This is full of great insight and common sense. "The PREP act declarations and EUAs remain in place for both Covid and Marburg. To keep the money and weapons and psy-op cycles flowing." Nailed it. Thank you again, Sasha.
Dr. David Martin gives a presentation to the at the International Covid Summit hosted by the ;European Parliament, on the origin of the coronavirus research as a clear bioweapon. An essential talk, gaining millions of views on Twitter in just a few hours:
We humans are being attacked in so many ways, actually, in every way that either has or will destroy our good health or even our lives, that I conclude this is a demonic-led agenda.
This is my conclusion too. You might find weekly updates quite informative. There are very few pastors that saw the evil from day 1. He lost half his "flock" when he told them what was going on!
The next plandemic, prophecised by the tapeworm class, will affect children. Check out schools and how they they're all surrounded by cell towers. Another reason to homeschool, as if we didn't have plenty reasons already.
...and the weaponization of those US and UK institutions clearly waging a war against their own citizens in tandem with, and alongside, their many other countermeasures that go beyond the vaccines, i.e., our food and water supplies have been, and will increasingly, become tainted.
Beg to differ... In many respects it was worse (much longer + lingering effects) than any flu I have experienced. While I never felt the illness was life-threatening, it was a royal pain in the ass, and was very slow to relinquish its hold. I wouldn't wish it on anyone -- (well, maybe Lindsey Graham) -- and we still don't know the long-term effects with any certainty.
Don, each person is an individual and not a herd. Renata below has told you the truth. You cannot, repeat cannot 'catch' a virus, that is the decades old lie stretching back to the late 19th century and the fraudulent germ theory.
I used to think that 'flu and other internal diseases were catching, infectious but I now realise I was wrong. I worked this out in 2020.
Viruses should be considered thus:
1. They are either poisons which are chemical not biological and must be dealt with by the immune system.
2. Or they are the exosome, part of the body's defense system. This is in fact what people are seeing under the electron microscope, a ball with bits stuck on as it were.
Coronavirus is the exosome as I keep pointing out. It can be considered as the garbage disposal man of the body, taking rubbish to the lymph system for disposal.
So it is not so much that a virus doesn't exist but that something, the exosome which is friend to the body, not foe, has been twisted into an enemy and then the lies magnified into something ginormous.
What doesn't exist except in the minds of those who fabricated the lies, are all the variants and so-called diseases, which are merely made up to make big pharma and medics look clever to justify them receiving large amounts of money for poisoning the masses of the people.
Wuhan was a psy-op pure and simple. Pollution is awful there especially in winter. Pollution causes respiratory disease. The rest was propaganda aided by the dumbing down of the public.
Marburg virus is just another psy-op to scare the masses into keep taking the vaccines which are the main disease causer although there are a whole host of other Nazi chemicals also to poison us with.
The powers that be deceive many by releasing chemicals in strategic locations or via earlier vaccines which one should avoid like the plague.
Thank you for your encouragement. Because I have a facial palsy and the associated issues, primarily energy drain/tiredness, things are a struggle (I am sure others have it far worse).
But I will not give up as I know what I must do and why. If I have to repeat the same things I will so as to wake up the masses.
However, for tired troops I did this by way of R&R if you or others haven't seen.
You felt very sick and media and those using a faulty test labeled it 'covid virus'. Have you looked into other sources of your illness except the highly propagandized 'virus'? Could it have been from exposure to man-made frequencies? To get to the bottom of the source of your illness you need to look at sources/causes that are being censored and ridiculed, not the 24/7 propaganda.
Lots of things are possible, but a simple biological infection seems most probable. I live far from typical cell tower RF fields, and the illness occurred shortly after a rare shopping trip into town, including a workout at the gym. I had no "Low and slow" exposure to assist resistance, just a big single-day dose.
Yes! This was definitely different. Never had a flu accompanied by Guillen Barre and shortness of breath for a couple of months. And there were other weird symptoms. I didn't feel my life was in danger but it was more severe than other flu.
1. We have no comparative studies on the harm of 5G frequencies vs. others, and your claim that 5G is "Stronger" is a dubious claim that needs qualification, at a minimum.
2. All mainstream political candidates are puppets, or at least not a threat to those running the show. Trump and Harris are both unacceptable, but the powers-that-be dislike Trump more than Harris. (That doesn't mean I'll be voting for him.)
3. You are in no position to tell me what I experienced, and blaming the symptoms on 5G towers flies in the face of simple logic. By that reasoning, we should have billions of sick people in hospitals now, and until 5G is no longer used. My exposure to 5G at the time was minimal, if any. I have had Flu several times; this was most definitely NOT flu.
Yes, they lie about everything, and it is up to us to draw our own conclusions -- but I will stand my own ground until a preponderance of evidence says those conclusions I've reached are incorrect.
Oh that one, I started it around 2019 but just used it in One Political Plaza. Now I just go there to kill time. As I left a message to a friend "Everyone here is braindead." Not really, some are just paper tigers.
Thank you. This is a very important video testimony about the history of coronavirus, since its 1965 discovery in the US. It was immediately identified as a potential biowarfare platform during the Vietnam years, under Lyndon Johnson's administration. This entire, detailed history is of a virus and research aimed at weaponization.
The first spike-protein vaccine patent was granted in 1990. Pfizer was granted that patent. No coronavirus vaccine ever investigated brought net benefit to the test animas, uniformly the opposite, the vaccines caused higher fatality rates when the animals were exposed to the virus after vaccination...
It has been biowarfare the whole time,apparently including the original SARS outbreak in Asia.
I hope the transcript and slides to this testimony will be posted.
I wonder if this virus theory is a necessary, but untrue, part of the masses waking up or if it's controlled opposition? Yes, they're making us sick, but not through biologicals but through poisons, heavy metals etc. It's the injection, chemtrails, EMF's, drugs, glyphosate and other toxins in our food, water etc.
you know what I think about that too?...hats off to each outspoken truth-campaigning individual for keeping to their laneway of talent and knowledge and specific expertise on these critical elements of what is at play. I've been annoyed too in the past why these individuals don't be inclusive of all we've uncovered as key. But I'm okay now and get how much energy and sap it takes to be continually putting your head on the block over and over - because others assign you as the expert on xyz. They simply don't have the energy or time or platform to be touting the "collective" issues/remedy/proofs we know.
After the successful lauch of their first bioweapon they are trying again. Next comes cyberCOVID when the internet is closed. The only way to get back online will be your WHO vaccine passport. The banks are then closing, your money will be converted in to digital currency causing hyperinflation. Disease X will then be released. The only way to travel, work, go online or shop will be with your vaccine passport and digital currency. Your currency will of couse be deleted if you protest. If this happens it will be over my dead body.
Your dead body, killed whilst protesting, will be claimed as a successful hit on a domestic terrorist. Already done at Cop City in Atlanta. The sleepwalking public will believe you were already a nutter. We have to be smart about which hill we die on. I am the same as you. Before we get there we HAVE to wake up the sleepwalking zombie conspiracy theorists I.e. those that read NYT.
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide is clearly the plan of the deranged psychopaths. Total control. Time for a deep dive into the heart of God, Non-duality, Lord Krishna, Lord Jesus, the Tao or whatever resonates as an expression of the Divine for you- that which is beyond the reach of evil doers. I won't comply, but how that will look in the material world I can't yet imagine. Think I will have to be guided by The Power That Knows The Way.
Sasha - I love your artwork - the perfect counter effect showing humanity after reporting on the psychopaths’ endless need to play God. I truly believe they will fail miserably.
Same here. I cannot help but follow my artist’s instinct and say that the more humanity, empathy, beauty we put forth into the world, the less they like it. I liken our enemies to addicts. Addicts to money and power. That changes the soul. Sucks the humanity out of people. Jesus said “blessed are the poor”.
Anyways I was going to call them inhuman, but we then get into the “othering” syndrome whereby we find it easy to dispose of them. The minions that supported the Narrative for money can dig the ditches and empty the bedpans
If only it was easy to dispose of these Nihilists- you'd think they'd welcome it. However, due process isn't quick or easy, nor should it be, even for genocidal sociopaths.
But once the facts are settled and the trials and tribunals are at the sentencing stage, the ring leaders know that they will face death by lethal injection.
The lower level useful idiots can change those bedpans with his or her medical or Nursing degree in hand, especially as needed by those whose health & lives that they helped to destroy.
Such a Parolee or prisoner work program could at least provide some benefit.
Agreed and we could all use the wealth we take away from these addicts. Let’s get the Christians to help us commandeer their wealth away from them and make that wealth work for the needy. The deafening silence is an indicator of how Jesus’s teachings were taken over by Calvinistic thought, viz. let’s get rich then we can help the poor better. Which became “let’s get rich. I would love to see a world where there were no billionaires at all. Those that drive innovation can be rewarded in other ways…keys to the city, public acknowledgement of their service. That’s all anyone wants really, to be appreciated. As if joining the billionaires club and jockeying for the next level will give anything other than acquisition syndrome, a state as far as it is possible to be from enlightened spiritual being
I have this feeling that we are in the Eye of the Storm, knowing that the backside is worse. It’s as if, in the eye, they want us to all come outside. Then the backside hits, from the other direction. Thanks for keeping us forewarned. It will help us all to be forearmed. “Avoid all injections unless absolutely necessary”.
Thanks always for such insightful takes. Rebranding war kinder gentler war where no violence is used. Only the squish of an injection. Then the real battle begins within the flesh. I find it quite amazing actually that fellow humans know exactly what they are doing in these genocide, indiscriminate killings and harming fellow beings. Then again I find it troubling that people actually get the shots and continue. Everyone walks around with a cell phone
More data information than any human ever had. Yet yet wisdom is just another 5 second flash in the attention span.
Thanks Sasha, Marburg has been one of those mysteries...
Love this painting.
For all our current sophistication in technology we have reached a demonic demonstration of what evil does with their toys. I’d like to see every bioweapon lab destroyed. Someday that too will come.
Right. Trump launched his military Operation Warp Speed to deploy the Bioweapons - as Commander-in-Chief - and people do not or will not connect those very simple dots.
The fantastical excuses and rationalization that 'Trumptards' contrive over stating this indisputable fact is absolutely astounding. His followers are in a quasi-religious cult of personality, impervious to facts, reason or logic.
Their brainwashing is so profound that they could not care less that they can not provide on shred of evidence to support any of their constructs of grandiose scenarios, and I know this for a fact, having regularly asked for evidence from these cultists for three years now.
Over all of this time, not one Trumpster has provided any citable or reliable documentation or sources supporting their contentions that include: "He had no choice! The alternative would have been worse!" "It's all part of his master plan against the DS!" or "He (Mr. 4D Chess) was lied to!" (three years ago?).
They usually do their best to bury my comments (usually with citable sources linked included), but I simply cut, past, change a few words to bypass the anti-bot algorithm and re-post it until they're off to their next Trump rally.
To be fair he did talk about HCQ and irrigating the nose prob because he saw DoD reports of what works. The Dems just capitulated. I will say that Trump didn’t start a war (reason to dump him) and when he said he’d pull out of Afghanistan a psy-op appeared. I am no Trump apologist but when I read that the editor of the Atlantic spread the rumor that Trump called WW2 dead “losers” I realize they were out to get him as he wasn’t controllable. It’s time to unite with the MAGAs against our far more dangerous common enemy. We can work all the details out later. Suffice it to say, if we don’t UNITE we are toast
He talked about HCQ but his actions were to ignore HCQ and instead sign operation warp speed. He could have assembled an early treatment team to explore early treatments but you can’t have both early treatments and EUA of an experimental gene therapy. He chose. So he gave a lot of lip service to important concepts but always acted in the interest of Big Pharma and all the regulatory agencies that pushed harmful policies. The fact that he complained about Fauci but went along with everything Fauci suggested says everything. He was appeasing the right while doing what the left wanted.
You said: "I am no Trump apologist but when I read that the editor of the Atlantic spread the rumor that Trump called WW2 dead “losers” I realize they were out to get him as he wasn’t controllable."
I regret that you are proving the point. He IS the control. He did not fight back in an obvious theft because his roll is to control. He capitulated to the madhatter for the body of the work done on us during covid, and he will be back to be hailed a savior again.
But operation warp speed is the thing, and the tidbits he throws out from time to time to be cast as the outsider, the fake entries into his residence, the threats that never materialize except out of necessity to maintain a narrative that pacifies one side or the other; no, I feel you are fulfilling the promise and asking for unity under a false flag.
Example of what's used to make him the "outsider".. he is nasty and threatening, and rightly so, even righteously so, against the clintons, who were and remain his friends. Later he said that's just what you say to get elected to the boos of his adherents.
DO not let yourself be fooled, they ARE the same side.
He did talk about alt treatments, but that dried up about the time his "crowning achievement" was being deployed.
It's true that didn't start a new war, but he sure maintained them. He also reneged on his promise to pull troops out of Syria and deployed drones to kill & assassinate, which is an act of war.
The Atlantic posts a lot of lies, so I do not assume anyone knows that their motivation was they thought he "wasn't controllable". Their motivation is not particularly relevant when it's what they do. What's retarded is that there is so much fact-based material that they could use to slam Trump.
There is no cooperation with MAGA. They demand the re-selection of their Operation Warp Speed Commander-in-Chief and those other politicians like Lake that know from personal inspection that Trumps prostate hasn't swelled in proportion to his ego. That is all they see.
I can’t disagree. All I know is if we divide ourselves we are toast. Luckily RFK is standing up and it is heartening how many right wingers say they would vote for him.
RFK Jr. called for 'climate deniers' to be arrested and sent to jail a few years back, but I'd love to see him in debates against Clot-Shot Trump with President Potato present as well.
Yes, and that has not been lost on me. The ONLY reason to support is the covid response, injectibles (but not clear he is against that) and also jfk/rfk/mlk/x/ruby ridge/okc/waco/9-11/sars/covid... He is someone who may actually be pressured into doing the right things and hoping there is a real desire to get at the real work.
BUT you are COMPLETELY right. Climate lies are quite insidious and swaying the public to be self-righteously defensive of certain lies that are key to maintaining this control. I can only hope he could be curtailed and corrected on that point.
I live in eastern north carolina near the coast. We have maybe 5 days in the 80s in May. There is nothing at all to worry about with climate except what is being injected into the atmosphere. On a cool 70 degree day elephant ears burned in the sun. Now, that should never ever ever happen. Not even full sun for more than 3 hours, but in those few hours..
Are there mirrors in the dust they spray? Capable of reflecting OR concentrating heat?
..if you believe what they want you to believe. Just see what people found when they approached him to do something about the stolen election. He very distinctly did not care. Do not be fooled.
Documented by the guy who founded WAyfair, can't remember his name, chose to forget it because he was in the room with the woman attorney who bloviatied but did nothing, but the one I remember is Mike Lindell was one of the three. He was rudely referred to by way of not naming names but being obvious by that founder guy "the mediocrity". Nonetheless, the account describes three somewhat passionate individuals speaking to an indifferent trump who seemed not at all up to speed on the narrative of the stolen election. Maybe it wasn't wayfair, but a site like that. Arrogant kind of guy. That's why I didn't particularly attribute, and because I totally forgot the guy's name.
He is so into the "law" that he stopped building the wall each time there was another lawsuit. He can't get J6 out now, but he can in January 2025. Even had he pardoned the few who had been apprehended by his office end in January, it would have only been a small percent of the many hundreds who were ultimately arrested.
Agreed. As a demo who voted for obadma not war monger Hilary nor trump at least trump took us away from UN. His Pfizer contribution make him sketchy. RFK jr best hero yet.
My favorite is when they say that Trump was tricked. Like, for three years? He’s so childlike that he still hasn’t caught on, even though he gets booed at rallies when he sings the praises of his vaccine? And you think this man is a good choice for president? The brainwashing is not limited to the left.
I was predicting that they would politically persecute Trump before the election to make him appear to be the “opposition” and to garner support since the vaccine issue was causing people to loose their excitement about him as a candidate. When they did indeed go after Trump, republicans fell for it and his support has soared. It’s just so eye rolling. So predictable. It’s rather discouraging.
Yes, the Demon-crats know what they are doing in political theater, and lap dogs licked it up as predicted by those like yourself and others.
Note how all that Trump's apologist, excuse-making idolizers ever have to offer are vapid platitudes, just as I'd stated earlier, speaking of predictable.
I don’t have Trump derangement syndrome. I’ve been a Republican my whole life. I just recognize that he suspended the constitution for an “emergency” due to a virus that had an IFR of roughly the seasonal flu (most likely lower), he told people to stay home and started sending out inflation causing “free money”, he allowed property rights to be suspended, he printed billions of dollars for Covid relief (causing more inflation), he pushed endless testing, he allowed government agencies to shut down free speech, he signed Operation Warp Speed, and he kept Fauci and Birx in positions of power which allowed them to direct the demolition of our country. He did all this while ignoring voices of reason. If Trumps presidency was your idea of opposition to tyranny, we disagree. I know what TDS is and it’s real. It’s just not me. I just want to have a president in office that does more than lip service to opposing tyranny.
Kennedy is serious about opposing tyranny and has spoken out from the beginning. DeSantis seams serious and opposed a lot of the tyranny )although he went along with it for a short time). I want to see debate with those two and the current front runners on one stage. I’m sure the MSM will do everything in their power to prevent that.
Well, it’s definitely not how I see the Republican Party now that I’m a lot more aware of the charade. I stopped watching Fox News when Trump was hailed as a savior. I was almost going to stop voting but having RFK Jr in the race has piqued my interest. I doubt a decent, sincere person, who is not controlled by big industry, is ever allowed to make it past the primaries but stranger things have happened.
I like to think of it as a Good Cop/Bad Cop set up. All the democrats think Biden is the good cop. All the republicans think Trump is the good cop. Meanwhile the country is destroyed by limitless spending, never ending wars, unaccountable bureaucrats, emergency powers, and so on.
Yes it really should have been a warning to the sensible to take heed and duck the incoming crap. The implied reference to Star Trek was laughable, but some people took it seriously. People can be very dim.
"Connecting the dots "is easy, I did that in kindergarten with crayons, so is Monday morning quarterbacking. What I don't see is evidence of " intent to cause harm " by Trump. I don't think any of us realized how deep and dastardly the "deep state " was! It took three years of going down rabbit holes to find out what we know now, thanks to wonderful people like Sasha and many others on these stacks. Hindsight is usually perfect! But we will never have a perfect president. Wouldn't we all have loved to be in the room when decisions were being made? I'm positive nobody here would want the task of the presidency .God help our next president!
Here is your evidence: Over three years later and he still encourages people to take his clot-shot. If that does not show intent, then there is no hope for you at this poing.
I agree. It's inexcusable. Either he was too stupid to be president, or he is intentionally culpable/complicit. There are no other options. A person worthy of the Presidency would commit to, [stop the bioweapon shots, confiscate the supply, analyze the contents forensically, destroy the remainder], per Dr. Joseph Sansone, Florida.
I had to laugh last year when Trump had an early campaign event somewhere in Alabama and somehow urged the crowd to take the shot and was booed by the crowd.
The citizens of the USA in general have been taking clot shots for years and years. All vaccines and all big pharma drugs have been poisoning the populace increasingly for decades.
If Trump still encourages people to get the shot and the Biden loving supporters take it, despite hating Trump then that shows how very, very, dim they are and what their true characters are.
If Trump supporters still get the shots despite the obvious harms and deaths then they are thick as two short planks if not thicker.
The whole program is to get the good and wise people of the States to wake up and get fighting to sort out the ghastly mess you are in. I am in the UK and we have similar problems but even ours seem far less than the USA.
If the vaccine programme had not been pushed then none of the deep seated deep state problems would have been exposed so widely. The world is waking up. If COVID 19 had not come this would not have happened.
In my tagged on comment to my post above I said 2 out of 10 republicans. I may have been optimistic and a higher ratio may still be taking the wretched things.
I don’t think there was a conscious attempt to cause harm. IMO there was an opportunity to make money, and Donald was raised that way. Plus it was correctly explained to him by the perpetrators that if he didn’t play along there would be serious consequences. He was not the first human to accept a bribe.
Hey Richard, thanks for your reply. "Plus it was correctly explained to him by the perpetrators that if he didn't play along there would be serious consequences. " I'm not sure what you mean by that, can you further explain? Thanks!
Thanks Richard for your honest answer that you were speculating. I appreciate that. I thought you were stating a fact that I was unaware of. I guess maybe the point I was trying to make was that none of us were there.
What names? If it is "Trumptard" it is an apt description of MAGA cultists that argue just like a "Libtard", meaning emotive based unreason.
Are you concerned about being divisive with those who openly praise and excuse a genocidal mass murderer? Even if Trump is so stupid that he still believes a blatant lie three years later (I do not think he could possibly be that stupid), this does NOT excuse his liability for his actions and promoting of his bioweapon deployments.
Who's worried about being "divisive" with those who condone or excuse Democide?
An truthful statement about another can not be an "ad hominem". Satire and derision is useful as well, such as when calling out the Trumptards that quibble about such things as they define "Patriots" as those who support and excuse Warp Speed Clot-Shot Trump of his genocidal crimes against humanity.
Maybe it will wake some up as others wring their hand that someone made up a satirical name for the Death-Count Don, who is ironically known for his ad hominems that are based on a lie, as he does with DeSatanist and others regularly.
Do you remember the times tables? Also known as multiplication tables.
For example, 3 × 1 = 3; 3 × 2 = 6; 3 × 2 = 9; etc.
Kids are supposed to memorize tables to be allowed to become adults and get robbed like everyone else.
Bright kids intuit right away that for every finite table there is a finite formula, and every formula can be expressed as a table. That's how "computer science" started out four hundred years ago, btw.
So, going back to our problem. Pray tell the multiplication table for nil, nought or zero. That table looks a lot like viroliegy.
Also, if you add up all positive numbers from 1 to 20, and multiply that computation by virus, the result is virus. In fact, no one needs to sum anything, we simply apply the rule that any sum of positive numbers is also a positive number and that any number multiplied by virus is another virus. Which saves much calculation time.
As a side note, there is a formula to add correlative numbers up to a number n, which is something like:
2 × SUM = n × (n + 1)
for instance, let n = 20;
then, n + 1 = 21 and 20*21 = 420;
420 is equal to two times the sum of [1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ... + 20];
I refuse to acknowledge that there are deadly viruses running wild. I haven't encountered any during my 73 years. So, if I should encounter any and they kill me dead, then perhaps I failed to avoid it. What should I have done? Gotten drugged up with useless vaccines and mRNA injections? Run to my clueless doctor? Check into a death hospital? What...other than what I have been doing for decades that has kept me alive. Mainly avoiding the medical mafia.
2. Or they are the exosome, part of the body's defense system. This is in fact what people are seeing under the electron microscope, a ball with bits stuck on as it were.
Coronavirus is the exosome as I keep pointing out. It can be considered as the garbage disposal man of the body, taking rubbish to the lymph system for disposal.
So it is not so much that a virus doesn't exist but that something, the exosome which is friend to the body, not foe, has been twisted into an enemy and then the lies magnified into something ginormous.
What doesn't exist except in the minds of those who fabricated the lies, are all the variants and so-called diseases, which are merely made up to make big pharma and medics look clever to justify them receiving large amounts of money for poisoning the masses of the people.
Wuhan was a psy-op pure and simple. Pollution is awful there especially in winter. Pollution causes respiratory disease. The rest was propaganda aided by the dumbing down of the public.
Hi Sasha - Parallel universes - the world of our crazed mad government engaged in evil perpetrated on its own population and the world of the humble peasants engaged in a meaningful task. I am inspired to emulate the humble life by cooking healthy meals and resuming creativity through crocheting beautiful decorative and wearable items. Thanks for always ending with art to inspire us to see another way of life and to challenge the ugliness of the world our overlords have tried to create.
yes! thank you Sasha for your art & all your efforts to keep us informed. It's a heavy weight to bear. Make sure to take extra special care of yourself. Stress like this isn't healthy for any of us, let alone the level of stress that comes with the burden of knowing. Blessings to you & your loved ones. Take care!
If the Deagle Report pans out...the next couple years are going to be doozies.
US population by 2025 in the 70-100 million range. If it happens I doubt most of my inlaws would notice. Once you get that hook deep enuf down the does not come out.
re: the Daegle Report ~ this means approx 2 out of 3 living in the USA will be dead. I'm dreading the next few years. My entire family has been double/triple vaxxed & they told me to cease & desist with emailing them my "conspiracy theories" AND, " they don't read them anyway."
me too - but from only one family member? the others are silent. completely silent. I don't know what is worse. You and I did the right thing though. THAT helps !
Excellent article and thank you for re-ordering the mental framework/perspective to a militarized one. We are foolish, in this day and age, for not having done it sooner and with more than just "medicines".
My more appreciative comment is - Thanks for the art. It captures (on so many level) a simplicity, purity and genuineness of life, we will see erased in our life times...that used to be the norm. Sad and sobering.
So I'm supposed to think Breggin, of all people, is controlled? Right.
I lead myself, that's it. I would never be so presumptuous as to imagine I'm going to "lead" any of the men you mentioned - in any way. I see that Kory and McCullough have lost careers while standing up for early repurposed therapeutics - for the past three years. I see that they have provided the protocols, providers and ways to secure the products you need in order to not wind up in the hospital. FLCCC has been an essential tool for me, and the proper response is to be grateful for it. So no, I'm NOT likely to observe whatever it is you're suggesting.
Malone cannot be put into the same sentence with the other men. Malone's eyes radiate nothing. What else can be said - you want to stay as far away from that as possible.
This is full of great insight and common sense. "The PREP act declarations and EUAs remain in place for both Covid and Marburg. To keep the money and weapons and psy-op cycles flowing." Nailed it. Thank you again, Sasha.
Totally agree. Another brilliant article from Sasha. Respect.
Dr. David Martin gives a presentation to the at the International Covid Summit hosted by the ;European Parliament, on the origin of the coronavirus research as a clear bioweapon. An essential talk, gaining millions of views on Twitter in just a few hours:
The alleged corona virus was no more potent than any Flu. The real bioweapon was and remains the injecticides.
And the 5G and chemtrail/aerosols are contributing.
We humans are being attacked in so many ways, actually, in every way that either has or will destroy our good health or even our lives, that I conclude this is a demonic-led agenda.
This is my conclusion too. You might find weekly updates quite informative. There are very few pastors that saw the evil from day 1. He lost half his "flock" when he told them what was going on!
well they never were "of" his flock to begin with were they! good for him!
Good. That sorted out the wheat from the tares.
I have seen jd Farag and he seems to be well on track.
Wolves in sheep's clothing.
Pastor Chuck Baldwin is also well aware of this evil since early on, and he has produced some great videos too.
Without a doubt.
They have been along with fluoride and all the other immune system weakeners people inject-- Pharma, vax -- childhood on. Welcome to reality.
Intuitively you have to assume a connection given what we know for sure now.
The next plandemic, prophecised by the tapeworm class, will affect children. Check out schools and how they they're all surrounded by cell towers. Another reason to homeschool, as if we didn't have plenty reasons already.
...and the weaponization of those US and UK institutions clearly waging a war against their own citizens in tandem with, and alongside, their many other countermeasures that go beyond the vaccines, i.e., our food and water supplies have been, and will increasingly, become tainted.
Beg to differ... In many respects it was worse (much longer + lingering effects) than any flu I have experienced. While I never felt the illness was life-threatening, it was a royal pain in the ass, and was very slow to relinquish its hold. I wouldn't wish it on anyone -- (well, maybe Lindsey Graham) -- and we still don't know the long-term effects with any certainty.
Don, each person is an individual and not a herd. Renata below has told you the truth. You cannot, repeat cannot 'catch' a virus, that is the decades old lie stretching back to the late 19th century and the fraudulent germ theory.
I used to think that 'flu and other internal diseases were catching, infectious but I now realise I was wrong. I worked this out in 2020.
Viruses should be considered thus:
1. They are either poisons which are chemical not biological and must be dealt with by the immune system.
2. Or they are the exosome, part of the body's defense system. This is in fact what people are seeing under the electron microscope, a ball with bits stuck on as it were.
Coronavirus is the exosome as I keep pointing out. It can be considered as the garbage disposal man of the body, taking rubbish to the lymph system for disposal.
So it is not so much that a virus doesn't exist but that something, the exosome which is friend to the body, not foe, has been twisted into an enemy and then the lies magnified into something ginormous.
What doesn't exist except in the minds of those who fabricated the lies, are all the variants and so-called diseases, which are merely made up to make big pharma and medics look clever to justify them receiving large amounts of money for poisoning the masses of the people.
Wuhan was a psy-op pure and simple. Pollution is awful there especially in winter. Pollution causes respiratory disease. The rest was propaganda aided by the dumbing down of the public.
Marburg virus is just another psy-op to scare the masses into keep taking the vaccines which are the main disease causer although there are a whole host of other Nazi chemicals also to poison us with.
The powers that be deceive many by releasing chemicals in strategic locations or via earlier vaccines which one should avoid like the plague.
Well said friend, good to remind us of this truth-filled framework, no matter how tired the troops are
Thank you for your encouragement. Because I have a facial palsy and the associated issues, primarily energy drain/tiredness, things are a struggle (I am sure others have it far worse).
But I will not give up as I know what I must do and why. If I have to repeat the same things I will so as to wake up the masses.
However, for tired troops I did this by way of R&R if you or others haven't seen.
You felt very sick and media and those using a faulty test labeled it 'covid virus'. Have you looked into other sources of your illness except the highly propagandized 'virus'? Could it have been from exposure to man-made frequencies? To get to the bottom of the source of your illness you need to look at sources/causes that are being censored and ridiculed, not the 24/7 propaganda.
Lots of things are possible, but a simple biological infection seems most probable. I live far from typical cell tower RF fields, and the illness occurred shortly after a rare shopping trip into town, including a workout at the gym. I had no "Low and slow" exposure to assist resistance, just a big single-day dose.
Don, please bear in mind that some people have been insanely sanitizing everything to death and one can pick up chemical poisons from these actions.
Long Haul covid(or whatever it truly is).
Yes! This was definitely different. Never had a flu accompanied by Guillen Barre and shortness of breath for a couple of months. And there were other weird symptoms. I didn't feel my life was in danger but it was more severe than other flu.
What know-it-all arrogance...
1. We have no comparative studies on the harm of 5G frequencies vs. others, and your claim that 5G is "Stronger" is a dubious claim that needs qualification, at a minimum.
2. All mainstream political candidates are puppets, or at least not a threat to those running the show. Trump and Harris are both unacceptable, but the powers-that-be dislike Trump more than Harris. (That doesn't mean I'll be voting for him.)
3. You are in no position to tell me what I experienced, and blaming the symptoms on 5G towers flies in the face of simple logic. By that reasoning, we should have billions of sick people in hospitals now, and until 5G is no longer used. My exposure to 5G at the time was minimal, if any. I have had Flu several times; this was most definitely NOT flu.
Yes, they lie about everything, and it is up to us to draw our own conclusions -- but I will stand my own ground until a preponderance of evidence says those conclusions I've reached are incorrect.
Agreed. Frankly I'm tired of hearing about something that never happened. The bioweapon, and what they put us through were the problem, not the Wuflu.
Oh that one, I started it around 2019 but just used it in One Political Plaza. Now I just go there to kill time. As I left a message to a friend "Everyone here is braindead." Not really, some are just paper tigers.
Use it all you like.
Thank you. This is a very important video testimony about the history of coronavirus, since its 1965 discovery in the US. It was immediately identified as a potential biowarfare platform during the Vietnam years, under Lyndon Johnson's administration. This entire, detailed history is of a virus and research aimed at weaponization.
The first spike-protein vaccine patent was granted in 1990. Pfizer was granted that patent. No coronavirus vaccine ever investigated brought net benefit to the test animas, uniformly the opposite, the vaccines caused higher fatality rates when the animals were exposed to the virus after vaccination...
It has been biowarfare the whole time,apparently including the original SARS outbreak in Asia.
I hope the transcript and slides to this testimony will be posted.
"since its 1965 discovery in the US"
Citation would be helpful? I think you may find the word is 'invention'.
I am looking forward to the slides and transcript of the video presentation. This is not my own assertion, but is from that video presentation.
link to the video presentation please? you tempted us, but not link to find the details ;)
The link was in the comment to which I replied above, but it has become spaced out over time.
well reported..need to know !
Thanks! This was excellent.
I wonder if this virus theory is a necessary, but untrue, part of the masses waking up or if it's controlled opposition? Yes, they're making us sick, but not through biologicals but through poisons, heavy metals etc. It's the injection, chemtrails, EMF's, drugs, glyphosate and other toxins in our food, water etc.
Yes, yes and again yes! More yeses available if you need them....
just incredible wasn't it
I did see something on twitter about DM being a Freemason. Will have to look it up
thanks for posting. what do you think?
you know what I think about that too?...hats off to each outspoken truth-campaigning individual for keeping to their laneway of talent and knowledge and specific expertise on these critical elements of what is at play. I've been annoyed too in the past why these individuals don't be inclusive of all we've uncovered as key. But I'm okay now and get how much energy and sap it takes to be continually putting your head on the block over and over - because others assign you as the expert on xyz. They simply don't have the energy or time or platform to be touting the "collective" issues/remedy/proofs we know.
The question is up what do they get the thumbs?? :)
After the successful lauch of their first bioweapon they are trying again. Next comes cyberCOVID when the internet is closed. The only way to get back online will be your WHO vaccine passport. The banks are then closing, your money will be converted in to digital currency causing hyperinflation. Disease X will then be released. The only way to travel, work, go online or shop will be with your vaccine passport and digital currency. Your currency will of couse be deleted if you protest. If this happens it will be over my dead body.
Your dead body, killed whilst protesting, will be claimed as a successful hit on a domestic terrorist. Already done at Cop City in Atlanta. The sleepwalking public will believe you were already a nutter. We have to be smart about which hill we die on. I am the same as you. Before we get there we HAVE to wake up the sleepwalking zombie conspiracy theorists I.e. those that read NYT.
And all the other rags!
yep !
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide is clearly the plan of the deranged psychopaths. Total control. Time for a deep dive into the heart of God, Non-duality, Lord Krishna, Lord Jesus, the Tao or whatever resonates as an expression of the Divine for you- that which is beyond the reach of evil doers. I won't comply, but how that will look in the material world I can't yet imagine. Think I will have to be guided by The Power That Knows The Way.
Possible linearity if people respond only to linear thinking.
Sasha - I love your artwork - the perfect counter effect showing humanity after reporting on the psychopaths’ endless need to play God. I truly believe they will fail miserably.
Same here. I cannot help but follow my artist’s instinct and say that the more humanity, empathy, beauty we put forth into the world, the less they like it. I liken our enemies to addicts. Addicts to money and power. That changes the soul. Sucks the humanity out of people. Jesus said “blessed are the poor”.
Anyways I was going to call them inhuman, but we then get into the “othering” syndrome whereby we find it easy to dispose of them. The minions that supported the Narrative for money can dig the ditches and empty the bedpans
Wonderful comment-- shine humanity's light on them-- it blinds and weakens them. Continue to be our best human selves.
If only it was easy to dispose of these Nihilists- you'd think they'd welcome it. However, due process isn't quick or easy, nor should it be, even for genocidal sociopaths.
But once the facts are settled and the trials and tribunals are at the sentencing stage, the ring leaders know that they will face death by lethal injection.
The lower level useful idiots can change those bedpans with his or her medical or Nursing degree in hand, especially as needed by those whose health & lives that they helped to destroy.
Such a Parolee or prisoner work program could at least provide some benefit.
Agreed and we could all use the wealth we take away from these addicts. Let’s get the Christians to help us commandeer their wealth away from them and make that wealth work for the needy. The deafening silence is an indicator of how Jesus’s teachings were taken over by Calvinistic thought, viz. let’s get rich then we can help the poor better. Which became “let’s get rich. I would love to see a world where there were no billionaires at all. Those that drive innovation can be rewarded in other ways…keys to the city, public acknowledgement of their service. That’s all anyone wants really, to be appreciated. As if joining the billionaires club and jockeying for the next level will give anything other than acquisition syndrome, a state as far as it is possible to be from enlightened spiritual being
and it WILL be SO EASY to dispose of them...sell tickets i'll buy them all
I thought the same... just a husband and wife living simply, harming no one & preparing healthy foods. Life should be so lovely and simple.
I have this feeling that we are in the Eye of the Storm, knowing that the backside is worse. It’s as if, in the eye, they want us to all come outside. Then the backside hits, from the other direction. Thanks for keeping us forewarned. It will help us all to be forearmed. “Avoid all injections unless absolutely necessary”.
Thanks always for such insightful takes. Rebranding war kinder gentler war where no violence is used. Only the squish of an injection. Then the real battle begins within the flesh. I find it quite amazing actually that fellow humans know exactly what they are doing in these genocide, indiscriminate killings and harming fellow beings. Then again I find it troubling that people actually get the shots and continue. Everyone walks around with a cell phone
More data information than any human ever had. Yet yet wisdom is just another 5 second flash in the attention span.
Thanks Sasha, Marburg has been one of those mysteries...
Love this painting.
For all our current sophistication in technology we have reached a demonic demonstration of what evil does with their toys. I’d like to see every bioweapon lab destroyed. Someday that too will come.
Right. Trump launched his military Operation Warp Speed to deploy the Bioweapons - as Commander-in-Chief - and people do not or will not connect those very simple dots.
The fantastical excuses and rationalization that 'Trumptards' contrive over stating this indisputable fact is absolutely astounding. His followers are in a quasi-religious cult of personality, impervious to facts, reason or logic.
Their brainwashing is so profound that they could not care less that they can not provide on shred of evidence to support any of their constructs of grandiose scenarios, and I know this for a fact, having regularly asked for evidence from these cultists for three years now.
Over all of this time, not one Trumpster has provided any citable or reliable documentation or sources supporting their contentions that include: "He had no choice! The alternative would have been worse!" "It's all part of his master plan against the DS!" or "He (Mr. 4D Chess) was lied to!" (three years ago?).
They usually do their best to bury my comments (usually with citable sources linked included), but I simply cut, past, change a few words to bypass the anti-bot algorithm and re-post it until they're off to their next Trump rally.
To be fair he did talk about HCQ and irrigating the nose prob because he saw DoD reports of what works. The Dems just capitulated. I will say that Trump didn’t start a war (reason to dump him) and when he said he’d pull out of Afghanistan a psy-op appeared. I am no Trump apologist but when I read that the editor of the Atlantic spread the rumor that Trump called WW2 dead “losers” I realize they were out to get him as he wasn’t controllable. It’s time to unite with the MAGAs against our far more dangerous common enemy. We can work all the details out later. Suffice it to say, if we don’t UNITE we are toast
He talked about HCQ but his actions were to ignore HCQ and instead sign operation warp speed. He could have assembled an early treatment team to explore early treatments but you can’t have both early treatments and EUA of an experimental gene therapy. He chose. So he gave a lot of lip service to important concepts but always acted in the interest of Big Pharma and all the regulatory agencies that pushed harmful policies. The fact that he complained about Fauci but went along with everything Fauci suggested says everything. He was appeasing the right while doing what the left wanted.
and he also went to the hospital and used the monoclonal antibodies rather than hcq or iverm....
You said: "I am no Trump apologist but when I read that the editor of the Atlantic spread the rumor that Trump called WW2 dead “losers” I realize they were out to get him as he wasn’t controllable."
I regret that you are proving the point. He IS the control. He did not fight back in an obvious theft because his roll is to control. He capitulated to the madhatter for the body of the work done on us during covid, and he will be back to be hailed a savior again.
But operation warp speed is the thing, and the tidbits he throws out from time to time to be cast as the outsider, the fake entries into his residence, the threats that never materialize except out of necessity to maintain a narrative that pacifies one side or the other; no, I feel you are fulfilling the promise and asking for unity under a false flag.
Example of what's used to make him the "outsider".. he is nasty and threatening, and rightly so, even righteously so, against the clintons, who were and remain his friends. Later he said that's just what you say to get elected to the boos of his adherents.
DO not let yourself be fooled, they ARE the same side.
Actors is all we get these days.
He did talk about alt treatments, but that dried up about the time his "crowning achievement" was being deployed.
It's true that didn't start a new war, but he sure maintained them. He also reneged on his promise to pull troops out of Syria and deployed drones to kill & assassinate, which is an act of war.
The Atlantic posts a lot of lies, so I do not assume anyone knows that their motivation was they thought he "wasn't controllable". Their motivation is not particularly relevant when it's what they do. What's retarded is that there is so much fact-based material that they could use to slam Trump.
There is no cooperation with MAGA. They demand the re-selection of their Operation Warp Speed Commander-in-Chief and those other politicians like Lake that know from personal inspection that Trumps prostate hasn't swelled in proportion to his ego. That is all they see.
I can’t disagree. All I know is if we divide ourselves we are toast. Luckily RFK is standing up and it is heartening how many right wingers say they would vote for him.
Yes, this is the more honest person to maybe resolve much that has gone on since his uncle's, and our country's, demise.
RFK Jr. called for 'climate deniers' to be arrested and sent to jail a few years back, but I'd love to see him in debates against Clot-Shot Trump with President Potato present as well.
Yes, and that has not been lost on me. The ONLY reason to support is the covid response, injectibles (but not clear he is against that) and also jfk/rfk/mlk/x/ruby ridge/okc/waco/9-11/sars/covid... He is someone who may actually be pressured into doing the right things and hoping there is a real desire to get at the real work.
BUT you are COMPLETELY right. Climate lies are quite insidious and swaying the public to be self-righteously defensive of certain lies that are key to maintaining this control. I can only hope he could be curtailed and corrected on that point.
I live in eastern north carolina near the coast. We have maybe 5 days in the 80s in May. There is nothing at all to worry about with climate except what is being injected into the atmosphere. On a cool 70 degree day elephant ears burned in the sun. Now, that should never ever ever happen. Not even full sun for more than 3 hours, but in those few hours..
Are there mirrors in the dust they spray? Capable of reflecting OR concentrating heat?
You are incorrect and vitriolic. Obviously, something touched a nerve. Trump was one of the kindest men in DC. He loves the American people.
..if you believe what they want you to believe. Just see what people found when they approached him to do something about the stolen election. He very distinctly did not care. Do not be fooled.
You have an actual source? Who are the "people"? If it were true DeSantis would have already brought it up.
Documented by the guy who founded WAyfair, can't remember his name, chose to forget it because he was in the room with the woman attorney who bloviatied but did nothing, but the one I remember is Mike Lindell was one of the three. He was rudely referred to by way of not naming names but being obvious by that founder guy "the mediocrity". Nonetheless, the account describes three somewhat passionate individuals speaking to an indifferent trump who seemed not at all up to speed on the narrative of the stolen election. Maybe it wasn't wayfair, but a site like that. Arrogant kind of guy. That's why I didn't particularly attribute, and because I totally forgot the guy's name.
He is so into the "law" that he stopped building the wall each time there was another lawsuit. He can't get J6 out now, but he can in January 2025. Even had he pardoned the few who had been apprehended by his office end in January, it would have only been a small percent of the many hundreds who were ultimately arrested.
Trump supporters want to believe that he really will drain the Swamp.
People need to believe in someone on their side and they believe he was hoodwinked into making the bio weapon or they ignore it.
Agreed. As a demo who voted for obadma not war monger Hilary nor trump at least trump took us away from UN. His Pfizer contribution make him sketchy. RFK jr best hero yet.
Hear hear!!!!
well they can pick you off very easily. they have all the money all the resources. maybe they will pre-crime you and the herd will let it go.
My favorite is when they say that Trump was tricked. Like, for three years? He’s so childlike that he still hasn’t caught on, even though he gets booed at rallies when he sings the praises of his vaccine? And you think this man is a good choice for president? The brainwashing is not limited to the left.
Indeed, they have BOTH of the same side covered.
I was predicting that they would politically persecute Trump before the election to make him appear to be the “opposition” and to garner support since the vaccine issue was causing people to loose their excitement about him as a candidate. When they did indeed go after Trump, republicans fell for it and his support has soared. It’s just so eye rolling. So predictable. It’s rather discouraging.
Yes, the Demon-crats know what they are doing in political theater, and lap dogs licked it up as predicted by those like yourself and others.
Note how all that Trump's apologist, excuse-making idolizers ever have to offer are vapid platitudes, just as I'd stated earlier, speaking of predictable.
What do you mean by “those like yourself”? Are you saying that I fell for the “political persecution” bit?
No, I meant those who saw this coming ahead of time. I should have stated this clearer. My apologies for the ambiguity.
I don’t have Trump derangement syndrome. I’ve been a Republican my whole life. I just recognize that he suspended the constitution for an “emergency” due to a virus that had an IFR of roughly the seasonal flu (most likely lower), he told people to stay home and started sending out inflation causing “free money”, he allowed property rights to be suspended, he printed billions of dollars for Covid relief (causing more inflation), he pushed endless testing, he allowed government agencies to shut down free speech, he signed Operation Warp Speed, and he kept Fauci and Birx in positions of power which allowed them to direct the demolition of our country. He did all this while ignoring voices of reason. If Trumps presidency was your idea of opposition to tyranny, we disagree. I know what TDS is and it’s real. It’s just not me. I just want to have a president in office that does more than lip service to opposing tyranny.
Kennedy is serious about opposing tyranny and has spoken out from the beginning. DeSantis seams serious and opposed a lot of the tyranny )although he went along with it for a short time). I want to see debate with those two and the current front runners on one stage. I’m sure the MSM will do everything in their power to prevent that.
Well, it’s definitely not how I see the Republican Party now that I’m a lot more aware of the charade. I stopped watching Fox News when Trump was hailed as a savior. I was almost going to stop voting but having RFK Jr in the race has piqued my interest. I doubt a decent, sincere person, who is not controlled by big industry, is ever allowed to make it past the primaries but stranger things have happened.
Is neither an option? Haha!
I like to think of it as a Good Cop/Bad Cop set up. All the democrats think Biden is the good cop. All the republicans think Trump is the good cop. Meanwhile the country is destroyed by limitless spending, never ending wars, unaccountable bureaucrats, emergency powers, and so on.
I’m about 75% there…
That was one of my first warnings of bullshit ahead, a solution called "Warp Speed" coming out of the Trump Administration.
Yes it really should have been a warning to the sensible to take heed and duck the incoming crap. The implied reference to Star Trek was laughable, but some people took it seriously. People can be very dim.
"Connecting the dots "is easy, I did that in kindergarten with crayons, so is Monday morning quarterbacking. What I don't see is evidence of " intent to cause harm " by Trump. I don't think any of us realized how deep and dastardly the "deep state " was! It took three years of going down rabbit holes to find out what we know now, thanks to wonderful people like Sasha and many others on these stacks. Hindsight is usually perfect! But we will never have a perfect president. Wouldn't we all have loved to be in the room when decisions were being made? I'm positive nobody here would want the task of the presidency .God help our next president!
Here is your evidence: Over three years later and he still encourages people to take his clot-shot. If that does not show intent, then there is no hope for you at this poing.
I agree. It's inexcusable. Either he was too stupid to be president, or he is intentionally culpable/complicit. There are no other options. A person worthy of the Presidency would commit to, [stop the bioweapon shots, confiscate the supply, analyze the contents forensically, destroy the remainder], per Dr. Joseph Sansone, Florida.
I had to laugh last year when Trump had an early campaign event somewhere in Alabama and somehow urged the crowd to take the shot and was booed by the crowd.
The citizens of the USA in general have been taking clot shots for years and years. All vaccines and all big pharma drugs have been poisoning the populace increasingly for decades.
If Trump still encourages people to get the shot and the Biden loving supporters take it, despite hating Trump then that shows how very, very, dim they are and what their true characters are.
If Trump supporters still get the shots despite the obvious harms and deaths then they are thick as two short planks if not thicker.
The whole program is to get the good and wise people of the States to wake up and get fighting to sort out the ghastly mess you are in. I am in the UK and we have similar problems but even ours seem far less than the USA.
If the vaccine programme had not been pushed then none of the deep seated deep state problems would have been exposed so widely. The world is waking up. If COVID 19 had not come this would not have happened.
In my tagged on comment to my post above I said 2 out of 10 republicans. I may have been optimistic and a higher ratio may still be taking the wretched things.
All that was needed was a virtuous president. Such will never be selected again.
Thanks John, "Such will never be selected again " Did we ever really have one? I agree with "selected " BTW.
I don’t think there was a conscious attempt to cause harm. IMO there was an opportunity to make money, and Donald was raised that way. Plus it was correctly explained to him by the perpetrators that if he didn’t play along there would be serious consequences. He was not the first human to accept a bribe.
Hey Richard, thanks for your reply. "Plus it was correctly explained to him by the perpetrators that if he didn't play along there would be serious consequences. " I'm not sure what you mean by that, can you further explain? Thanks!
I can only speculate, of course, because I wasn't there.
Maybe somebody reminded him of what happened to JFK for standing up to the deep state?
Thanks Richard for your honest answer that you were speculating. I appreciate that. I thought you were stating a fact that I was unaware of. I guess maybe the point I was trying to make was that none of us were there.
Yes, I am a life long student of human behavior, especially humans behaving in the halls of government. I am cynical too.
As James Madison noted, in truth all men holding power ought to be mistrusted.
Ha! Are you God or our next president?
Ah....typical politician answer, so I'm guessing our next president 😉
My take on it is that DARPA/DOD created/named Warp Speed and Donald just went along for a percentage off the top.
Why the names? really-- enough of the divisive anger.
What names? If it is "Trumptard" it is an apt description of MAGA cultists that argue just like a "Libtard", meaning emotive based unreason.
Are you concerned about being divisive with those who openly praise and excuse a genocidal mass murderer? Even if Trump is so stupid that he still believes a blatant lie three years later (I do not think he could possibly be that stupid), this does NOT excuse his liability for his actions and promoting of his bioweapon deployments.
Who's worried about being "divisive" with those who condone or excuse Democide?
I'm not.
I disagree with your theory and ad hominem attacks calling Patriots (Trumptards).
An truthful statement about another can not be an "ad hominem". Satire and derision is useful as well, such as when calling out the Trumptards that quibble about such things as they define "Patriots" as those who support and excuse Warp Speed Clot-Shot Trump of his genocidal crimes against humanity.
Maybe it will wake some up as others wring their hand that someone made up a satirical name for the Death-Count Don, who is ironically known for his ad hominems that are based on a lie, as he does with DeSatanist and others regularly.
Fear and deception have killed more people than all viruses put together.
what viruses
Do you remember the times tables? Also known as multiplication tables.
For example, 3 × 1 = 3; 3 × 2 = 6; 3 × 2 = 9; etc.
Kids are supposed to memorize tables to be allowed to become adults and get robbed like everyone else.
Bright kids intuit right away that for every finite table there is a finite formula, and every formula can be expressed as a table. That's how "computer science" started out four hundred years ago, btw.
So, going back to our problem. Pray tell the multiplication table for nil, nought or zero. That table looks a lot like viroliegy.
Also, if you add up all positive numbers from 1 to 20, and multiply that computation by virus, the result is virus. In fact, no one needs to sum anything, we simply apply the rule that any sum of positive numbers is also a positive number and that any number multiplied by virus is another virus. Which saves much calculation time.
As a side note, there is a formula to add correlative numbers up to a number n, which is something like:
2 × SUM = n × (n + 1)
for instance, let n = 20;
then, n + 1 = 21 and 20*21 = 420;
420 is equal to two times the sum of [1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ... + 20];
Isn't Substack nice?
I was in agreeance with your primary claim
Sorry, sometimes I feel the urge to explain my thoughts by means of irony. Irony is often misinterpreted too. I meant no offense.
none taken i'm guilty of more than that
I refuse to acknowledge that there are deadly viruses running wild. I haven't encountered any during my 73 years. So, if I should encounter any and they kill me dead, then perhaps I failed to avoid it. What should I have done? Gotten drugged up with useless vaccines and mRNA injections? Run to my clueless doctor? Check into a death hospital? What...other than what I have been doing for decades that has kept me alive. Mainly avoiding the medical mafia.
Quite right. If you haven't seen I say this by way of explanation.
Viruses should be considered thus:
1. They are either poisons which are chemical not biological and must be dealt with by the immune system.
2. Or they are the exosome, part of the body's defense system. This is in fact what people are seeing under the electron microscope, a ball with bits stuck on as it were.
Coronavirus is the exosome as I keep pointing out. It can be considered as the garbage disposal man of the body, taking rubbish to the lymph system for disposal.
So it is not so much that a virus doesn't exist but that something, the exosome which is friend to the body, not foe, has been twisted into an enemy and then the lies magnified into something ginormous.
What doesn't exist except in the minds of those who fabricated the lies, are all the variants and so-called diseases, which are merely made up to make big pharma and medics look clever to justify them receiving large amounts of money for poisoning the masses of the people.
Wuhan was a psy-op pure and simple. Pollution is awful there especially in winter. Pollution causes respiratory disease. The rest was propaganda aided by the dumbing down of the public.
me too
Hi Sasha - Parallel universes - the world of our crazed mad government engaged in evil perpetrated on its own population and the world of the humble peasants engaged in a meaningful task. I am inspired to emulate the humble life by cooking healthy meals and resuming creativity through crocheting beautiful decorative and wearable items. Thanks for always ending with art to inspire us to see another way of life and to challenge the ugliness of the world our overlords have tried to create.
yes! thank you Sasha for your art & all your efforts to keep us informed. It's a heavy weight to bear. Make sure to take extra special care of yourself. Stress like this isn't healthy for any of us, let alone the level of stress that comes with the burden of knowing. Blessings to you & your loved ones. Take care!
Excellent and to the point.
Call it what it really is, a weapon.
Weapons are designed to kill and that’s exactly what they are doing. Killing us. It’s really that simple, at least in my mind it is.
Thanks again for sharing this wonderful information so that we may understand the bigger picture.
Strictly they are designed to injure and kill as injuries are much more profitable to big pharma.
Castle Rock is Rob Reiner’s company. Think waaaayyy left
The meathead
Yea! He played the part perfectly because he wasn’t really acting; he was just being himself.
They make Mengele look like an amateur.
But I bet they idolize him.
If the Deagle Report pans out...the next couple years are going to be doozies.
US population by 2025 in the 70-100 million range. If it happens I doubt most of my inlaws would notice. Once you get that hook deep enuf down the does not come out.
re: the Daegle Report ~ this means approx 2 out of 3 living in the USA will be dead. I'm dreading the next few years. My entire family has been double/triple vaxxed & they told me to cease & desist with emailing them my "conspiracy theories" AND, " they don't read them anyway."
me too - but from only one family member? the others are silent. completely silent. I don't know what is worse. You and I did the right thing though. THAT helps !
Excellent article and thank you for re-ordering the mental framework/perspective to a militarized one. We are foolish, in this day and age, for not having done it sooner and with more than just "medicines".
My more appreciative comment is - Thanks for the art. It captures (on so many level) a simplicity, purity and genuineness of life, we will see erased in our life times...that used to be the norm. Sad and sobering.
It’s Not That I’m Anti-Vax.
It’s Just That I Am In The Middle Of
A Rock ... Scissors ... Paper
Challenge With Robert Malone
To The Count Of 17 Trillion Billion Zillion.
I saw this other wonderful gem from you.
Thomas Lewis
Writes Useless Liberal
23 hr ago
Liked by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
Science Has Been Settled.
To A Remote Island.
In A Concrete Bunker.
Where Deep Beneath The Volcanic Caverns
A Self Tortured Man In A White Lab Coat
Struggles To Pull His Soul Out Of His Ass.
Art is not dead, it's found in truth.
OH That last line is me. Sorry I ruined it!
You are not in front of anything. You have no “charge”. Everything is reactive and derivative.
Bottom Line:
You Are The “Before There Was A Vaccine” Guy.
& The “Here’s Where It Got Fucked Up” Guy.
Un fuck it. Yours needs to be a campaign:
1. Declare Victory REPEATEDLY For Natural Immunity ... All Else Follows.
2. Re-Write The Testing/Trial Protocols. That Is Your Vehicle. It Undoes The Past. And It Blazes The Trail To A Better Future.
I have never been more right. Sir.
So what about DOMANE/Remdesivir? And enough with the lawfare while he's at it.
Here’s a thought that you are welcomed to:
Imagine for a moment that you did not synthesize “Controlled” with “Opposition”.
Yes you can try this at home.
Begin by examining “Controlled”.
Is Dr. Robert Malone Controlled ?
As, with further examination, you are likely to observe the same of Breggin, Cole, Kory, McCullough, et al.
Each controlled by the worst mis-education a human could experience.
It’s only a matter of degree.
Start there. That’s the work, leading them while they kick and scream.
Succeed at that long enough, and you will see that you might be a leader. And in that, where to throw your punches.
It’s not hard. Actually yeah it is.
So I'm supposed to think Breggin, of all people, is controlled? Right.
I lead myself, that's it. I would never be so presumptuous as to imagine I'm going to "lead" any of the men you mentioned - in any way. I see that Kory and McCullough have lost careers while standing up for early repurposed therapeutics - for the past three years. I see that they have provided the protocols, providers and ways to secure the products you need in order to not wind up in the hospital. FLCCC has been an essential tool for me, and the proper response is to be grateful for it. So no, I'm NOT likely to observe whatever it is you're suggesting.
Malone cannot be put into the same sentence with the other men. Malone's eyes radiate nothing. What else can be said - you want to stay as far away from that as possible.