Apr 3Liked by Sasha Latypova

The medical system has lost the plot. We are moving towards everyone being expected to just line up for random injections with unknown chemical slurries and the government will keep injecting cash into those doing the injecting and making the concoctions. Actually, I think we are there. It won’t be long until the hand of force enters.I feel so sorry for anyone who even has a doctor at this point.

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Apr 3Liked by Sasha Latypova

The actual meaning of the abbreviation EUA is "Eradication Use Authorization".

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Apr 3Liked by Sasha Latypova

Ugh, more Shenanigans????

Thank you Sasha (and others) for keeping us pay people informed!

High Alert, yall, on everything.

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Apr 3Liked by Sasha Latypova

Excellent advice: My advice would be to fire the idiot doctors, take control of your own health via good nutrition, clean water, sunlight and good thoughts, good words and good deeds.

I read an article yesterday about high cost of healthcare crippling the wallets of “older” people (60+). They could save a lot of their life savings by heeding the advice above!

My grandmother, born somewhere in Russia, lived to 96 and rarely saw dr, took no medication. She was thin and walked to and from synagogue a mile away every Saturday.

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Apr 3Liked by Sasha Latypova

The corruption is just epic, ain't it?

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It is impossible to underestimate the value that Pharma and the medical cartel bring to the large financial investment firms that run this country. Pharmaceuticals and the "health management system" in the US is currently the largest sector of the US economy.

It is also impossible to overstate how severe the economic crash of 2019 was for the Pharma Industry.

Essentially the Pharma business model is broken, an industry on the brink of terminal decline which has set about to create "solutions" to this problem.

One purpose of the Covid Operation was to codify mechanisms (EUA's is one part of this) that allow Pharma to sidestep lengthy and costly clinical trials with a new "Pharma business model" allowing for greater profiteering.

All of this fraud has been legalized by governments who are completely controlled and betrothed to large financial interests whose fortunes are tied to the Pharma cartel and the “disease management” system.


This came out a few months back from the European Medicines Agency- ATTC stands for “Advanced Therapy Treatment Centres”:

“The ATTC project aims to develop robust systems for the routine delivery of ATMPs as a standard of care throughout the NHS in the United Kingdom.”

It then goes on to say: “Over the last five years, new cell and gene therapies have been developed to treat some cancers and inherited diseases. These advanced therapies are different from existing treatments in two important ways: they are designed to restore normal function, sometimes offering cures where an unmet medical need exists and they require new ways of working by the NHS.

The CGT Catapult is playing a central coordination role for the network and provides support to manufacturing, supply chain logistics, regulatory affairs, clinical trial capability, R&D support and upskilling via specialist training and development.”

The above changed regulations for Good Manufacturing and Distribution Practice (GMDP) allow hospital pharmacies, and similar establishments outside the regulatory safety umbrella, carte blanche to ‘experiment’ with gene and other advanced therapies.

Translation: Speed of Science= Maximization of Profits.

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Apr 3Liked by Sasha Latypova

Thank you, Sasha! Your advice “…fire the idiot doctors, take control of your own health via good nutrition, clean water, sunlight and good thoughts, good words and good deeds. Do not comply” is my ‘self-care’ protocol. Almost have your list completely checked off, though one last item remains, I have a late summer appt with my current Doc on the books. Looking forward to that in-office conversation. 😉

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Apr 3Liked by Sasha Latypova

Thank you so much Sasha. Your Dragon is....SUPERB to boot !

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Apr 3Liked by Sasha Latypova

This is a practical joke, right?

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Apr 3Liked by Sasha Latypova

Many readers ask what they can “do”. This post by Katherine Watt provides excellent answers. >>> Repeal state public health emergency, emergency management, and communicable disease control laws. >>> KATHERINE WATT >>> March 28, 2024


Readers also should apprise themselves of the ability of civilian populations to file writs of Quo Warranto against persons employed in pharmaceutical/DOD/HHS Racketeering operations.


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First, LOL to the "Babylon Bee Pharma edition."

Second, great dragon. Better than in videogames.

Third, an AB is a protein, right? Why do people keep injecting themselves with proteins? Do they even know how BAD is the manufacturing process and where thos mABs come from? I wish to return to the more serene, rational and safe times of the past, when people would only inject steroids and street durgs. These injectables sent to us from the financial world are so much worse than all that!

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Wow, that sentence: "Jeffries analysts said Friday that they expect $300 million in sales of the therapy" to immunocompromised individuals, describing them as a "bolus [of patients] with high unmet needs and enthusiasm."

While we are worrying about the institution of social credit scores, we each of us already have a medical profit score kept in the database of our Healthcare Provider, which score can be used in the evaluation: "Is this human animal producing value in excess of the cost of the feed it consumes?"

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Tee-riffic blue dragon'--if only he'll co-operate mebbe we kin ask'im nicely ta breathe them killer-countermeasures right back (an' "InVivid-ly!") at the mad pharma whizzards that "spun 'em up" an' possibly stir up a good cytokine storm in their offices.

Yer blue dragon me think'a the delightful classic kids book series by Ruth Gannett book -- "The Dragons of Blueland" about a little boy who befriends a mahvelous blue dragon (& his fambly)


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Viruses have never been isolated and do not exist. Most diseases are caused by toxins in our food, water, our environment and by vaccines, which harm the immune system and cause most autoimmune disorders.

Excellent trauma care gives cover to the medical establishment for the so called treatments that are not classified as cures. Customers for life is the objective of the Rockefeller for profit medical system.

Cancer is parasites, and that is why people have successfully treated cancer with antiparacitics.

Investigate your health beyond what you are told by your MD.

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Apr 3Liked by Sasha Latypova

Thank you Sasha for being a true warrior for life. I think a comic book series with real life super heroes is in order. The imaginary exploits of superman or batman pale vs what you Katherine and others are doing, against a constant storm of evil, evil that will be extinguished in stunning ways through your efforts.

If you combine insatiable greed, utter stupidity, arrogance, rigidity, crudeness, lack of empathy, and pure sadistic ugly you arrive at the qualities of the characters in this latest worldwide genocidal operation.

Everything they do and I mean ever thing, has the same intent and purpose. They have a mission of bringing evil, suffering death and confusion to the world.

Please continue to thrive amazing Sasha, using your sword of light, as you slay this pathetic death cult, and quicken its destruction.

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Apr 3Liked by Sasha Latypova

So......I guess natural immunity doesn't count. Science!

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