The benefit of this trial is that it puts in writing, by a judge, confirmation of everything that Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt have been saying about these products being counter measures delivered as a DOD prototype, not a standard pharmaceutical product governed by a different set of regulations. Of course, that was never disclosed and seems the thing that should be the focus of the lawsuits: lack of disclosure.

So what I think we are now understanding is that DOD can concoct any prototype and deliver it as a counter measure not just to the military but to all American citizens as it sees fit to any threat it chooses to target. That part still seems an overreach of DOD authority with respect to mandates or coverage of safety, going from military to civilian.

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Well...that makes us a military state, doesn't it?

And freedom was gone, just like that.

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We have been a military state probably since they whacked JFK and Congress said, Okay, and covered up the investigation.

But now there should be no pretense, and yet those who hover next to power can never quite get there.

Just keep funneling the marks (us) into the fake two party paradigm, and social issue Color Revolutions, and the Monster walks around smashing shit up.

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Maybe even before jfk. I can't help but imagine what a great country we could have been...but I think what we crave, isn't within our species abilities. We are cruel and insane predators, and some of us are just prey.

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Listening to his speech, you know the one, he already knew about it.

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If you are referring to this speech - https://www.corbettreport.com/qfc-jfksecret/

You may have been mislead there also. Seems like he was telling the MSM at the time to be mindful of telling the public too much as they might be undermining national security. An early bit of self censorship.

James, as usual, does a great job of revealing all that and more.

From the audio grabs of that speech taken out of context, I also thought he was calling out the deep state/illuminati. If that is what you are referring to of course.

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Yes, I think even before JFK- in the video below, Col Fletcher Prouty, who was a cargo pilot in WW2, talks about how he saw the military setting up for the wars in Korea and Vietnam before WW2 was even over. So clearly the military was just doing its own thing early on, but what Prouty says is that a behind-the-scenes power was already in control: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeW4GcJ0oro&t=2103s

And some people have been doing deep research and think the bankers got their claws into America very early on:





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Ray Dalio’s book The Changing World Order, pub 2021, describes the fact that most economists avoid all reference to history. No wonder it is said that Economics is the furthest conceivable thing from Reality.

Governments have always spent their currencies into oblivion, and this is no exception. They need a scapegoat...scapegerm...or a scapewar to blame and distract.

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Love the terminology..."Scape" pretty well describes EVERYTHING.

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Long before JFK. JFK was just the one they smeared across the TV, right in our faces. A careful examination of history makes plain the the military has long been the enforcement arm of wealth and power. This is not a question and not controversial—it’s the record.

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Yes before JFK, in 1934 there was a fascist plot to overthrow democracy. General Smedley Butler was asked to lead it. He exposed it. Watch this documentary to see his speech and also stunning JFK analysis. Absolutely must see.


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That was a great video.

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It's been that way since the South walked-out of Congress - and 'adjourned sin die', with no intentions of return, or allowing a quorum.

Ever since that day - it's all been Military and Emergency powers - holding this dreadnought afloat. In Ex Parte Milligan or In Re Llewellyn - the Court just said it... 'we don't have an Army...the President does...what can we do about it?'.

Technically, the Congressional Research Service can't find a document, declaring the end of Military Reconstruction. So it looks like "The Army of the Republic" conquered both the South, AND the North. And the mischief just accelerates from that point forward.

People become Corporations (Persons) - and Corporations (including the Government) become the masters of men. We live in a Dulocracy. Our common insanity is known as Drapetomania.

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when are we having a serious look at secession?

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Well ... In the Federalist Papers, that's offered as an option...but it looks like that was a bait and switch fraud... I think a better tactic, right now, is people simply leaving "THE UNITED STATES" and returning to the Several States, on their own. Declaring themselves to be the people described in Chisholm vs Georgia, by the first Chief Justice of the SCOTUS, John Jay, in his written opinion on that case. Those folks AREN'T "US citizens". They're either "the people" or Citizens of the Several (States or) states.

So, I suggest personal declarations of independence and sovereignty. It takes you out of their Corporate Jurisdiction, whether In Rem, or In Personam.

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Thanks, mate. A couple of more questions, if I may:

We can just make 'personal declarations' of independence and sovereignty?

Also what defines "Several States" ?

Does that include all 50 or only that portion of them dating back to Justice Jay's time?

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Watersnake, The Texas Nationalist Movement is leading the way for the independence of Texas. We are secessionists. We have a bill on the desk of The State Affairs Committee Chairman, introduced by State Rep. Slayton, known as The Texas Independence Referendum Act.

The People of the other States are more than welcome to follow our lead.

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Eisenhower. He also set up the DARPA. Pay attention to his leaving speech.

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The speech given by Eisenhower to warn the country about the threat presenting by the 'Military-Industrial Complex' indicates JFK to have been the transition when the Globalists installed through the CIA, The Council for Foreign Affairs and the National Security Council began to move towards a U.S. Coupe. Nixon, too, was a victim of the Establishment Rulers in their bid to infiltrate the Executive Branch's Oval Office position of power with the installation of Ford with Rockefeller. Rockefeller rounded-up all the evil kiddies to enable the installation of the Trilateral Commission during the Carter Administration to further saturate the Executive Branch of the U.S. Govt.

While there's no doubt about 'The Fed' created in the Jekyll Island Holiday with the European/U.S. Bankers to mark the beginning of a Coupe in 1913...The Assassination of JFK was the moment the Globalist with their HIDDEN AGENDA BEGAN TO RUN THE REPUBLIC and it was them ORDERING THE LOSS OF THE VIETNAM WAR AND ALL OTHER MILITARY SKIRMISHES FOR PROFIT SINCE.

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Vietnam was NEVER OURS to "win" or "lose". But we LOST that war, just the same, fair and square. The Vietnamese people sacrificed 3 million lives - for their independence from the colonialism of the United States EMPIRE...I have no idea how many lives they had sacrificed previously, to rid themselves of their French colonizers.

These same forces you're referring to - first moved to escalate and involve us into that unwinnable conflict. After they'd overthrown the Government of Indonesia (installing Suharto, the dictator) Vietnam was no longer strategically significant. Still they kept us in that quagmire, wasting lives and treasure, until 1975. When they finally admitted their defeat, it was just facing the reality on the ground. There was no order for the "LOSS OF THE VIETNAM WAR". It was a "conflict" or "police action", after all. War was never lawfully declared.

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First, there never was a 'United States Empire'...Vietnam was a colony of France.

It was ours to win after being manipulated into it as Europe's Bulldog policing the world. Vietnam was NOT AN UNWINABLE WAR. It was a continuation of WW2 and Korea to make the Bankers/Corporatists richer as all the wars since 1899's Boer War in South Africa and all Military Skirmishes and 'False Flag Operations' since have been.

Had both Patton and McArthur implemented their plans to totally finish the International Banker/Corporatist's 'WW2 for Profit', the world would have been an entirely different place. The evil was ALLOWED by the TREASONOUS GLOBALISTS enacting WW2 for Profit to sneak out of the War Zones with the help of TREASONOUS forces paid by the Banker/Corporatists. Had the two generals been allowed to FINISH OFF WW2, evil would not have been allowed to run away, hide and grow again to become the existential threat to the world as it is RIGHT NOW.

A great book to read concerning the information just wrote is 'Tragedy and Hope' by Carroll Quigley or the abridged version 'Tragedy and Hope' by Joseph Plummer. There is a history most are unaware of as the mega-wealthy powers that be DO NOT WISH THE REALITY OF THEIR PRESENSE KNOWN. Satan's first line of defense is ALWAYS to hide until delusional to believe it's possible to steal all of God's creation as is occurring right now. That book is a beginning of understanding the entry of the U.S. into the already existing annuls of power long before it was ever thought of.

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Sounds like some John Bircher stuff... No thanks.

And YES there IS a US-centered Global Empire (NATO), currently crumbling apart under its own weight. It's what Brzezinski was arguing for in "The Grand Chessboard" - and what Dick Cheney was up to with PNAC.

How would a "land war in Asia" possibly be winnable, considering that the Vietnamese were fighting for their lives, to the last one, if necessary? Nukes? Blowing the levees in the North? These would be unthinkable atrocities. Nobody would support that - not the American public, even. We should never have been there. It was never 'winnable' on a practical level.

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You never been free, you just been living in fantasy land. That is over. Bow to the masters of nothingness, or stand. You make the choice. It starts in your mind. You have to come to the conclusion, which 90% can't, they just can't, that the entire "system" is weaponized against you. Everything you thought you knew, or know, IS A LIE AGREED UPON. Your history, science, medicine, public schools, politicians, holidays, maps, NASA, calendars, all of it is a psy-op, a lie, designed to abrogate your being and farm you for revenue...til death. Mortmain it is called, brought to the people by their masters.

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The thing is, people are waking up to the reality of it like never before. The pandemic has exposed them. I used to read the newspaper whence I would just accept “most scientists agree……” believing like prob most that science was incorruptible. Boy was I wrong! Interestingly, in my field of Structural Engineering I’ve never met anyone that wouldn’t tell the truth. And doctors would outrank engineers in the social ranking.

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But....look what it took, just to wake up a small faction....lockdown like jail, masks like a mental patient, social isolation, lethal injections, mental breakdowns, all and sundry destructive...and yet society at large STILL cannot fathom their danger. Why? Because they trust the devil incarnate and still believe they are "here to help." The "experts" of all ilks showed their hands, their incompetence, their submission to evil and their lack of pragmatic knowledge of virology. By that standard I would also be a Doctor, PHD, JD, MS, and maybe full of BS.

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Maybe the masses have forgotten the difference between good and evil. I believe a good part of the agenda is an attempt to erase God from the mind and hearts of people.

I suppose that is the eternal agenda, isn't it...

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"The story of this nation, and its treatment of my family, who were on this soil before the states united, is ugly from inception to the present, and I am of the opinion that this will never change by the hands of the people or political processes. It can't, the evil is too normal, too institutional, to ever be extinguished by the current population, specifically because the men of 2022 are too weak, manifestly so, the women too emotional, and both attached to the normalized evil in ways they don't comprehend." -Jean-Baptiste Guillory, Non Compos Mentis (2023)

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The Hindus would value contemplating God. Everything else is a distraction. We, in our culture, have way too many distractions. I do believe this lot is anti-Christian or anti-spiritual in general. That's why we have a psycho system where we don't have time to help the poor and making lots of money is the dream. I can tell you I did not come to America for that drivel. I came because I met such wonderful ppl on the road. Everyone loves Americans. The Corporate zeitgeist. Not so much

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You have to realize most people's lives are busy busy busy. With children even more so. They don't have time to parse everything and vet the messengers. It's a lot of work!.

Our job is to help them. I have a blackboard in front of my house with some pandemic truths on it. For a long while nobody would read it. Not now. Many, many people engage and i usually will go and chat. Make sure to not let yourself be divided from your neighbours and friends. my neighbour voted for Trump. I am far left. BUT I like him so much and we are able to talk because our values are very similar. This is how you can persuade people.

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I know it is amazing that people do not see the plan in full view after what they did in every country. At least some are woken up and hopefully will; stay away from toxic and deadly pharmaceuticals, and corrupt doctors. There are good doctors who treat you holistically.

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Sadly, I think these times are gone when fudging numbers or results would have been heresy. It feels as if a few of us are on an island surrounded by an ocean of hostile liars. I'm have a hard time myself adjusting to fictitional dystopian horrors actually being reality.

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Yes, I completely agree with you!! Everything, has been a lie, including history--all of it are just agreed upon lies. And every system has been weaponized against us to extract money from us.

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From birth (berth). Your birth certificate is a financial instrument. It snowballs from there. You are securitized, as is your credit accounts, bank account, car registration, mortgage, phone bill, I.D. etc. The realm is not what most think it is. I explain some in my "All Aboard.." post. Thanks.

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17 more years until the Phoenix comes to do another hard reset. The parasitic elite know the end is near, they follow the true calendar. They will hide in their posh bunkers, just like their scum ancestors have done at every reset before, with their riches and tech until the time is right to reemerge and do their scams and tricks again and again.

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With the correct perspective of an errant, the deliberate confusion is no longer confusing.. thanks to Jason

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Survival of the fittest. Shame the "fittest" are psychopaths. Our species will not be long lived.

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O Ye of little faith. Plato said, "Appearance has more force than reality." It may appear that way, psychos and all, but never forget to factor in "stupidity." The forces at work are evil, not smart, as evidenced by the covid hoax debacle. The Universe will not permit them a win. They may have all the trappings of illusion, but they don't have, in esse, power over you unless you give it to them. Don't. Stop paying attention to musings of nothingness.

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I needed that. Thank you.

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(“Non enim Deus omnipotens dedit nobis spiritum timoris, sed virtutis et amoris et mentis sanae.”) “For All Mighty God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of Power and LOVE and a SANE MIND.”

2 Timothy 1:7 "He sits High and looks low. They won't win. Trust

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I agree sociopaths have intelligence but they have no spirit or soul so they have no ability to feel and that puts them at a disadvantage we see them and know what they are doing and there is more of us than them. Dr. Robert Hare claims 1 in 25 is a sociopath however after the last three years i question that

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It probably is only 1 in 25, but they're all drawn to these positions of power and authority, the perfect playground for abuses and corruption. You and I would never crave these positions the way a psychopath would because we don't need the twisted stimulation and thrill that they do. It's their pathetic attempt to replace what they lack, and can never have nor even understand.

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Isnt this good news for doctors who have been officially persecuted for speaking out against the injections? It means they can ignore what the FDA and State Medical Boards say because the injection program was never under drug and medical jurisdiction, and they can go back to treating people per their own best judgement and knowledge.

I am curious what this does to legal actions in other countries. Can evidence that FDA never had authority and that all actions it took were merely for show, be used to force re-evaluation of decisions by public health authorities in other countries who accepted FDA pronouncements as established knowledge?

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Exactly. So many new implications and strategic maneuvers to explore.

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The fact that it is confirming that DoD is responsible may help wake up those that haven't yet got their heads around what's really happening and that it's not just bad pharma or as dear Sage Hana says, "Dolts botching shit"

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Unfortunately most will not know the truth

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"DOD can concoct any prototype and deliver it as a counter measure not just to the military but to all American citizens as it sees fit to any threat it chooses to target. That part still seems an overreach of DOD authority"

Yes, its the Department of Defense, not the Department of Extermination.

Words fail.

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It's the department of death.

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They were a bit more straightforward at one time, when it was called the War Department, or the War Office, and the Department of War. That title existed from 1789 until 1947.

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MANDATE IS A "CONTRACT." When a mandate is issued, it is issued "negotiorum gestio," because you are technically classified, on paper, with your state (estate) "Governor" as Non Compos Mentis, meaning you NEED someone to handle your affairs. If this was not true then no MANDATE would be possible or "legal" (not lawful). The mandate is a contract whereby if you consent to ANY of it, you allow ALL of it, including FUTURE addendums to the mandate. Mask mandates, vac mandates, all and sundry, that is for "slaves," not "FREE people of the land. The states united is fantasy, fairy tale land, where the entire populace is living is a created corporate fiction, maritime admiralty, (sea jurisdiction), open air, correctional, mental asylum, masquerading as a nation state. Its not, and until the populace stop believing fairy tales about the mechanics of "government" then nothing is going to change.

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The byzantine legal system that allowed this is clearly a big part of the problem. Simplification should be on the agenda.

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So what is fueling the desire to continue to believe in the fantasy? Is it some kind of brain protective mechanism, is it some kind survival instinct that our primitive brain is controlling? People are holding on for dear life, to their fantasy world. It feels like we're doomed as a whole.

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It's been normalized down through the generations. People learned in school that America is supposed to be a constitutional republic, yet politicians and talking heads refer to "our democracy", a completely different form of government....and people don't say, "wait....what??" That the entire system has been taken over by something other than the original government established in each nation state after the Revolutionary War has been hiding out in plain sight for a very long time. Clearly what is parading around out there as "the government", not following any of its own laws is NOT what it seems. It should be very obvious by now that America has been completely taken over by pirates and racketeers who have fully enslaved us. It is not "normal" for people who are free to have to ask for permission from "the authorities" for every single aspect of life, and to live always in fear of displeasing the authorities by not fully complying with their endless rules, regulations, statutes, codes, mandates, decrees, and policies. Human beings do not exist on Earth to be toiling debt slaves from cradle to crave, living for two weeks of vacation every year where they can "forget all about it." Yet so many people accept that fate! Gads, when are people going to wake up? America, the land of the free has not been free for a very long time, and it's not brave to refuse to face that fact. Obviously something is very, very wrong.

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See above quote. Its not what anyone thinks it is. Washington was the cousin of Henry 8th, he worked for the Virginia Company of London (King George 3) whereby he spied on their operations, and revenues and when the time was right, after IMPORTING FOREIGN MERCENARIES, he started the "hostile corporate take over" of all of King George's holdings. The foreign mercenaries were promised 100 acres of "our land" if they participated. There is a monument dedicated to Washington in England today. It was all fraud. Facts.

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Agree 100%! America was taken over by the banking cartel in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act--central bankers are the real govt and the rest is just an illusion:

“Here's financial expert, Greg Mannarino, on the central banks being the real government:


“Who collectively runs the entire financial system? Who runs the economy? Who runs world markets? The answer to all these questions is CENTRAL BANKS.

“Central banks run the world, period. The illusion may be that Kings, Queens, Monarchs, Dictators, Presidents, Prime Ministers, etc. along with so called representative democracies or “We the People” get any kind or choice is nothing but an illusion.

“The dire situation regarding the world economy is deliberate, as central banks are collectively pushing it off of a cliff. If we were to look back on history, we would see that it is precisely these economic downfalls/situations which lead the world population into World Wars. War of course, is both the end game and the scapegoat which will be blamed by our so-called world leaders as the source AND REASON WHY the world economy is failing and inflation continues to skyrocket- anything to distract people from the real culprit, central banks.

“Here's ex-Secretary of Labor, Robert Reisch, under the Clinton Administration admitting the truth:


“Robert Reich understands the current power structure of the U.S. because he was a Rhodes Scholar. He is a member of the CFR, and he was Secretary of Labor during the Clinton Administration. Robert Reich's January 7, 1999, article in USA Today states:

"The dirty little secret is that both houses of Congress have become irrelevant . . . in case you hadn't noticed, America's domestic policy is now being run by Alan Greenspan and the Federal Reserve Board. . . Congress is out of the loop. Every so often, some senators or house members politely ask Greenspan to visit and talk about the economy . . . Then he goes back down to the Fed and runs the country. . . . America's foreign policy is being run by the IMF (Int'l Monetary Fund) . . . and when the president decides to go to war, he no longer needs a declaration of war from Congress." [23

And it's quite possible that America was taken over even earlier than 1913--seems like the international bankers got their claws into America almost from the beginning (some researchers are not even sure America actually won the Revolutionary War based on the terms of the treaty at the end of the war). Other researchers suggest that the US govt was never able to pay off the debt to the international bankers for the cost of the Revolutionary War and kept getting further into debt and had to put up more collateral at previous resets (with reset just referring to the restructuring of the debt). I'm still not sure about this earlier information, but I am sure that something is horribly wrong and a coup has occurred and the Constitution no longer appears to be in operation.

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Yes, I've been looking into the admiralty/maritime law versus common law. Crrowradio has a couple of free radio shows (256 and 274) with guest, KL, who appears to be an expert on all of this--he basically seems to say that the early US govt never paid down its debt to the international bankers for the Revolutionary War and continued to get further into debt. The debt was pushed off into the future and then at key historical events there were "resets" (which he says simply refers to structuring of the debt), at which time the US govt still could not pay off the debt and put up more of the nation as collateral. And he's also talked about the all caps names (legal strawman) and how the US a corporation, and something about being under military emergency powers, which is why there's a US flag with gold fringe (I'm still new to all of this info and trying to wrap my head around it). I've even seen others suggest that we never even won the American Revolution, and even others suggest it was a Masonic event (kind of like the French Revolution) and that America was simply set up as a step in their centuries long project of creating a NWO,

I'm still trying to learn about this, but if you have links or suggestions are where to learn more, I'd be interested. Also, fwiw, in a recent interview with SGT did a recent interview with Katherine Watt and attorney, Todd Callender, and he said that about 25 million people have already joined that state national/state assemblies movement (I think that's with Anna Von Reitz), and he seemed to think it was a good thing that people were trying to break away.

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The only problem with Anna's premise is this, "How can you establish a "state" on lands that are already stolen?" There is no statute of limitations on fraud, and the original fraud is still ongoing. I hate to break it to you, but Americans (1826 Webster definition) descendants, and Pre-Colonial FREE White descendants are the only true, "WE THE PEOPLE," specifically because our families "fought" for and were participants in, by domicile, the CONTRACT we now call the constitution. See the DRED SCOTT decision. Judge Taney explains it quite well.

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Total horseshit!

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Its mostly true. The average public schooled, mind washed, cannot even process the enormity of it all. So your reaction is typical. Be nice, study hard and then circle back.

Narrow minds withdraw.

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I am responding specifically to "Yes, I've been looking into the admiralty/maritime law versus common law. Crrowradio has a couple of free radio shows (256 and 274) with guest, KL, who appears to be an expert on all of this--he basically seems to say that the early US govt never paid down its debt to the international bankers for the Revolutionary War and continued to get further into debt. " Crrowradio dude doesn't know what the hell he is talking about. Anna von Reitz's movement has gotten so many people introuble with ther "patriotic mythological" approach it isn't funny. The real issues are the lawyers and the judges in the US judiciary. They are either feigning stupidity or are paid off or both. I know enough about law to understand how, when and why a judge can reject an argument. For example, Brook Jackson's lawsuit was filed before anyone had any inkling about the DoD being the entity responsible for most of what we see. Essentially Brook ended up suing the wrong party. That was what the decision by Truncale was about. I know ALL ABOUT that strawman bullshit and it literally has no value in any way except to create a class of people ignorant about what powers they can exercise in a court. I know the players in the patriot mythology movement and they literally get people killed with their bullshit. They are after money. KL is totally full of shit and being on crrowradio does nothing but promote this crap to those who don't understand anything about legal processes.

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idk the legal specifics. Surely if an airline refuses to let you on the plane you have to get the shot if you want to fly on that plane. Same with an employer requiring the shots - your only recourse is to sue them.

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Yes, Betsy. Excellent point. The court's published opinion DOCUMENTS for anyone who doubted it, the DOD's culpability in contracting for and imposing the deadly biomedical "countermeasures" (mandated covid shots). Which media outlet is going to make every American fully aware of this crime?

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This really is a victory of sorts that should be celebrated then leverage in follow up legal complaints.

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They made every jabbed civilian into a soldier. I suspected the tech has sensing functions and transmitted the info wirelessly to dod. If infected the soldier/ civilian can be exterminated on the spot to eliminate any spread of infections of whatever it is. This has been tested already. Yes this is your patriotic duty to sacrifice yourself this way.

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In fact, if you do not submit to the Military Countermeasures, you may be deemed a domestic terrorist.

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Exactly. This is where the strange language comes from Biden. If you get the jab your patriotic. Its your duty. If you do not you are listed with the domestic terrorists all lumped in one. Why this very harsh association and very strange words for a simple vaccine? And dod is allowed to lie to all citizens if they think its in the dod interests and advantage to win a war.

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Domestic terrorist and non-slave are interchangeable here.

If we're not submissive slaves, then we must be a threat.

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I guess so.

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Apr 1, 2023
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Yep, my friends and I are now having a contest amongst ourselves to see how many watch lists we can get ourselves added to. I’m currently in second place, but only because I couldn’t make it in person to the J6 protest.

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Apr 1, 2023
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The govts, rulers, elites are all traitors to humanity. Psychopaths are all cowards at heart.

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Yep, the FBI used geofencing.

Some poor schmuck walking his dog, or even walking to the nearest Metro, was caught in the dragnet.

...now you see why I always say dump your smartphone.


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MK Ultra creates psychopaths fit for “law” enforcement.

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The option of dissent or discussion or debate is disappearing down a drain hole called COMPLY.

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Those protesting in Atlanta were deemed domestic terrorists by DHS. Jan 6th was a set-up so they could pass the domestic terrorism laws. Standard Dems vs Repubs are not valid any more. Reach out

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If every jabbed citizen was involuntarily conscripted they deserve back pay and benefits.

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Yes..but thats difficult if its a secret operation. Maybe a lawsuit would enlighten more in this matter. We would be surprised. And then maybe the universal basic income UBI IS the payment for our service and sacrifice? Farfetched? Nothing is anymore...

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Not even a soldier. A weapon. A disposable tool.

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What about people in countries outside of the US. Are they now US soldiers?

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No they are soldiers of their country or they are just victims, victims of a war. The nanotech in the body CAN be used for weapons purposes but it can also be not used at all. I think its in there to be used when needed, if needed. As I said as a sensor, to kill and to be killed if necessary. Plus I wouldn't get so hung up on the country thing we are way past that. This is a globally centralized operation.

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But thats a good point for the appeal. They havent just hurt their own citizens. I agree this a NWO initiative, but they judge will never admit it, if he knows.

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One of the most disturbing parts (to me) of Truncale's ruling is as follows:


"The fact that both military personnel and civilians received the vaccine does not indicate that acquiring the vaccine was irrelevant to enhancing the military’s mission effectiveness. More importantly, Ms. Jackson is in effect asking this Court to overrule the DoD’s decision to exercise Other Transaction Authority to purchase Pfizer’s vaccine. But as the United States Supreme Court has long emphasized, the “complex subtle, and professional decisions as to the composition, training, equipping, and control of a military force are essentially professional military judgments.” Gilligan v. Morgan, 413 U.S. 1, 10 (1973). Thus, it is “difficult to conceive of an area of governmental activity in which the courts have less competence.” Id. This Court will not veto the DoD’s judgments concerning mission effectiveness during a national emergency."


The pertinent issue was NOT relevance of the vaccine to the military. Rather, the issue was the manner in which the military orchestrated delivery of the vaccine to civilians under the guise of a military prototype. A military prototype carries a higher level of risk and a higher level of acceptable failure for military personnel, who are considered war fighters subject to greater risks in battle. Delivery of vaccines to civilians was done as if civilians were war fighters operating in the high-risk/greater-failure environment of fighting a war. Civilians, in effect, were used as proof-of-concept subjects (i.e., "test subjects", in civilian terms) for the military's prototype, mass-manufacturing exercise. Civilians, thus, were exposed to the unusual risks of military operations, as if drafted against their will to serve the military in this operation.

Ms. Jackson was asking the court to overrule the DOD's decision to apply a military prototype operation to the entire civilian population. The military is free to deploy prototypes on its own force in accordance with military rules. But to extend these military rules arbitrarily to the entire civilian population is grossly improper. The civilian population is NOT a military force, and so the U. S. Supreme Court's stance on "professional military judgments" does NOT apply here -- to assert otherwise is to misread and misrepresent the Supreme Court.

The court, to be sure, was quite competent to distinguish between a military force and a civilian population, and it was this competence that was being called upon here.

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Like you said, Sasha, this was not unexpected. The fact that her case got this far in such a corrupt, captured system is a triumph in and of itself.

Mistakes Were NOT Made (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem-57a), and the colluders involved in getting this case dismissed will be held culpable.

The fight *will* go on, and we’ve got Brook’s back. Sasha, see the email I sent you a little while ago about the next stage in this battle for justice.

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Keep at MAA and Sasha! We appreciate your persistence.

Thank you!!! I'm just a soldier in this " battle for justice " but you guys are true Generals! Imo.

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I am unfamiliar with OAS, so thank you for the info, ConcernedGrammy!

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It looks to be another nefarious tentacle hidden in another dark rabbit hole. The OAS and it's PAHO (Pan American Health Organization) seem to be the UN and the WHO of North and South America. I hope you can do an expose on it soon.

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I listened to the Rumble video and was surprised to hear the Gabriel García Márquez Foundation come up as he is the author of one of my favorite books (“One Hundred Years of Solitude”). Of course, he has nothing to do with this as he died in 2014, but it is interesting that organizations like that are even being weaponized.

Corey has already written a thirty-four–page report on it and published it here:


I’m several hundred projects deep and don’t anticipate being able to cover this soon unless I can reference it in a related article, but this is definitely something to bring to the attention of Katherine Watt if you haven’t already. She and/or Sasha would be more suitable conveyors of this information given their expertise.

Thanks, ConcernedGrammy!

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So, ummm, I wonder how much money it took to bribe, whoops, pay off Judge Truncale? Or was Judge Truncale threatened with violence?

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All it takes is a black suburban parked outside his house for the past 3 weeks.

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Well, fwiw, FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds said that they (the FBI/intelligence agencies) have blackmail files on most politicians and judges--most are controlled behind the scenes, and it may be the case that they are not appointed to such positions unless they have blackmail on them or they are already compromised.

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Yes on your application you have to be a pervert. Now we know why the WH etc seems to be infected more so than the population. Its a prerequisite to be on the top of the beast system. I am saying you have to be a beast to be thriving in it. And a real big beast to be on the top of it. That's how this system works. You cannot eliminate all.the perverts etc cause than therecwill.be no system. It isn't a matter of draining the swamp anymore. The whole system.is built out of crimes and perversion.

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I'd be okay with no system. js

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This is how they control pols. No decent person is allowed to be elected. Epstein was working for the CIA/Mafia/Mossad axis that blackmails powerful ppl. FBI’s role is to cover it all up……where are all the tapes of ppl like Dirty Dershowitz? Look at the Franklin scandal to see how high it goes and how they were able to cover it up. Threatened the whistleblower with 300 years jail. In the end she got 25 years, perps none

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Yes, I'm aware of the Franklin scandal, and there was also a documentary (I think about that) Conspiracy of Silence. FBI has been dirty since the very beginning--there to protect the political criminals, and target citizens who expose them. They went after Eustace Mullins, author of The Secrets of the Federal Reserve and The World Order--so that kind of tells you who they work for (http://whale.to/b/mullins_b_writ.html)

And if a citizen catches the politicians in a crime, the FBI goes after them. A perfect example of this is what happened to Schaeffer Cox -he accused Alaska state and federal officials of drug trafficking and child prostitution, and then he got targeted by the FBI and after a rigged trial ended up in prison:




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Horrific story re Schaeffer Cox

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Yes, and he was a really good guy--he was an amazing speaker (I just re-listened to the video of his talk) and understood the bankers and the corruption of the govt.

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Yes, that's who Denny Hastert, a pedophile, got to be Speaker of the House. In his book, Programmed to Kill, Dave McGowan wrote about how politicians and judges in American and Europe are controlled by pedophilia: http://www.whale.to/b/pedophocracy.html

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Yes Sandra, nothing has changed since J. Edgar, James Comey proved that!

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Judge Truncale has now committed a Nuremberg crime. There is no statute of limitations on Nuremberg crimes.

No matter how far he goes, where he hides, or how long it takes, he will be brought to justice.

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Nuremberg trials were political theater. The real masterminds were not held accountable. In fact, their progeny are responsible for perpetrating these crimes.

So, there is that.

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There's always a first time for everything.

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I wish I had your optimism Tommy!

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Think about it. Can a few transhumanist eugenicist malthusians stand in the way of human history? Well, ok, maybe for a couple of hundred years, but enough is enough!


Seriously, the Powers That Shouldn't Be have never been so exposed, and since a large part of their power comes from their ability to remain hidden, it means that they are in the process of losing a large part of their power. This is not just a feel good meme from a self help book, its a fact.

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Dr. Josef Mengele, the Angel of Death at Auschwitz, fled to South America.

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and some say he was spotted in Canada where Ewan Cameron was conducting MK Ultra experiments

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At this point, nothing would surprise me.

Nazi doctors were responsible for developing Thalidomide after the war.


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And needles to say the US took over Nazi scientists under Operation Paperclip. And some went to USSR.

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"And needles..." to say...what an apropo Freudian slip! I know it was just a misspelling, but so appropriate for the present subject!

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LoL it's actually Al's Freudian slip (on my mobile). AI is appropriately getting clever too? ;-)

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Everyone truly responsible...

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I don't know his background, but most judges are already "in on it" as far as I can tell.

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They know which way the wind is blowing and that they should support the "current thing" (authorized narratives).

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So... did most judges take the vaccine? Or just saline? Or just obtain falsified vax records?

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Mafia tactics are highly effective...and that is how our government behaves. No one can convince me otherwise.

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Absolutely! What really woke me up to this was a talk on youtube by Professor Michael Parenti on the JFK assassination and the "clean up" operation afterward--I think the title was something like "The Gangster Nature of the State"

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CIA melded with the Mafia after WW2

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Men in black would do.

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Bribed or blackmailed it doesn’t matter. This shows the Jan is a bioweapon and the DOD is responsible. Was Trump coerced to start operation warp speed or just ignorant of what this emergency was about?

We will never win in court or by the vote at the “selection” box. It’s time to take matters into our own hands started with everyone to not comply with their orders. Then start a grassroot economy buying from like minded citizens and boycotting the Chinese throw away culture. Then we need a trial by the people to bring all the perpetrators to the hanging tree.

Don’t accept the Rockefeller health system or the bankers fiat money system.

Put on the armor of God and fight back against the satanic demons of the deep state.

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In 2005 the Chinese generals wrote a whitepaper, I read it, espousing the release of a bioweapon on the states united to rid the population of its land and pave the way for Chinese occupation. Facts. My book "Judicial Notice," written in 2019, tried to explain the Covid debacle, and the Chinese threat, in the ways that I could publish, and warn people of their danger. Evidentially it fell on deaf ears. Not mines. I did not play along. Lord have Mercy.

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But Biden just made lynching illegal, didn't you hear?

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Always both. The carrot AND THE stick.

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Since they didn't stop killing JFK or 3 thousand on 9/11 I wonder how threatened all judges and even the people of CDC and FDA feel.

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He didn’t want to become judge A

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Thank you, Brooke, for your bravery. We will never know exactly how many people you have saved from harm. May God bless you.

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Judge Truncale can now be added to this list:

War criminals.


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As you've highlighted so well before Sasha, the "drug trials" were essentially a charade because they weren't even required under these DoD regulations, and they were done presumably to give the 'vaccines' a bit of apparent credibility in the eyes of the public. So in a sense by throwing out Brook's cases and saying what he did the judge has proved what you've been saying for quite some time, showing who was ultimately behind the "vaccine's" development and rollout. Thanks again

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Court? Justice?

We are a country infiltrated by traitors and weaked so that when the war from China and Russia with us can no longer be denied, the US will be easily defeated. These are the end years of a decades long well planned war...and the end of the land of the free.

Doesn't anyone see that the constitution and bill of rights are long gone?

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Apr 1, 2023
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I went. I listened. Nice story, but I don't recall how any of this relates to Revelation. Please enlighten me.

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It is likely that the government and their lawyers will weasel their way out of this. I appreciate the sources like substack and many informative Podcasters that point out the weird things that are going on. When you come to the conclusion that your government is colluding with NGOs to make you poor and ill, the whole scenario is at first unbelievable. Then you realize that it is true, but few are to know. This is pure evil.

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Just a few people could be "in the know" .... and every group that mattered would still go along with the "current thing." They recruited all the key "stakeholders," none of which now want the real truth to come out. So even if they weren't plotters, they are now very interested in the truth not coming out ... so they effectively become a part of a massive conspiracy.

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I understand what you mean. I heard that there a select group that know the whole story and participated in the operation. It also looks like there are a slightly larger group contributing to pieces o f the puzzle. Not really knowing what other groups are doing. The whole thing is just crazy. Most people are at a detriment when it comes to this twisted plan.

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"Every great crime needs a great patsy. Pfizer found theirs – the Defense Department." Atty. Robert Barnes


Kirsch to CDC, FDA, and Corporate Media: "If you want to restore trust, admit your mistakes and apologize to people"


"I can’t believe any suggestion that health care providers systematically began to practice euthanasia or homicide in the early pandemic. Or that the policies were formed with a primary intent to cause excess death in care homes. I just can’t do it. And won’t, because if I do, then the world is lost to me."

Pierre Kory


“This means COVID-19 vaccine is now presented as any other routinely recommended vaccine and is no longer presented in a special “call out” box as in previous years. This, in a sense, helps ‘normalize’ this vaccine and sends a powerful message to both healthcare providers and the general public that everyone ages 6 months and older should stay up to date with recommended COVID-19 vaccines (including a booster, when eligible), just as they would with any other routinely recommended vaccine,” Dr. Neil Murthy and Dr. A. Patricia Wodi said in a statement.

Dr. Neil Murthy and Dr. A. Patricia Wodi said in a statement.


"It’s time for Congress to thoroughly investigate vaccine manufacturers and the entire COVID vaccine approval process."

Sen. Ron Johnson


"Zero, zip, nada."

Dr. Ryan Cole


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Sen. Ron Johnson is right but nothing will happen!

Dr.Kory was very naive and he has lost his world. I think he gets it now.

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Dr. Kory made that comment not that long ago. When faced with the true horror of our situation, some people look away to maintain their illusions.

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I listened to the press conference the Schara family held to announce their lawsuit against the hospital that willfully and coldly murdered their beloved daughter, Grace, this afternoon. The cold, callous cruelty of these 'good Germans' brought tears to my eyes. The banality of evil permeates every institution throughout the world.

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As you quoted "It’s time for Congress to thoroughly investigate vaccine manufacturers and the entire COVID vaccine approval process."

Sen. Ron Johnson


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Respectfully.................wake up. How many "investigations?" How many speeches? How many more of the same 'ole soup warmed over. Remember JFK? 911? Clintons, on and on. Who has went to jail? I'll wait. There have been hundreds of investigations of nothingness, this is a ruse to pacify the people who thirst for justice. If the politicians were really on the people's side they would pass legislation ending taxes, ending war funding, ending medical tyranny, but alas, we get "investigations.

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Hmm... Ryan Cole seems to be losing his integrity now. Began cautioning ppl to not look into certain directions. Why the need for attempting to restrict ppl's rights to exercise their freedom?

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I agree this decision was expected because the govt DOES have this power. We who know...must continue to expose the power and take it away by refusing to participate...in any way we can. Saying “No” at every opportunity.

Hopeful that one person at a time standing against “them” allows the next person to do so who allows the next person to do so....etc.

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This is an important decision because it affirms the thesis of Sasha and Katherine. It's almost as if the judge used Due Diligence and Bailiwick News to write the opinion, which should be spread far and wide as a Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval of Sasha and Katherine's work. Finally, a mainstream source has provided important verification that the procurer, purchaser and distributor (DoD) was specifically not looking for FDA approval based on clinical trials. DoD was looking for an approval only. And the judge quotes the US government saying that regulations do not apply to this mass injection program.

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I don't watch mainstream media any more. Are they really going into this level of detail in their coverage?

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As you say, it is not unexpected. The corruption of our “government” (is authoritarian ruling actually ‘government’ anyway?) runs so deep that any sort of fair hearing is impossible.

As a doc who has done many talks over the years on informed consent, and competency to give informed consent, this entire process over there years shown me that everything I learned related to the ethical practice of medicine (or running a business, for that matter) has been thrown into the trash pile. Given the undermining of ‘education’ (which indoctrinates rather than educates) I am pleasantly surprised to see so many people demonstrate capacity for critical thinking. The growth of Substack has gathered so many critical thinkers together, that we are raising each other’s knowledge & hence abilities. This is our true hope!

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There is NO working Justice system in the West - especially, within Amerika, Inc. The only thing that will end this is complete and utter collapse of this most evil of nations.

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Thats bad because lawyers in Germany said usa justice system.is our last hope. Well last hope is failing. As I knew it would already in 2020. That not a single lawsuit made it far enough said enough already when they were 1000s lawsuits filed and all denied by various judges always on no grounds not in the courts scope lala. Makes only sense if we are at war actively and the courts scope etc.. they have been neutered!

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Surprise, Surprise. It will be fun to hear Robert's spin on this. My guess is he already knew.

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Are Karen Kingston and Robert Malone Dod gatekeepers?

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Meant Robert Barnes not Malone.

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Malone too

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Malone has not commented on the OTA contracts and that is suspicious because he had an opportunity to do so after Sashas presentation in Sweden back in January. Instead we got the Project Veritas Pfizer fiasco the following week.

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I'm not so sure about Karen. I think she really believes the Dejure arguments of the SOW in the contract. This is going to be a bitter pill for her to swallow.

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Apr 3, 2023
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The bankers colluding with all of these powerful groups is what's running everything now. All compromised. Truly corrupted but state and community banks need to be formed immediately so it will have to built from the bottom up including demanding no cooperation of towns and states with predatory organisations seeking power over us, especially the fake non-profits.

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From your summary it is necessary for the FDA to revoke authorization in order to sue Pfizer, Moderna or Janssen.

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yes, seems like the court indicated that. And of course the FDA is not going to do such a thing! So, the crime can continue forever under this scenario.

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Something tells me the crime will not continue forever.

Things have been exposed by this trial, that most of us would not have believed possible – "Sunlight is the best disinfectant."

You, Brook and Katherine are heroes!

I'm not an expert on any of this, but the whole corrupt process is based on secrecy and lies. It depends on people believing lies, so it is vulnerable to the truth and exposure.

Whoever wants it the most usually wins in the end, and we want it the most!

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Yes I agree, people are waking up to reality. I think it’s a big stretch for normal people to believe DoD would do this to US citizens though.

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It is but the contracts are undeniable proof and now this ruling and Truncales support of that dismissal extremely damning.

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Right. And if FDA is taking orders from DoD, then it would be DoD that would have to give the order to FDA to revoke the EUA. But DoD is not going to do that. Can DoD ever be held to account with our legal system? So the US is now being ruled by its military. There's a name for that, and it's not "a democratic republic".

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And Trump knew there is a military contract and this was ordered so it cannot be wrong because if saying so he would have to poop on his beloved military. Trumps naive and not the leader we need now.

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Why do you assume Trump was naive? Perhaps he was in on it all along, and is just a better actor than we imagined.

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Well that could be too, but that would make him a fantastic actor and his kids too. so all this sacrificing Trump is just an act to get to us to make us act out, to identify us? He is the bait and he is knowingly the bait?. He keeps the one side focused on him with Hate and the other with support but either side is controlled by the divide and Trump is in on it knowingly? It could be. Some things are throwing me off like the desantis attacks which are simply odd, not saying desantis is a saint but its the same playbook all the time like somebody else is writing the script for the actors. but give away is its always the same after a while you see it. also trump asking for protest after what happened to Jan 6th people still rotting?? And what did trump do for them?? NADA. but fundraising non stop. freedom cities with vertical take off vehicles?? Like what?? Is trump an alien?? if he is in on it he is about one of the most evil of the bunch.. deserving no love from us but the opposite after pushing warp speed. I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt BUT you are right.

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Always has been Military rule. We are a "Constitutional Republic" atrophied into a democracy, utilizing Military Courts Martial law, hence the gold fringed flag, maritime admiralty law, English common law, the Washington DC 1862 Slave codes, Code Noir, and UCC. Those are the reality, but most people learn civics from t.v., or academia. They don't teach this. All of the courts use the Military gold fringed flag. Our people, American Negro Indians and Pre-Colonial Whites have been POW's, on our own land, since 1865. Thanks to ole "Honest Abe."

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yep. the bitter irony is that most Americans see "Honest Abe" as a hero. "He freed the slaves!" Actually, no he did not. He "freed" the slaves only in those states that he didn't have control over at the time, i.e. the Confederate states! He did not free slaves in Union states. He was all about central control, centralized rule, and empire. He "freed" the slaves in the Confederate states in order to prolong the Civil War so that all states in the US would be ruled from the Capital of the Empire.

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Your concept of "slavery," brought to you by Hollywood and academia must change. There was no slavery in the states united. It was contract indenture or employment, like now. The first slaves in the colonies were White people and Indians, not Africans. Lincoln "emancipated" the employees, ending CONTRACT indenture, allowing them, irrespective of race, to employ anywhere without contract. Abe was a traitor. The Yankee army was comprised of 2/3 FOREIGNERS, brought in to usurp the "people of the land," by Lincoln, steal their lands, property, estates and names. After this was accomplished the populace was "educated" in public school to cover it all up. The Civil War was a coup by foreigners, foreign banks and papal foot soldiers. Facts.

“Race! Do not speak to us of race- we care nothing for breed or color. What we contend for is, that slavery whether black or white, is a normal, a proper institution in society. The blood of orators, generals, statesmen, even the President of the Republic runs in the veins of men who are bought and sold like horses and mules. Slavery, white or black, is right and necessary.”

George Fitzhugh. Sociology for the South or The Failure of Free Society p. 225 1854


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The Civil War was a hoax. Just like every other war on this land. Each war resulted in expansion of the European Papal Banking interests, deracination of my family, displacement of the indigenous population and settlement by foreigners. My family fought in all of them, from the American Revolution, 1812, Civil War, and all it ever accomplished was us losing our standing, property, and in some cases lives. The only winners....The Church, foreigners and foreign banks.

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It’s fundamentally a political problem. Change the leadership with those who will remove the authorization.

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