"a number of people cannot be vaccinated, like if you have an immune disease, lupus or some other immune condition… or multiple sclerosis, you cannot be vaccinated"

They knew. And yet they coerced people like my mom—who has lupus—to get injected.

Mistakes Were NOT Made

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My mom was in that boat, too. I hope your mom is ok. Sadly, mine died.

They never even tested the mRNA jab on individuals with autoimmune disease or disorders. Instead, the FDA lied outright by advising those individuals to be done of the first to line up for the shots claiming that even if they caused a relapse or aggravated the person’s autoimmune disease, it was better than getting COVID. I remember thinking, what the hell? Do they know how debilitating or deadly some autoimmune diseases are for people? I have so much contempt for those who did this to the vulnerable, especially the elderly or immunocompromised.

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I am so sorry, Laura 💔😭🤗

Thankfully, my mom only got the first two shots, and she hasn't had any apparent issues. She takes nattokinase, NAC, and a variety of other supplements recommended for spike detoxing.

Her rheumatologist pressured her against her will to get the shots right after they came out and before scarcely anything was known about the adverse events. Then her primary care doctor piled on. My mom is very shy and polite and has trouble saying "No." By the time the boosters came around, she had mustered the courage to resist her doctors, likely saving her life.

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My folks were also coerced by their drs and fooled by the media. They got my dad. He suffered from sepsis 3 times and then got turbo cancer, but my mom has only had one and now is on to them.

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That is so heartbreaking, Dianne. Thank goodness your mom woke up in time!!

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Yes! Thank you so much for all you are doing! Love your substack!

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Thank you, Dianne! 🤗

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My dad died of sepsis after th÷ booster

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Good advice. Take no chances. Detox (natto, curcumin, Bromelain at a minimum) just in case you are still producing spike from the jabs. Anecdotally, I am a lacunar infarct victim (mild "stroke" to the ventral posterolateral thalamus) after two initial Pfizer doses (EN6204 & EW0162 -- bad batches @ howbadismybatch.com). Sheer evil, folks. Sheer evil. And now Shasha has produced more evidence.

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How horrible that you had to suffer that, Reggie, but thank goodness you realized the cause before it was too late! What helped wake you up? Did you make the connection to the Pfizer shots yourself, or did you start doing research after your stroke and found something that convinced you?

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Chlorella is also a good one.

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Good on your Mom.

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So many people with autoimmune disease were taking hydroxychloroquine already, a good preventative treatment, reducing the chance of getting COVID and greatly reducing severity. If they kept their vitamin-D levels up above 60, they were particularly well prepared.

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Yes! I have Lupus and have been on Hydrochloroquine for years. Went through Covid quite well with zinc, D ,C and Quercitin. Just like a cold. Also sat out in Sun when I had it.

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My daughter who has MG was ADVISED by her immunologist TO have the vaxxes. She had really bizarre menstrual problems after them (but doesn’t “connect” it with the vaxxes) because she trusts her doctors. I didn’t see any trials done on people with MG!!! It was an all-across-the-board administration, a one size fits all. WHEN in life have we ever happened?????

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They were the easiest to "test" on. If lots of elderly people in a retirement facility died from the J*b, it was easy to just say, "covid outbreak took them all!" They used them as guinea pigs! My sister, who has multiple immune disorders was told by her Doctor, without even a pause for thought, that she should absolutely get the sh*t. She's probably had 3 now, but I'm warning her not to get the 4th. She doesn't really want to know, thinks she might get really sick from C*19 and she still believes it will protect her. I hope she will listen.

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They all need to go to jail. I’m so disgusted by our government. The level of evil required to give this poison to people is unmeasurable.

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I'm also disgusted by every private citizen who supported lockdown, forced masks and vaxx mandates.

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THAT is the key Mr. Nichols! After losing my job of 23 years, getting kicked out of stores, and looking at masked zombies…only God has helped me with my utter contempt and resentment for stupid people. And, they are stupid. Information has been out there for years.

They CHOOSE to be stupid. Not a good look. May God be with them, truly.

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Like sheep walking themselves to the slaughterhouse.

Totally compliant to tyranny because of fear.

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I dunno about stupid so much. People are afraid to peer behind the curtain. it may upset their whole world view. All of us here demand the truth wherever it may lead us. We have found out how few we are.

That said I think what they have coming for us is going to make some of us look stupid. Covid i think was an exercise to see who and how we would react.

But a cyber attack destroying the economy completely including everything you own with the aid coming only if you sign up for digital ID. will engender a social credit system before you know it. With total fascist control. Our infrastructure's weaknesses are being plugged up by Mossad agents for free as we speak. only instead of plugged up they will exploit the weaknesses for blackmail or to destroy USA.

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If you look up the definition of stupid, you’ll understand why this definition is appropriate. I don’t mince words.

And I agree with your commentary!😉

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agree Renee. They also chose to be stupid to get the bioweapon in order to travel, go to social events, etc.. If they had just said no, how different this would have turned out.

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It was definitely a “test”…physically, mentally, and spiritually!

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Bullets, shells, smallpox blankets, "vaccines"; what's the difference?

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We need to stop saying OUR government.

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No, they were not. Collective greed and hubris at the helm. No mistakes.

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“like if you have an immune disease, lupus or some other immune condition” OR are PREGNANT, I suppose. Beyond satanic.

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Indeed - " Collective greed and hubris at the helm. No mistakes."

For post/ links on U.S. DoD (and Five Eyes) citing Sasha's work see: "The Biodefense Boondoggle" - including details on JPEO-CBRND and "Rapid Response Partnerships" for a "Whole of (U.S.) Government Response" 


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They knew everything. For example, they knew the fist "case" of Covid in America wasn't January 17, 2020.

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It was downright evil. So sorry about your mother.

Read your brilliant poem "Mistakes were NOT Made" aloud to my county supervisors last month and gave them all hard copies with credit to you.

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Aww, thank you, A.J.

And wow, I am thrilled to hear that—Knightess Duckworth Telegram shared how she read it at her local council (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/i/125317987/mistakes-were-not-made), and I was hoping others would follow suit!

Thank you so much for doing that, A.J. Let's hope it sunk into a few hardened skulls.

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You are very welcome. Your poem's line about the Armenian massacre got the attention of one of my county supervisors IIRC of that heritage. He's got what looks like Bell's Palsy paralyzing half his face for decades.

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Oh my goodness. I hope he appreciated it as I know many Armenians have struggled for recognition of that genocide for over a century now.

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I have a fren in the US w/ MS. She has firmly resisted getting the shots, even tho her husband, her doc and insurance company strongly advised her to get one. Now in light of all these nefarious intentions emerging , she is v proud of herself. And I said to her as a joke she could have ended up getting double MS.

(And she hasn't had the cvd or whatever that is, even when her husband caught it in the same household, required hospitalisation. Doesn't that tell you something?)

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Same here. My neighbor with MS refused the shots.. she questioned and her Dr researched advising not to take them.. However, several of my clients have experienced new or worsening conditions. Lymphoma relapse, several return or back to back cancer diagnoses, autoimmune flare up with mini-strokes and a new ALS diagnosis within the timeframe of the shots that the lady acknowledges could be related.

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They knew mRNA was flawed from prior testing over decades. They pushed it on purpose. They also put people on hospital protocols that nearly always resulted in death.

Were they literally trying to cull the population? I can't come up with a better reason for how things played out.


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Margaret Anna - In the US, functional medicine practitioners estimate 50 to 70 million Americans are affected, many are not diagnosed. That's about 1/5 of the total US population. (Nevermind the CDC thinks this is 25m). October 20, 2020 FDA, slide 16 of their pre-mRNA shot PowerPoint clearly lists the FDA anticipated autoimmunity, among 30 other major conditions including death, as possible side effects of these clot/kill shots. Interesting tidbit: prior to that time, Dr Judy M mentioned they are using mRNA shots to cover up or over Dr Fauci's earlier mistakes. What was she trying to tell us?

Think of the many children who developed autoimmune conditions from the ungodly number of shots the CDC now "suggests". What else do we use with wild abandon that messes with the human immune systems?? Yet the ACIP committee rubber stamped their approval in 2023 to add mRNA shots on the children's schedule! Apparently their goal is to ring loud and clear, a death knell for one-size fits-all medicine.

Caveat Emptor, we are living in dangerous times. As often mentioned, the CDC is a vaccine marketing company, not representing or working for the people. More than a handful of NIH employees are profiting from royalties on these shots.

Asked around after shots rolled out, was told people who had their conditions in remission for a decade or more were no longer in control, quite a few became bedridden. No way to forgive Dr Fauci or the CDC for their "obvious oversight", one local emergency care clinic doctor whispered these shots were counter-indicated, after I had recovered from a mild week of covid...all is not lost, ways have been developed to detox the spike proteins and synthetics in shots.

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Feb 10, 2024
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Yes, saw the Deagle Report on the Expose website in 2021 or thereabouts. Media propaganda has been highly effective, now takes a lot more effort to overcome 3 plus years of brainwashing. Some have no idea how skewed the media reporting has been, these people may never wake up. Use your energy wisely!

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Saying that vaccines ever worked?

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Yes. It makes you sick and kills you and generates profits for the medical industrial complex and eugenics industry.

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In other words, they worked exactly as intended!

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That’s the first thing that I heard that made me nauseous. I knew this, and I KNEW that they knew. But, to hear it, just fuels my fire.

I received 2 Moderna early. Feb. ‘21, when I took my 80 year old dad to get the shot.

Normally, I research first, but this time, I didn’t. I’ve always been pro-active with my disease, starting on daily shots a month after I was diagnosed. I have M.S.

The day I took my dad I felt lucky to have stumbled on a clinic that had just received long awaited shipment. The line was long but we got on the list. It was only a certain category if people allowed. Over 65, or multiple co- morbidities. I told the sign up nurse I had M.S. & she said with a wink, check a few more boxes & you’re in. I don’t blame her, she didn’t know. But before committing to the jab, I googled what the National M.S. Society said. Safety first, right?

And I know, certain vaccines with live viruses, etc. are not recommended. But, there it

was in black & white, confirmation I was making the “right” decision.

It still SAYS THAT!


Thank you Sasha for posting this. I’m so sorry Margaret about your mom. I’m sure she gives you strength to continue fighting the good fight. I know she is proud of you! You & Sasha have literally changed the world, more than you’ll ever know. Truly. ✌🏼💕

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Thank you for your moving words, AlmostLastRepublicaninSeattle, and I am so sorry you went through that as well. I hope you didn't suffer any negative side effects.

I believe my mom got her Moderna shots in January and February 2021, so right around the same time as yours. I remember thinking it odd that they forced you to get the second shot within a very precise window—as if they were con artists locking you in before you realized what was going on. I had tried to persuade my mom to wait, but her doctors prevailed, and then I tried to get her to cancel her second shot as I had more information about the lack of efficacy and potential risks by then, but the pressure from her doctors was too great. I am still angry at them for coercing her and my step-father (who passed away in September 2022—he had been living with terminal illness for over two decades, but he declined rapidly after getting his shots, so I suspect they accelerated his decline).

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So terrible. And now, they want us to forget and ignore, and even: prepare for their next psychopathic [lab-created] disease to be foisted on the world population.

I don't trust the science.

I trust the noose.

That little experiment has high effectiveness (for a brief while) in discouraging like-minded souls from operating like consequences don't apply to them.

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Hmmm defenders of the cartel/people who can’t/won’t see the malfeasance will say he meant they can’t be vaccinated because they are on immune-suppressing drugs so the vaccine won’t work. It’s not a smoking bullet.

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The operation was genocide. Murder! We must have Nurenberg 2.0

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I believe what he is saying is that it's an anti-body therapy and not a vaccine.

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What happened to the fucktard who stated that obvious caveat about jabbing the autoimmune people? Where the fuck is he now?

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May I ask what effect if any it has had on her? I have a friend who has lupus, and still believes in the jab and fake Covid. Would like to wake her up. Will send that part of the audio and your comment to her.

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As I mentioned above to Laura, she has not had any noticeable effects as far as she can tell, likely because she stopped before getting any boosters. She also takes a number of supplements recommended for spike protein detoxing, including nattokinase, NAC, bromelain, and turmeric. You might want to share these resources with your friend:




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A reply from a 19 year experienced RN to a recent Dr. David Cartland tweet:




Replying to @CartlandDavid

26 of us from the "covid unit" were fired in '21 for refusing the experimental shot. 6 charge RNs included. Some of the best nurses I've worked with.

We saw what the "pandemic" was (crickets chirping) and what happened after the shot came out (ER exploded with business).

Besides personally knowing a respiratory therapist who got fast growing esophageal cancer out of the blue and died, my friends healthy 20 year old dropped dead and was found by his dorm mate. No conclusions by autopsy. He was an athlete. I'm sure he had an arrhythmia that caused his heart to stop from spike protein damage.

I've been an RN 19 years. I've worked in acute hospital care my entire career. Much of that has been in the float pool, so I see all the adult specialties: cardiac, neuro, surgery, oncology, orthopedics, general medical.

I keep track of all my patients' c-19 Vax history and their hospital presentation. Most have had 2-8 shots at this point. The more shots they've had, the worse off they are, it seems. Many head toward comfort/hospice.

I could recite countless stories of what I've seen over the past three years, but there are hippa laws that prevent me from doing so. It's all the usual stuff: heart attacks, strokes, new onset seizures, brain tumors, uncontrolled afib, cancers coming out of remission and new cancers, vertigo-falls-broken bones(a lot of this), blood clots, super infections, fungal infections, new onset altered mental status and early onset dementia. The stuff you've been hearing about. You probably know someone with one or more of these.

While the pro Vax crowd would call this anecdotal, I know this shot has targeted genetic weakness and accelerated problems that may not have been showing up at all if people's immune systems hadn't been suppressed by the spike protein damage.

I have never seen anything like this in 19 years. Thankfully, I was only off 2 months, but I had to relocate to get a job with exemption. I'm a mole in the system warning my patients and coworkers not to get any more boosters. One person at a time. Aren't nurses one of the most trusted professions? Jenn

Feb 8, 2024 · 7:20 PM UTC


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There's been some suspicion that those in positions of power knew of these problems and avoided the vaxxes, some, such as Biden, possibly promoting the vaccines by being vaxxed with saline.

But then when I see "new onset altered mental status and early onset dementia," it makes me wonder - Did they really not know (I'm not talking about pharma, I'm talking about big-wigs who promoted the vaxxes)? Was Biden injected with an actual mRNA "vaccine"?* Has this contributed to the rapid decline in his mental state? This would be highly ironic if so.

*There is some indication that some "movers and shakers" were vaxxed with the real deal, and suffered for it. For instance, Gavin Newsom almost certainly disappeared for a time after being vaxxed to conceal the fact it gave him Guillain-Barré syndrome.

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If you are an evil billionaire intent on taking over the World surely, once you have no further use for them, you would want all politicians and royals dead? You would not want them wanting to assert any attempt at power nor would you want sheeple still believing in the Bidens, Trudeaus, Macrons, Aderns, Johnsons / Sunaks and the royals of the World. You would want them all out of the way. Gone. Then you can promote yourself as the saviour of the World and bring about your dystopian rule. I suspect that most of the politicians, royals, celebs, journalists, news anchors, etc, that promoted the lockdowns and jabs think that they have a place on the ark when, in reality, they probably got an extra special dose of the poison. Tin foil hat mode off.

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Thank you for doing what you can to awaken people. Fingers crossed that people start to listen.

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May God bless her - if there is a God. I’m pretty sure there’s not, and that it has all been a PsyOp and that reality is survival of the fittest.

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Hope is a good thing. It is always a good thing.

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You darling have guts. Youshpuld every proud of ypurself.

We all thank you for being the mole. Your patients have a guardian angel.

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Excellent, Sasha. Thank you. This is replete with own goals and impossible things. Comments, having listened to it twice and having read the transcript:

1. For the record, there’s been no pandemic, no public health emergency and in my opinion, not only no new severe acute respiratory syndrome virus, but no respiratory viruses at all. This is all total lies, a psyop augmented by fake clinical diagnostics (PCR), fake serological tests (claiming to be measuring “antibodies to SARS”) and the rest is pure media front run lies.

2. Consequent on 1. there was never a need for antivirals, vaccines, “measures” like lockdowns, masks, mass testing, border restrictions etc. The purpose of this long rehearsed (25 years of tabletop simulations) global deception was to wreck the economy as preparation for The Great Taking (David Rogers Webb), installation of authoritarian regimes and to inject a substantial proportion of the world’s population with intentionally injurious substances.

3. The plan outlined by AZ management could never work, even conceptually. Let’s assume for the demonstration purposes that there really is a SARS-CoV-2 viral pathogen. The narrative has these submicroscopic infectious particles landing inside the airway and infecting the lining called epithelial cells. The pathogen is purported to divide repeatedly in this anatomical environment, causing injury and this is the driver of symptoms and illness. The antibodies referred to by AZ are large molecules, introduced to the body by hypodermic injection, resulting in antibodies circulating in the blood. This circulation is completely separate from the gas exchange side of the lung and antibodies carried in it do not leave the blood vessels. The injected antibodies could never meet the notionally infected airway lumen.

4. The timeline described for clinical development is fantasy. While a Phase I study would yield concentration / time relationships, which would likely scale with dose administered, there would be no therapeutic endpoint available on the basis of which a Phase III could commence in less than at a year. They appear to have done toxicology, Phase I, didn’t mention Phase II (when you first dose patients, and have a chance to observe clinical benefits), leaping into “Phase III” without confirming utility or the crucial dose selection steps. Safety testing always resides in the context of the dose required & since that couldn’t be determined from the outlined steps, it’s a fake clinical trial you were hearing about.

5. Final comment is that the main speaker thanks three people. One of those I believe to be “Mene”, not “Manny”, as in the transcript. Far from easy to distinguish, but I know Sir Menelaus Pangalos, an AZ board member. He once was a colleague at Pfizer Research, where he was a peer Therapeutic Area Head. I had regarded Mene as a very bright and normal colleague. I’m obviously wrong about at least one of those personal attributes.

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Brilliant Mike! Total lying bullshit artists. This is the ploy used to deforest and destroy 4 billion American Chestnut trees in the US! Say the Asian chestnut blight will wipe out the forests and they couldn’t possibly heal themselves and make a continually expanding emergency ‘6 foot’ break by Barons cutting every tree down and presto - no more American Cherry trees and richer oligarchy.

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This still holds true today. I worked with an endocrinologist that was fraternity brothers with Mullis, at Ga. Tech.

The PCR was flawed from the get go.

Walking nasal swabs down to the lab, they admitted to spinning it out of ranges admitted by Fauci, in interviews, as being way out of the realm.

With over 200 viruses that cause of the common cold, 15% of which are coronaviruses, all mutating, how the hell was anybody to know what was going on?

The year before Covid came to town, my son had flu symptoms around Christmas. I had the flu shot, and was not concerned. Within 48 hours. I was down for the count. Whatever hit me would have killed grandma. What was it? Who knows? Most people just call in sick and ride it out.

I was horizontal for over 72 hours. Then, I finally had enough strength to get on the couch. I've never been so sick in my entire adult life.

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It was the flu shot that poisoned you.

I used to believe in respiratory viruses too.

I don’t any more.

If interested start with the Rosenau experiments.

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With regard to Rosenau; yes, I have worked with sick folks for 25 years. I have been coughed on, sneezed on, shit is, pissed on, and spit on by the filthiest diseased humans on the planet. It is indeed terrain vs germ theory. But that does not mean germs do not exist? Every once in a while, the whole team would come down with the shits, or a cold, or whatever else was going around. There is no rhyme or reason. Washing our hands and using Universal precautions is a must. Gloves are good for blood, shit and sputum, and any other body fluid.

But yes, exposure does not necessarily mean infection for sure. But I still do not want to get stuck with an infected needle. Nor do I want to be bitten by a rabid dog.

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Hi Mike, I know you follow Denis Rancourt.

Have you seen his latest with Kirsch?


Kirsch is unbearable and the contrast of the two men is brilliantly informative.

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Well, shot or not, historically I am usually good for two head colds a year, some worse than others. I get the shits a few times a year, and puke maybe once every 7-10? But yes, in 25 years of Nursing, the only years I was hammered sick, like a Mack Truck hit me, with possibly ‘the flu’, were indeed years I took the shot.

Now with regard to this episode I was referring, it occurred the year before COVID came to town. My son had NOT had a flew shot, was working at the Asian Restaurant, and had flu like symptoms first. So he picked up something, somewhere. Within 48 hours I was down; aches, fever, respiratory distress, near kidney failure.

So if you don’t believe in respiratory viruses anymore, what then causes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_cold and the head full of snot?

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Your body was detoxing. You didn't catch anything. You poisoned yourself with the flu jab and your body was trying to get rid of it all. Snot is one way your body ejects toxins.

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Well, in my 56 years of living, I'm generally good for two colds every year. Shot or not.

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Hello Mike, I’d like to share what happened to me in May 2017……

I never get the flu shots, but we were going on a long trip through Vietnam and China and our doctor urged me to get the flu shot (this was beginning of May). We left for our trip on 15 May and had a stop over in Singapore. I didn’t feel so good but put it down to jet lag). On 17 May we arrived in Vietnam and I have never been so ill in all my life!!!!!!! I was freezing cold and sweating buckets (the bed was wet!). I woke unable to breathe and had to go to a medical centre (slash hospital!) luckily very close to our hotel. My heart and BP were through the roof and I was put on a nebuliser and iv antibiotics were started. X-ray showed my R lung full of fluid. Slowly I stabilised.

The cough was dreadful (and to this day I have a scared R lung, always “susceptible” to asthma etc).

Traveling around, I noticed there were a LOT of other people that were sick with the same symptoms as what I had. 90% of our travel group got sick!!!!

During my investigations over covid, I came across something about Moderna having (tested???) a vaccine on Xmillion population during 2017. There’s also that hearing (Cristian-Vasile Terheș) when Moderna was carrying out “trials” in 2017…2018…2019

I have always been suspicious of that flu jab I received in May 2017.

Any comment?

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Maybe they have been conducting trials and testing their drugs, in other countries on unsuspecting human subjects for some time. That similar appearing ingredients /adulterants have been found vials of the 2019-2020 influenza vaccine, and in dental lidocaine is highly suspicious.

Pharm companies are evil, as are the malignant narcissists who run them. They are not above evil deeds for profit and power. They calculate risk/reward ratios and if in favor of profit, they will kill & maim with their products, and third world countries with poorly functioning legal systems (if at all) are easy targets for secret experiments on humans.

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The Russian army found documentation in Ukrainian laboratories (US funded) referencing Covid-19 in the documents back to 2019. The Chicago Chronicle just published a story on trials conducted in Ukraine on children (ongoing). https://chicagochron.com/index.php/2024/02/06/controversial-pfizer-vaccine-trials-on-children-raise-concerns-in-ukraine/

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The problem was that those who received the vaxx and never had any adverse reactions became the best promoters. Brilliant marketing strategy (the advocate theory).

Also, those that got “covid”, and the most affected from it, also became advocates. The longer this debacle is strung out (I’m writing this heading into 2025), the further anyone can make “connections” from taking the shots. Fill our lives with wars and election fraud and cost of living crisis and threats of new “viruses” escaping from labs, and the distant covid 19 fades in the normies memory. I’ve talked to people since and not only can’t they be bothered talking about something that is “over”, but they have events that actually took place, totally wrong.

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Thanks to everyone involved in acquiring this recording. Thank you Sasha, for your perseverance and determination. Thank you, courageous people.

The presenters in this clip are folks who care *not one whit* for humankind ~ instead, they congratulate and celebrate an 'achievement' that maims and murders.

Such hubris and what a self-aggrandising presentation! Speaker #2 was certainly having a one-man circle jerk, wasn't he? (sorry - not sorry - to be grossly blunt)

May they fall by their own swords and arrogance.

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"Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men for the nastiest of motives will somehow work for the benefit of all." - John Maynard Keynes - (June 5, 1883 – April 12, 1946)

Truer words were never spoken... Thank you for thanking Sasha and associates.

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That is a great quote, Paul – I will add it to my collection. However, there must be a corollary somewhere that says something like:

“The first priority of government bureaucrats and apparatchiks is to safeguard their positions and further enhance their careers using whatever means necessary, including (but not restricted to) obfuscation, secrecy, deception, blame-shifting, and avoidance of accountability.”

Nothing else could explain why the public service agencies in severely over-governed Australia, continue to blow billions of taxpayer money on failed project after failed project, and nobody ever gets sacked.

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Hmm, you may be correct but I do not hear the recording that way. The guy comes across as a CEO of a company that was tasked with a job and ran with the opportunity. His motivations may be cynical (cash) but that is not what he said on the recording. He was told this was a national security threat and his company was needed to stop the threat. I guarantee this is how every normie will hear that audio. Most likely there were all sorts of motivations, but none indicated from this evidence.

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The great thing about commenting on posts of any kind is I am free to share what I think / feel / imagine to be true in this moment - even if all that changes with time and additional information. I am not compelled to be measured and careful.

Your guarantee that "every normie will hear that audio" in the way you explicate it may or may not be true. I doubt it's true, personally.

After awhile, as each human witnesses the cascading demise of friends, partners, children, grandchildren, etc, a certain subset of humans will take the risk to see the unimaginable. I'm seeing it already.

A certain subset won't ever consider the possibility that there's a genocide in progress, but I trust that most will - over time, in their own time.

The fact that the AstraZeneca CEO didn't use language that defines and specifies his authentic knowing about the situation doesn't ensure anything, in my view. Again, I don't care that his words are vague enough to be considered open to interpretation.

I trust the human psyche and spirit of most people will gradually descend from the stale attic of intellect and 'logic' and mind control, into recognition and awareness.

In my perception, Love is always more powerful than anything less than Love.

My two cents, your mileage may vary ~

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I feel the same. Listen to it as if it was a person who is still wearing a mask in the store and it’s a nothing burger. But those of us who have searched for the reasoning as to why?, this audio fills the gap. Just as Sasha has said. The DOD is complicit in the PPP. 2017!

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I don't recall the CEO making any announcement about the harm he specifies so clearly could be caused to certain people once the roll out of his product ensued.

Just to safeguard them in particular, even.

Wouldn't you think that would be in order.

Wouldn't you think that would be something he should consider even if it's ONLY a National Health Security threat !

I think the normies will be able to deduce this omission on his part.

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Yes - amazing work by Sasha and Co!

For more info/ DoD links related to audio...

1. "...the Pandemic Prevention Program or P3, and the goal of P3 was going from the discovering a novel virus to producing drugs in less than 60 days"

see: "The Pentagon's Pandemic X" - on P3 Program to 'Stop a Pandemic in 60 Days'


2. "... the Department of Defense Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense"

see: "The Biodefense Boondoggle" - on JPEO-CBRND and "Rapid Response Partnerships" for a "Whole of (U.S.) Government Response"


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Vaccines as a form of "medicine" has been a psyop for more than a hundred years. JD Rockefeller put that on fast track using the founding of the American Murder Association AMA.

The majority of the public have been fooled into stupidity, thinking anything injectable will enhance their immune system. The public have been herded into a cattle chute, straight to the slaughter house.

The remedies are Nature and Natural foods. Paying attention to the lies, yet recognizing those lies for what they are. Not trusting the Pupeticians or their system. Avoiding doctors and their constant pharmaceutical pushing emails. Declaration of Individual Sovereignty, refusing all the "Claims" the state puts on you, with the guise of "Public Health," your health is Personal not Public. Government has zero Authority in this and many areas of Personal Choice.

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Bad booster in 2001, on disability 2003. In my prime. Slow kill program. Alternative medicine helped after 20 years of neglect and gaslighting by insurance dictated doctors. Fortunate to have made it this far!

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I hope you can recover from the harm caused by the boosters. There are natural remedies, the insurance companies and doctors never talk about. 🙏

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Thanks. Acquired mild biotoxin illness on the way & very blessed to have an integrative medicine doctor who is helping. & I have hope again, that’s priceless, slow steady progress.

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"Biotoxin" seems a tad redundant.

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Try living in my world, actinomycetes and biotoxins set off inflammatory responses.

Internally and external. Constant battle.

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How does that require the prefix "bio" on biological products? You have chemically synthetic actinomycetes? Staggers the imagination!

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If I'm not intrusive, booster for what?

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In 2000 I started working in an autistic kindergarten. I had to get 3 boosters. Health declined fast. I also got Lyme on the playground. I had recently gotten sober and divorced from an abusive guy. The system focused on my depression instead of any injury. Took me a few years to realize that the booster started my mysterious autoimmune issues and insurance dictated doctors ignore it and deny and neglect and gaslight. Being on disability I stayed with the system for years. One of the final straws was when I was at my limit for gabapentin for fibromyalgia. They offered an addictive medication. I was only sober a decade and wasn’t risking it just because they had nothing better to offer. I was on 8 prescriptions. 360 pills a month. I very slowly weaned off one at a time. A few years later, found my real doctor.

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Boosters for WHAT? Re-upping childhood vaccines? TB? I taught public school for 25 years, in a blue state, and that was never a requirement. Not to be rude, but this all sounds very suspect to me. HAGD

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New York State required me to be a teaching assistant. I honestly don’t remember what 3 I had to take.

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& I had adrenal exhaustion and didn’t realize until years later, after the fact.

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It does go back to Rockefeller and his foundation and this new narrative (pushed by the petrochemical titans like Rockefeller) ... "A pill for every ill."

I keep wondering what's the end game or why did this happen? I still think it has something to do with central bank digital currencies, which they feel they HAVE to roll-out.

You can read the last six paragraphs of my recent article to see the "back story" of why this is probably happening.


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Mike Yeadon posted recently a talk by Jacob N that distills a timeline of nefarious actors bringing us to present day. Very good.

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The Great Taking is a free book that you might look into.

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The cure was sanitation practices. As we know, and you can see in the literature even back then, the cowpox and smallpox "vaccinations" of Jenner's invention made everything worse, and caused more infections and death.

"They" love to quote that early 1900s case in MA for justifying vaccination mandates. It was about mandating smallpox vaccination. They overlook that there was also an option - pay $5 to opt out.

Better an extortion fee than smallpox via "vaccination."

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Bulls Eye! The era of "mandates" is fast coming to an end. Medicine always comes from Nature, not Man. I am hoping there will be a large enough critical mass of people to shove back against the Medical Tyranny. I know a few young families that are here in California that have never allowed vaccination for their kids; they find it difficult, but worth it. ;-)

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Right on. I like your by-name too...

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All this murder, mayhem, and global harm -- paid for with MY tax dollars and YOURS -- makes me want to puke (and worse). And now we have WWIII and global annihilation which started years ago and proceeds apace while the sheep continue to march in lockstep.

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"In politics there are no accidents" - Franklin D. Roosevelt

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So who pushed biden off his bike.

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DOD/DARPA countermeasures operation that allowed for an EUA that bypassed all safety checks.

All for the benefit of the people, the big pharma and gooberment people.

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They cloned and expressed sic the virus sequence that had not existed before.

They took the computer instructions and created a bioweapon, that wasn't in existence until they injexted it into my housemate, and he has lot his mind, but I don't know if that is from before nor after, you have to have something seriously wrong with you to have heard all this shit and still got injexted, sic.

I knew someone who actually got the AZ, which was of course discontinued, but that guy not only got ill, he made the rest of us around him sick too,

He came in wearing two masks. But neither was covering his face.

Well, they scared the hell out a him and he got that first of three shit shots.

My housemate started off with fear, but by the third, he just wanted the piece of paper. Imagine that.

They seem to be winning the war, as long as there still is a medical system.

Worst of all, tis only peripheral, but I am forced to work within it, to my greatest shame. I confess...

But I ain't sticking no prick in no one, and if you asked me, I'd advise to avoid all doctors now at all costs, but of course no one asks.

They did a great job of destroying socalled medicine, which I had already watched kill my mom too, pre scamdemic Harmacide....

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Amen—stay away from doctors. Western medicine is falling. My friends, neighbors and relatives were murdered. All the social constructs we have been conditioned to trust, are ending. In its place are people studying, returning to food/herbs/trees as medicine. And good docs are leaving the ‘profession hood’.

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I have “ shedding “ issues around my elderly mom & boyfriend, & when I go out, I shower when I get home now. Seems to help but it’s tiring. Much love to you grasshopper.

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Prophylactic vitamin C averts my shedding issues. Can't say for the feminine sort. (Fwiw, vitamin C alone did not work against JN.1. That took ivermectin and zinc. It wasn't "flu"; amantadine also didn't help.) Yes, vaccines hijacked and ruined my immune system long ago.

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Me too. My 5 yr old vaccines ruined my health for good (well it's bad really).

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Have a look at Stefano Scoglio ! No spike protein at all it's the mrna and the Lnp that are hugely toxic

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I’ve heard of pretty much everything…no Mrna, no spike protein but lately I see lots of articles about the LNPs causing the sudden deaths on the spot or a few days after…some people are allergic.

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Link? mRNA and LNPs don't likely get shed.

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It's good to look at all angles I think ! We've been lied to so much I'm totally skeptical of absolutely everything these days ! 🙄

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No spike protein on coronavirus itself?



(Both at https://www.the-scientist.com/foundations/coronavirus-closeup-1964-67858 )

"SAY CHEESE: In a 1964 paper containing the first published images of what would come to be known as a coronavirus, Donald Berry and his colleagues found that a pathogen that caused a deadly poultry disease (left) had widely spaced lollipop-shape spikes. By contrast, a particle of influenza A (right) had densely packed, rod-shape spikes."

No point watching after 1:06.

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God Bless you Sasha, keep going.

Your article with this audio is going to get a lot of attention from the spooks and government drones, so I will post mine here too - not that I want or need the attention, but that new people need to understand what happened with the US DOD and the Five Eyes intelligence structure in Australia, NZ, the UK and Canada under Operation Warp Speed. Also, that they know we know.


February 3, 2020: US DOD (DTRA) & Aus DSTG did Australia's secret pandemic modelling.

and Australian clandestine operators were running US domestic intelligence in Tampa. That was just the beginning.

Just recently I had someone 'awake' tell me that the US DOD being involved was a 'conspiracy theory.' I cannot understand how to reach these people. I provide the documents and they do not want to see it. I provide the timeline and people ignore it.

Edit: I am starting to think that I am invisible. Just recently I tried to send a link to one of my articles to someone and the telco provider denied the text. I sent a link to a national news article and that went through.

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Housatonic Live (Mark) replayed this as well..I've listened 3x already, yes Sharing and Scaring!!!

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