s.

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Me too. Never vaccinated either of my children back in the early 80s. Worked for big Pharma before then, for 6 months. It vaccinated me against them

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Those of us who felt something had to be behind the never seen before coercion and did independent research.

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Exactly that. I was only waiting to see if the jabs were safe because I knew how long it took vaxs to get to market and I was surprised that they were authorized in a year. I remembered the 1976 swine flu vaccine and how many people got injured from it. But then the coercion started and kept getting worse and that really popped my eyes open. Why do they need to bribe people to take one? That should have set alarm bells off for everyone.

But never in my wildest did I think the government would deliberately harm its own citizens.

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"But never in my wildest did I think the government would deliberately harm its own citizens."

"The very notion of government is evil. You don't need someone of authority to give you permission to do good deeds like help an old lady accross the street, or give food to poor people. The only thing you need authority for is to get permission to do something that everyone would say "THAT'S BAD!!!"."

- Larken Rose -


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'Nobody could have imagined flying planes into buildings' GW Bush

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I'm pretty sure that was Condoliza Rice. ....., but anyway.

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She might have said it too but he definitely said it. At minute 2:30 https://archive.org/details/dom-367845-911thetruthin5minutes

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If one stops and thinks about it, if governments (or whoever) fabricate wars...They will do anything. It's my position that harm is govs (or whoever they are) #1 business. Mainly because there is no $$$ in being nice to people.

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Agreed. Look at how many people the government sends overseas to kill people who never harmed them just so corporations can steal the country’s resources. And when people come back broken the government abandons them.

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they did on 9/11, Katrina, Maui and now Appalachia. It's a habit

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I'm not sure we had access to science. We had/have something else.

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I have worked in healthcare all my life and I have witnessed more failures in medicine and how big pharma spreads their propaganda! Unfortunately, it’s not just vaccines that people trust

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Oct 1Liked by Sasha Latypova

The obvious problem is, the people who should be responsible for bringing justice are the people who caused the harm. And the corporate media, who’s one job should be exposing this, is controlled by both industry and government.

I still have family members and friends who roll their eyes and act like I’m being ridiculous if I mention the harms of the injections. And many of them are actually injured from the injections or have lost family members “suddenly”. The will to recognize what has happened is not there.

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Oct 1Liked by Sasha Latypova

Memory loss is a massive thing I am seeing. People forget what life was like before covid. They forget what it feels like to not see sickness all around them. They even forget how people's voices questioning authority was so respected. The dopamine hits from social media? The headline and first sentence of an article all they are used to absorbing so why not just trust the experts and therefore abandon the process of how to think? The mind was prepped a long time for this operation. Stunning!

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See "The Indoctrinated Brain" book for all the details. The spike protein erases the self part of the human memory; makes for very easily-led people. Of course, as a bright nurse in Arizona told me: "They had to dumb them all down first." I see A LOT of memory issues and next to zero critical thinking; it is very obvious. Peace.

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Peace indeed.

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I’ve heard of the author of that book speak. It sounds like a fascinating read.

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I completely agree. It’s very difficult to break free from the mind control tools that they have been using on the population for decades. And with the relatively new AI algorithms and social media, the mind control seems to be almost inescapable for many people.

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It feels like they (those family members) are gaslighting us, but they REALLY believe the narrative. This would never have made as an episode of the Twilight Zone. Too unbelievable!

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Yes, if someone had tried to explain to me what was going to happen before 2020, I never would have believed it. Never. I would have thought it was a lame joke. The entire world (save a few) went completely crazy.

I was in Seattle for a few weeks during the height of the clown world and I was taking pictures of the dystopian signs the city of Seattle had posted around the downtown area. Things like “smart people wear a mask” and “if you gather with people outside of your household, the park will be shut down for the whole city”. Messages along those lines.

A driver of a bus made my son and I sit in separate rows. I was looking at the “outdoor, indoor” dining areas made of plastic with awe. A man jumped in the bushes as I passed him on the sidewalk because I didn’t have a mask on, outside. Watching everyone allow a gene therapy injection into their bodies…and to see those people shame others for not getting one…

I felt like I was in a twilight zone episode for real. I’m sure many of us did. And it still continues as we watch people die suddenly and more and more people are suffering from mysterious diseases. And everyone pretends like it’s not happening?

My family member lives in New York and when this person visited this summer they looked me square in the face and said, “they didn’t lock down the city, it was all voluntary.” My eyes got big and I could tell that there is no hope. This person also insisted that there was going to be lots of future scary pandemics. I just don’t even know what to do anymore. It’s very disorienting.

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I often remind myself that they are absolutely correct in their world view...... based on the information they've come across (mainstream media, official studies and press conferences, other work colleagues who also watch TV etc).

One of the tragedies of 'covid' is how ordinary society has been divided by the MSM, when the reality is 99% of people want the same thing: for everyone to be healthy and safe.

For some (the TV watchers and university educated) that means masks, social distancing and vaccines..... and for others (free thinkers) it means hugging, socialising and being vaccine free. But both groups share the exact same objective - to be healthy - just starting with a different set of premises.

Having also failed to get through to anyone, I am now trying to focus on healing this (false) division in society and pointing out that we all want the same thing.

In fact, if truth be told, the 'elite' are on the same page as the anti vaxxers and covid deniers. None of them take the shots or bother to social distance (except for staged press conferences).

The true mavericks of society are the covid believers and vax-o-holics. They are the outliers. They are the ones operating from a different set of premises which are not based in science and reality.

I feel the only way to 'rescue' the covidiots is to point out that they are the ones out on a limb, not us. They are motivated by group think and conformity, and when they realise none of the 'elites' took the shot this will snap them out of their delusion REAL QUICK.


That's my current thinking anyway :)

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I think they're in so deep that the 'elite' info would go right by them. They're truly scared stupid.

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I think you make some good points. However, I think I have to generally disagree on your main premises. I don't think the people who went along with the propaganda actually wanted health. Safety? yes. (which is always an inherently false premise) Health? no.

Have you read the book by Desmet, The Psychology of Totalitarianism? I thought it was an excellent read and it articulated some of what I was observing. I 100% disagreed with his chapter in which he dismissed any sort of world wide coordination/conspiracy. The rest of the book was amazing.

What I was observing, mentioned extensively in Desmet's book, was that people were drawn to the religious-like aspect of "the science". The pandemic response had ALL the signs of a full-on dogmatic religion. There were prophets (Fauci and other public health figures, scientists like Ferguson), priests (media, government leaders, doctors, etc), there was a savior (the scientists that brought us mRNA technology), baptism/holy water (taking the injections), religious clothing (the masks), religious observance/commandments and personal sacrifice (social distancing, staying home, watching the news), sin (not doing everything the public health officials told us to do, not taking the injections), outcasting the sinners (vaccine passports). And I could go on and on. To me, this aspect was clearly not about health or safety. It was about the human desire to listen to someone tell them what is right and wrong and then to follow it, regardless of the ridiculousness And I think the reason people were susceptible, was the messaging that they could help save humanity, by just doing simple (although dumb and useless) things, therefor, they could believe that they themselves were virtuous and good. I think it was a prideful thing actually.

One of the most important aspects was the scapegoating. The people who didn't go along with it were someone how made out to be the people who "caused all the fear, sickness, death, destruction to the economy," etc. It seems like a human nature characteristic to want to blame problems on other people. Children go through a stage of thinking like this, and many of them are able to grow and mature out of it, but many people do not, as evidence by what we witnessed and all the many historical events that follow this same pattern. Governments throughout history have used this human trait relentlessly to control people and to make average citizens do the enforcement work that the government wants them to do.

One of the reasons that I had observed these things so acutely was that I had been trying to convince family, friends and community members for about a decade that our food system was broken and that we needed to return to wholesome foods, prepared in traditional ways. I was teaching classes, sharing books, visiting with people for hours on end, starting social media support groups etc. I was very passionate about it but also tried to be proactive and give people hope. Almost everyone was interested in learning how to be healthy, until they learned that it was actually a lot of hard work and required giving up convenience food and comforting cultural habits. Then most, except a very small minority, sort of lost interest because it was too much work/time/effort/sacrifice. I was discouraged but kept trying my best to help people make meaningful healthy changes.

When the government came out and told everyone that the greatest threat to health, and by extension the greatest threat to all of mankind, was an invisible virus, and that all people needed to do was to hide for a year and then take an injection, people grabbed onto that like like it was the holy grail. And then when people were told that it was actually us dissenters who were creating all the harms, they were eager to shift the blame (subconsciously of course) from individual lifestyle choices to the new "unclean" group of villains. I watched people that I had try to convince that health came from our diet and lifestyle just fall into this ridiculous witch-hunting like state. Some of them even sent me messages telling me what a bad person I was for believing the "lies" that the virus wasn't actually very dangerous. They were telling me that mRNA was "the science" to achieve "health and safety". All this while pot shops and liquor stores stayed open but salad bars, gyms, and beaches were closed down... My mind would explode a little when I would see someone driving through the (_____ insert fast food restaurant here) drive-through with a mask.

I don't think they were interested in health at all. At least not in any logical way. They wanted an easy button to save everyone from the massive rates of chronic disease and general poor state of health we see in the world today. They want to blame viruses instead of lifestyle. They want someone to save them from the vices of our modern toxic culture and they want it to not require them to give up what they are addicted to.

I actually don't think many people will snap out of it. I think it is just easier to hear/believe that science will fix what ails most people. Look how many people still have doctors, after what we witnessed. Facing the reality, that "science" and the way that it has been hijacked is actually making us ill and we cannot find health in a pill/injection/surgery/supplement is just too difficult a truth for many people to accept. They want politicians, litigators, regulators, etc to fix it.

Most people think the medical system and public health agencies needs to be reformed but what they don't understand is that reforming them will not solve the underlying root problem of chronic disease caused by poor diet and lifestyle. Even a reformed medical system cannot create new magic pills/injections that actually solve the very real problems.

If people took responsibility for their health on a massive massive societal wide level, the current medical system would collapse under its own weight because there would no longer be money in it.

Just like the covidiots want to blame the uninjected, the people wanting the medical system/ health agencies to be reformed while continuing to eat pizza, French fries, burgers, soda/beer etc want to blame the broken system. The root of both problems is poor general health and the only people who actually have power to change that is individuals who take their power and health back by being proactive; buying from local organic farmers, preparing their own food, growing their own food, being willing to spend more time/money on what they eat, moving regularly, using good sleep hygiene principles, making strong relationship connections, limiting electronics, getting rid of toxic grooming/cleaning supplies etc.

If I am correct, it's not a hopeful thought. But that is where my thinking is currently. Apologies for the length.

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1Liked by Sasha Latypova

It is called deliberate poisoning.

The very fact that even after the so called “emergency” they are still pushing for the deadly shots, is evidence to conspiracy to commit Genocide.

I think that the first ones which should be brought to trial is the judges and police which are ignoring the evidences and looking the other way .

Once they are removed than we can go after the politicians which placed them in power.

To take down a castle made of cards we must take down what stands at its base.

Thank you for sharing Sasha

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Do you know who are the ones that has the biggest responsibility in this affair? The entire mainstream media! Because without them, this wouldn't have been possible to accomplish. All they had to do was to do their job: the journalists work for the people not for the government. Just like the doctors who take an oath, they do take an oath too: " I will always tell the truth and serve the people of my country. This is what they stand for. Not anymore. If you are a journalist reading my messages I want you to ask yourself one question: how would you like to be remembered?

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Dear, learn your history, there is no such a thing as mainstream media anymore, and as matter of fact, there never was, it is all called propaganda.

I tried to warn people about this for the last 30 years of my life.

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Yes, if you listen to David Icke - The Robots Rebellion- 1994 in Rumble - David Icke Unofficial.

The media has been compromised for a very long time and for sure governments.

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journalists don't take oaths

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Hello Sol Sön. You stated: "I think that the first ones which should be brought to trial is the judges and police which are ignoring the evidences and looking the other way." [End quote]

Absolutely! The neglect and malfeasance of our 'legal' classes are clearly proven in this denied action of Mandamus. >>> Mandamus Update - Filed Motion for Clarification of ORDERS Denying Oral Argument >>> DR. JOSEPH SANSONE >>> SEP 30, 2024


Dr. Sansone and legal advisors have been a class act right from the start. It is helpful to review the history and filed motions related to this excellent Civil action process.

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The legal action will fail. See Katherine Watt's Substack Bailiwick News. The "governor" and "surgeon-general" of Florida are protected by the immoral EUA "laws", as long as they stay within the narrative. The governor and surgeon general of Florida are murderers because of their failure to act. They know that the mRNA shots are killing people along with the hospital protocols - they cannot stop it because if they do, they are not protected under the PREP act. Covid is a global eugenics program. Peace.

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Hello SteveInFlorida. Yes. I've read most of Katherine Watt's analyses, and her critique are quite correct. I think *situations* revolving around these bogus laws will require armed revolution. Of course the civil public will be mercilessly gunned down, but at some point, persons in alleged power will also be gunned down. Happy thoughts... Not.

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Thank you for sharing Paul, class actions are the most powerful legal tool in our hands.

Trying to go after the top cards of the castle made of cards will not take it dow.

We must start from the bottom, and the all thing will collapse.

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Sol, I believe they are still pushing $$$covid$$$vaxck$$$ to keep it fresh in the minds of the faithful sheep because as $$$billy$$$ said with his lizard like smirk, "There will be more $$$scamdemics$$$."

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VA's updated guidance for the covid DeathVax from 4 Sep 2024.

Scroll down to about the middle and you will see that the VA is recommending the covid DeathVax to pregnant and nursing veterans.

The VA learned nothing from Thalidomide and DES.

Link: https://www.va.gov/health-care/covid-19-vaccine/about-covid-19-vaccine/

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Is there a truthful statement in any of that crap? Wow. And a note to the VA…all those pregnant and breastfeeding “people” are women.

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I totally missed that part in my rage and anger to the VA idiocy.

Thanks for pointing it out.

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They can't exclude biological men with chest implants who wish to be poisoned (for the umpteenth time).

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Ya... The Veterans Administration has *always* been concerned about safety... Quoted from the cited page: "The COVID-19 vaccines are safe. Scientists studied all the original Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized vaccines in at least 3 phases of clinical trials to ensure they are safe and effective. They continue to study the updated vaccines. Hundreds of millions of people have safely received COVID-19 vaccines in the U.S." [End quote] Yup. And tens of thousands of soldiers have stepped on land mines and been blown to smithereens...

The "at least 3 phases of clinical trials" rhetoric is priceless...

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Oh they sure do know what has happened with those ‘agents’ and it’s why they keep pushing their poisons.

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from the link-

About COVID-19 vaccines

Read this page to learn more about how COVID-19 vaccines protect you and how we know they’re safe. And get more information about COVID-19 vaccines during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

vile and disgusting how the VA can do that. Just think of the people reading this who still trust , if there are any left.

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😢 At least there is Florida.

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Why do you still think that the VA concerns itself with learning anything?

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Wishful thinking on my part hoping the VA won't try to kill us?

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Oct 1Liked by Sasha Latypova

So they DID have great efficacy.

Just not the efficacy people were sold!

A whole generation is now a cash cow for the heart disease medication and intervention business.

Trebles all round at Big Pharma!

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and cancer and all the other 2K "rare side effects." Great business model, poison people and then cash in on treating them for being poisoned, all the while claiming to not have a clue why they would be sick and injured.

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not to mention the funeral industry.

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Oct 1Liked by Sasha Latypova

Every UK MP that voted for the Coronavirus Act, which certainly includes the current Prime Minister, Keir Starmer, should be considered co-defendants in legal action taken by the parents of all damaged children.

These idiots, almost none of whom have any biomedical qualifications at all, seem to think they can just past idiotic laws and there are no consequences.

Well, it's about time that there were really serious consequences.

Just like there should be serious consequences for supporting a genocide in Gaza. Which Keir Starmer does and which he expects all his supine MPs to do as well.

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Oct 3Liked by Sasha Latypova

Look on the bright side. Most people will never see this study.

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Beautiful aspen art.

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1Liked by Sasha Latypova

What a beautiful counterpoint to the article. I so need the art after such news. I’ll always remember a teen student in my class who desperately wanted the shot in order to see his friends. I cried inside that day. So sad.

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How sad. How they have tortured so many that knew what was going on, forced to watch it unfold no matter how many warnings and alarms we rang.

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I tried to warn everyone I came into contact with. Not being a doctor myself, no one wanted to listen. Eventually some realized they made a mistake.

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It will be recognised how we will have to heal from what they've done and we will. Good for you Kenneth. I did the same. They laughed at me for quoting the report from the Interior Ministry of Germany early in this psyop who said absolutely do not lock down as the measures will do far more harm than covid itself. It was de Spiegel that actually linked to that report. The German government ignored and suppressed that report of course.

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Not being a doctor probably let you see the fraud more easily.

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I saw the movie Vaxxed when it first came out. That was enough to convince me never to take a vaccine again.

If you are not familiar with the movie, it went into how the CDC had evidence that the MMR vaccines cause autism. Rather than warning the public, they covered it up.

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This film was also what sent me down the never again vaxed road.

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1Liked by Sasha Latypova

>Conclusion BNT162b2 vaccination in adolescents reduced COVID-19 A&E attendance and hospitalisation, although these outcomes were rare. Protection against positive SARS-CoV-2 tests was transient.

Yeah, and I believe they do not even start counting breakthrough cases until 14 days AFTER the 2nd shot! I'm curious how adverse events occurring in the 14 days before being 'fully vaccinated' are recorded. That window was certainly a convenient place to discard 'breakthrough' cases.

If you take the time to read the various studies' methodology that the CDC was posting as 'proof' of vaccine effigy - then parse and think through all the doublespeak, you realize that that the small slices of data included in the reports usually did not actually support the conclusions. I combed through many of the reports that CDC referenced until I couldn't stand being so disgusted and pissed-off by reading them. I think I will read this one for old times sake.

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Oct 1Liked by Sasha Latypova

Regarding being disgusted and pissed off from reading CDC reports, I tried writing several essays explaining the sleight of hand that was occurring within the data presentations. What invariably occurred was no one I showed my essay to could stand to read it and reference back to the original paper. The original reports would be constructed with the data scattered throughout to intentionally obscure. It often takes considerable effort to rearrange and understand what was being said (or not). Ultimately you are on your own in these discoveries because few will take the time follow a complex thread when you are up against a 'trusted authority'.

Sasha digs into so many of the avenues of this ongoing assault on all of us, and then put them into understandable terms (and that takes some genius) and then combines it with a huge effort and perseverance. I'm glad for that.

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1Liked by Sasha Latypova

Read this (non capitalized) sentence from page 4 of the report Sasha cited:

'non-COVID-19 death, fractures and effectiveness in the first week after vaccination were considered as negative control outcomes(11).'

What category does a child having anaphylaxis, or a sudden cardiac death contribute to?

Part of my career was administering and using databases for many years. The results you obtain are defined by the queries you construct. This raises the question does this apply to just covid-19 outcomes - or also pericarditis and myocarditis?

This was just the first curiosity I encountered. If I combed through it, I'm sure there would be more - but this is a perfect example of how the bullshit is hidden in plain sight.

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Also this none testing one week post vaccination would certainly skew the data and would probably nullify their conclusion that:

“BNT162b2 vaccination in adolescents reduced COVID-19 A&E attendance and hospitalisation, although these outcomes were rare.”

As none of the vaccinated children presenting to hospitals were tested in that 7 day period.

Unfortunately many will just read the conclusion and continue parroting that the poison was effective at saving lives. The sleepwalkers don’t read the details.

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1

Actually I may be jumping to conclusions. As I continue, the answers to my question may be available (also on page 4):

'Data management and analyses were conducted in Python version 3.8.10 and R version 4.0.5. Code for data management and analysis, as well as codelists, are archived online

https://github.com/opensafely/vaccine-effectiveness-in-kids '

This is the way it should be. I might have identified an error in their analysis or just simple bad phrasing in the report. But I am free to find the calculation and look at it myself. This does not happen with data and methods in CDC reports, so my approach may be conditioned to be confrontational.

At the moment I can't say that this is a gamed report. If I see several more red flags while reading through the report, rather than shooting my mouth off at the first one I encountered, I likely will take a position. I am reluctant to dig into the code of an open-source analysis - that too is a non-trivial undertaking. Maybe the person who analyzed it can clarify...

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1

I was falling into a trap in that last comment. I am a user of and appreciator of open source projects and code, I am understating how difficult understanding a complex piece of code might be with the expression 'non-trivial undertaking'. Like a CDC report, computer code can be written in ways that are very confusing - even to its authors.

In recent decades, big corporations have harnessed many open-source projects, steering them from altruistic goals toward their own ends, so open source is no assurance of credibility.

A far better approach than attempting to read and understand the source code for opensafely, would be to download the dataset used and run your own queries - but it does not look like the actual data is included in that link. For someone experienced with SQL, asking the simplistic questions (in that report) is straightforward if the data is freely downloadable, well organized, and with meaningful field names. If not, you can be assured that the original report is meant to mislead you. This has consistently been the case with CDC reports, as any meaningful data is never available to the public.

Page 3:

'Detailed pseudonymised patient data is potentially re-identifiable and therefore not shared.'

If the data is not accessible, the report is ultimately a lie...

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Yes, I am accustomed to writing and reading these "scientific" publications, We, too used to begin with flawed or poorly defined premises which we then attempted to match to whatever data we had generated. Just the methodology section of this paper contains so many false and faked categories (for example, positive covid test and covid hospitalisations,) that it would be impossible to draw valid scientific conclusions. Which is not to say the conclusions are incorrect, only that how those conclusions were reached is nonsensical.

But, thank you for your comment (and subsequent comments which I also read.)

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1Liked by Sasha Latypova

Many of the people who work for big companies are enslaved through financial commitments to home mortgages, student and auto loans, and the responsibility to feed and cloth a family. Landing an excellent paying job can quickly set one up where not following orders or whistle-blowing will lead to blackballing and render them unemployable. The Brooke Jacksons of the world pay a high price and serve as an example.

Being trapped as part of the machinery is where employers want, and insist of in certain employees. Of course the people who write these reports, and parse the data know what they are being forced to do; but they are not the oligarch eugenicists. I’m sure most of the academics who write this shit absolutely hate their owners as well as what they are being made to do. Still they know if they don’t do it, some other chump will be overpaid for the same service. If they fight, they are rendered irrelevant without making a significant difference. It is the way of our world.

The evidence is often in these studies where the researchers leave the clues about the fraud they see in the report to sooth conscious and as both an I told you so if the facts ever come to light, and in the hopes that someone will notice in a way that will make a difference. I’m sure when you move up the ranks to bad guys who reel in the money, that are aware of this – but in their arrogance don’t really give a shit about it - and history bears that they don’t have to.

It would be wonderful if somehow an awareness could bring change, but so many people are now aware that they have been and are being assaulted by the vaccination campaign, yet that still continues...

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Oct 1Liked by Sasha Latypova

Evidence is piling up. Too much to sweep under the rug! Great Delingpod by the way

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1Liked by Sasha Latypova

In Pfizer's Phase I clinical trial report, patients were classified as non-vaccinated for 14 days after vaccination. NHS England should have the same vaccinated/non-vaccinated classification. This paper does not mention this point at all.

Side effects occur regardless of antibody production.

Therefore, the truth is even worse than this paper says.

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Oct 2Liked by Sasha Latypova

File under: Yes, this was always intended as an intentional crime against humanity and in the case of the US military and intentional war crime

Subfile under: Yes, the psychopaths and sociopaths will fight to no end to keep their desire to perpetually profit off of mass murder, maiming, trafficking, enslavement, and theft in place

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Oct 2Liked by Sasha Latypova

cc. file under "R" for Rockefeller.

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Dear Readers,

The Covid 19 so-called Vaccine experiments on firstly all animals have failed in every respect. All experimentally Covid treated mice, rats, cats and dogs etc died agonizing deaths, that’s correct, not one animal survived !

A great pity that Bill and Melinda Gates and Klaus Schwab and George Soros, those cruel and evil I allege to be Satanic Eugenicists and their equally Satanic Big Pharma bosses worldwide had not all been given the Covid 19 jabs in their upper Deltoid shoulder muscles. That would have saved any senseless mouse and rats and cats and dogs experiments in the first place and saved so many Decent Human's lives all over Planet Earth !.


Richard Leschen, Student of Common Law and Medicine! 🥹🤨🧐😃

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Oct 1Liked by Sasha Latypova

I share this information with otherwise well-intentioned and intelligent friends who are pro-vaxx and pro-c19 shots and it just doesn't register with them - AT ALL. They persist in the delusion that boosters are needed, etc. I gave up a while ago trying to persuade anyone to change their minds.

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Since I am considered to be "well educated person", I was shunned by other "well educated people" for my irresponsible position with respect to the MSM covid narrative.

The shunning continued despite all logical appeals, but a few have suddenly "seen the light".

We are conditioned/programmed to trust our keepers - our political, medical, scientific and other "good shepherds" - to have the "expertise" to keep us safe.

This delusion made the "trust the science" psy-op so powerfully compelling.

Many cannot imagine that their good shepherds might make mistakes, or might actually even be wolves in sheep's clothing.

If we cannot trust our family GP - whom we have been programmed to trust with our health and our lives - then who can we trust?

Most people just cannot cope with a total reality adjustment.

They just scramble to put the apples back in the cart regardless.

However, the facts can eventually pierce the shield of denial for some.

There is always hope.

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I hear ya. I just don't have the bandwidth anymore.

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Yep and it's not the mRNA boogeyman tech causing it, nor it's covid.

(From my article: https://robc137.substack.com/p/years-before-mrna-and-spike-protein )

"The recent observation of a similar adverse event in a recipient of the non-mRNA, peptide-based NVX-CoV2373 in the frame of a phase III clinical trial with 7020 participants in the active treatment arm raises the question whether the lipid nanoparticle sheath, which is a common structural component of these platforms could be implicated in the pathogenesis of vaccine-induced myocarditis."


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800,000 good sample size!! Now prosecute the many guilty that injected these 800,000 innocent young healthy bodies that had no chance to contact the Covid phantom in the syringe.

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"covid vaccines had no efficacy and were associated with ALL cases of myocarditis and pericarditis!"

From their point of view that is exactly what they mean with safe and effective.

THE ARCHITECT - PART TWO - https://rumble.com/v4gg0al-the-architect.html?start=3200 (53:20)

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Yes. As in, safe to say it was certainly administered- and efficient in doing the dirty job of murder. Slime bags!

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