She is paid by somebody, if I had to guess a Trump PAC or some lobby firm to divert the narrative into "Pfizer can be sued!" for 4 years... nothing... who buys this crap anymore, who are those lazy people?
...., and she always has at least one cross visible when being interviewed. When St. Peter meets her at the Pearly Gates he'll say "Right this way, Ms. Kingston. Take the escalator down that way." LOL
after making her put her cross upside down, the right way up, for her kind. after Jesus asking, did I know you? satan will say, hey friend, come on inside, it's warm in here. real warm.
Really? So what exactly are you going to do to speed things up? God is in CONTROL, that means things happen when God decides. That is the way its been since HE created us. The best thing you can "do", IMO, is to get close to God now and get right with God. Nature is going to take its course no matter what you do. I am going to protect myself, my family and try to be around like minded people, as few as there appear to be left in the USA. Yes, I will continue to spread TRUTH as I know it to be on social media to whomever is awake enough to care.
Karen has put more on the table than the average whistle blower so we must be thank full. I would add though that Sabrina Wallas has an edge to add with the bio field tech information
too lazy to immediately cut their arms off when they got the jabs, ala Jesus if your left arm offends thee, cut it off, like the Walking Dead Christian farmer character Hershell when he got bit by the zombie. saved his life. for a while.
KK is a typically delusional theist. These types of people inherently have trouble thinking outside the box because, intellectually, their entire lives are spent inside of one, in one way another.
There are occasional exceptions, and for some reason those exceptions are often hailed as being inspired by their religion, when all they've done is what any normal thinking person should have done. People find inspiration in all manner of things.
KK has a habit of appearing in videos with crucifixes prominently displayed on the wall behind her and, more often than not, anyone who wears their beliefs on their sleeves in that manner, or any other manner, automatically needs to be looked at with apprehension, and perhaps suspicion.
These types of people are obviously an entirely different animal from people who, if explicitly asked, might occasionally profess to be "Christian", or having been raised on "Christian" principles, but who do not deliberately make this a central part of their opinions on a given subject, or their "world view".
Many if not most Americans fall into the former category, like KK, while most Europeans the latter. I know this because I myself grew up in Europe, but have lived in the US for the past 50 years.
Stew Peters is not a theist to the extent of KK, although they both seem unwilling or psychologically incapable to accept that all of the federal government is thoroughly and hopelessly corrupt. This is probably because doing so would invalidate certain notions they've held their entire lives. Many, if not most people, need certain psychological crutches to maintain their sanity, and they will not give up those crutches quickly or easily.
Or, it could be that I'm wrong and Peters and KK are indeed simply paid off, in some manner or another. I'm actually giving them credit for assuming that is not the case and that they are just acting on their delusions. Delusions are merely misguided opinions, and those can be changed, but once someone's on a payroll, they've gone beyond most forms of reasoning.
To paraphrase an author of one of the many books on the JFK assassination - People are afraid to acknowledge ugly truths because acknowledging them would mean having to do something about them, and ultimately that is too tall an order for most people.
Well, they ARE tall orders, if it gets to that point. They're the stuff revolutions are made of.
I must say I appreciate your insights regarding Ms Kingston. I do follow her Substack and occasionally post comments to *perhaps* enlighten other readers. She's lost all credibility since her 'breakdown' and alleged poisoning last year. The crucifix totem always turns me off...
"KK has a habit of appearing in videos with crucifixes prominently displayed on the wall behind her and, more often than not, anyone who wears their beliefs on their sleeves in that manner, or any other manner, automatically needs to be looked at with apprehension, and perhaps suspicion."
It's a kind of virtue signaling. "You can trust me a 100% because Catholic girls never lie."
and not paying heed to them is the stuff that devolutions are made of. communism is easy to get into, hard to get out of. and associated states of mind. United States, lol.
IMO, KK is sincere, but deluded. I think she is influenced by the crowd around TMIMIM (TheMostInterestingManInMedicine) - all of whom seem intent on protecting the real criminals at the top (DOD, DARPA, DOJ, DHS, HHS, NIH, NIAID, the Executive branch, GSA, etc.)
I don't know KK, or what's inside her head, but the group you are describing here (TMIMIM, lol!) - yeah, that's a key part of the crime cartel and the clean-up operation.
ring ring... who's there... safe and effective... safe and effective who? yes WHO's on third base, why don't you ring Abbot and Costello, they ironed out all the wrinkes in the pads that your animals tripped over in the MRNA competition 15 years ago.. ok, Operation Warp speed away, I think I will take two of those hits, cue One Flu Over the Cuckoos Nest , Mansini, Hit me , Hit me, no that;s not crazy, just eccentric. make that guy the new Nurse Ratchett, for the controlled, very controlled, opposition.If you want to fight the opposition to insanity, you have to lead it, with a crazy person who got hit twice and lived to regret it. what;s it gunna be boy, said the wolf with the red roses (Bat Out of Hell via Wuhan)... lobotomy or CJD?
Aha now you said that. KK has consistently presented 'dark murky aura' which resembles that of Dr TMIMIM, horse lover... It feels like watching a paranormal show :-P
Yes. The United States Patent and Trademark office *could* put an end to industry funded chemical warfare, but instead yields Patent rights and Royalties to the highest bidder. The US Patent ploy is taken from the earlier English form > "Letters Patent" < which established Royalty payment and unbridled monopoly to "associates" of the Crown. Same ol' same ol'...
Are those like the "charter" Mr. Penn got from the British King to found the Pennsylvania Colony where neither he nor his decendents had to pay taxes to any local colonial government?
Corporate Chartres generally represent bond and trade arrangements under Uniform Commercial Code, Maritime Law, or Laws Merchant. The charter statement is an artifact of licencing under international trade agreements and bond settlements.
Whilst I agree on many points made by Mr. Martin, he fails to separate the legal fiction of Corporate liability versus Strict Liability as applied to individuals within a specific corporate structure.
Suing ‘corporations’ as a business enterprise “remedy” is simply more legal obfuscation. Strict “Criminal” liability puts the individual perpetrators behind bars where they belong.
You are poorly informed, In 2018 Moderna bought the genetic sequence to the Spike protein, they were working on these vaccines2 years ago and knew how dangerous it was. The project for for global infection and vaccine mandates began 18 years prior to the declaration of a pandemic.
Kingston has done a lot of good from early on in ringing the C19 fraud alarm. She is not however fool proof and really far from it. "Trust" but verify independently. the layers of the onion run hundreds deep because the criminals have unlimited budgets to work with an d a fully compliant and corrupt government and judiciary. The apple is rotten to the core, and so is the tree.
um, why? "even if true" - you are not allowed to tell the truth? In case of KK, I know 100% she is a liar, because she repeatedly lied about me, and she repeatedly misrepresented the situation with Pfizer, just like she did in the post I am quoting (and she can't claim incompetence). So, you are supporting lies, I take it?
100% agree with your outstanding - and unique in the entire effing world - analysis!!! Unless they go after all mRNA products and immediately remove them from the market, with a requirement for real clinical trials before any mRNA product can ever be used again on human or animal -- they are not trying to solve the problem, just cover up for the real perpetrators.
"They" are well-meaning congresspeople who may actually want to protect their constituents from illegal medical products. There might be no such congresspeople, but hypothetically that's who "they" would be. "Them" are the not-well-meaning people in the biodefense-industrial-complex, encompassing DoD, IC, pharmaceutical companies and NGOs, who knew the whole approval process was illegal and in fact manipulated the law to get their products through without any regulatory oversight.
How will "they" go after "them"? If there are honest, non-paid-off congresspeople they will look at the actual laws that were abused in this whole process - EUA, PREP, emergency declarations - and work to repeal them. Simultaneously, they will question the regulators, pharma execs, and DoD folks who signed contracts and developed products under EUA, PREP etc. and bring charges against all those who manipulated the laws illegally.
Not saying this will happen. But that's what it would look like if there were honest congresspeople pursuing the real perpetrators.
swiss army of knife mrna is, but they have other knives in their cutlery draws. all we need is some kind of oath for doctors, I dunno, maybe like 'first, do no harm'.
Sasha... Thank you and Katherine for your tireless work on this. I never cease to be amazed at the level of corruption and deception that distinguishes our corporatist/fascist state. I "warped" through the video with Orange Man and was nauseated all over again... Not one of the perps in this on-going war on Humanity has been brought to justice and the Kansas AG and his fellow travelers are obviously running cover for the guilty. IMO, Pfizer will not be scratched and will easily shrug off this latest attempt at "justice" (a fraudulent endeavor meant to deceive and misdirect). Thanks for all you do...
I call self amplifying mrna 'how they killed all the feral bunny rabbits in Australia ' not technically true, that was mixamatosis then calcivirus, but the idea being release some contaminated ones into the wild and let bunnies do what bunnies do.
Sasha, you have forgotten that the PREP Act DOES require that significant known information be put in the Fact Sheet to go with the EUA product. This was fraud imho and certainly did not meet the very lax standard of the PREP Act.
There is also the little matter of the bait and switch: people being told they were receiving a licensed product when they were getting an EUA.
Both these matters imho can be litigated using product liability/ consumer protection and labeling laws. Not to say anyone will win in the US courts, which have generally not been our friends, but to claim this is only for show is presumptive.
But since neither I nor you nor Katherine Watt is an attorney and none of us has experience litigating in this arena, let's continue to watch the courts and see how this plays out. And let's share our expertise so the courts have the best evidence to use. Such as Congressman Tom Massie's report on this subject, issued yesterday:
I have discussed these issues before (the disclosure req and bait and switch) - IMO, in theory this can be litigated, just like anyone can sue Pfizer for consumer safety violation or some other apparent fraud. Nobody is prevented from filing a lawsuit like that. However, the perps WANT you to file lawsuits like that, because they know you are not going to win, but simply spend your time and money. Just like with Agent Orange (more articles coming), they used the same playbook and legal strategy to exhaust the victims' resources. There were 20 years before any real investigation was allowed, then 10+ more years of litigation, and by the time it was over, all perpetrators and most victims were dead. This is what is going to happen here, unless someone in real position of power or public visibility steps up and puts pressure on these AG clowns or clowns in Congress to do the right thing.
Agent Orange was going against the USG, which controlled the judge, etc. I know that playbook well: Gulf War Syndrome, anthrax vaccine injuries, etc.
Going against Pfizer is different. Pfizer has insurance; Pfizer is accustomed to paying multibillion fines. Pfizer is not averse to pleas. I totally agree that we want criminal charges and that only sending CEOs to jail will end this. But let's at least give this a chance. It also might lead to additional evidence through discovery. Which could lead to criminal charges.
Insurance, fines, pleas, etc - yes, that's exactly the "honeypot" they set up to divert the victims (and especially the lawyers) into hunting for $$$ in return for settlements that gag them and waive any future rights. So the killbox remains untouched, Monsanto or Pfizer is swapped for another corporate shell with insurance, and USG is free to continue murdering and maiming people as they please with whatever the next poison they need to profit off.
Just to clarify, by "winning" I mean not to just get some payout for the victim of government poisoning campaign in exchange for the victim being prevented from discussing the crime ever again. That's not a win, that's a cover up. A real win would be making at least some dent in the federal killbox laws.
In my view, winning = approaching the point of zero vaccination programs and zero vaccinations worldwide, and approaching the point of public giving zero credibility (having zero trust) in every declaration of global pandemic of communicable disease and every declaration of public health emergency.
Winning = More people every day better understanding the breadth, depth and length of the century-plus of gov't-promulgated lies about communicable disease threats, vaccination/biological products, and emergency governmental powers.
Yes. In my opinion, ALL statements declaring public health "emergency" or "mandating" are egregious falsehoods, and are in violation of both 18 U.S. Code § 241 - Conspiracy against rights and 18 U.S. Code § 242 - Deprivation of rights under color of law.
The US Department of Defense has engaged in multiple acts of Seditious Conspiracy (18 U.S. Code § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy) and needs to be dismantled down to the lowest level janitor...
"approaching the point of public giving zero credibility (having zero trust) in every declaration of global pandemic of communicable disease and every declaration of public health emergency."
then they drop a real pandemic on us (and the VAIDS majority)
Criminal charges...Bodily autonomy and battery through coercion. That's what it's going to take. One of these AGs has to be convinced of that and pursue it.
penalty under Nuremberg is death by hanging. I say death by injection, of their own medicine, until the are dead, which should not be too long. no jews in the legal process like Nuremberg which was 70% jews. no Mason judges. mmm why I am a Nazi Romantic these days. then again, me and who's army to bring all that about, nazi or otherwise,
Those criminal charges can be brought now particularly after the Ninth Circuit ruling recently. The problem is the state AGs are still afraid and about a year behind the curve still.
I'll agree that this might be a sign of the court of public opinion turning but it's not enough and there NO LONGER ANY EXCUSES.
Excellent reply. Litigation against large syndicated corporations has gotten us to where we are today. In terms of 'democracy' we're already in the ambulance...
Great writeup. You and Katherine have been documenting who was in charge at least since the Brook Jackson case confirmed that the OWS poison campaign was government initiated, government financed, government implemented, and government defended. Even so-called friendly government officials are so far behind the information curve that one must wonder why.
All those toilets and sewers you open up one by one Sasha, they all have one thing in common they all stink and the more you open them the more they stink, the moment will come that those piling up these sh.t holes will have to trample on it, no free space left and growing over their mouth.
Finally, the fraud leading to COVID vax licensure and the supposedly legal imposition of vaccine mandates has been exposed by Congress
Rep. Thomas Massie's Subcommittee on the Administrative State released a 700 page report on White House-FDA conspiracy to illegally license experimental (EUA) vaccine in August 2021.
Granted, it’s a “never ending” knot. But there is still string left on the other side. And in large part the pulling on this side of the line has stopped.
Every probe and wrenching of the rods keeps creating more openings and more opportunities for multiple probes until the one that “sticks through”.
It’s also always helpful to see who is left to pull on the rope from their end, as others step away, in the form of their filings and motions.
There is also value in the public seeing them pulling on the rope and what they want to do with it.
Lucky for us, and the world, there is no one better at untangling this mess than you.
They are stuck pulling on one end. You’re all over this. You own it.
Its a truly sad and depressing state of affairs that alternative media is often failing to dig deep enough to ascertain truth, meanwhile providing false hope. The empirical facts are that we can only really trust ourselves in the Western world and we are all on our own to a very significant degree. I have taken the black pill and disconnected over the past 3 years with 95% of the alt-media I used to follow for these very reasons. Unfortunately they are also in on the grift in their own rationalized way. It will all collapse when the USD currency is worthless to the rest of the world that produces real goods. We are closer to that moment than you can imagine, that is why false flags and planned black swans are sure to come visit us all soon.
"Should The Lancet staff be held liable for deaths that resulted after it censored this now-peer-reviewed paper? Not likely. However, the Big Pharma narrative has fallen apart. The shots have been declared ineffective, and the 8th Circuit Court recently ruled that mRNA injections are NOT vaccines. This means that the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) granted by the FDA was illegal. Thus, all shot recipients were tricked into a horrific medical experiment.
Call it what it is: A war against all humans in which “crimes against humanity” are seen wherever you look. I declared war on Technocracy on December 18, 2015 – nine years ago. It was clear back then, and now we are piling up the bodies and nursing the wounded. We have yet to mount a defense." ⁃ TN (Technocracy News) Editor (Patrick Wood)
Explosive Study Once Removed by Lancet within 24 Hours, Now Peer-Reviewed and Public: Reveals 74% of Deaths Directly Linked to COVID-19 Shot
a war against everything, except for the jews behind it. could be aliens. I am a luddite with a Comp Sci degree (obviously commenting here on the internet, feeding the AI). bottom line with anything twisted and exploited, whatever the tools or tech, they make it , even society, impossible. evil though destroys itself, doing much harm along the way.
For the past 60yrs I have watched as these psychopaths and their BANKSTERS have manipulated people and lied about virtually everything. Were I even older than I am, I could have been watching the same show for 60 more years before they murdered JFK. In all that time I searched for a suitable lady with eyes as wide open as yours Sasha. You are indeed a rare specimen and I love you. Depth and the ability to think critically is damned attractive. G-d, I soo wish there were more like you and your legal friend Katherine. Not for this old dog of course but so that we might have a small chance to save what is left of the Republic. There's so much to fix and so little time and so few with your combination of talents that I truly fear for those coming behind us. Most, I am afraid, won't even know what happened or why. G-d Bless you and yours Sasha!
Smoke and mirrors at warp speed.
Spider sense started to tingle as soon as Moderna was left out with BS excuse.
Can't decide if Kingston is real, crazy or controlled opposition.
She is paid by somebody, if I had to guess a Trump PAC or some lobby firm to divert the narrative into "Pfizer can be sued!" for 4 years... nothing... who buys this crap anymore, who are those lazy people?
Anyone promoted by that clown carnival barker Stew Peters just doesn't ooze credibility.
...., and she always has at least one cross visible when being interviewed. When St. Peter meets her at the Pearly Gates he'll say "Right this way, Ms. Kingston. Take the escalator down that way." LOL
after making her put her cross upside down, the right way up, for her kind. after Jesus asking, did I know you? satan will say, hey friend, come on inside, it's warm in here. real warm.
Very reasonable conclusion . There will be a great cleansing of these people, but on God's timeliness.
You may have time for God's justice. I don't.
Really? So what exactly are you going to do to speed things up? God is in CONTROL, that means things happen when God decides. That is the way its been since HE created us. The best thing you can "do", IMO, is to get close to God now and get right with God. Nature is going to take its course no matter what you do. I am going to protect myself, my family and try to be around like minded people, as few as there appear to be left in the USA. Yes, I will continue to spread TRUTH as I know it to be on social media to whomever is awake enough to care.
Ah, yes, thank God that God is in control.
Look into her brother, who does he work for?
I followed her deeply from the start. She was doing it alone that I could see. Who do you and others believe she is working for? Cheers
Karen has put more on the table than the average whistle blower so we must be thank full. I would add though that Sabrina Wallas has an edge to add with the bio field tech information
She's been wrong...a lot...
too lazy to immediately cut their arms off when they got the jabs, ala Jesus if your left arm offends thee, cut it off, like the Walking Dead Christian farmer character Hershell when he got bit by the zombie. saved his life. for a while.
KK is a typically delusional theist. These types of people inherently have trouble thinking outside the box because, intellectually, their entire lives are spent inside of one, in one way another.
There are occasional exceptions, and for some reason those exceptions are often hailed as being inspired by their religion, when all they've done is what any normal thinking person should have done. People find inspiration in all manner of things.
KK has a habit of appearing in videos with crucifixes prominently displayed on the wall behind her and, more often than not, anyone who wears their beliefs on their sleeves in that manner, or any other manner, automatically needs to be looked at with apprehension, and perhaps suspicion.
These types of people are obviously an entirely different animal from people who, if explicitly asked, might occasionally profess to be "Christian", or having been raised on "Christian" principles, but who do not deliberately make this a central part of their opinions on a given subject, or their "world view".
Many if not most Americans fall into the former category, like KK, while most Europeans the latter. I know this because I myself grew up in Europe, but have lived in the US for the past 50 years.
Stew Peters is not a theist to the extent of KK, although they both seem unwilling or psychologically incapable to accept that all of the federal government is thoroughly and hopelessly corrupt. This is probably because doing so would invalidate certain notions they've held their entire lives. Many, if not most people, need certain psychological crutches to maintain their sanity, and they will not give up those crutches quickly or easily.
Or, it could be that I'm wrong and Peters and KK are indeed simply paid off, in some manner or another. I'm actually giving them credit for assuming that is not the case and that they are just acting on their delusions. Delusions are merely misguided opinions, and those can be changed, but once someone's on a payroll, they've gone beyond most forms of reasoning.
To paraphrase an author of one of the many books on the JFK assassination - People are afraid to acknowledge ugly truths because acknowledging them would mean having to do something about them, and ultimately that is too tall an order for most people.
Well, they ARE tall orders, if it gets to that point. They're the stuff revolutions are made of.
I must say I appreciate your insights regarding Ms Kingston. I do follow her Substack and occasionally post comments to *perhaps* enlighten other readers. She's lost all credibility since her 'breakdown' and alleged poisoning last year. The crucifix totem always turns me off...
"KK has a habit of appearing in videos with crucifixes prominently displayed on the wall behind her and, more often than not, anyone who wears their beliefs on their sleeves in that manner, or any other manner, automatically needs to be looked at with apprehension, and perhaps suspicion."
It's a kind of virtue signaling. "You can trust me a 100% because Catholic girls never lie."
That's another way of putting it, in a nutshell. Thanks.
and not paying heed to them is the stuff that devolutions are made of. communism is easy to get into, hard to get out of. and associated states of mind. United States, lol.
IMO, KK is sincere, but deluded. I think she is influenced by the crowd around TMIMIM (TheMostInterestingManInMedicine) - all of whom seem intent on protecting the real criminals at the top (DOD, DARPA, DOJ, DHS, HHS, NIH, NIAID, the Executive branch, GSA, etc.)
I don't know KK, or what's inside her head, but the group you are describing here (TMIMIM, lol!) - yeah, that's a key part of the crime cartel and the clean-up operation.
I'm sorry, but I'm at a loss. Who is "The Most Interesting Man In Medicine"?
Big Gnome Malone
ring ring... who's there... safe and effective... safe and effective who? yes WHO's on third base, why don't you ring Abbot and Costello, they ironed out all the wrinkes in the pads that your animals tripped over in the MRNA competition 15 years ago.. ok, Operation Warp speed away, I think I will take two of those hits, cue One Flu Over the Cuckoos Nest , Mansini, Hit me , Hit me, no that;s not crazy, just eccentric. make that guy the new Nurse Ratchett, for the controlled, very controlled, opposition.If you want to fight the opposition to insanity, you have to lead it, with a crazy person who got hit twice and lived to regret it. what;s it gunna be boy, said the wolf with the red roses (Bat Out of Hell via Wuhan)... lobotomy or CJD?
Rhymes with Capone..
The Medicine Man, he has a license to do Joodoo Voodoo. a license to kill like James Bond 007, really John Dee, Cabalist, QE1
The inventor of mRNA vaxxx - loves horses...
-> insert clopping hooves <-
LOL! Do I hear Percherons prancing?
LOL--! Do I hear rattlesnakes attacking each other??
Aha now you said that. KK has consistently presented 'dark murky aura' which resembles that of Dr TMIMIM, horse lover... It feels like watching a paranormal show :-P
To put it politely, if people do not understand what patents actually are I quickly lose interest.
Yes. The United States Patent and Trademark office *could* put an end to industry funded chemical warfare, but instead yields Patent rights and Royalties to the highest bidder. The US Patent ploy is taken from the earlier English form > "Letters Patent" < which established Royalty payment and unbridled monopoly to "associates" of the Crown. Same ol' same ol'...
Are those like the "charter" Mr. Penn got from the British King to found the Pennsylvania Colony where neither he nor his decendents had to pay taxes to any local colonial government?
Hello A.J.: No. Corporate Charters are an entirely different animal. I believe you might be referring to the 1701 Pennsylvania Charter of Privileges.
Corporate Chartres generally represent bond and trade arrangements under Uniform Commercial Code, Maritime Law, or Laws Merchant. The charter statement is an artifact of licencing under international trade agreements and bond settlements.
A partial explanation of Letters Patent:
Thanks for the details! No, I was thinking of the 1681 charter which was the one, I thought, Benjamin Franklin was sent to London to try to get Parliament or the King to void part of to make the Penns liable for colonial land taxes.
Good thing David Martin does.
I have never really heard any of his stuff just seen photos of him.
Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson and Dr.David Martin - 9th Circuit Court rules COVID-19 mRNA Injections are not "Vaccines" >>> DR. WILLIAM MAKIS MD >>> June 11, 2024 >>>
Whilst I agree on many points made by Mr. Martin, he fails to separate the legal fiction of Corporate liability versus Strict Liability as applied to individuals within a specific corporate structure.
Suing ‘corporations’ as a business enterprise “remedy” is simply more legal obfuscation. Strict “Criminal” liability puts the individual perpetrators behind bars where they belong.
seen this one? know them by their tattoos.
You are poorly informed, In 2018 Moderna bought the genetic sequence to the Spike protein, they were working on these vaccines2 years ago and knew how dangerous it was. The project for for global infection and vaccine mandates began 18 years prior to the declaration of a pandemic.
2018 is correct. I have made a post based on a Moderna process flow diagram. You can find it here:, but I'll try to explain how it's made.
It even contains a list of ingredients in the vials.
I got the list in the 70's cartoon from Professor Wierdo and Count Cook.
Milton the Monster Intro.
hence the Pope's Love Potion.
Act of love. Yeah, you just can't make shit like that up.
Kingston has done a lot of good from early on in ringing the C19 fraud alarm. She is not however fool proof and really far from it. "Trust" but verify independently. the layers of the onion run hundreds deep because the criminals have unlimited budgets to work with an d a fully compliant and corrupt government and judiciary. The apple is rotten to the core, and so is the tree.
She is a liar. Liars say things that are true so that people believe their lies.
Exactly! To spell it out, limited hangouts are lies because they're not the WHOLE truth.
That is an unconscionable remark, even if it were true about her.
um, why? "even if true" - you are not allowed to tell the truth? In case of KK, I know 100% she is a liar, because she repeatedly lied about me, and she repeatedly misrepresented the situation with Pfizer, just like she did in the post I am quoting (and she can't claim incompetence). So, you are supporting lies, I take it?
No, I do not. I was writing about the nature of your remark.
what is the nature of my remark? also, while you are at it, what's the nature of YOUR remark?
Even Pavlov’s Dog
Would Have Figured Out This Charade
And Turned On Its Owner.
Now The Salient Question Is:
How Many Viscous Bites
Would It Take The Doctor
To Turn On Its Owner ?
LatyPova's dog certainly has.
are you ok? Do you need to complain to customer support?
All of the above
100% agree with your outstanding - and unique in the entire effing world - analysis!!! Unless they go after all mRNA products and immediately remove them from the market, with a requirement for real clinical trials before any mRNA product can ever be used again on human or animal -- they are not trying to solve the problem, just cover up for the real perpetrators.
Thank you!
The State AGs could in fact do things that would the needle: seize vials, criminal charges, etc.
Who is "they" and how will "they" go after "them"?
"They" are well-meaning congresspeople who may actually want to protect their constituents from illegal medical products. There might be no such congresspeople, but hypothetically that's who "they" would be. "Them" are the not-well-meaning people in the biodefense-industrial-complex, encompassing DoD, IC, pharmaceutical companies and NGOs, who knew the whole approval process was illegal and in fact manipulated the law to get their products through without any regulatory oversight.
How will "they" go after "them"? If there are honest, non-paid-off congresspeople they will look at the actual laws that were abused in this whole process - EUA, PREP, emergency declarations - and work to repeal them. Simultaneously, they will question the regulators, pharma execs, and DoD folks who signed contracts and developed products under EUA, PREP etc. and bring charges against all those who manipulated the laws illegally.
Not saying this will happen. But that's what it would look like if there were honest congresspeople pursuing the real perpetrators.
So far there are no such congress people.
True. They are all treasonous Accessories After the Fact and should be hanged from a gallows until dead.
if that happened I would go into shock, maybe that is how they would get rid of the rest of us. by being honest.
swiss army of knife mrna is, but they have other knives in their cutlery draws. all we need is some kind of oath for doctors, I dunno, maybe like 'first, do no harm'.
Sasha... Thank you and Katherine for your tireless work on this. I never cease to be amazed at the level of corruption and deception that distinguishes our corporatist/fascist state. I "warped" through the video with Orange Man and was nauseated all over again... Not one of the perps in this on-going war on Humanity has been brought to justice and the Kansas AG and his fellow travelers are obviously running cover for the guilty. IMO, Pfizer will not be scratched and will easily shrug off this latest attempt at "justice" (a fraudulent endeavor meant to deceive and misdirect). Thanks for all you do...
Thank you for your CLARITY & DOCUMENTATION in the Muddy Waters of Evil! God Bless You & Your Efforts 🙏
Love that bunny print! 💕
I call self amplifying mrna 'how they killed all the feral bunny rabbits in Australia ' not technically true, that was mixamatosis then calcivirus, but the idea being release some contaminated ones into the wild and let bunnies do what bunnies do.
killing them softly with fluffy cuddles.
Once again, Sasha's X-ray goggles allow her to see through even the densest bullshit.
They Live 1988 sunglasses.
Get the Jab
Contact Trace
Safe and Effective
Trust the Government.
Do Not Breed (change of Plan)
Watch This Space
"we got one who can see"
Sasha, you have forgotten that the PREP Act DOES require that significant known information be put in the Fact Sheet to go with the EUA product. This was fraud imho and certainly did not meet the very lax standard of the PREP Act.
There is also the little matter of the bait and switch: people being told they were receiving a licensed product when they were getting an EUA.
Both these matters imho can be litigated using product liability/ consumer protection and labeling laws. Not to say anyone will win in the US courts, which have generally not been our friends, but to claim this is only for show is presumptive.
But since neither I nor you nor Katherine Watt is an attorney and none of us has experience litigating in this arena, let's continue to watch the courts and see how this plays out. And let's share our expertise so the courts have the best evidence to use. Such as Congressman Tom Massie's report on this subject, issued yesterday:
I have discussed these issues before (the disclosure req and bait and switch) - IMO, in theory this can be litigated, just like anyone can sue Pfizer for consumer safety violation or some other apparent fraud. Nobody is prevented from filing a lawsuit like that. However, the perps WANT you to file lawsuits like that, because they know you are not going to win, but simply spend your time and money. Just like with Agent Orange (more articles coming), they used the same playbook and legal strategy to exhaust the victims' resources. There were 20 years before any real investigation was allowed, then 10+ more years of litigation, and by the time it was over, all perpetrators and most victims were dead. This is what is going to happen here, unless someone in real position of power or public visibility steps up and puts pressure on these AG clowns or clowns in Congress to do the right thing.
Agent Orange was going against the USG, which controlled the judge, etc. I know that playbook well: Gulf War Syndrome, anthrax vaccine injuries, etc.
Going against Pfizer is different. Pfizer has insurance; Pfizer is accustomed to paying multibillion fines. Pfizer is not averse to pleas. I totally agree that we want criminal charges and that only sending CEOs to jail will end this. But let's at least give this a chance. It also might lead to additional evidence through discovery. Which could lead to criminal charges.
Insurance, fines, pleas, etc - yes, that's exactly the "honeypot" they set up to divert the victims (and especially the lawyers) into hunting for $$$ in return for settlements that gag them and waive any future rights. So the killbox remains untouched, Monsanto or Pfizer is swapped for another corporate shell with insurance, and USG is free to continue murdering and maiming people as they please with whatever the next poison they need to profit off.
Just to clarify, by "winning" I mean not to just get some payout for the victim of government poisoning campaign in exchange for the victim being prevented from discussing the crime ever again. That's not a win, that's a cover up. A real win would be making at least some dent in the federal killbox laws.
In my view, winning = approaching the point of zero vaccination programs and zero vaccinations worldwide, and approaching the point of public giving zero credibility (having zero trust) in every declaration of global pandemic of communicable disease and every declaration of public health emergency.
Winning = More people every day better understanding the breadth, depth and length of the century-plus of gov't-promulgated lies about communicable disease threats, vaccination/biological products, and emergency governmental powers.
Yes. In my opinion, ALL statements declaring public health "emergency" or "mandating" are egregious falsehoods, and are in violation of both 18 U.S. Code § 241 - Conspiracy against rights and 18 U.S. Code § 242 - Deprivation of rights under color of law.
The US Department of Defense has engaged in multiple acts of Seditious Conspiracy (18 U.S. Code § 2384 - Seditious conspiracy) and needs to be dismantled down to the lowest level janitor...
Thank you for your many efforts...
"approaching the point of public giving zero credibility (having zero trust) in every declaration of global pandemic of communicable disease and every declaration of public health emergency."
then they drop a real pandemic on us (and the VAIDS majority)
I agree entirely.
The two basic problems are the cults of government and medicine.
Government is organised crime.
Medicine is organised crime.
You can't possible be serious?
Government and medicine protect us all!
Doctors and politicians basically have our best interests at heart.
I would be irresponsible if I did not vote or go to the doctor!
Some people's trust in the basic goodness of government and medicine, seems to be unshakable regardless, even unto death.
The search for the elusive on/off switch can be very costly.
The knights of the Holy Grail act to protect all life - temporal and eternal.
Most have many dents in their armour, but they carry on regardless.
Criminal charges...Bodily autonomy and battery through coercion. That's what it's going to take. One of these AGs has to be convinced of that and pursue it.
penalty under Nuremberg is death by hanging. I say death by injection, of their own medicine, until the are dead, which should not be too long. no jews in the legal process like Nuremberg which was 70% jews. no Mason judges. mmm why I am a Nazi Romantic these days. then again, me and who's army to bring all that about, nazi or otherwise,
Those criminal charges can be brought now particularly after the Ninth Circuit ruling recently. The problem is the state AGs are still afraid and about a year behind the curve still.
I'll agree that this might be a sign of the court of public opinion turning but it's not enough and there NO LONGER ANY EXCUSES.
another problem is shedding. I go nowhere, see noone, almost totally for fear of it. then what, televised trials with the onset of AI everything?
Excellent reply. Litigation against large syndicated corporations has gotten us to where we are today. In terms of 'democracy' we're already in the ambulance...
David Dess and Uncle Sam in ER, in the good old days when 911 was the big deal
Great writeup. You and Katherine have been documenting who was in charge at least since the Brook Jackson case confirmed that the OWS poison campaign was government initiated, government financed, government implemented, and government defended. Even so-called friendly government officials are so far behind the information curve that one must wonder why.
All those toilets and sewers you open up one by one Sasha, they all have one thing in common they all stink and the more you open them the more they stink, the moment will come that those piling up these sh.t holes will have to trample on it, no free space left and growing over their mouth.
Finally, the fraud leading to COVID vax licensure and the supposedly legal imposition of vaccine mandates has been exposed by Congress
Rep. Thomas Massie's Subcommittee on the Administrative State released a 700 page report on White House-FDA conspiracy to illegally license experimental (EUA) vaccine in August 2021.
Granted, it’s a “never ending” knot. But there is still string left on the other side. And in large part the pulling on this side of the line has stopped.
Every probe and wrenching of the rods keeps creating more openings and more opportunities for multiple probes until the one that “sticks through”.
It’s also always helpful to see who is left to pull on the rope from their end, as others step away, in the form of their filings and motions.
There is also value in the public seeing them pulling on the rope and what they want to do with it.
Lucky for us, and the world, there is no one better at untangling this mess than you.
They are stuck pulling on one end. You’re all over this. You own it.
Its a truly sad and depressing state of affairs that alternative media is often failing to dig deep enough to ascertain truth, meanwhile providing false hope. The empirical facts are that we can only really trust ourselves in the Western world and we are all on our own to a very significant degree. I have taken the black pill and disconnected over the past 3 years with 95% of the alt-media I used to follow for these very reasons. Unfortunately they are also in on the grift in their own rationalized way. It will all collapse when the USD currency is worthless to the rest of the world that produces real goods. We are closer to that moment than you can imagine, that is why false flags and planned black swans are sure to come visit us all soon.
911 chickens coming home to roost. some good might come of it.
"We have yet to mount a defense"
"Should The Lancet staff be held liable for deaths that resulted after it censored this now-peer-reviewed paper? Not likely. However, the Big Pharma narrative has fallen apart. The shots have been declared ineffective, and the 8th Circuit Court recently ruled that mRNA injections are NOT vaccines. This means that the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) granted by the FDA was illegal. Thus, all shot recipients were tricked into a horrific medical experiment.
Call it what it is: A war against all humans in which “crimes against humanity” are seen wherever you look. I declared war on Technocracy on December 18, 2015 – nine years ago. It was clear back then, and now we are piling up the bodies and nursing the wounded. We have yet to mount a defense." ⁃ TN (Technocracy News) Editor (Patrick Wood)
Explosive Study Once Removed by Lancet within 24 Hours, Now Peer-Reviewed and Public: Reveals 74% of Deaths Directly Linked to COVID-19 Shot
Excellent post. Thank you once again.
a war against everything, except for the jews behind it. could be aliens. I am a luddite with a Comp Sci degree (obviously commenting here on the internet, feeding the AI). bottom line with anything twisted and exploited, whatever the tools or tech, they make it , even society, impossible. evil though destroys itself, doing much harm along the way.
For the past 60yrs I have watched as these psychopaths and their BANKSTERS have manipulated people and lied about virtually everything. Were I even older than I am, I could have been watching the same show for 60 more years before they murdered JFK. In all that time I searched for a suitable lady with eyes as wide open as yours Sasha. You are indeed a rare specimen and I love you. Depth and the ability to think critically is damned attractive. G-d, I soo wish there were more like you and your legal friend Katherine. Not for this old dog of course but so that we might have a small chance to save what is left of the Republic. There's so much to fix and so little time and so few with your combination of talents that I truly fear for those coming behind us. Most, I am afraid, won't even know what happened or why. G-d Bless you and yours Sasha!
old dogs can dream new tricks. 60 here too, going on 15. like, totally, like, agree, bro. lol.
( side note and shit stirring, o my g_d )
Those are good deaths because they happen under government oversight…., I love that!!!
Great Caesar's ghost!! Fantastic work, Sasha. Little did we know about this scam until you came along and threw the lies under the bus.
Pfiezer Liezer Pants on Firezer.
So, it looks like we're in for a rough ride.
like a billion hearts pumping sludge blood.