Bioweapon gene therapies … what a sickening oxymoron . Thanks Sasha

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"Gene therapies" are complete rubbish as is the entirety of genetic determinism.

Money making scams.


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Technically, "Money making scams" is accurate, yes, the useful idiots are making lots of money at this game, but you shouldn't leave it at that, to leave it at "Money making scams" seems to imply that the democide that transpired over the last few years (and really, is ongoing) was for monetary gains, when in reality, the real aim of the vast, coordinated global operation was one of depopulation.

Our overlords have long, long been obsessed with depopulation, the profit motives, the threats of loss of practice licenses, job losses, etc. were just to get the majority to go along with the program (since there was so much uncertainty in those early days, those threats were sufficient).

Regarding depopulation/Eugenics, see first 40 mins here: https://corbettreport.com/why-big-oil-conquered-the-world-video

And here their words and writings: https://odysee.com/@N1755L:7/depopulation:2f


And let's not forget our best friend Attali:



Never, never, never ever forget that Mistakes Were NOT Made! It was all very carefully planned and simulated in advance with various Event 201s (Clade X, Dark Winter, SPARS, etc.): https://rumble.com/v5tk69q-mistakes-were-definitely-not-made.html

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I'm aware of all of that. TY.

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You might be, but seems too many are not, hence the details, and why I subsequently decided to comment the same again at top level, but you're welcome.

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This explains why the covid injections do not have an insert containing ingredients…& they never will.

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How any ethical clinician endorsed this experimental gene altering bio weapon without a full written description of ingredients and side effects is beyond me- especially at the pharmacies where the bulk of these were given!!

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Definitions, definitions!

I've decided not to call for the mass hanging of the demented elites.

Instead, I'm engaged in a peace offensive with ethically challenged persons of inexhaustible means and high eminence for the purpose of simultaneous cervical suspension till cessation of respiration.

Should make it easier to sell tickets to the joyous event, don't you think?

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For the masses, do please use pasted notices on all city surfaces (a la Rave party announcements)

"Swinger's Twerking Extravaganza!"

Perhaps illustrated with a Keith Haring or Banksey.


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Thanks Sasha. Crystal clear. If bad guys had authority and immunity from the King to murder anybody they liked in any location for big profits and you asked them if that were the case, they would be unlikely to tell you. Why would they? Why waste their breath telling you? Imagine James Bond bothering to explain or justify his license to kill. Vaccination is killing and maiming for profit and power with a state sanction and liability freedom enabled by the bad, compliant, lazy and ignorant, justified as a magic talisman that supposedly protects the mythical public good. Pretty good definition of pure evil, in other words. As you and Debbie have made clear in your excellent posts, government intelligence the world over were quick to see vaccination as a useful way to control home populations ( plus others) efficiently and cost effectively, if necessary or desirable to them. Much better to propagandize us into self injection that actually shooting us in the street.

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There used to be a website called “licensed to kill” which was in reference to tobacco. We now of a new candidate for that name for L2K. The difference is that tobacco has warnings.

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I happily smoke away on my pipe secure in the knowledge that nothing can be said to "cause" anything when it comes to the human body and drugs. If covid 19 proves anything ( not that proof is a medical idea) it is that no drug does the same thing to two different people in the same way. Just as a bee sting can kill one person and not touch most others. My 4 year old son was stung by a nasty looking hornet once and for a few minutes I was worried lest he should have a reaction. He did not. Everybody knows this worry. It is part of folk memory world wide. We are living things not clocks. One "thing" ( drug) does not "cause" another thing ( health), in a living organism. We are not made of gears. That is the central lie of modern drug based, germ based, medical science. Doctors, the majority of them, are either too stupid or too brainwashed to realize it, or they know but don't tell as they are making good money. I am not so much talking of surgery or dentistry on pain killers or anesthetics or broken bones or anything like that. I am talking about disease and the drugs supposedly used to cure it, or, worse, prevent it. Smoking was the scape goat for cancer. Cancer had to " caused" by something plausible to distract from the real causes - vaccines, poison in foods and environments and endless over drugging awful life styles, lonely hopeless lives and stress. Our policy is to avoid drugs as much as possible; live in a land where the food is not full of chemicals; eat right and not too much; Drink a little red wine; avoid stress; exercise daily for a few hours; keep well away from doctors and hospitals.

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Thx Sasha! Once again, you coax out the best way to explain a scientific subject.

I've attempted to get friends & family to educate themselves on the jabs, to no avail (they're overwhelmed)!

I plan on printing this substack post and distributing it widely (with full attributes).

My wedding bouquet 40years ago were daisies... Such happy flowers you capture beautifully.

Bless you, patient lady.

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“I've attempted to get friends & family to educate themselves on the jabs, to no avail (they're overwhelmed)!”

Exactly the word my sister used after she stopped reading what I was sharing with her… “overwhelmed”

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Yes. I have a friend who I think understands what is going on but at a certain point says "It's just too much".

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They're "overwhelmed" with the realization that they've been duped like fools. Hard for a lot of folks, especially those who love to be "right".

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Great post. Perhaps more accurate would be that these are not gene therapies, but gene experiments. Many were reduced to lab rats.

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How about just straight forward poison?

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Per the norm, you are correct. Poison. As are all "vaccines" going back 200+ years. And looking out 200 yrs in the future, same.

Beware that my biggest fear is coming true. They have come up with a 'safer' way to deliver vaccines, sorry, poison via skin patches (TINY little things), sprays, inhalation and oral. Too many people believe that the injection part is what is so destructive about 'vaccines' and they are hyped that the new delivery techniques are right around the corner. Big, big, painful mistake if they choose to believe this nonsense.

Here is a short vid cued up. Watch 1 minute and Peggy Hall explains about the new and improved (safe!!) vaccines coming our way: https://youtu.be/-bBuR6eG0-I?t=39.

2-3 years ago there was a video of little billy Gates bragging about the 'safer' ways to deliver "vaccines" via skin patches and inhalation. We are there, I guess.

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Poison is also not sufficient: it is, surely, clear that they are taking advantage of the opportunity to conduct what we might call 'Whole Population Trials'.

As well as re-shape demographics, of course.

No need for them to endure any longer the frustrations imposed by established trial protocols and the difficulties of recruiting test subjects of all ages and races.

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I once came up with: "It's not a vaccine. It's an IQ test."

Gene *therapies* are quite similar, but more Darwinian and selective...

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And this IQ test is pass or fail.

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Love it. I'm stealing that line.

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I would call "wrong" on that, since the main purpose for this global operation was depopulation... this was the core purpose, the primary aim.

It likely is true that they are using this scam to experiment with certain ingredients in some of the injections, but I'd offer that the experiments would be at least tertiary or less in importance.

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I see the objective of the perpetrators is totalitarian control.

With that, they can do whatever they want, which I think will include massive scale depopulation and negation of all freedoms.

“You own nothing. Bow down to every requirement or die, recognising you ought to be happy to merely be allowed to be alive”.

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It amazes me that so few people seem to appreciate how dangerous this power grab is.

They have somewhat limited power, and yet they still had the temerity to carry out an operation such as the WTC demolition, and they got away with that one totally scot-free! Is it any wonder that nearly 2 decades of riding that victory of homicidal impunity that they would believe themselves now capable of getting away with a global democide?

A decade ago, when I thought that reasoning with people, when I thought that collating the information/evidence would help them see the dangers, would help them see what was really going on around them, I was on Quora trying to make people understand the threat, what with the Patriot Act giving centralized, unaccountable power to the Washington executive, trying to help people understand the threat that the 9/11 false-flag posed to them: https://www.quora.com/Is-there-any-better-description-of-the-9-11-false-flag-deniers-than-this-quote-by-Michael-Rivero/answer/Richard-Leger-3

While I knew they had proven to themselves that they were able to get away with almost anything, I am still surprised at how they've managed to get away with the equivalent of probably five Holocausts with nary anyone pointing that out nor talking about it.

The strategy seems to be that "Hear no evil, see no evil" will mean that everything will just go away on its own.

We're in big trouble Mike.


“And as for 9/11 truth, it is a moral imperative to discuss it, else one is abetting to their crime. If they’ve had the audacity to pull off this level of false-flag criminality, what are they going to dare carry out next?

As I commented to Ms. Angela Powers recently:

9/11 is the most important watershed event to have occurred in our lifetimes, and as things are going now, will remain so for many generations to come (by design). This is why I find it difficult to turn away from it, though I do get away from it in bouts, so as not to burn out.

This event facilitated rampant criminality (read lawlessness) on a scale that would have been hard to imagine prior, the further dissolution of the American Constitution, vast curtailments of civil and international rights… eh, you know just as well as I do, massive increases in military spending that otherwise could never have been possible… and on and on it goes, would have to go through my saved documents and list it out, you know where I’m going, if anyone else is reading this and are too lazy to inform themselves, then my enunciating the issues here will surely matter little.

The ramifications of the 9/11 false-flag attack are HUGE, and this event is the most important political and criminal issue requiring worldwide attention.

These homicidal maniacs tested:

the public’s gullibility and proved it

the Media’s complicity and proved it

the Legal system’s complicity and proved it

the whole governmental systems’ acquiescence and proved it

the whole world’s docility and proved it

or rather, they tested their control over the above and more that I’ve failed to mention, and deemed their grip to be secure

What else did they learn?

They learned that anything goes, that they can get away with just about anything without consequences.

They learned that the majority of people truly are pack animals that require safety in numbers, and as such will readily self-censor in order to ward off any possibility of being labeled as, heaven forbid!, a Conspiracy Theorist!, or any possibility of mockery or ostracization.

So, seeing as how obviously transparent this 9/11 scam was, and how people don’t want to face it, and how thoroughly they are able to snow the masses with their mainstream medias, why wouldn’t they be emboldened to believe that they could successfully nuke a large city next time and get away with it? Seriously.”

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I'm afraid you have no way to substantiate that: they are killing far more than two birds with one stone, and everything they do converges.

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Or, gene-based injections. I try not to get caught up in labels which don’t have precise definitions or, even if they did, meanings that are universally understood.

They’re intentionally harmful, that’s for sure.

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Thank you, Dr. Agree, they are intentionally harmful. That is why I suggested using a term other than therapies, as a therapy implies a treatment with improvement as an intended outcome.

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Nice, thanks Sasha. Recommend you add this image to your story:


Moderna called their poison the "Software of Life" "Operating System", aka self-assembling nanobot technology to rewrite your software and control you via the 5G grid.

On the subject of definitions, they've wrecked them like any good Orwellian government in order to wreck thought surrounding the pandemic:

Herd immunity has been recast as only being achievable via vaccinations that no longer grant immunity (give that a moment’s consideration), at a time when declaring a pandemic is as easy as pointing to a cluster of sick folk somewhere in the vast world. Once evoked billions in taxpayer currency will automatically be transferred by horse traded politicians to corrupt corporations that will then repeatedly mass inject the entire world’s willing (so far) population with poison. Doubt this? Read this: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/by-your-magic-spell-all-the-nations

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More like Malware...or ransomware.

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That’s an excellent analogy.

The problem: one man’s malware is another psychopath’s control system.

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And, what crashes one person's hardware (body) may be innocuous to another person's hardware. Just like some malwares. Not always applicable (harmful) to all systems that may harbor them

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depends on the virulence of the batches. They can't just slaughter everyone at once. Bodies stinking in the streets and houses. "Bring out your dead." Doctors are now wearing beaked masks and black robes. It's not the injections and aerosols sprayed in the subways and airports, it's the vapors of the swamp of "climate change".

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Oh! Much better

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software of life my arse. these people are arrogant and deranged.

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But they were moving at The Speed of Science™!

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As soon as I read “Software Of Life” the first thing that came to mind was the phrase “SOL” which is basically what these so called vaccines are to humanity. The evil ones who foist this on us probably named it that deliberately so they could get a little chuckle as they inject their poisons.

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“They’ll take your SOL if you let them, but ohhhh, don’t you let them.”

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Sasha, good salient points. To those that argue on "definition", look at the obvious. I highly suspect that the top echelon in pharma, government or medical establishments around the world faked or outright did not take the poison. Declarations from insiders stated that about 1100 top EU politicians did not take it. Tip of the iceberg. The issuing of fake covid injection papers were probably used by many. Fake needle or saline may have been the "fake it" weapon of choice. Further evidence that the injections were not "an experiment". They knew it was depopulation. The Fabian/Malthusians have been around for a long time.

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A good friend of a good friend works in the pharma industry - I was informed that he turned down the vaccine, as did EVERY one of his colleagues. Illuminating.

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I feel very sure that A list actors did not take that jab if they chose not to.

As well as A list sports figures. I can think of one very very famous athlete who is famous for how he eats, exercises and takes care of himself. Not for a minute do I think he got jabbed.

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For the many goobers watching intently from the bleachers (that would be folks like me:), there are lots of things we suspect, lots of things we're pretty sure we know, but we also know that when it comes to most things, particularly high tech things with millions of details, many of them wrong ore even intentionally misleading there is very little that we really UNEQUIVOLCALLY know. There's always some doubt and uncertainty

Perhaps it's just a natural outcome of that 5G warfare they blather about ... or is even 5G war just another blathering diversion?

Hard to be SURE about anything

But the one thing we know for sure is that THEY (the FDA etc) KNEW and KNOW they were lying and deceiving despite how well they play dumb

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No, they are CIA/NIH bio-weapons!

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Correct. Let's not forget the "truck" monster named BARDA >>> Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority. See Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biomedical_Advanced_Research_and_Development_Authority Erm... Ya, right... Quote: "BARDA is an established, official interface between the U.S. federal government and the biomedical industry." What could possibly go wrong?

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Who is overseeing this organisation? Any other department or people checking what they are doing? Does Department of Health check what they are doing? RKK Jr and so many others said that this an experiment of DOD? Pfizer only slap their label onto it? So, if NO one stopping the ROOT of evil and they are unstoppable then the problem is not addressed and they will just continue their evil work freely!

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Hello Nightingale. There are no actionable legal formula nor jurisdictional Penalty for acts of collusion within the BARDA cluster fuck. Again from Wikipedia:

"Members of this Integrated Portfolio include BARDA, biodefense programs in the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which also oversees all biodefense activities across the other Institutes of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and multiple elements of the DoD Chemical and Biological Defense Program." [End quote] Most readers coming to Sasha's page are familiar with the above mentioned agencies....

But let us not forget "public/private" partnerships such as Emergent BioSolutions, Sanofi Pasteur, Fujifilm Corporation, and Basilea Pharmaceutica (Switzerland). There are many other unlisted or unknown investors.

All the above agencies are involved in Seditious constructs and multiple acts of Treason against civil populations in the former United States. Best regards.

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I think this is a subroutine that has been let lose on the planet.

By “this” I mean the confluence of the psychological weapons they’ve patiently prepared over 50+ years

Over population lie.

Climate change lie.

Pandemics lie.

Vaccines (& viruses) lie.

Horrible “food” lie.

Pharma (need for) lie.

Centralised money lie.

It’ll could chunter along for several years now that policies are being enacted and their long run Millner group goals will almost drop into their laps, with the occasional tweak. I sometimes wonder if there isn’t an AI program suggesting the daily news and “events”.

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First I've heard of it. I wonder how much thru CIA USAID has been flushed thru this corrupted organization?

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Hello s r s's. I'm pretty sure all these operatives frequent the same massage therapists... https://youtu.be/Nyvxt1svxso?t=96

"It's a big club. And you ain't in it."

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And I'm soooo happy not to be.

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All vaccines are anti-health. Why do my genes need therapy? I am not sick and diseased. I would never trust any medico to be smarter than a paper clip when it comes to genes and overall health.

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"The FDA simply uses their declaratory authority to say that when we drive this truck on this street, it's not a truck anymore, and vehicle safety regulations no longer apply." Perfect! Much easier to remember :-)

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"Are covid vaccines gene therapies?" No, they're biological warfare agents.

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Ps beautiful painting.

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In their 10-Q with the SEC, Moderna said,

"Currently, mRNA is considered a gene therapy product by the FDA. Unlike certain gene therapies that irreversibly alter cell DNA and could act as a source of side effects, mRNA-based medicines are designed to not irreversibly change cell DNA; however, side effects observed in gene therapy could negatively impact the perception of mRNA medicines despite the differences in mechanism. In addition, because no product in which mRNA is the primary active ingredient has been approved, the regulatory pathway for approval is uncertain. The number and design of the clinical trials and preclinical studies required for the approval of these types of medicines have not been established, may be different from those required for gene therapy products, or may require safety testing like gene therapy products. Moreover, the length of time necessary to complete clinical trials and to submit an application for marketing approval for a final decision by a regulatory authority varies significantly from one pharmaceutical product to the next, and may be difficult to predict."

See page 70: https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/0001682852/000168285220000023/mrna-20200930.htm

So either the mRNA injection is a gene therapy or the Moderna CEO can add securities fraud to his list of crimes. Apparently "vaccine" sounded much better than "untested, experimental, gene therapy" to the sophistry experts at FDA.

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Pretty straightforward- getting the moniker "vaccine-" slapped on your product gives you a high likelihood (near certainty) of indemnification. Getting it pushed by gov't as a 'conditional release' for an EUA gives you protection plus government contracts which guarantees mass scale purchases on the public's dime. Getting it labeled mRNA vaccine for a health emergency also wipes out the gnarly costs of years long safety trials as they are sidestepped- speed of science=maximization of profits.

Moderna is nothing more than a racketeering operation.

Vaccine Inc.

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They're gene "therapies" about like DDT is a gene "therapy".

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Thank you for sharing.

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