Australian Parliament Inquiry into allergies and anaphylaxis, Submission 86
Committee Secretariat Re: Inquiry into allergies and anaphylaxis
I don't know the name of the author of this letter to the Australian Parliament. Nor do I know the date when this inquiry happened. It is addressed to a “committee” but I don’t know which committee. If any of my readers from Australia know these details, please post in comments.
I am reproducing this letter here in its entirety. It has a lot of good references and resources mentioned, and discusses the evidence that all vaccines are producing anaphylaxis, food allergies, autoimmune diseases, and the epidemic of chronic illness.
The Letter
Dear Committee Secretariat,
While Australian health authorities and medical agencies spend an inordinate amount of time, effort and money examining the growing epidemic of childhood allergies in Australia and the testing for allergies and the various treatments and precautions, amazingly they spend virtually no time or investigation into the causes of the worsening allergy epidemic. We must finally start our journey to discovery here with the most obvious, yet suppressed, likely cause of this growing childhood epidemic.
Firstly, let’s examine why children started to develop peanut allergies from the mid-1960s. It all started after they added peanut oil to vaccines.
Product Patented for Merck Said to Extend Immunity (1964)
Listed as Adjuvant 65 on the vaccine insert (A.K.A peanut oil). During the 1970s and 1980s peanut oil became a common practice and ingredient in vaccines. Coincidentally, peanut allergies began rising exponentially in children as more vaccines were administered. Heather Fraser in her 2010 book, The History of the Peanut Allergy Epidemic, documents this.
Concomitantly, hospital records indicate anaphylaxis reactions to vaccines and food anaphylaxis in children rose dramatically during this period. It was around this time that medical regulators and health authorities granted GRAS status (Generally Recognized as Safe) to peanut oil in vaccines so that it no longer needed to be listed as an ingredient in vaccines. Yet another deliberate and willful deceit to hide the known dangers of vaccines from the public.
Dr Buttram found that yeast protein (a potent allergen) and peanut oil are still used as excipients or adjuvants in vaccines but remain unlisted on the vaccine inserts. Also some vaccines include bovine material and egg medium. And we wonder why so many kids have developed allergies to peanuts, dairy, wheat and eggs!?! .. Maybe because the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers refined peanut oil as GRAS (generally recognized as safe), vaccine manufacturers think it safe to use as a vaccine adjuvant while not recognizing the differences in physiology and function between food protein sources that are gut-digested from those syringed directly into the bloodstream. That issue could wind up becoming a critical learning for much of medicine, pharmaceutical and vaccine makers. Charles Janeway, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator and Yale University School of Medicine professor in 1989, revealed that adjuvants were the “immunologists’ dirty little secret”.
Doctor Buttram has observed in his practice: “Doctors knew that as the number and potency of vaccines increased, so too would the risk of side effects that included soaring IgE and atopy [genetic tendency to develop classic allergy diseases, e.g., asthma, rhinitis, dermatitis, food sensitivities, especially in autistic children].
Anaphylaxis immediately following vaccination had finally become an ‘obstacle’ to the routine jab, doctors observed.”
Way back in 1913 Charles Richet won the Nobel prize for his research on anaphylaxis when he discovered that any protein injected into the bloodstream of any mammal can cause an allergy to that protein. Upon a second injection of any amount after an incubation period, anaphylaxis can often occur. This became a cause of childhood death. And we still wonder why?!?
Charles Richet Nobel Prize Lecture 1913
Vaccines and the Peanut Allergy Epidemic
The Non-Disclosed and Hyper-Allergenic Vaccine Adjuvant
Researcher Jailed After Uncovering Deadly Virus Delivered Through Human Vaccines
No wonder there is a growing epidemic of chronic childhood illnesses when our kids are being injected with ever increasing doses of these ingredients which do NOT belong in the bodies of our children.
Dirty Vaccines:
Every Human Vaccine Tested Was Contaminated With Metals and Debris in New Study Researchers examining 44 samples of 30 different vaccines found dangerous contaminants, including red blood cells in one vaccine and metal toxicants in every single sample tested – except in one animal vaccine. Full report here.
Primum non nocere is Latin for “First, do no harm”, one of the guiding principles of medical care. Yet there is a large body of scientific evidence confirming numerous vaccine safety deficits that counteract well-publicised benefits. For example, several studies in this book show that mercury and aluminium in vaccines can cause neurological, immunological and developmental harm. Other studies show that childhood vaccines are associated with an increased risk of cancer, allergies, seizures, bleeding disorders, and type 1 diabetes.
The peer-reviewed scientific studies in this book also show that a history of measles and mumps is protective against fatal heart attacks and strokes. The pertussis vaccine caused virulent vaccine-resistant strains of pertussis to emerge. Chickenpox vaccines reduced cases of chickenpox but increased cases of shingles. Children have an increased risk of requiring emergency care after receiving MMR. Vaccinated people can spread disease, making herd immunity an unrealistic goal. Many doctors and nurses are unvaccinated due to concerns about adverse reactions. Parents who reject vaccines for their children are highly educated.
The science speaks for itself.
The One Conversation The Vaccine Industry Is Avoiding
I trust this helps set you on the right path for further investigation into the truth about the obvious, but dismissed, cause for the growing childhood allergy epidemic in Australia. Please contact me as I can assist with a great deal more scientific studies and medical evidence for your further investigation so we can finally identify the cause of the anaphylaxis and allergies epidemic afflicting Australian children at ever increasing rates and thereby, once and for all, finally put an end to this catastrophe for good. Thank you.
[name redacted]
From my own conclusions on this topic:
Injections of proteins (large, macro-molecules) directly into the blood stream is an entirely different story, as this can induce the anaphylactic/allergenic state in an unpredictable % of the population. Do it often enough, and you are playing Russian roulette. This is why vaccines are a perfect, deniable murder and poison weapon:
More detailed information on anaphylaxis and Richet’s work, including references:
Art for today: Still life in blue and violet, oil on panel, 12x12 in.
In the USA in the 80s, they used to tell kids not to inject drugs because it can be adulterated and kill you.
But adulteration is welcome when it's the vaccine that your clueless doctor injects into your child....
Bizarro world.
So if you are going to get a vaccine be sure you ask your doctor a few questions:
Hey doc can you tell me a bit about the vaccine substrate and how it’s grown?
What about the antigen itself?
What are all the excipients, stabilizers, adjuvants, etc. in this product?
Here is a list, not comprehensive, of many of the yummy ingredients you'll find in this health product:
formaldehyde, aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, sodium chloride, polysorbate 80, neomycin sulfate, polymyxin B, yeast protein, calf serum, lactalbumin hydrolysate, formaldehyde, glutaraldhyde, yeast protein, aluminum phosphate, bovine serum albumin, glutaraldehyde, MRC-5 cellular protein, polymyxin B sulfate, 2-phenoxyethanol, Amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate, amino acids, dextrose, hemin chloride, mineral salts, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, potassium aluminum sulfate, sodium borate, soy peptone, yeast protein, amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate, non-viral protein, DNA, bovine albumin, monobasic potassium phosphate, potassium chloride, calcium chloride, sodium, taurodeoxycholate, neomycin sulfate, polymyxin B, betapropiolactone, hydrocortisone, thimerosal, sodium chloride, monobasic sodium phosphate, dibasic sodium phosphate, polysorbate 20, baculovirus, Spodoptera frugiperda cell proteins, baculovirus and cellular DNA, Triton X-100, Madin Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cell protein, phosphate buffered saline, MDCK cell DNA, cetyltrimethlyammonium bromide, β-propiolactone, ovalbumin, dextran, Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium potassium, magnesium sulfate, ferric (III) nitrate, sodium pyruvate, D-glucose, concentrated vitamin solution, L-cystine, L-tyrosine, amino acids, L-glutamine, calcium chloride, sodium hydrogenocarbonate, and phenol red, sorbitol, Porcine circovirus type 1 (PCV1) and more....
Not to mention the various metal contaminants identified in many vaccines including platinum, silver, bismuth, iron, chromium, zirconium, hafnium, strontium, tungsten, antimony, bismuth and cerium.
Anyone really want to put this crap in your body?