Any lawsuit that goes after less than what this is really about feels like more controlled narrative. “People died because we were in a very bad pickle and innocently told to take an untested drug for the greater good, but the manufacturer went too far when it lied about the degree of benefit.” Blah blah blah.
The hardest part to swallow is we know the attorneys know way better than this. They also know the vast majority of the population does not. Trump’s collusion is front and center.
It is clear as day to any objective observer that Trump was set up. He is not a lawyer and as such relied on the advice of embedded and/or compromised advisors. He has stated many times that the “vaccine” should not have been mandated. The mandates came when Biden seized power.
"he is not a lawyer" omg, lolz, the guy does a couple of thousands lawsuits a year, a I assure you he is better at this than any lawyer on the planet. Especially in subverting the law.
Jay, why does anyone have to be a "lawyer" in order to understand basic concepts of governance? A lawyer is somehow elevated above President of the US? A president is excused from making intelligent decisions because he does not have a law degree?
Don't you get it??? They are all part of the same scam but PRETENDING to be on different "sides" of the American people. The red/blue game is for us dummies on the ground. Everyone is being appeased, all the time. Trump says all the right things. And Biden and Pelosi and AOC say all the right things for their base. It's a game for the slaves.
No one gets a seat at the table (much less endless, daily press which oligarch-controlled corporations keeps this ruse alive) unless they are part of the ruling class mafia/bankster cartel/globalist elite. Use a wider lens.
Well said and worth noting. He has either been mislead by people taking advantage of him (naive man that he is) or he is playing 5D chess.....or both. The logical fallacy seems to be that any enemy of my enemies must be my friend. And by extension, the more we call him out, the more they double down.
I remember prior to his presidency, he met with RFK Jr. before anyone knew who that was to discuss "vaccines," supposedly because he had concerns regarding his son. Now I am not sure what they were really meeting about though my guess would be to "get educated" on how to peddle them and how to prepare for 2020. But otherwise, this is a man who knew way more about "vaccines" than your average guy, and still pushed through OWS. How that is not intentional (as opposed to incompetence), I do not know.
It’s not benefitting Israelis though, or any citizen of any group. It’s destruction of the region, a land and natural resource grab. All the people are victims despite the way they frame this “war.”
It’s all a game- they’re all playing their parts. You’re acting as if these are all genuine humans who’ve done “bad things” in real time. They’re just following the script and keeping you in the drama. Looks like it’s working.
you can do better than having hysteria all over this comments section, Jennifer. I know, your idols have been smashed and now you are smashed, too, but pull yourself together, please.
LOL. You lie whenever you don't have have anything else with which to defend yourself. I'm cool as a cucumber. Your hysteria over Trump, Paxton, and many others gets old. You are nothing but negative about everyone.
BTW, we begin sentences with capital letters. Community College can help you with that. They help many people from other countries who have not lived long in America, nor learned to use proper English. For example, the proper insertion of the letter "a" before some nouns is very important. I would think, with all your years living in America, you would not have given up learning that aspect of English. Your English problems are quite apparent when you speak and do interviews. Come on, buckle up, Sasha. You're smart. You can learn it.
Dear Cool Cucumber! Why don't you go fuck yourself with yourself, by which I mean stick that cool cucumber wherever you like. You may view a speech by Donald while you are doing it, as it will give you extra pleasure. Now, dear idiot, how many foreign languages to do speak? Oh I know, it's only English and slurred English after your daily ration of a gallon of white zinfandel gets poured out in emotional hysteria all over my substack. You are so dedicated? what, your cat is not enough company, you need emotional support here? oh, look, I didn't use capital letters, omg, that's so so so bad. look, I am doing this again, quick write to the politburo of Trump-Paxton campaign, they will console you.
LOL. Anyway, all you dummies know is attack internet grammar, looks, or background of someone, like it is some sort of a gotcha. This tells much more about what shit you are made of Jennifer, and does not bother me in the least. It is amusing though, so I am letting you express yourself some more until I get bored with you. Do another emotional post, please. I am busy preparing for an interview to which nobody invites you Jennifer, despite your impeccable hussy-English. Oh well. I think people prefer my broken one, obviously.
true english is in all lower case... unless of course you love microsoft word "programming" the way we communicate with a corporate standing... you really need some help detaching from the matrix that has been constructed all around you it seems jennifer jones. actually i will go as far to say you and your attitude like many on earth at the moment are the negative energy keeping humanity from total enlightenment of our true spiritual selves along with removing GOVERN-MENT from our lives. govern-ment is a latin word meaning to govern the mind. you should research MK ULTRA it is the tool used to do so globally now. all the best removing yourself from the matrix.
Sasha’s not an attorney, you moron. English is also not her first language but I promise you she is more highly educated than you will ever be. Why are you even here. You need to start with more basic stuff. This is WAY over your head.
1. Oh, it's obvious she's not an attorney. 😂. You said, "[s]he is more highly educated" than I? I am an attorney. Here are my university degrees: Bachelors, Masters (ESOL), J.D. Law, PhD ABD. What degrees does she have? You really should check your "facts" before spouting off.
2. No one needs to be an attorney to know that you don't say someone "does lawsuits." High school students who study English as an Other Language (ESOL) can at least say, "brings lawsuits."
3. Yes, English is not her first language, but with (a) her living here for a number of years and (b) her giving the talks she gives, she really should have completed her English courses to the Proficiency level. While I like to challenge and rile her up on her positions, her English is something about which I'm actually not kidding. She's smart enough to become Proficient in English - maybe not "Native Speaker" Level in ESOL - but reaching not all that difficult. Having a Masters in ESOL, I have taught dozens of ESOL adult students who reached Proficiency. My Russian students were particularly good. Russians work very hard, and finish to completion. Even my older Vietnamese students did quite well, and their attitude and graciousness were exemplary.
Ooooh! you are an attorney! A drunk, foul mouthed one too? That's too delicious Jennifer. But don't attack my readers, or I will ban your fat wrinkled ass. Do you teach swear-English or slurred-English to your grandchildren? So shameful.
Hello Jennifer Jones, Esq. If you intend to intimidate via some alleged greater position in society, you are much more the idiot than myself. The legal classes have been assigned the status of god's, but as it turns out, they are just as corrupt and incompetent as all other such stratified genius. I hope you're feeling better soon...
No rock. Unlike Sasha, I'm a real attorney. It's sad that you enjoy putting people down and making unsubstantiated emotional comments all the time. I've read what you write, and you're a nasty woman. Sound familiar? You probably support Hillary Clinton, and the evil she did with her assistant to that poor little girl in the woods.
real attorney! Oh my. Can't even write correctly in English, some attorney... sure. You seem to have a lot of free time on your fat fingered hands on a Monday - were you fired from your janitorial post in a law firm ?
I'm sorry, but for someone who is supposedly able to play 5D chess without blinking, DJT's lack of ability to "connect the dots" and then brag about being the only President who could have done so is absurd. As far as the Nuremberg Code is concerned, I wonder if those who were tried and convicted had only known to point out that the Code which was used to convict them wasn't valid because it wasn't law in their country. The very simple Code for even uneducated folks like me is clear. Any experimental substance or procedure that lacks true informed consent and the ability to refuse to participate in the experiment is and should be repugnant to any civilized society. For any elected official who thinks they're going to weasel their way out of this by claiming that they tried to do something by proffering such drivel, I hope and pray to see them all brought to justice as well. The evidence is now unequivocal. There will be no excuses to hide behind for anyone who tries to justify this blatant disregard for the lack of informed consent and the ability to refuse any experimental substance or procedure.
The crux of the matter, is that Trump never intended for the treatments to be mandatory / sans informed consent. Only after Biden seized power did coercion come into play. Also, pray tell, where did I say Trump is a 5D chess player? He is human; his Achilles heel, vanity.
Of course! So it's perfectly acceptable for POTUS to peddle something he knew was a DOD operation to poison/kill it's own citizens as long as they submitted to do so voluntarily. On his good word that he made "great vaccines" possible under OWS. Oh wait--he bumbled and didn't know. And now--3 years later? He says exactly the same thing. What is wrong with you? You have Trump Derangement Syndrome that is blocking you from seeing the problem. It's a fatal problem--sorry to burst your "hero" bubble.
In 2016, Scott Adams proclaimed that Trump was a 3D chess player. It's evolved to 4D and 5D by mainstream media.
1) Going out on a limb here, I’m guessing you didn’t vote for Trump. 2) “Peddle” implies that one receives payment directly or indirectly for the product he peddles. What did Trump have to gain, other than misplaced pride, for promoting Warp Speed?
Of course Trump "partnered" with Moderna and Jared and Ivanka made bigly bucks off countermeasures contracts. That's how he funded his current campaign. I did vote for him by the way.
Side track. Another one I heard recently is he has access to a medbed produced on the moon by super solders. That's why he is fit and healthy can play 5D chess without blinking. But maybe there is an expiration date to it... :-P
Sadly the person who told me (in HI) totally believes it. She says the ET contactee in the UK (called Simon Parks) showed a video (an interview ?) of a super soldier from the moon and the making of medbeds. (It wasn't completed bk then - a few years ago). Currently they are being produced on the mass production line on the moon, and the four bigger islands of HI will each get one in the near future. And these beds are for the general public and the military will be in charge.
Please keep in mind that the ruling class mafia is constantly peppering the underworld with fake stories to throw us all off and have us go down ludicrous rabbit holes.
Sorry, it doesn't play, Jay. Even if that were true in 2020, which I doubt based on the historical/presidential record, he would certainly have seen the light by now. It's beyond out in the open and he and RFK Jr. have had many personal conversations about vaccines. Yet, as of TODAY, he still touts the vaccines as having "saved millions of lives!" and he takes "credit" for all of it (OWS). To hear him tell it, no one has been harmed, much less killed and these Pfizer and Moderna injections are fantastic.
He can bully and say pretty much anything off-color he wants pursuant to deep state rules because after all, it's all empty rhetoric used to energize his base. Except on the topic of vaccines. It's non-negotiable. They must keep that one alive on both sides of the aisle. The state must be able to inject people as early as one hour out of the womb in order to stay in power.
I'm tired of the strawman "mandate" argument. It has nothing to do with the illicit DOD operation or how many millions these injections have killed--and will continue to kill.
Trump signed an executive order to send HCQ to everyone, but one person decided not to do it and Trump just shrugged his shoulders and said well I tried.
I don’t remember if it was Igor Chuduv who has many links showing how Trump was fully on board with the Covid scam. Remember him saying that this was the calm before the storm during a press conference with a military general in attendance. I’ll look to see if I saved the article.
Anyone know if there is an option to look at past comments?
I’m doubting that you will get an answer. But speaking of grandmas I think it funny that we got lectured about the people not wanting lockdowns during Covid are accused of letting grandmas die, but all those people have no problem letting old folks die every year from the flu. It’s just so damn hypocritical that I can’t believe they don’t see their hypocrisy.
If grandmas take the flu or pneumococcal shot, they die. Better to enhance one’s own immune system, particularly with vit C & D, Zinc, Quercetin, and glutithiones (either naturally or with proper supplements).
Yes, he does. 100%. Are you completely stupid? This is something you could easily verify before you let your TDS get triggered.
He thinks the vaccines “have saved millions of lives” and that they’re “great.” STILL. He reminds us constantly how he is to be credited for this because of his Operation Warp Speed. How have you missed this?
When people give me substantive information that I question, I start doing the research to see if it’s true or not. I don’t start making uneducated comments and falsely accuse others of lying because they’re ruining my hero- worship bubble. You wake up, you old bat.
Yup, but they knew half the country would refuse if he stayed in power, so they needed him to lead off for the right and have Biden come is to get the Dems to also take it. The sandwich strategy. When it comes to vaccines it's an all-party agenda.
The most consistent refusers all along were Republicans. And core Dem constituents (Black and Hispanic communities.) So I’m not sure this logic of Trump=Biden holds. Again, it was Biden that dictated the injections.
This is for the most part a correct assessment although it is much more complicated. I believe Trump knew from day one he decided to run; that he was going up against diabolical forces hell bent on rolling out every single conceivable thing to achieve their plan. What is the plan? World Domination conceived by those who are already showing themselves and who they serve behind the veil. Trump is not naive to this reality. I think he knew exactly what tactics were going to be used. The enemy has played their hand and the people around the world are waking up to what/who is the true enemy. 😈
So as long as he doesn't demand, then innocent people should still die from the injection he promoted? Great logic! Don't make people do it, just stand around watching them die and giving a thumbs up.
If he were to say, "don't take it," millions of lives would be saved. Millions. To hell with what the enemy "purports." WTF are you even talking about? Are you suggesting he is being stealth? I can hardly stand the blatant stupidity.
Sounds like you’re a little baby who got triggered because you can’t stand the fact that your savior may not be coming for you. No one will save us from these evil people. It’s up to us. Sorry, you might have to get up off your couch and actually do something.
Another interpretation I heard is if he admits the jabs were harmful, he would be held accountable as the then prez. So he won't talk about it. Besides, after all he seems v cozy w pharma (e.g. J&J) that doesn't sit well in my mind.
I'm so sorry Kevin. I was late to realize that we have always been fighting for our lives. freedom, sovereignty and have been played by a very powerful group in control for all of our lives. I fully vaccinated my kids (except for covid) and it's my biggest regret. At 18 mos. old, my youngest got (and still has) life threatening asthma (exclusively "viral-induced" asthma) which I know was caused by the "regular" vaccines. It's a health condition that will affect him for life.
Even though I knew the covid vaxxes were a farce from the start and saw several people die from it in 2021, it STILL did not settle in that the other vaccines were harmful. We have things embedded into our deepest thought structures that are complete lies.
Erm... We (the People) need to focus on the murders of 17 million persons via US sanctioned bio-warfare products. Donald Trump is not the target... I'd like to paint little bulls-eyes on the foreheads of all who profess to be attorneys... What a bunch of pigs.
It’s not the attorneys, Paul. It’s anyone of any profession paid to do the devils work. That includes doctors, pharmacists, teachers, politicians, pastors and priests, etc.
How would I know their strategy? If I knew, the defense would know. They don't give that away.
Almost every lawyer specializes. I'm a Patent, Trademark, and Copyright attorney. Texas would have hired a group of "outside litigation counsel" from *Independent firms to "assist" (i.e., handle) this type of lawsuit.
I also know that an *Independent firm that represents hundreds of different clients would have thoroughly checked for motives. Only bad law firms would accept such a case because word gets around. A good litigation firm that took a case with bad litigants would risk their *entire reputation, and they will *never do that. They will actually file a bit conservatively, on purpose. The firms that do not check out their cases in advance for intentions that would be inappropriate, or borderline, are often (but not always, by any means) very small and willing to risk their reputation to make the money. But, not all small firms are like that, by ANY means. Many are fine firms; they just don't have the manpower to represent big clients.
The lawyers handling this case would never pay attention to information from someone like yourself (nothing personal) whom they have not *vetted. There are issues of liability, pride, lack of time to check what you say, billing issues, and the like.
Good firms, and even average firms, have legal strategies that a layperson, albeit intelligent, and who has spent hundreds of hours having researched, does not know or understand. You wouldn't believe how these big firms work. They even consult with and pay *other, even more specialized firms, for their opinion, help, and to back them up. It's like getting a doctor's second opinion.) If they don't, they are in trouble.
There might be an outside chance for your research to be considered were Paralegal Katherine Watt to contact an attorney she knows personally, who might know one of the Texas attorneys, or Outside Counsel. Shasha, you would screw up making any contact because you're so emotional about this that you would temporarily lose your business-like qualities. (No offense meant. I'm just being straight out with you, Sasha, since you asked me for ideas.)
For even the possibility that lawyers would pay attention to your ideas through Watt, you would first need to get her to rewrite what you've written into more legal language. She knows how to do that.
I am a lawyer and have been for over 30 years, so I can tell you it’s not a strategy, but even if it were is that what we want? To fine Pfizer because it overstepped in its ad campaign? Sounds like another “business mistake” that deserves a small slap on the wrist. Fake justice.
Since millions of "deaths" resulted due to the ushering into America of the criminally fraudulent 2020 CONVid PLANNEDemic beginning with the killing of tens and hundreds of thousands of hospital patients (prior to the advent of the Covid-19 Vaccines in December of 2020) by the hospitals' Covid treatment protocols administering the lethal drug Remdesivir and intentionally depriving their patients of basic life sustaining nutrients such as food, water, and/or saline I.V.s, in order to drive up the Covid Body-Count (Deaths) for the purpose of promoting fear of the so-called Covid disease in the minds of the masses for the ultimate goal of the Parasitic-Predatory-Ruling-Class (PPRC) of getting as many people to voluntarily line up to be injected with the lethal Covid-19 Vaccines and then subsequently the millions of injuries and "deaths" resulting from the Covid-19 Vaccines it would be justifiably rewarding in the name of justice to see true justice applied and implemented via 18 USC 241 & 242 against every single person who promoted "ANY" aspect of the criminally fraudulent 2020 CONVid PLANNEDemic. Pay close attention to the provisions in the following two United States criminal codes where it states "and if death results" whereby the corresponding punishment shall be "the sentencing to death" for each of the criminal co-conspirators/co-perpetrators.
18 USC 241: Conspiracy against rights
18 USC 242: Deprivation of rights under color of law
If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or
If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured—
They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.
Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of such person being an alien, or by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.
Seriously?? Read, and UNDERSTAND, Bailwicks News "Legal Walls Of The Covid Kill Box" Almost every "strategy" followed today is not only wrong but stupid.
I’m just looking at it through an attorney general who actually cares about the country and then that kinda brings me to Does he really truly have an official oath of office?
We cant overstep that most of these governors and people in Congress are part of the world economic forum they do not have the interest of the people.
So to me as an Attorney General, trying to do the right thing for this country, the whole point of suing to me is mind-boggling. To me, if someone was really trying to do something you can’t tell me that the Attorney General doesn’t see the death count that’s going on in Texas or around the United States.
I just don’t believe it because the citizens, see it so why aren’t you taking the shots off the market? Why aren’t you holding criminal charges?
To me just shows that these people are complicit they’re buying time they’re slowly doing very little to make people believe that they care.
I would also imagine that he is protected under the Prep Act, and that might be why he’s not doing anything or leaving a lot of things out.
Hello Shane Sweeney: +100 likes. These Attorneys General are generally, either incompetent, or are unaware of their complicity in treason and mass murder. I consider them all as Accessories After the Fact. >>> 18 U.S. Code § 3 - Accessory after the fact
"Whoever, knowing that an offense against the United States has been committed, receives, relieves, comforts or assists the offender in order to hinder or prevent his apprehension, trial or punishment, is an accessory after the fact.
Except as otherwise expressly provided by any Act of Congress, an accessory after the fact shall be imprisoned not more than one-half the maximum term of imprisonment or (notwithstanding section 3571) fined not more than one-half the maximum fine prescribed for the punishment of the principal, or both; or if the principal is punishable by life imprisonment or death, the accessory shall be imprisoned not more than 15 years." [End quote]
Last night Robert Barnes was complaining about how an Arkansas judge threatened him with sanctions due Robert's pursuit of the Nuremberg Code (informed consent) as a strategy for vaccine mandate lawsuits. It's like he doesn't know about the EUA and 21 USC 360 bbb or he's willfully ignorant of this.
Thank you! Joseph Sansone and so many others refuse to listen to reason and facts of the NC. NC is a non-starter. No legal efficacy. It formed the basis of the Declaration of Helsinki in 1964, but it does not enjoy any force of International Law. It does provide guidelines for nations to enact laws against medical experimentation, but America’s response was the ineffectual law in CFR Title 45, Part 6. And the US is not a signatory to it.
The Nuremberg code was an unethical ex post facto law created by the Nuremberg prosecutors who could have convicted the Nazi doctors of murder. But they wanted to send a specific message to the world.
It is interesting that Germany had a specific law making non consensual medical experimentation a crime before Hitler cancelled it.
We can get justice on those monsters who forced the jab, but that Code is not the vehicle.
My impressions of that trial come from the trial films. Herman Goering, sober and sharp, slapped Prosecutor Jackson around like a naughty puppy on cross examination. How humiliating for the US. Jackson was supposed to be our best and brightest.
What’s more, how in the world does Goering sneak in his suicide poison through a common American guard? It means it leaked that the judge panel was going to condemn him to death anyway and the street decided that hanging was inappropriate. I have no evidence of that except my tin hat.
And Ribbentrop getting a death sentence was pure vengeance for his defiant testimony and refusal to sell out his leadership. At worst, he should’ve received a 20 year sentence. It was all personal.
I managed to get the book from my library. It has a lot of interesting statistics and facts about the trials but I did not find it a great read. It sounds like you have a good grasp of the con so you probably don’t really need to read it. Highlights of that book plus more interesting facts about so much of history are in Larry Romanoff’s work. His books are available as free pdfs on
I can’t remember which book goes into detail about the Nuremberg Trials. Probably one of the ones about propaganda.
You answered a question I was about to ask. I could not find Butz’s book, so I will hope that the local library has it or can get it.
Thanks for the Romanoff site.
In order to properly understand history and learn its lessons, it’s important to seek and recognize truth and determine as many facts as we can. This includes the truth about the Third Reich. Much of what we have been forced to accept does not add up.
Read some of David Irving's books. He interviewed people no one else did and 'they' seriously tried to shut him down. The WII narrative is very important to 'them' and they have gone to immense lengths to construct and maintain it.
I managed to find Ralph Manheim’s translation of Mein Kampf. My exploration of these things revealed that there are several mistranslated versions out there and Mannheim’s is the only authentic one. I will see.
Sasha--I received this email just now, that changed my "notification preferences" to not receiving any more of your emails. Are you aware of this? Did anyone else get removed?
"Notifications disabled. We’ve changed your notification preferences for Due Diligence and Art.
Please note this does not cancel your paid subscription, and you can still access paid content by visiting the website. If you'd like to cancel your paid subscription, you can do so from your account page
Was this a mistake? If so, you can set your notification preferences here."
Bizarre. Feels targeted! A similar thing happened with Yahoo who would put their top stories in my inbox daily for at least a decade. I commented a lot--their moderators started removing my comments, or downplaying the reactions to my comment until about 2 months ago, they simply stopped sending me their news feed in my inbox. I can still access Yahoo news (why would I really) but its not something I can just click on.
The malevolence that crafted these laws is incredible. They direct the authorities to notify recipients if they know of harms, but the entire EUA structure is designed to make sure that they don't know and can't possibly be proven to have known anything.
The benefits are merely suspected (or more accurately, they accrue to the right financial and other interests) and the harms are unknowable by design. It isn't a directive to health authorities to do something, it is a legal get out of jail free card for pushing literally any product of any composition or toxicity.
Can one person, constitutionally, demand access to the body and genes of every American by dint of their own emergency declaration?
No matter the abuses, we never saw FISA challenged directly. Similarly, I fear we will never see EUA challenged directly. If no reform is possible, we're headed towards some sort of collapse.
The EUA does not need to be challenged -- it is a federal issue. Unfair and deceptive trade practices fall under state law. The question is: does a federal EUA subrogate state law WHEN a company markets a product using manipulated/falsified data?
I'm no constitutional scholar, but I do belive that states have entered litigation against federal laws on constitutional grounds before.
Why do I say the EUA needs to be challenged? Just imagine the federal gov passed a law that said the HHS secretary could authorize a herd cull, sterilization and gene manipulation program provided that the HHS secretary unilaterally declares an emergency. Well then, were that the case, we might consider that OUR VERY SURVIVAL is at stake.
That would mean that we would need to challenge that law, don't you think?? Whether the states, representing their collective populace, as a state entity, or individuals, or corporations or whoever brings the case to court, it must be done.
I have yet to meet a vaccinated person that I find interesting. Or at least intellectually challenging. The dead ones are of interest to me. But they are not interesting.
I was convinced back in 1989 that both the military-created and press-driven fears over deadly, militarized pathogens—which they keep referring to as “naturally occurring” bugs coinciding with mandatory Vaxx biochemical weapons—were and still are systematic lab-rat experiments being conducted on the entire world to perfect methods for eventually killing most of humanity, then converting those they allow to live into enslaved cyborg tools.
I’m never going to be calm or satisfied with the snail’s pace of “legal action” or carefully-crafted “legal word-play” by the world’s greatest legal experts when it comes to exposing the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth of this ongoing genocide.
These lawyers, as well as their PAC managers, know what they are doing. And they know many of us do, too, and that we’re way beyond impatient with their “techniques” of dragging their talons while giving the uneducated, distracted public the impression they’re taking speedy action to correct this nightmare. Meanwhile, as more and more people start developing turbo cancers and dropping dead from synthetic, bioweapon blood clots, the plans of their Eugenicist Masters to install a New World Order has been thrown into hyperdrive. Already, typical of Satanic Protocols, their bought media talking heads are warning the public of their upcoming Plandemic II, not to mention a multi-stage genocide by military action like we see being played out in Palestine, followed by Iran.
The best to hold Pfizer accountable...never use any of their products. Tell your family, friends, and medical providers "I don't use any products from Pfizer; they are a company which can not be trusted to make products that improve human health".
Even if he had not bumbled the eua thing, there's another reason why Pfizer wins.
Pfizer never advertised that 95% number.
The CDC, FDA, NIH, and the media did it for them.
How can you prosecute Pfizer for something they never did?
Obviously he is a smart lawyer, so I sense this is a bullshit false hopium thing.
Remember Texas, the "free state" didn't do anything when Houston Methodist hospital mandated the shots months before the FDA "approval". It seems that free state means extra freedom for companies to violate their workers, lol.
Thanks to Obama, who signed the Smith mundt modernization act which removed restrictions of being able to propagandize Americans by their own government this became legal. It reversed the law that originally banned this, because they wanted to avoid what the Germans did to their own people. Yeah, that explains the kind of government we have.... Fascism?!
Texas Governor Greg Abbot made an executive order "outlawing" employer vaccine mandates in Texas 10/13/21, and the legislature recently passed an actual law to that effect. Houston Methodist Hospital has prevailed in court against the nurses they fired in 2021 (May or June, as I recall). After those nurses, other staff and some doctors stood there and took the blows, I knew that I had to do the same.
Hello Mike Yeadon: Exactly the point I've tried to make since this bogus lawsuit was initiated. Pfizer is just a patsy - framed by persons who knew exactly how all this would pan out. Can we say: "Department of Defense"? Check!
Can we say: "Operatives employed at the Department of Health and Human Services"? Check! Can we say: "Executive staff employed in the Department of Justice"? Check!
Hey! Let's turn the entire investigation over to the Warren Commission. Ooops! I guess they're already dead... Next...
"Calm down everyone, justice is almost happening! Unity and stuff… Acknowledge loss. And healing. Y’all were heroes on the battlefield and deserve purple hearts for fighting the virus. Which of course nobody will give you, but it’s the thought that counts! Because, you see, it is justified to inject everyone with poorly tested (not at all approved) chemicals on the off chance of saving the granny…
Because poorly tested poison is better [to kill you] than no poison at all!" 🤣🤣🤣 and stunning portrait!
Instead of methinking that they intentionally IGNORED WHAT YOU KNOW, assume that these are SINCERE PEOPLE who have not yet figured out what you have and NEED YOU TO TELL THEM. Not everyone can imagine how completely SNEAKY the conspirators are. TELL KEN AND TEAM what you and your DATA Goddess Sister Watt have figured out, so that during discovery they can show the judge that there were, in fact, NO STANDARDS OF EFFICACY REQUIRED. This will allow them to pull down the whole house of cards with you coaching them from the sidelines. // BONUS POINTS: Realize that most mainstream people are not as suspicious as you OR AS PARANOID. USE YOUR PARANOIA PROFITABLY by sharing what it has uncovered rather than DOUBTING THESE WELL-MEANING BUT NAIVE people or their ilk (Children's Health Defense Team). CHD was not upset you and KW figured out what you did, they just cannot emotionally grasp that this whole thing was not an honest mistake of well-intentioned folks like themselves, but was instead a deliberately and minutely planned operation to decimate the human population and install global slavery.
"Instead of methinking that they intentionally IGNORED WHAT YOU KNOW, assume that these are SINCERE PEOPLE who have not yet figured out what you have and NEED YOU TO TELL THEM"
Mmm, no. Whoever drafted those pages about EUA law read and understood it very well. And they are professionals at this. So, please, let's stop pretending everyone just doesn't know for 3 years. I am sick and tired of pretend naivete. I have never seen so much stupidity and ignorance claimed by the professional class. Just stop. Start holding people accountable for their actions.
It makes no sense. These folks go to all the effort of making suits and intentionally fail. Is there no possibility that they are sincere and just did not catch the nuance of the EUA that you did? Is that esoteric corner of drug approval process commonly known law that everyone understands? Unless Paxton is himself an insider bad actor (possible) there is a really big chance that he and his team have just not figured out the angle you have, or there is a bad actor on his team steering him away from what he needs to know. Did he and the DA of Alabama or Louisiana not sue on the censorship issue too? Observe him closely before concluding that he is a shill or unaccountable. Demand diligence of yourself there. Before you dismiss anyone, evaluate their performance and emotional signature. Not everyone has the incredible attention to detail you do. Not everyone takes due diligence to the extreme that you do. Goddess knows we need you and others behaving like you. Please, if you really care about winning, get humble a minute and help people on the front lines of the fight. Otherwise you are just playing dramatic heroine, to no one's benefit. Do what you did with CHD, sit Paxton and team down and explain what you know. Get your hard work into a courtroom where it can do some good. // There is more stupidity and ignorance here than you realize. Most professional classes here are pathetic; rigor is rare and meeting social expectations of mediocre competence the norm. Among the insiders, yes plenty of pretending naivete. Among the sincere reformers...just assume that they are less skilled than you are. Do all law school students get classes on this stuff? Do 1%? How about .0001%? Not everyone is perfectionist like you. You are in a class above. Mentor the juveniles. Elevate the sloppy. Help the sincere but lackluster achieve due diligence. // Wipe your assumptions. They stink. Ask yourself, "What if I am wrong?" What if not everyone is corrupt and lying and this is my chance to make a big victory at the cost of a few hours. Not as much fun as playing miss superior smarty pants but much more useful.
In my opinion, so long as it looks like “somebody is coming to save us”, the cost to us as individuals feels too great.
Why flush your career & wealth, not to mention most of your friends, if the AG is on the brink of resolving this?
I, on the other hand, realised the implications of lockdowns before they happened. It meant the perpetrators already had every institution and leader in them in their pocket.
It also means nobody is coming to save us.
Actions like Sasha’s, Katherine’s and mine (plus many others) are mild in light of the dark implications.
Why so many professionals who’ve messaged “Thanks for all you’ve done, Mike, keep going” are unable to perceive that we alone cannot save us. We can’t even save ourselves. However, if only a few % of those who realised what’s happening stood up and refused this pile of pants, it would be over.
Well said, Doctor. I, for one, will never stop exposing the ubiquitous lies told by both sides in this battlefield. We are not alone and our numbers are increasing daily. For those who think us stupid or complacent your greed or political ambition will be what exposes you. That sound you hear in the middle of the night is the sound of WE THE PEOPLE rousing from our slumber. When we do rise and hold you all accountable the world will be a much better place.
This is why they are desperate to censor / control social media, to monitor electronic communications, and to plant divisive chaos agents in our midst. They cannot withstand a unified response from dissidents.
"Politics makes strange bedfellows" it is said. One of the strongest lobbies against the lockdowns and bar closures was the politically powerful owners of Austin's strip clubs. Unlike the rest of Texas, Austin's strip clubs allow "lap dances", so "patrons" come from around the state, kind of like flying to Las Vegas. Some big strip clubs are very close to the airport.
Those club owners wanted to open back up. They know a lot of politicians. They knew Governor Rick Perry particularly well at The Yellow Rose, according to those in the know. Rick had certain proclivities, which were never made public.
Jennifer, Ken Paxton is not "running a state", he is the Attorney General of a state. Do you know that you can take a community college class in civics? And maybe qualify for a discount due to the hardships and issues in your life clearly visible?
It’s not really about “giving a shit.” It’s about having/knowing information and deliberately ignoring it. Paxton has it and has strategically avoided using it. There’s a reason for that. But you are so far behind in the learning curve it would take too much to explain it to you now. Go back to your tv while the grown ups continue the conversation.
We are all furious about what’s happening. And impatient to fix it back better (to parody an infamous saying).
As I see it, Ken Paxton is the ONLY AG with any guts to even try to fight back against these shots. If he isn’t doing it 100% right (within whatever limitations his job might have), would you try to meet with him and set him on a better path?
I’ve been trying to learn all this stuff for 3 years, with help from you and others, and I still don’t understand or retain every nuance. Perhaps he’s in the same sour pickle.
You have done so much to educate all of US. Won’t you please try to meet with AG Paxton and his staff -- if you haven’t already tried? Help them to make their lawsuit better and more ironclad. They may rebuff or ignore you; or they may listen and make their efforts better. At least then, you will know their true motives.
everyone is like Sasha! Meet with Paxton! I have the same chance meeting with him as everyone else in this comment section, namely zero. And I don't think it would change anything, he knows the information I have provided here, he deliberately chose the position on EUA in his lawsuit. That's because he has aspirations to climb the political ladder toward the federal government and he does not want to upset the masters of the federal government.
Sasha meet with Paxton? He doesn't have time for the likes of someone whose educational background is Sasha's. LOL. He wouldn't even take her phone call. Would you, if you were the Attorney General of a state?
Yeah, come on, Sasha. Let's see you get an appointment with AG Paxton. 🤣
Jennifer, I met with the Attorney General of Idaho, Raul Labrador, and his lieutenant in September. We had a good discussion. I am not sure what you find wrong with my educational background.
Ep. 25 Liberals like Karl Rove just tried to annihilate Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. It didn't work. Paxton just joined us for his first interview since his acquittal. (46 min)
Well, somebody has to educate the slow and uneducated like you. You should be thanking her. Strange that you have left multiple comments here insulting her. Why is that?
A good question. I don't know, but she seems upset and needs to write a whole bunch of idiotic comments. So clearly showing commitment to her mission. :)
Peter McCullough MD addressed the Texas Senate in January 2021, about the efficacy of oral treatments for COVID, including hydroxychloroquine, zinc, azithromycin, and ivermectin. I was there to be a back up talker, but Dr. Richard Urso was able to speak, and is far more eloquent and commanding, similar to Dr. McCullough.
The Texas legislature has been better informed than most on COVID. Rural Texans never took more than sips of the Kool-Aid. Texas (Governor Abbot, et al) is counterattacking certain powers-that-be, with skill and thoughtful preparation.
do you know there are therapies for what you are having? An emotional breakdown of some sort. And institutions that can help you heal, Jennifer. Saying this with compassion, it is sad to see a grown woman (so it appears) clearly disturbed and behaving hysterically. But I admit, it's entertaining, too.
Yeah they have tried that going back at least a year ago and were summarily rebuked at least until the Brooke Jackson MTD blew up in Robert and Warners faces figuratively speaking. Then Robert proceeded to attack them and accused them of Pfizer shills.
No Way these guys have know for at least two years. David Martin has sent his 100 page dossier on the plandemic to every AG and Senator that he could get to grant him a hour of his time. The Utah case was proceeding until it wasn't. After a quick meeting with the DOJ, 24 hours later dismissed. Don't hold your Breath that the same will happen here.
Development of the mRNA countermeasure to the CoV-SARS-2 bio-weapon appears to have been created to cull human population - not enhance it. If so, all parties promoting the countermeasure violate the Hippocratic Oath, making them, knowingly or ignorantly, participants in genocide. At the risk of stating the obvious, this lawsuit has the potential of giving notice to these participants of their collective and individual culpability,
Any lawsuit that goes after less than what this is really about feels like more controlled narrative. “People died because we were in a very bad pickle and innocently told to take an untested drug for the greater good, but the manufacturer went too far when it lied about the degree of benefit.” Blah blah blah.
The hardest part to swallow is we know the attorneys know way better than this. They also know the vast majority of the population does not. Trump’s collusion is front and center.
It is clear as day to any objective observer that Trump was set up. He is not a lawyer and as such relied on the advice of embedded and/or compromised advisors. He has stated many times that the “vaccine” should not have been mandated. The mandates came when Biden seized power.
"he is not a lawyer" omg, lolz, the guy does a couple of thousands lawsuits a year, a I assure you he is better at this than any lawyer on the planet. Especially in subverting the law.
Sasha sure as fuck made my attorney look like an ASS🤣🤣🤣🤣
Hats off to you Sasha! You should have seen my attorney’s face when I showed him my “directive to physicians”, compliments from YOU!
He looked like a dumb fuck!🤣😁🤣.
If you get admitted to the hospital, you need Sasha’s “General Instructions for Letter to Send with Caregivers and Consent Document”👏👏
That is, if you want to live!
Mike Pence, who led the Coronavirus task force, IS a lawyer. Why is this embedded figure not called out explicitly?
Jay, why does anyone have to be a "lawyer" in order to understand basic concepts of governance? A lawyer is somehow elevated above President of the US? A president is excused from making intelligent decisions because he does not have a law degree?
Don't you get it??? They are all part of the same scam but PRETENDING to be on different "sides" of the American people. The red/blue game is for us dummies on the ground. Everyone is being appeased, all the time. Trump says all the right things. And Biden and Pelosi and AOC say all the right things for their base. It's a game for the slaves.
No one gets a seat at the table (much less endless, daily press which oligarch-controlled corporations keeps this ruse alive) unless they are part of the ruling class mafia/bankster cartel/globalist elite. Use a wider lens.
Well said and worth noting. He has either been mislead by people taking advantage of him (naive man that he is) or he is playing 5D chess.....or both. The logical fallacy seems to be that any enemy of my enemies must be my friend. And by extension, the more we call him out, the more they double down.
I remember prior to his presidency, he met with RFK Jr. before anyone knew who that was to discuss "vaccines," supposedly because he had concerns regarding his son. Now I am not sure what they were really meeting about though my guess would be to "get educated" on how to peddle them and how to prepare for 2020. But otherwise, this is a man who knew way more about "vaccines" than your average guy, and still pushed through OWS. How that is not intentional (as opposed to incompetence), I do not know.
He asked about Pence.
Right and I responded with better substance because Pence is irrelevant and the question was stupid.
It’s not benefitting Israelis though, or any citizen of any group. It’s destruction of the region, a land and natural resource grab. All the people are victims despite the way they frame this “war.”
Yes, Pence is rarely called out. As to why not, I don't know.
It’s all a game- they’re all playing their parts. You’re acting as if these are all genuine humans who’ve done “bad things” in real time. They’re just following the script and keeping you in the drama. Looks like it’s working.
My God, your words: "Trump 'does' lawsuits"? Miss attorney, why don't you elucidate what "'does' lawsuits" means?
Your writing lacks precision, and always contains many grammatical mistakes.
Come on, you can do better than this.
you can do better than having hysteria all over this comments section, Jennifer. I know, your idols have been smashed and now you are smashed, too, but pull yourself together, please.
LOL. You lie whenever you don't have have anything else with which to defend yourself. I'm cool as a cucumber. Your hysteria over Trump, Paxton, and many others gets old. You are nothing but negative about everyone.
BTW, we begin sentences with capital letters. Community College can help you with that. They help many people from other countries who have not lived long in America, nor learned to use proper English. For example, the proper insertion of the letter "a" before some nouns is very important. I would think, with all your years living in America, you would not have given up learning that aspect of English. Your English problems are quite apparent when you speak and do interviews. Come on, buckle up, Sasha. You're smart. You can learn it.
Dear Cool Cucumber! Why don't you go fuck yourself with yourself, by which I mean stick that cool cucumber wherever you like. You may view a speech by Donald while you are doing it, as it will give you extra pleasure. Now, dear idiot, how many foreign languages to do speak? Oh I know, it's only English and slurred English after your daily ration of a gallon of white zinfandel gets poured out in emotional hysteria all over my substack. You are so dedicated? what, your cat is not enough company, you need emotional support here? oh, look, I didn't use capital letters, omg, that's so so so bad. look, I am doing this again, quick write to the politburo of Trump-Paxton campaign, they will console you.
LOL. Anyway, all you dummies know is attack internet grammar, looks, or background of someone, like it is some sort of a gotcha. This tells much more about what shit you are made of Jennifer, and does not bother me in the least. It is amusing though, so I am letting you express yourself some more until I get bored with you. Do another emotional post, please. I am busy preparing for an interview to which nobody invites you Jennifer, despite your impeccable hussy-English. Oh well. I think people prefer my broken one, obviously.
true english is in all lower case... unless of course you love microsoft word "programming" the way we communicate with a corporate standing... you really need some help detaching from the matrix that has been constructed all around you it seems jennifer jones. actually i will go as far to say you and your attitude like many on earth at the moment are the negative energy keeping humanity from total enlightenment of our true spiritual selves along with removing GOVERN-MENT from our lives. govern-ment is a latin word meaning to govern the mind. you should research MK ULTRA it is the tool used to do so globally now. all the best removing yourself from the matrix.
Sasha’s not an attorney, you moron. English is also not her first language but I promise you she is more highly educated than you will ever be. Why are you even here. You need to start with more basic stuff. This is WAY over your head.
1. Oh, it's obvious she's not an attorney. 😂. You said, "[s]he is more highly educated" than I? I am an attorney. Here are my university degrees: Bachelors, Masters (ESOL), J.D. Law, PhD ABD. What degrees does she have? You really should check your "facts" before spouting off.
2. No one needs to be an attorney to know that you don't say someone "does lawsuits." High school students who study English as an Other Language (ESOL) can at least say, "brings lawsuits."
3. Yes, English is not her first language, but with (a) her living here for a number of years and (b) her giving the talks she gives, she really should have completed her English courses to the Proficiency level. While I like to challenge and rile her up on her positions, her English is something about which I'm actually not kidding. She's smart enough to become Proficient in English - maybe not "Native Speaker" Level in ESOL - but reaching not all that difficult. Having a Masters in ESOL, I have taught dozens of ESOL adult students who reached Proficiency. My Russian students were particularly good. Russians work very hard, and finish to completion. Even my older Vietnamese students did quite well, and their attitude and graciousness were exemplary.
Wow, even the Vietnamese?! How gracious of you. I’m sure the entire Vietnamese community appreciates your shout out that “even” they did quite well.
Also, "proficiency" is not capitalized. That’s a second grade error. And you conveniently left out that you got all of those degrees at Clown School.
Give up woman you are embarrassing yourself.
Maybe have a cigarette a glass of Zinfandel and get back to your Fox news 👍
Jennifer: Your comment reminds me of my fourth grade English teacher. So there's that...
Hah! You're obviously an idiot Paul. You think your as competent as I, an attorney, do you?
Ooooh! you are an attorney! A drunk, foul mouthed one too? That's too delicious Jennifer. But don't attack my readers, or I will ban your fat wrinkled ass. Do you teach swear-English or slurred-English to your grandchildren? So shameful.
Hello Jennifer Jones, Esq. If you intend to intimidate via some alleged greater position in society, you are much more the idiot than myself. The legal classes have been assigned the status of god's, but as it turns out, they are just as corrupt and incompetent as all other such stratified genius. I hope you're feeling better soon...
No rock. Unlike Sasha, I'm a real attorney. It's sad that you enjoy putting people down and making unsubstantiated emotional comments all the time. I've read what you write, and you're a nasty woman. Sound familiar? You probably support Hillary Clinton, and the evil she did with her assistant to that poor little girl in the woods.
real attorney! Oh my. Can't even write correctly in English, some attorney... sure. You seem to have a lot of free time on your fat fingered hands on a Monday - were you fired from your janitorial post in a law firm ?
I'm sorry, but for someone who is supposedly able to play 5D chess without blinking, DJT's lack of ability to "connect the dots" and then brag about being the only President who could have done so is absurd. As far as the Nuremberg Code is concerned, I wonder if those who were tried and convicted had only known to point out that the Code which was used to convict them wasn't valid because it wasn't law in their country. The very simple Code for even uneducated folks like me is clear. Any experimental substance or procedure that lacks true informed consent and the ability to refuse to participate in the experiment is and should be repugnant to any civilized society. For any elected official who thinks they're going to weasel their way out of this by claiming that they tried to do something by proffering such drivel, I hope and pray to see them all brought to justice as well. The evidence is now unequivocal. There will be no excuses to hide behind for anyone who tries to justify this blatant disregard for the lack of informed consent and the ability to refuse any experimental substance or procedure.
The crux of the matter, is that Trump never intended for the treatments to be mandatory / sans informed consent. Only after Biden seized power did coercion come into play. Also, pray tell, where did I say Trump is a 5D chess player? He is human; his Achilles heel, vanity.
He put poison on the market. That's a big big crime. And he is still marketing it. Mandatory or not - irrelevant.
100%. See the Bailiwick News war criminal list. Trump is a uni-party member. Peace.
Making the taxpayer pay for his poison at Warp Speed
Of course! So it's perfectly acceptable for POTUS to peddle something he knew was a DOD operation to poison/kill it's own citizens as long as they submitted to do so voluntarily. On his good word that he made "great vaccines" possible under OWS. Oh wait--he bumbled and didn't know. And now--3 years later? He says exactly the same thing. What is wrong with you? You have Trump Derangement Syndrome that is blocking you from seeing the problem. It's a fatal problem--sorry to burst your "hero" bubble.
In 2016, Scott Adams proclaimed that Trump was a 3D chess player. It's evolved to 4D and 5D by mainstream media.
1) Going out on a limb here, I’m guessing you didn’t vote for Trump. 2) “Peddle” implies that one receives payment directly or indirectly for the product he peddles. What did Trump have to gain, other than misplaced pride, for promoting Warp Speed?
Of course Trump "partnered" with Moderna and Jared and Ivanka made bigly bucks off countermeasures contracts. That's how he funded his current campaign. I did vote for him by the way.
Well, if culling the herd was an intended outcome, then I'd say body count.
Side track. Another one I heard recently is he has access to a medbed produced on the moon by super solders. That's why he is fit and healthy can play 5D chess without blinking. But maybe there is an expiration date to it... :-P
Sadly the person who told me (in HI) totally believes it. She says the ET contactee in the UK (called Simon Parks) showed a video (an interview ?) of a super soldier from the moon and the making of medbeds. (It wasn't completed bk then - a few years ago). Currently they are being produced on the mass production line on the moon, and the four bigger islands of HI will each get one in the near future. And these beds are for the general public and the military will be in charge.
(Have you heard anything about it? xD)
"She says the ET contactee in the UK (called Simon Parks) showed a video (an interview ?) of a super soldier from the moon and the making of medbeds."
Tell your friend to do her due diligence re: Simon Parks, former UK driving instructor.
He is a complete fraud. (That case was clearly settled circa 2012.)
Please keep in mind that the ruling class mafia is constantly peppering the underworld with fake stories to throw us all off and have us go down ludicrous rabbit holes. He is one of them....
Sorry, it doesn't play, Jay. Even if that were true in 2020, which I doubt based on the historical/presidential record, he would certainly have seen the light by now. It's beyond out in the open and he and RFK Jr. have had many personal conversations about vaccines. Yet, as of TODAY, he still touts the vaccines as having "saved millions of lives!" and he takes "credit" for all of it (OWS). To hear him tell it, no one has been harmed, much less killed and these Pfizer and Moderna injections are fantastic.
He can bully and say pretty much anything off-color he wants pursuant to deep state rules because after all, it's all empty rhetoric used to energize his base. Except on the topic of vaccines. It's non-negotiable. They must keep that one alive on both sides of the aisle. The state must be able to inject people as early as one hour out of the womb in order to stay in power.
I'm tired of the strawman "mandate" argument. It has nothing to do with the illicit DOD operation or how many millions these injections have killed--and will continue to kill.
Trump signed an executive order to send HCQ to everyone, but one person decided not to do it and Trump just shrugged his shoulders and said well I tried.
I don’t remember if it was Igor Chuduv who has many links showing how Trump was fully on board with the Covid scam. Remember him saying that this was the calm before the storm during a press conference with a military general in attendance. I’ll look to see if I saved the article.
Anyone know if there is an option to look at past comments?
That one person was Janet Woodcock, from the FDA. I still tweet that heifer on a regular basis. I ask her why she decided to genocide grandmas.
I’m doubting that you will get an answer. But speaking of grandmas I think it funny that we got lectured about the people not wanting lockdowns during Covid are accused of letting grandmas die, but all those people have no problem letting old folks die every year from the flu. It’s just so damn hypocritical that I can’t believe they don’t see their hypocrisy.
If grandmas take the flu or pneumococcal shot, they die. Better to enhance one’s own immune system, particularly with vit C & D, Zinc, Quercetin, and glutithiones (either naturally or with proper supplements).
Complete lie. He does not "today, tout the vaccines." Wake up, old man.
"A" complete lie, Jennifer. You can't even speak your own language... wow, did you get your GED, or are you still working on it?
Yes, he does. 100%. Are you completely stupid? This is something you could easily verify before you let your TDS get triggered.
He thinks the vaccines “have saved millions of lives” and that they’re “great.” STILL. He reminds us constantly how he is to be credited for this because of his Operation Warp Speed. How have you missed this?
When people give me substantive information that I question, I start doing the research to see if it’s true or not. I don’t start making uneducated comments and falsely accuse others of lying because they’re ruining my hero- worship bubble. You wake up, you old bat.
seems like he was installed to provide the 4yr smokescreen and initial ok for fake vax
Yup, but they knew half the country would refuse if he stayed in power, so they needed him to lead off for the right and have Biden come is to get the Dems to also take it. The sandwich strategy. When it comes to vaccines it's an all-party agenda.
The most consistent refusers all along were Republicans. And core Dem constituents (Black and Hispanic communities.) So I’m not sure this logic of Trump=Biden holds. Again, it was Biden that dictated the injections.
Dictated? Do you mean “mandated?” Again with this argument?
He calls his “vaccines” “one of the greatest miracles of the ages.”
And you’re wrong. The majority of vaccine takers in early 2021 were older Republicans.
This is for the most part a correct assessment although it is much more complicated. I believe Trump knew from day one he decided to run; that he was going up against diabolical forces hell bent on rolling out every single conceivable thing to achieve their plan. What is the plan? World Domination conceived by those who are already showing themselves and who they serve behind the veil. Trump is not naive to this reality. I think he knew exactly what tactics were going to be used. The enemy has played their hand and the people around the world are waking up to what/who is the true enemy. 😈
Psalms 37:1-40 Amen
Right--good thing he is still telling his base to take these fantastic vaccines then, according to your logic. Wake up.
Did he demand? No. If he were to say (Don't take it) what would the enemy purport thereafter? You wake up.
So as long as he doesn't demand, then innocent people should still die from the injection he promoted? Great logic! Don't make people do it, just stand around watching them die and giving a thumbs up.
If he were to say, "don't take it," millions of lives would be saved. Millions. To hell with what the enemy "purports." WTF are you even talking about? Are you suggesting he is being stealth? I can hardly stand the blatant stupidity.
Blatant rude remarks plated with obnoxious tarnish suggests more than you will ever comprehend.
We're suggesting that you are a stupid old man.
No he's not. Liar.
Sounds like you’re a little baby who got triggered because you can’t stand the fact that your savior may not be coming for you. No one will save us from these evil people. It’s up to us. Sorry, you might have to get up off your couch and actually do something.
I think Hollywood should do a remake of "Forrest Gump". Name it "Forrest Trump". We all know shit happens...
Another interpretation I heard is if he admits the jabs were harmful, he would be held accountable as the then prez. So he won't talk about it. Besides, after all he seems v cozy w pharma (e.g. J&J) that doesn't sit well in my mind.
Indeed. And dare I add the hundreds of thousands of lives and livelihoods that were destroyed because of this. Mine being one of them.
I'm so sorry Kevin. I was late to realize that we have always been fighting for our lives. freedom, sovereignty and have been played by a very powerful group in control for all of our lives. I fully vaccinated my kids (except for covid) and it's my biggest regret. At 18 mos. old, my youngest got (and still has) life threatening asthma (exclusively "viral-induced" asthma) which I know was caused by the "regular" vaccines. It's a health condition that will affect him for life.
Even though I knew the covid vaxxes were a farce from the start and saw several people die from it in 2021, it STILL did not settle in that the other vaccines were harmful. We have things embedded into our deepest thought structures that are complete lies.
I am very sorry to hear that. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Be well.
Speaking of controlled narrative: FDA Shuts Down Enquiries About DNA Contamination in Covid Vaccines >>> by Maryanne Demasi >>> NOVEMBER 28, 2023 >>>
Erm... We (the People) need to focus on the murders of 17 million persons via US sanctioned bio-warfare products. Donald Trump is not the target... I'd like to paint little bulls-eyes on the foreheads of all who profess to be attorneys... What a bunch of pigs.
It’s not the attorneys, Paul. It’s anyone of any profession paid to do the devils work. That includes doctors, pharmacists, teachers, politicians, pastors and priests, etc.
Has it occurred to you, a non-lawyer, that the attorneys might have had a good legal strategy for doing this?
which is... what? what is that awesome strategy? I am all ears...
How would I know their strategy? If I knew, the defense would know. They don't give that away.
Almost every lawyer specializes. I'm a Patent, Trademark, and Copyright attorney. Texas would have hired a group of "outside litigation counsel" from *Independent firms to "assist" (i.e., handle) this type of lawsuit.
I also know that an *Independent firm that represents hundreds of different clients would have thoroughly checked for motives. Only bad law firms would accept such a case because word gets around. A good litigation firm that took a case with bad litigants would risk their *entire reputation, and they will *never do that. They will actually file a bit conservatively, on purpose. The firms that do not check out their cases in advance for intentions that would be inappropriate, or borderline, are often (but not always, by any means) very small and willing to risk their reputation to make the money. But, not all small firms are like that, by ANY means. Many are fine firms; they just don't have the manpower to represent big clients.
The lawyers handling this case would never pay attention to information from someone like yourself (nothing personal) whom they have not *vetted. There are issues of liability, pride, lack of time to check what you say, billing issues, and the like.
Good firms, and even average firms, have legal strategies that a layperson, albeit intelligent, and who has spent hundreds of hours having researched, does not know or understand. You wouldn't believe how these big firms work. They even consult with and pay *other, even more specialized firms, for their opinion, help, and to back them up. It's like getting a doctor's second opinion.) If they don't, they are in trouble.
There might be an outside chance for your research to be considered were Paralegal Katherine Watt to contact an attorney she knows personally, who might know one of the Texas attorneys, or Outside Counsel. Shasha, you would screw up making any contact because you're so emotional about this that you would temporarily lose your business-like qualities. (No offense meant. I'm just being straight out with you, Sasha, since you asked me for ideas.)
For even the possibility that lawyers would pay attention to your ideas through Watt, you would first need to get her to rewrite what you've written into more legal language. She knows how to do that.
I do wish you best of luck.
I am a lawyer and have been for over 30 years, so I can tell you it’s not a strategy, but even if it were is that what we want? To fine Pfizer because it overstepped in its ad campaign? Sounds like another “business mistake” that deserves a small slap on the wrist. Fake justice.
Since millions of "deaths" resulted due to the ushering into America of the criminally fraudulent 2020 CONVid PLANNEDemic beginning with the killing of tens and hundreds of thousands of hospital patients (prior to the advent of the Covid-19 Vaccines in December of 2020) by the hospitals' Covid treatment protocols administering the lethal drug Remdesivir and intentionally depriving their patients of basic life sustaining nutrients such as food, water, and/or saline I.V.s, in order to drive up the Covid Body-Count (Deaths) for the purpose of promoting fear of the so-called Covid disease in the minds of the masses for the ultimate goal of the Parasitic-Predatory-Ruling-Class (PPRC) of getting as many people to voluntarily line up to be injected with the lethal Covid-19 Vaccines and then subsequently the millions of injuries and "deaths" resulting from the Covid-19 Vaccines it would be justifiably rewarding in the name of justice to see true justice applied and implemented via 18 USC 241 & 242 against every single person who promoted "ANY" aspect of the criminally fraudulent 2020 CONVid PLANNEDemic. Pay close attention to the provisions in the following two United States criminal codes where it states "and if death results" whereby the corresponding punishment shall be "the sentencing to death" for each of the criminal co-conspirators/co-perpetrators.
18 USC 241: Conspiracy against rights
18 USC 242: Deprivation of rights under color of law
18 USC 241 Conspiracy against rights
If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or
If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured—
They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.
Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of such person being an alien, or by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if bodily injury results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.
Seriously?? Read, and UNDERSTAND, Bailwicks News "Legal Walls Of The Covid Kill Box" Almost every "strategy" followed today is not only wrong but stupid.
I’m just looking at it through an attorney general who actually cares about the country and then that kinda brings me to Does he really truly have an official oath of office?
We cant overstep that most of these governors and people in Congress are part of the world economic forum they do not have the interest of the people.
So to me as an Attorney General, trying to do the right thing for this country, the whole point of suing to me is mind-boggling. To me, if someone was really trying to do something you can’t tell me that the Attorney General doesn’t see the death count that’s going on in Texas or around the United States.
I just don’t believe it because the citizens, see it so why aren’t you taking the shots off the market? Why aren’t you holding criminal charges?
To me just shows that these people are complicit they’re buying time they’re slowly doing very little to make people believe that they care.
I would also imagine that he is protected under the Prep Act, and that might be why he’s not doing anything or leaving a lot of things out.
Hello Shane Sweeney: +100 likes. These Attorneys General are generally, either incompetent, or are unaware of their complicity in treason and mass murder. I consider them all as Accessories After the Fact. >>> 18 U.S. Code § 3 - Accessory after the fact
"Whoever, knowing that an offense against the United States has been committed, receives, relieves, comforts or assists the offender in order to hinder or prevent his apprehension, trial or punishment, is an accessory after the fact.
Except as otherwise expressly provided by any Act of Congress, an accessory after the fact shall be imprisoned not more than one-half the maximum term of imprisonment or (notwithstanding section 3571) fined not more than one-half the maximum fine prescribed for the punishment of the principal, or both; or if the principal is punishable by life imprisonment or death, the accessory shall be imprisoned not more than 15 years." [End quote]
Complete text:
AGs can't take shots off the market. LOL. 🤣
They can file lawsuits to take them off the market you idiot, so of course they can.
I love the "thinking man" painting Sasha. Now it's time for man to stop thinking, and start doing!
I like it too. It resembles Neo.
Yes, I also find it very successful. I really like.
Excellent point.
I was wondering what he might be thinking about.
Start Doing is right.
Maybe he’s thinking of how to put his plan of Doing into action ?
Either way it’s a great painting.
Last night Robert Barnes was complaining about how an Arkansas judge threatened him with sanctions due Robert's pursuit of the Nuremberg Code (informed consent) as a strategy for vaccine mandate lawsuits. It's like he doesn't know about the EUA and 21 USC 360 bbb or he's willfully ignorant of this.
He also doesn't seem to know that Nuremberg code is not law in the US. I think his strategy is to fundraise off people who don't know the law.
Thank you! Joseph Sansone and so many others refuse to listen to reason and facts of the NC. NC is a non-starter. No legal efficacy. It formed the basis of the Declaration of Helsinki in 1964, but it does not enjoy any force of International Law. It does provide guidelines for nations to enact laws against medical experimentation, but America’s response was the ineffectual law in CFR Title 45, Part 6. And the US is not a signatory to it.
The Nuremberg code was an unethical ex post facto law created by the Nuremberg prosecutors who could have convicted the Nazi doctors of murder. But they wanted to send a specific message to the world.
It is interesting that Germany had a specific law making non consensual medical experimentation a crime before Hitler cancelled it.
We can get justice on those monsters who forced the jab, but that Code is not the vehicle.
Have you read Arthur Butz “Hoax of the Twentieth Century”? It definitely shows how the Nuremberg Trials were a complete farce
No, but I should read it.
My impressions of that trial come from the trial films. Herman Goering, sober and sharp, slapped Prosecutor Jackson around like a naughty puppy on cross examination. How humiliating for the US. Jackson was supposed to be our best and brightest.
What’s more, how in the world does Goering sneak in his suicide poison through a common American guard? It means it leaked that the judge panel was going to condemn him to death anyway and the street decided that hanging was inappropriate. I have no evidence of that except my tin hat.
And Ribbentrop getting a death sentence was pure vengeance for his defiant testimony and refusal to sell out his leadership. At worst, he should’ve received a 20 year sentence. It was all personal.
Watch "How To Get Away With Murder(s)" on Prime. 98% of the Nazi's were never charged. Peace.
I managed to get the book from my library. It has a lot of interesting statistics and facts about the trials but I did not find it a great read. It sounds like you have a good grasp of the con so you probably don’t really need to read it. Highlights of that book plus more interesting facts about so much of history are in Larry Romanoff’s work. His books are available as free pdfs on
I can’t remember which book goes into detail about the Nuremberg Trials. Probably one of the ones about propaganda.
You answered a question I was about to ask. I could not find Butz’s book, so I will hope that the local library has it or can get it.
Thanks for the Romanoff site.
In order to properly understand history and learn its lessons, it’s important to seek and recognize truth and determine as many facts as we can. This includes the truth about the Third Reich. Much of what we have been forced to accept does not add up.
Read some of David Irving's books. He interviewed people no one else did and 'they' seriously tried to shut him down. The WII narrative is very important to 'them' and they have gone to immense lengths to construct and maintain it.
Your last sentence especially is spot on.
I will check out Irving.
I managed to find Ralph Manheim’s translation of Mein Kampf. My exploration of these things revealed that there are several mistranslated versions out there and Mannheim’s is the only authentic one. I will see.
Watch "How To Get Away With Murder(s)" on Prime. 98% of the Nazi's were never charged. Peace.
"Who wants to place bets whether the wording and framing of this case was run by the Trump campaign?"
They're worried about "Orange vaxxman bad" by Democrats.
Excellent point. Peace.
I like to follow the money train too.
Final Destination: Brokeassville.
I won't ride.
Thank you Sasha
Sasha--I received this email just now, that changed my "notification preferences" to not receiving any more of your emails. Are you aware of this? Did anyone else get removed?
"Notifications disabled. We’ve changed your notification preferences for Due Diligence and Art.
Please note this does not cancel your paid subscription, and you can still access paid content by visiting the website. If you'd like to cancel your paid subscription, you can do so from your account page
Was this a mistake? If so, you can set your notification preferences here."
This is not coming from me. Probably Substack shenanigans
Bizarre. Feels targeted! A similar thing happened with Yahoo who would put their top stories in my inbox daily for at least a decade. I commented a lot--their moderators started removing my comments, or downplaying the reactions to my comment until about 2 months ago, they simply stopped sending me their news feed in my inbox. I can still access Yahoo news (why would I really) but its not something I can just click on.
the Nuremberg
The malevolence that crafted these laws is incredible. They direct the authorities to notify recipients if they know of harms, but the entire EUA structure is designed to make sure that they don't know and can't possibly be proven to have known anything.
The benefits are merely suspected (or more accurately, they accrue to the right financial and other interests) and the harms are unknowable by design. It isn't a directive to health authorities to do something, it is a legal get out of jail free card for pushing literally any product of any composition or toxicity.
Can one person, constitutionally, demand access to the body and genes of every American by dint of their own emergency declaration?
No matter the abuses, we never saw FISA challenged directly. Similarly, I fear we will never see EUA challenged directly. If no reform is possible, we're headed towards some sort of collapse.
The EUA does not need to be challenged -- it is a federal issue. Unfair and deceptive trade practices fall under state law. The question is: does a federal EUA subrogate state law WHEN a company markets a product using manipulated/falsified data?
I'm no constitutional scholar, but I do belive that states have entered litigation against federal laws on constitutional grounds before.
Why do I say the EUA needs to be challenged? Just imagine the federal gov passed a law that said the HHS secretary could authorize a herd cull, sterilization and gene manipulation program provided that the HHS secretary unilaterally declares an emergency. Well then, were that the case, we might consider that OUR VERY SURVIVAL is at stake.
That would mean that we would need to challenge that law, don't you think?? Whether the states, representing their collective populace, as a state entity, or individuals, or corporations or whoever brings the case to court, it must be done.
I have yet to meet a vaccinated person that I find interesting. Or at least intellectually challenging. The dead ones are of interest to me. But they are not interesting.
Plus they’re dead.
So there’s that.
That the vaccinated ...
Don’t find their own dead interesting …
... I do find interesting.
Then there is Robert Malone.
Malone endured, and withstood, more attacks
than all others combined.
He has earned the right
to fight from wherever, and however,
He wants.
Very well spoken. Thanks.
Lol he was hired to do so. You’re not seeing the big picture here. He is controlling the narrrative: Pfizer bad is as far as he’ll go.
You don’t have time to worry about that.
- You really don’t.
Ah, the "irrelevance" argument. Really? what am I in a race to do? Calling out the actors is part of the process.
Bob has resigned himself to bringing up the rear.
Their Trump card- national security
Kind of like convicting Al Capone — of tax evasion. 🙃
I was convinced back in 1989 that both the military-created and press-driven fears over deadly, militarized pathogens—which they keep referring to as “naturally occurring” bugs coinciding with mandatory Vaxx biochemical weapons—were and still are systematic lab-rat experiments being conducted on the entire world to perfect methods for eventually killing most of humanity, then converting those they allow to live into enslaved cyborg tools.
I’m never going to be calm or satisfied with the snail’s pace of “legal action” or carefully-crafted “legal word-play” by the world’s greatest legal experts when it comes to exposing the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth of this ongoing genocide.
These lawyers, as well as their PAC managers, know what they are doing. And they know many of us do, too, and that we’re way beyond impatient with their “techniques” of dragging their talons while giving the uneducated, distracted public the impression they’re taking speedy action to correct this nightmare. Meanwhile, as more and more people start developing turbo cancers and dropping dead from synthetic, bioweapon blood clots, the plans of their Eugenicist Masters to install a New World Order has been thrown into hyperdrive. Already, typical of Satanic Protocols, their bought media talking heads are warning the public of their upcoming Plandemic II, not to mention a multi-stage genocide by military action like we see being played out in Palestine, followed by Iran.
Well said.
The best to hold Pfizer accountable...never use any of their products. Tell your family, friends, and medical providers "I don't use any products from Pfizer; they are a company which can not be trusted to make products that improve human health".
Your paintings help heal my heart . . thank you
Even if he had not bumbled the eua thing, there's another reason why Pfizer wins.
Pfizer never advertised that 95% number.
The CDC, FDA, NIH, and the media did it for them.
How can you prosecute Pfizer for something they never did?
Obviously he is a smart lawyer, so I sense this is a bullshit false hopium thing.
Remember Texas, the "free state" didn't do anything when Houston Methodist hospital mandated the shots months before the FDA "approval". It seems that free state means extra freedom for companies to violate their workers, lol.
Thanks to Obama, who signed the Smith mundt modernization act which removed restrictions of being able to propagandize Americans by their own government this became legal. It reversed the law that originally banned this, because they wanted to avoid what the Germans did to their own people. Yeah, that explains the kind of government we have.... Fascism?!
Does this lawsuit mention MANDATING poison?
I don't think so, but if I am wrong, please someone correct me.
I believe the allegations of wrongdoing are brought against the drug maker, and not those who illegally mandated the products.
Mandatory poisoning was when my mind exploded.
Texas Governor Greg Abbot made an executive order "outlawing" employer vaccine mandates in Texas 10/13/21, and the legislature recently passed an actual law to that effect. Houston Methodist Hospital has prevailed in court against the nurses they fired in 2021 (May or June, as I recall). After those nurses, other staff and some doctors stood there and took the blows, I knew that I had to do the same.
History was calling to me in my ear...
That makes sense.
Hello Mike Yeadon: Exactly the point I've tried to make since this bogus lawsuit was initiated. Pfizer is just a patsy - framed by persons who knew exactly how all this would pan out. Can we say: "Department of Defense"? Check!
Can we say: "Operatives employed at the Department of Health and Human Services"? Check! Can we say: "Executive staff employed in the Department of Justice"? Check!
Hey! Let's turn the entire investigation over to the Warren Commission. Ooops! I guess they're already dead... Next...
Sorry, I meant to respond “That makes sense.” to this comment!
"Calm down everyone, justice is almost happening! Unity and stuff… Acknowledge loss. And healing. Y’all were heroes on the battlefield and deserve purple hearts for fighting the virus. Which of course nobody will give you, but it’s the thought that counts! Because, you see, it is justified to inject everyone with poorly tested (not at all approved) chemicals on the off chance of saving the granny…
Because poorly tested poison is better [to kill you] than no poison at all!" 🤣🤣🤣 and stunning portrait!
Instead of methinking that they intentionally IGNORED WHAT YOU KNOW, assume that these are SINCERE PEOPLE who have not yet figured out what you have and NEED YOU TO TELL THEM. Not everyone can imagine how completely SNEAKY the conspirators are. TELL KEN AND TEAM what you and your DATA Goddess Sister Watt have figured out, so that during discovery they can show the judge that there were, in fact, NO STANDARDS OF EFFICACY REQUIRED. This will allow them to pull down the whole house of cards with you coaching them from the sidelines. // BONUS POINTS: Realize that most mainstream people are not as suspicious as you OR AS PARANOID. USE YOUR PARANOIA PROFITABLY by sharing what it has uncovered rather than DOUBTING THESE WELL-MEANING BUT NAIVE people or their ilk (Children's Health Defense Team). CHD was not upset you and KW figured out what you did, they just cannot emotionally grasp that this whole thing was not an honest mistake of well-intentioned folks like themselves, but was instead a deliberately and minutely planned operation to decimate the human population and install global slavery.
"Instead of methinking that they intentionally IGNORED WHAT YOU KNOW, assume that these are SINCERE PEOPLE who have not yet figured out what you have and NEED YOU TO TELL THEM"
Mmm, no. Whoever drafted those pages about EUA law read and understood it very well. And they are professionals at this. So, please, let's stop pretending everyone just doesn't know for 3 years. I am sick and tired of pretend naivete. I have never seen so much stupidity and ignorance claimed by the professional class. Just stop. Start holding people accountable for their actions.
It makes no sense. These folks go to all the effort of making suits and intentionally fail. Is there no possibility that they are sincere and just did not catch the nuance of the EUA that you did? Is that esoteric corner of drug approval process commonly known law that everyone understands? Unless Paxton is himself an insider bad actor (possible) there is a really big chance that he and his team have just not figured out the angle you have, or there is a bad actor on his team steering him away from what he needs to know. Did he and the DA of Alabama or Louisiana not sue on the censorship issue too? Observe him closely before concluding that he is a shill or unaccountable. Demand diligence of yourself there. Before you dismiss anyone, evaluate their performance and emotional signature. Not everyone has the incredible attention to detail you do. Not everyone takes due diligence to the extreme that you do. Goddess knows we need you and others behaving like you. Please, if you really care about winning, get humble a minute and help people on the front lines of the fight. Otherwise you are just playing dramatic heroine, to no one's benefit. Do what you did with CHD, sit Paxton and team down and explain what you know. Get your hard work into a courtroom where it can do some good. // There is more stupidity and ignorance here than you realize. Most professional classes here are pathetic; rigor is rare and meeting social expectations of mediocre competence the norm. Among the insiders, yes plenty of pretending naivete. Among the sincere reformers...just assume that they are less skilled than you are. Do all law school students get classes on this stuff? Do 1%? How about .0001%? Not everyone is perfectionist like you. You are in a class above. Mentor the juveniles. Elevate the sloppy. Help the sincere but lackluster achieve due diligence. // Wipe your assumptions. They stink. Ask yourself, "What if I am wrong?" What if not everyone is corrupt and lying and this is my chance to make a big victory at the cost of a few hours. Not as much fun as playing miss superior smarty pants but much more useful.
In my opinion, so long as it looks like “somebody is coming to save us”, the cost to us as individuals feels too great.
Why flush your career & wealth, not to mention most of your friends, if the AG is on the brink of resolving this?
I, on the other hand, realised the implications of lockdowns before they happened. It meant the perpetrators already had every institution and leader in them in their pocket.
It also means nobody is coming to save us.
Actions like Sasha’s, Katherine’s and mine (plus many others) are mild in light of the dark implications.
Why so many professionals who’ve messaged “Thanks for all you’ve done, Mike, keep going” are unable to perceive that we alone cannot save us. We can’t even save ourselves. However, if only a few % of those who realised what’s happening stood up and refused this pile of pants, it would be over.
Well said, Doctor. I, for one, will never stop exposing the ubiquitous lies told by both sides in this battlefield. We are not alone and our numbers are increasing daily. For those who think us stupid or complacent your greed or political ambition will be what exposes you. That sound you hear in the middle of the night is the sound of WE THE PEOPLE rousing from our slumber. When we do rise and hold you all accountable the world will be a much better place.
This is why they are desperate to censor / control social media, to monitor electronic communications, and to plant divisive chaos agents in our midst. They cannot withstand a unified response from dissidents.
"Politics makes strange bedfellows" it is said. One of the strongest lobbies against the lockdowns and bar closures was the politically powerful owners of Austin's strip clubs. Unlike the rest of Texas, Austin's strip clubs allow "lap dances", so "patrons" come from around the state, kind of like flying to Las Vegas. Some big strip clubs are very close to the airport.
Those club owners wanted to open back up. They know a lot of politicians. They knew Governor Rick Perry particularly well at The Yellow Rose, according to those in the know. Rick had certain proclivities, which were never made public.
there is no possibility Paxton or anyone writing this lawsuit is "sincerely stupid". None.
Sasha is no wallflower. Ken Paxton has no excuse to be unaware of her. This is all show, like Trump's "draining the swamp" by hiring it.
Ken Paxton doesn't care a flying shit about a non-lawyer like Sasha telling him how to run his state.
Jennifer, Ken Paxton is not "running a state", he is the Attorney General of a state. Do you know that you can take a community college class in civics? And maybe qualify for a discount due to the hardships and issues in your life clearly visible?
It’s not really about “giving a shit.” It’s about having/knowing information and deliberately ignoring it. Paxton has it and has strategically avoided using it. There’s a reason for that. But you are so far behind in the learning curve it would take too much to explain it to you now. Go back to your tv while the grown ups continue the conversation.
Dearest Sasha,
We are all furious about what’s happening. And impatient to fix it back better (to parody an infamous saying).
As I see it, Ken Paxton is the ONLY AG with any guts to even try to fight back against these shots. If he isn’t doing it 100% right (within whatever limitations his job might have), would you try to meet with him and set him on a better path?
I’ve been trying to learn all this stuff for 3 years, with help from you and others, and I still don’t understand or retain every nuance. Perhaps he’s in the same sour pickle.
You have done so much to educate all of US. Won’t you please try to meet with AG Paxton and his staff -- if you haven’t already tried? Help them to make their lawsuit better and more ironclad. They may rebuff or ignore you; or they may listen and make their efforts better. At least then, you will know their true motives.
everyone is like Sasha! Meet with Paxton! I have the same chance meeting with him as everyone else in this comment section, namely zero. And I don't think it would change anything, he knows the information I have provided here, he deliberately chose the position on EUA in his lawsuit. That's because he has aspirations to climb the political ladder toward the federal government and he does not want to upset the masters of the federal government.
Ok, I understand your point. Thank you for explaining.
Ooh, you are SO smart. 😂
and you are not, darling. And it shows.
"Is like" uh no.
This is a fair comment. An amended Complaint can be produced with expertise guidance.
Sasha meet with Paxton? He doesn't have time for the likes of someone whose educational background is Sasha's. LOL. He wouldn't even take her phone call. Would you, if you were the Attorney General of a state?
Yeah, come on, Sasha. Let's see you get an appointment with AG Paxton. 🤣
Jennifer, I met with the Attorney General of Idaho, Raul Labrador, and his lieutenant in September. We had a good discussion. I am not sure what you find wrong with my educational background.
Yes, I would, but that’s just me.
Here’s all I know…
Tucker Carlson
7:13 PM · Sep 20, 2023 8.4M views
Ep. 25 Liberals like Karl Rove just tried to annihilate Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. It didn't work. Paxton just joined us for his first interview since his acquittal. (46 min)
Thank you. Sasha always thinks she's the only person out of millions who has "figured things out."
Well, somebody has to educate the slow and uneducated like you. You should be thanking her. Strange that you have left multiple comments here insulting her. Why is that?
A good question. I don't know, but she seems upset and needs to write a whole bunch of idiotic comments. So clearly showing commitment to her mission. :)
These dumb people--they will ultimately be the reason for our demise.
Peter McCullough MD addressed the Texas Senate in January 2021, about the efficacy of oral treatments for COVID, including hydroxychloroquine, zinc, azithromycin, and ivermectin. I was there to be a back up talker, but Dr. Richard Urso was able to speak, and is far more eloquent and commanding, similar to Dr. McCullough.
The Texas legislature has been better informed than most on COVID. Rural Texans never took more than sips of the Kool-Aid. Texas (Governor Abbot, et al) is counterattacking certain powers-that-be, with skill and thoughtful preparation.
Lawyers don't "draft pages." Come on, Sasha. I thought you knew better syntax. 🤣
you need an English dictionary, dear.
Instead of "pretending everyone just doesn't know," correct syntax would
be "pretending no one knows."
Sasha, did you know that Community Colleges now offer free English classes to those who never obtained an English High School diploma?
do you know there are therapies for what you are having? An emotional breakdown of some sort. And institutions that can help you heal, Jennifer. Saying this with compassion, it is sad to see a grown woman (so it appears) clearly disturbed and behaving hysterically. But I admit, it's entertaining, too.
There's no excuse at thus point. These lawyers have to know.
Yeah they have tried that going back at least a year ago and were summarily rebuked at least until the Brooke Jackson MTD blew up in Robert and Warners faces figuratively speaking. Then Robert proceeded to attack them and accused them of Pfizer shills.
I remember that episode.
No Way these guys have know for at least two years. David Martin has sent his 100 page dossier on the plandemic to every AG and Senator that he could get to grant him a hour of his time. The Utah case was proceeding until it wasn't. After a quick meeting with the DOJ, 24 hours later dismissed. Don't hold your Breath that the same will happen here.
Development of the mRNA countermeasure to the CoV-SARS-2 bio-weapon appears to have been created to cull human population - not enhance it. If so, all parties promoting the countermeasure violate the Hippocratic Oath, making them, knowingly or ignorantly, participants in genocide. At the risk of stating the obvious, this lawsuit has the potential of giving notice to these participants of their collective and individual culpability,
A complaint designed to "drown the fish".