All these law suits are just Kabuki Theater to deceive us into thinking there is justice out there and these psychopaths will be brought to justice. As much as I respect RFK Jr. he will never be allowed to remove the PREP act. As far as I know, he has no inkling of the real story that you have given us.

Sasha, Thank you and Katharine for all you have done to educate us. I suspect less than .1% of the US population has any idea of the work you and Katharine have done to expose the crimes.

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He can terminate the covid PREP declaration however. The Act must be nullified by state legislators in the states. Fed gov will never do anything about this.

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She didn’t say RFK Jr could get rid of the Prep Act. If he ends up being confirmed as HHS secretary, what he can do is remove all the emergency declarations that trigger the prep act to come into play. It’s the legislators that have to get rid of it, as she mentions.

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If you think RFK "has no inkling" of what's really going on, then you are as delusional as the people who think these lawsuits are going to get results. RFK knows exactly what's going on, and probably more.

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Ever hear him talk of Israel or Climate change? He may have researched 1 area, but not generally a deep diver on most subjects IMHO.

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Probably <0.1% of the US population. I have yet to find a person who understands the scope of the Prep Act. Most people don't even seem to know it exists.

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If it's not on tiktok or fakebook then most people wandering around in fantasy land never hear of it.

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The Prep act is like the Constitution for most people, clueless.

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I erred in thinking RFK Jr was not privy to the information disseminated by Sasha and Katharine. I just found a 4 month old interview between Sasha and RFK Jr. He is well aware of the COVID fraud.


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Has he ever mentioned removing the prep act?

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Is there a link to more info on the corruption behind this?

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Hello Hannah. I believe the most concise expose' of multi-level corruption can be found on Kathrine Watt's Substack. The amount of research and documentation on her pages are stunning. > https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/vaccination-is-legalized-decriminalized

For a more pedestrian critique. > Big Pharma’s “License to Kill” >>> By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null >>> Global Research, November 27, 2024 >>> https://www.globalresearch.ca/big-pharma-license-kill/5873782

Note the lengthy list of reference articles at the close of the page. Hope you find these links helpful.

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Paul, thanks for the links in your comment.

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I wrote to Ken Paxton, because he is my Attorney General, and told him that it needs to be a criminal case, not civil case. Standard boilerplate reply paraphrased. "Thanks for writing. Informed citizens make a difference so keep it up." Zero reference or answer to my suggestion.

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I get the same stick from Rick Scott here in Florida. Governor DeSantis does not reply at all.

They say we should write our representatives to get our voices heard. I am not sure it makes a bit of difference unless a $$big check$$ is attached. Money seems to improve their hearing.

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🎯 Ken's office did it one better. They put me on their email list, to solicit donations. Probably the only reason they did reply. 😂

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So disheartening...damn it !

I hate to be hopeless, but they sure give us every reason to flail about feeling helpless.

We can only count on more people becoming aware of the harm and insidious intent to do harm, which could result in a grand awakening, God willing.

Meanwhile, here's to a more sane and aware 2025 !.....with immense gratitude to Sasha and all those working tirelessly in that direction for our benefit.

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The same consortium that brought this tyranny TO us will NOT be inclined to assist us. We are on our own to develop some semblance of a parallel system. Every form of “terror” they create is another method of control….its so easy to foment the fear given the flow of information from state media. The latest technique is from the bio-terror cookbook….emerging(as in DARPA) diseases will guarantee compliance. Next up….cyber crime which ratchets financial freedom. Fear not as the perpetrator will always be a foreign villain imitating Hitler(hint hint) …Putin/Assad/Gaddafi/Hussein etc….Our nation pisses $3 BILLION down the toilet every 24 hrs for the “defense” of the world’s leader. Hmmmmm

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They want people to write so they know who to get rid of.

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Live in Florida. That jabbed injured quite a few people I know. Killed my ex gf grandpa. Get the poison to the elderly first says Ron! All governors pushed the poison including Ron. They know the damage it’s doing and continues to do!

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"Money seems to improve...." So ? You want to compete with Pfizer ?

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Absolutely, the medical-science experts who know the facts should get together to file a Criminal Laying of Information on Corprations including the Department of Defence, the State, and the Chief Medical Officials, and the Medical Licensing Colleges. They "all" had a duty to know that the mRNA or DNA vaccines has mostly fake or Placebos vials in their shipments, all across the USA. There was no true informed risk consent to be either vaxxed with an experimental bioweapon or a harmless placeboe.

The DOD had privileged data that the hot vaccines killed smaller test animals before they began experimenting on the human race.

You must go criminal charges on all those complicit, including filing on the major News Medias that promoted the Covid-19 vaccines were safe and effective. That was a dangerous News Media lie, and an ommission of truth or warning view points the vaccines were not safe or effective.

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White Rabbit revisited:

Go Ask Alice

One shot makes you larger

And one shot makes you small

And the ones that doctors give you

Are legal poisons, and that is all

Go ask Alice

In her funeral pall…

-Paul Vonharnish - (1/1/2025)

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Legislators need to listen to RFK Jr and to Attorneys General who understand the evils of PREP act

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Legislators will never listen or hear above the ka-ching, ka-ching, ka-ching clang of PAC committee contributions... Sad, but true.

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We have yet to see what RFK will do, if anything.

In the meantime, watch this: https://old.bitchute.com/video/rFKDiRj03S7o/

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What a(n ongoing) nightmare, all of it. Thank you for this important post.

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Yes, criminal complaints would make for a very happy 2025, indeed!! HAPPY NEW YEAR, ONE AND ALL!

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If anyone lives past 2025https://open.substack.com/pub/divadrops/p/catastrophic-contagion-bill-gates?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=1n82mw


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There are now 365 days for the US to lose over 230 million people if the Deagel predictions are to be realized. That amount would be catastrophic and would appear to require a multitude of attack vectors. Any thoughts about how such a thing might be accomplished?

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Infantilize the population. Keep them distracted with Bread and Circuses & Porn. Make them rage against people trying to warn them by weaponizing words, ie conspiracy theory. Trigger them emotionally to retaliate ( wars, genocide) by getting them to vacate their pre frontal cortex. Use holograms and AI video to aid in the media provoking of this logic abandonment. Plant the Schofield bible and stop the funding and revoke all tax free exempt status of any church who step out of line on the agenda.

When things get serious, and they are finally concerned, ( which will happen only when it is at their door step) they will not be able to respond due to their arrested development.

Most importantly:

Make the population pay for all of this.

We had decades to react. We chose not to. Wilful ignorance is not a legal defence.

No room to mention all of the millions of people killed and displaced that the US population is complicit with.

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Like you say, a multitude of attacks. Diseases fogged upon us, more vaccines, possibly emp, that would take many out immediately when you consider pacemakers, other medical devices.

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Any or all of the above vectors are possible, I suppose. What is the nature of the odiferous chemical fog being reported in various locations? Is it related to the widely reported drone/orb citing's? How would one evaluate it?

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Who knows. Whatever the most sinoster thing you can imagine. I think all of the drones, orbs, etc are all government distractions.

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There’s a 5g tower on every corner! Obviously for better cell service! :)

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My grandmother Lena was a good woman who kept a very neat home, raised nine healthy law abiding citizens...and ran little businesses to help support the family. She came to this country at 12...worked for families taking care of children to pay for her room and board.. She taught herself English, and how to read and write. All her children respected her and cared for her . They took care of her at the end of life; as there was no Social Security.. She lived 89 healthy years and just went to sleep. She was very matter of fact, I liked what she had to say about "Educated fools." She was so right...much of the information they know is of little value. Pfizer, Moderna and other corporations have made their money fraudulently by selling defective and deadly products that do not belong in the human body.and our government kowtowed to them, because of the money. People are so impressed with degrees, but the problem is...how much valid knowledge have these people acquired? My grandmother was right about "educated fools." However, its worse than that, when their degrees have helped them injure and murder people.

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The mass indoctrination of people has been long in the making. However, it wasn't until I saw UN Agenda 21 documents in the early 1990's that I realised there was a very distinct end goal for a lot of the things I was noticing/railing against. My own mother had suggested I was full of University bs when I was doing my stint in higher education. I knew she was right and didn't fight with her over it. When I discovered The Plan it just made me reassess everything I had noticed....right from being a toddler and having older than others' parents and grandparents. I think it is much harder for younger people to reach this understanding without recognising how, willingly or not, they are complicit in moving The Plan to fulfilment. Turkeys voting for Xmas and leaping with joy into the butcher's hands, so to speak.

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Yes it is frightening to me the level of ignorance of many of our young people.

They have faulty or disable mental, moral and emotional compasses.

Law students cannot argue logically!

Judges make blatantly immoral and unjust decisions, which a frightening level of arrogant unawareness.

Our young people are not really to blame though.

We lost the war to keep the natural, moral and common law in place.

Some of us didn't even fight.

Now we face laws that are "legal" but not lawful or just.

Allow our moral foundations to be undermined and we undermine ourselves.

A Western professor reported, that a Russian colleague lamented, that the dissolving of faith in God and moral absolutes had led to devastating, unanticipated, negative social consequences.

Enlightened westerners are joining the charge to destruction.

Our young people are being sacrificed on our pagan altars.

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Thanks for telling us about your Grandmother. What a beautiful story. Thanks.

A nice one to finish the year.

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In our farming community when I was growing up, university graduates were awarded letter degrees.

The farmers had their own words to match the letters - not very complimentary!

The farmers knew these graduates were fools (mostly), but they did nothing to dismantle the system that was mass producing these fools, at their expense.

The factory keeps on producing certified fools to this day.

The world is in a mess.

Wonder why!

Fools make messes!

Yeah but not all graduates are fools.

All graduates support factories that certify fools!

Yeah but ... we are not responsible for the system, or the factories or the fools.

OK - we are not responsible.

So live with the mess then!

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The BS*** prep act needs to be abolished

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It will be not abolished. Just polished .

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It's all theater, isn't it? The entire political shit-show. Has it ever been otherwise? Both sides of my family have been on the North American continent since before the founding of the republic, so I am deeply bought into all of the foundational American narrative mythologies. But at this point, I have to wonder how man of them were just scripts used by controlling elites to craft different ways of destruction for their selfish ends.

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Think people not country.

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Since all the legal avenues are blocked by the most evil greedy corporate actors, we have little choice but to take it upon ourselves to refuse to comply with the deadly countermeasures.

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No lawsuit is going to do diddly-squat to big pharma. They have been immune from being prosecuted for murder for the last 70 years. The 1986 vaccine laws and the Prep Act have to be demolished, for starters. No DC Swamp rat is gonna agree to that since they all get big pharma payoffs.

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Yup. I agree. Washington DC. Where the sewage goes in, and water flows out...

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Good one Paul

That saying is a keeper !!!

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I remember telling you Paxton’s petition was well-done as a legal document and you immediately shot me down, citing the PREP act. I admit to being high on hopium at the time. Kudos to you and KW for all your work.

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Well, I agreed that Paxton's petition was overall well written. I disagreed with a few very carefully "incompetent" paragraphs of it (i.e. showing he knows the EUA/PREP law very well but discussing it in a creative way, mostly to whitewash the OWS). The Kansas AG lawsuit was much worse, claiming Pfizer wasn't part of OWS, what BS, really...

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Phizer owns the judges and congress etc

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Is it Pfizer or Moderna? It seems like this push to use the undisclosed SV40 ingredient to pull Pfizer makes Moderna the winner.

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And the media.

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Frontier justice supersedes BS laws.

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It is all theater regarding these lawsuits against Pfizer, these government inquiry panels, et cetera. This was a declaration and an act of war against the people. There is no other way to understand these injections.

Speaking of this I was hit with some bad news in my husband's immigrant visa case given the surprising date of December 31, 2024. They have denied his visa application because he refused vaccines (including the Covid jabs). Now there are religious exemptions to them "on paper" but in reality such exemptions to being injected with expirimental and sometimes deadly substances in order to live with your wife in the USA are not actually allowed. They did a tap dance around this on nonimmigrant visas but the exact same framework and structure of mandatory jabs and vaccine passports is still standing wholly intact on all family based visas.

The doctors would not see my husband for his medical check at all for almost one year unless he got the Covid jabs beforehand. I asked the US Embassy about deferring his panel physician check and/or seeking a waiver at the time. They would not allow that. Eventually they allowed him to have his panel physician check due to there being no Covid jab availability, where that and all other jabs were also refused on religious grounds. It seems the entire charade was simply an elaborate money making scheme for the hospital involved.

There is a waiver available on this, though it costs close to $1000 to file it and according to google has a wait time of three years for a response on average. It's been five years already and my husband has not been able to legally set foot in the USA yet. I'm going to be aggressively pursuing options here.

The entire death machine needs to be levelled to the ground...

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That sux Amy. Mafiosi bullshit

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I wonder how many illegal immigrants are vaxxed?

These mandatory medical injections are so wrong, and criminal medical assault, in my opinion, because you do not really know what kind of stuff is in the vial.

I suspect most of the vials are just placeboes because if they were not mostly placeboes there would be much more increased vaccine injuries and chronic sickness, and many more sudden vaccine deaths.

I doubt that those being vaxxed have taken a photo of the Vial's Digital Label, or received a printed manufacturer's list of ingredients in their vaccine, or the vaccine side effects, and what age group it is safe for, or what diseases you have, and you should not be vaxxed.

The jabs are free so we can not even say, the purchaser be aware.

But the Taxpayers ought to object to paying for bioweapons injected by your own local and Federal Government and the Department of Defence, who have injected our soldiers so that they might serve the multimillionaire stockshare holder schemers. They get richer on those they make sick, in our poisoned food, land, water, and air.

Their own families will eventually suffer a rude awakening, soon.

It is just a matter of time for truth and Justice.

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This is so disgusting. I don’t know how you deal with this day in and day out.

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Dear Sasha,

Brave, courageous, and bold Sasha,

You're so sweet and considerate of others. You apologized to us for distracting us from our New Year's Eve guilty pleasures. {tee-hee, giggle-giggle} I stopped celebrating new year's eve a long time ago.

I'm a "morning person" now; I will celebrate Day 1 of 2025, by stepping off the back porch for two hours of vigorous hiking in the hills and hollers, with the dawn's early light (before sunrise). My trusty cat will be with me. Yes, he follows me around, sometimes. And sometimes he'd rather hunt than walk with me. He's a cat; he does whatever he wants to do.

So I prefer to dose myself with black coffee before sunrise, than to stay up late drinking.

This was another great post. It doesn't hurt to remind us that some of the unhuman demons masquerading as elected representatives, are full of MBE {male-bovine-excrement}, and we know they're full of MBE.

The included clip of the 3 MARCH 2020 "...Trump/Coronavirus Task Force Meet with Pharmaceutical Executives" was worth waiting for.

Scroll to 34:36 mins. One of the Unhuman Demons begins to roar at that point. It identified itself as representing NOVAVAX Corp., a producer of many vaccines. The demon belched out about NOVAVAX "We make the RSV vaccine...make respiratory vaccines.... ". It followed with this boast.... "We vaccinated 4,600 pregnant women to protect the infants from RSV disease."

This NOVAVAX unhuman demon, must be a high-ranking demon, and very close to Lucifer himself, because the scent of burning sulfur poured out of the fan port on my laptop.

I almost smashed my PC when the demon bragged about jabbing 4,600 pregnant women with the RSV kill-shot. That got to me. I was too busy suppressing the urge to throw up on the keyboard to destroy my PC.

Thinking about 4,600 pre-born kids getting poisoned-in-the-womb with one of the kill-shots almost pushed me around the bend.

I've been gifted with more empathy in my sturdy little body than most people should be allowed to have inside of them. So be it. I am what I am. My mom loved me a lot when I was little. I got it from her. But even empathy has its limits. I'm almost at my limit.

If I was a pure 'Empath', I wouldn't even consider that such an important emotion had a limit. I'm not pure.

We're at war. Some of our timid colleagues deny this bitter truth. Fine. There's no middle ground; They'll have to choose a side. We'll go on fighting without them.

Long ago, some of the Master's of War discovered that if you leave men in the front lines too long without a break and some rest in the rear areas, they go crazy - literally. First the victims were accused of being cowardly, and they were shot. Then the geniuses began actually describing the condition as "shell-shock", and the Master's of War stopped shooting those men. Time passed, and now they call it "PTSD".

One previous commenter in this thread tells us that "overwhelm" is a problem now, among some on our side. Yes, "overwhelm" is a thing, a real thing.

When I begin to feel a case of "overwhelm" developing I climb up out of the trench and move to the rear, away from artillery fire, the ceaseless whine of carefully aimed bullets flying over my head. and the smell of death.

For R&R I'm borrowing a few suggestions from Catherine Austin Fitts, at Solari.com, dtd July 22, 2024, Action of the Week, by-line: Protect and Nurture a Healthy Spirit:

1. Find humor and stay close to people who bring you joy;

2. Make sure that you sleep enough and that your sleep is of good quality;

3. Exercise, whether high-intensity workouts or brief walks, and spend time in the fresh air;

4. Do something that you love;

5. Remember the joy that music can bring; listen to music, or make it yourself, often;

6. Get out in nature, ground, hug an animal or two, and enjoy the stillness of just being;

7. Volunteer to help in your community;

8. Praise God and give thanks for your life;

I'll add one of my own, and call it:

No. 9 - Read for fun; if you have a favorite genre, get some, and curl up with a book, and get yourself lost in the story; call it escape reading if you like; it's therapy.

Remember, we're at war; No one can fight 24/7 and stay sane.

Be kind to yourself.

I'll close this lengthy piece of unrequested advice with one more suggestion. There's a short clip from a Lord of the Rings movie; it's a brief depiction of brave men, and one woman, mounted, and moving forward as fast as they can ride; They charge forward despite their fear, all while knowing many of them will die that day; They also know there's no going back; They bet everything; It's win or die trying.... Note that they wait for the sun to rise behind them, so the first rays of light blind the enemy a bit...

"Ride of the Rohirrim"; { about 6.5 mins.}



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Good nine directives to keeping your health and sanity.

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You are correct. Pfizer should be investigated for criminal actions. When they know their product is killing people, and still leave it on the market, then it is murder. The Police and Prosecution team investigate, arrest and bring the people in Pfizer to court. The murder degree is Murder in the 1st at this point. As well as killing people, the prosecution for the injuries should be criminal and not civil.

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