As usual technological claims are presented as almost magical, when in fact the only technology that reliably works on their behalf is psychological and social manipulation. That is their "killer app". The technology is an afterthought and like much of Western 'advanced' science it is mainly marketing that does the job they require of it.

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Hello Martin Neil. I get what you're driving at, but there are tens of millions of 'unexplained' deaths recorded via insurance underwriters and persons who trudged through the smoke and mirrors. 17 million was bandied about. > Quantitative evaluation of whether the Nobel[1]Prize-winning COVID-19 vaccine actually saved millions of lives >>> Denis G. Rancourt, PhD, and Joseph Hickey, PhD >>> October 8, 2023 >>> https://correlation-canada.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/2023-10-08-Correlation-Whether-Nobel-vaccine-saved-millions-of-lives.pdf

Death wish is a nasty psychological condition... Best regards.

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I’m not following why your observations are inconsistent with Martin’s comment.

It’s perfectly possible (and likely IMO) for what you say about the harms of the injections known as “covid vaccines” to be true but for the self-replicating / wiping out humanity story to be utter fear-mongering BS.

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I'm not disagreeing with Martin. I'm only adding the fact that the injections are potentially lethal. I believe Mr's Rancourt and Hickley provided a reasonable breakdown of death counts in various locals.

Seems most are concerned with affects on human populations, rather than considering potential effects on other life forms... There are tens of *billions* of other life forms... When they are made ill, we are made ill. If they are killed off, we're next...

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That is the most brilliant comment I have read in a long time. May I use it on Twitter, giving you credit, of course?

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Propaganda for the ignorant and unaware.

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I’m absolutely with Sasha on this important detail.

When I describe the inherent toxicities built into the original injection, I initially AssUmed that the contents at least approximated the description.

On realising this isn’t true, I amended my description to say “based on what we’ve been told is in the product”.

Let’s face it. If they’re lied categorically and millions have died & tens, probably hundreds of millions are injured to some extent, there’s no rebuttal to my statements that this is intentional.

If harms were not intentional they would have used saline or something else that’s harmless.

Merely based on their own description, it’s impossible that, had they actually been able to make it as stated, there are numerous, superfluous, independently & obviously toxic mechanisms in the product. Condemned by their own words.

It’s very interesting that despite apparently containing different materials than claimed, the clinical signs & the available post mortem evidence does match what I’d predicted based on expected mechanisms of toxicity.

I expect if there’s any mRNA or circular DNA, of any appreciable length (I am guessing even 10% of the inferred length to encode the synthetic protein they call “spike”, so long as it wasn’t human, would be ample to trigger autoimmune reactions. Our bodies do not tolerate non-self polypeptides/proteins.

As Sasha & Katherine have recently observed, by going all the back to Charles Rixey’s Nobel prize acceptance speech, we’re fiercely attuned to systemic arrival of foreign proteins. Rixey’s discovery was to characterise the process whereby an animal can acquire immunity aka allergy aka become sensitised to a foreign protein. Crucially, it takes TWO exposures. One to set up an immune readiness & the second to activate the trip wire, whereupon one or more “hypersensitivity reactions” can occur.

The variant he is best known for is Type I - anaphylaxis, a sometimes overwhelming, immediate immune response. This is generally considered to be an IgE isootype triggered, mast cell degranulation mediated response & it can certainly kill you.

Think of those who die after ingesting peanuts or who are stung by a bee. Or who receive an infusion of penicillin, not knowing they’re allergic to it (or rather, to drug / protein adductor that readily form from the parent molecule).

Sasha furthermore pointed out that there’s no way that intact foreign proteins can enter our circulation until the advent of scarification but most importantly, the hypodermic syringes hollow needle.

When we eat, the non-self proteins are degraded by our digestive processes and it’s amino acid that are absorbed. An intact gut wall will not allow to pass anything larger than individual molecules, unless there’s a specific transporter mechanism for something larger.

With this insight, it makes sense NEVER to allow yourself to be injected with a solution containing foreign proteins. If this happens multiple times then, to unpredictable extents, you’re highly likely to experience one or more hypersensitivity reactions.

IIRC correctly, there are five distinct varieties of hypersensitivity reactions. After Type I, Type IV is arguably the best known. This involves killer (cytotoxic) T-cells attacking every cell having the foreign protein on their surfaces, regardless of how this state arose (you could have been injected with foreign protein or by a genetic instruction). This is a slower process, taking days to weeks (or even longer), contrasting with Type I, which takes minutes to hours). Consider this as you would an organ transplant that’s gone wrong, because the donor was too different from the recipient. As your body “rejects the transplant”, you fall sick and may die. Immunosuppressive drugs are likely to be required on an open ended basis.

That’s what the body of a jabbed & boosted person is doing. Essentially, they’re rejecting their own body.

To do these things INTENTIONALLY & on a worldwide scale must surely classify as among the most evil things that humans have ever done to one another. I think you’d need to be possessed to do this & not lose sleep over it. It’s diabolical as far as I’m concerned.

But, circling back to close. Sasha is right & other experts have pointed this out too, so it’s not a lunatic fringe notion: the injections didn’t contain mRNA encoding full length “spike protein” because that’s technically impossible, certainly on scale. Just because the vials do not contain even roughly what we were told, does not mean that they’re not dangerous.

I love her analogy with vehicles. If you cannot make a Ford Explorer, you certainly cannot make a turbo variant!

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Thank you, Mike! Very informative commentary.

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I agree with both of you. My husband and I spent 6 months talking to the pathologist who did our son’s autopsy in 2021, Dr.Julian Laor MD. He deleted his Twitter account after I released the DC public where he admitted the J&J shot caused our son’s death. During conversations I tried to get him to talk about what could have possibly been in the shot that caused ( in my opinion) a very fatal allergic reaction. He just kept saying over and over again, “ he didn’t know. I bet he’s done thousands of autopsies since. I wish someone would talk to him, but I know that’s a dream. Imagine what these people are living with. Knowing these shots have killed millions, doing their autopsies and not saying anything. Diabolical indeed. Very very dark.

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This is a video where I talked to Dr. Palmer about autopsies from vaccine victims, the protocol that was developed by late Dr. Burkhardt: https://www.bitchute.com/video/AMDQGLdvdfTu

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Thank you Doctor Yeadon.

I have a question about penicillin.

Do you have an idea about how much exposure to penicillin does it take for a person to become allergic to it?

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Thanks as always Sasha for your and Katherine's work on this, and Mike for this great elucidation on the subject. Would either of you have time to write more on the subject? The are 10s of millions of allergy sufferers - with afflictions which started before or after December 2020 - who need this dialogue to enter the mainstream. Totally understand if you're too busy, but would be a great help if you would point us to sources that those of without undergrad biochemistry can understand.

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Charles Rixey?!?!

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Richet...obvs spellcheck at its most helpful

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Sep 20Liked by Sasha Latypova

I cannot get my wife, or anyone in her family, to stop taking these shots. They are completely programmed.

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I actually met someone yesterday who just woke up and realised these shots have destroyed his immune system. He was so happy to meet me that I thought he would start crying.

I am so sorry about your family. I could only save one in mine from the shots.

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That's the first one I have heard about that has actually admitted to someone else that they made that mistake.

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Sep 21·edited Sep 21Liked by Sasha Latypova

Three people I know said something to me in this wise and then clammed up. I've also mentioned that I have a lot of information if they'd like to see it, but nope. No interest, no questions.

From this, and from what I've read on the Substacks and elsewhere, I conclude that many people realize it was a mistake to have taken the injections, but it's such an upsetting and embarrassing subject for them, and they are also painfully aware of, and terrified of, the social shaming of those who don't "follow the science" or in any way are seen to promote "vaccine hesitancy." Not for everyone, but for many people, if word gets around that you're not on board, you'd better have a mind and spirit and backbone of steel, plus some savings squirreled away, what can I say.

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I suspect their fear of the ones they shamed having "the last laugh" is very real. Although I wouldn't dream of laughing at someone who has literally made the mistake of their life.

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You are probably right, and there is also a "head in the sand" kind of reaction there. "If I close my eyes it can't get me" kind of thing. I've literally had people say to me, "I know you are going to share something true with me but it will cause me to rethink my decisions and I cannot allow that to happen." That left me reeling.

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This lady wrote about it. I think you may like this: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/to-my-unjabbed-heroes

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Hello ExcessDeathsAU. I read this woman's letter, and it reads like many other letters from 'vaccine' injured populations. Her descriptions of West Australian homeless and destitute refugees are indeed a horror. I'm glad I never moved to Australia or New Zealand...

Her question: "What makes a politician, who is essentially employed by the people, come under a whole different set of rules, regulations, laws?"

Erm... This question is asked after her glowing embrace of Anzac day (akin to Memorial Day remembrance in America). Apparently the woman was denied access to the Anzac Day celebration in Perth.

Another quote: " I’m not one to take that sort of crap, because it is MY RIGHT to honour my relatives and every other serviceman/woman who served this country when called to do so." [End quote]

Like many others, this woman is unable to connect "honorable" butchers, rapists, thieves, and murderers to the governmental agencies they work for...

A sad disconnect from reality, which repeats and repeats all over the planet...

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I know.

The Australian slaughter in Ottoman Palestine under the Crown was directly responsible for what we are seeing today. The Balfour Declaration was signed right after this: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/through-the-lens-of-history-australian

I would estimate only a few thousand Australians actually understand what happened in that region between WWI and WWII. During WWII, Palestine was effectively 'no longer' and Australians were holding surf carnivals during there during R&R - the US Library of Congress has a few photos in a special collection that I found.

No one ever asks "what happened? What were the motivations?" They just line up and cheer for the 'brave slaughter' every year, and if one questions it, one is accused of a 'lack of patriotism' and 'disrespecting the Anzacs.' There is zero curiosity about what actually happened, and zero awareness that they are lining up to hear bankers and politicians tell lies every year.

I have also looked deep into the archives about why many of the men joined. In their own words: boredom. They were sick of the farms and factories and wanted to see the pyramids and Europe.

But again, no one is really interested in history, and if I were to publish something like this in detail I would genuinely fear for my life and the safety of my family from a media mob and the public. The thing is - I am totally apolitical and have no agenda other than documenting history - who did what where. All the information is there for anyone to see.

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46 mins ago·edited 45 mins ago

this is what you get for talking, like Kissinger did, also about Israel "your days are numbered"

3 years in jail then exodus. Brendon Lee of the O'Connell clan as he called himself in poxy kangaroo and emu court .



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Thanks for the link. I copied and pasted the letter into a new post. Hope you're ok with that. On second thought...... I'm restacking your post instead. A lot simpler.

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Sorry about those family members who wouldn’t listen. No harm to my unvaccinated family and friends, plenty to the vaxxed. Sad but hopefully they will be blessed when they leave their bodies.

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its why i warned folk at the start not to take it. once something is in you you are unlikely to be able to even think it was wrong or bad. Very hard to care once it seems too late. Almost everyone i know is saying 'its too late' cos they either took it or think that shedding spread it to them . i dont think its too late at all .

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Blessings to you, EDAU.

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Sep 20·edited Sep 20Liked by Sasha Latypova

wow :( . I'm graced to be mainly surrounded by like minds. Really feel for you. My best friend and his mum have both taken about 5 of these things against my wishes . He says he feels better after each one !. They are my only close vaxed people. They like to be compliant and it gives them meaning and a sense of belonging. So many seem to be happier to belong than to survive. Happily the younger members of that family have refused the jabs and relocated to America to be part of resistance groups. Overall they may have played this optimally for their family i guess, tho i am heartbroken. The father had died when he was told to rapidly get his cholesterol levels down . He went from fit and healthy with middling cholesterol to low cholesterol and dead within a few months :( yet it was in his nature to be a proudly compliant person .

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"They like to be compliant and it gives them meaning and a sense of belonging. So many seem to be happier to belong than to survive."

Bingo. What's puzzling to me is that many many people around me who get these toxins injected into them appear to be "fine." It's puzzling.

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Sep 20Liked by Sasha Latypova

Ppl in Japan also seem to believe getting the jabs make you a morally good person. Not getting the shots is deemed to be anti social.

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That was the psy op in a nutshell. Who are the good people? I'd say it's the ones who valued their own health, their own good sense, and human freedom, and are therefore, by the way, around to care for the sick and the demented.

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Of course. The entire Asian community is driven by top down authoritarian materialist social control mythologies. That is why they have been brought in large numbers into the West in such large numbers. To implement "their" technocratic agenda.

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Now you see why JP didn't need to mandate the shots in 2021 onwards. (Technically the current immunisation law doesn't allow the mandating)

Ppl coerced each other and they lined up at the vaccination centres. Also they are super germaphobic. Even before the cvd, hand sanitizers were seen everywhere.

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"Of course. The entire Asian community is driven by top down authoritarian materialist social control mythologies."

I was going to say "It's an Asia thing.". You beat me to it.

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This triggered a little guffaw in me. I do recall the "antisocial" stance. Having wandered in and out of "antisocial" behavior for most of my adult life all this did was confirm to me that the whole response was merely manipulative and without any degree but general business I was alerted that none of it was science, or sound. I also knew how this would affect siblings and their offspring. To be clear, they all fell in line except for...wait for it... those others who had also been deemed "antisocial" in the past. Their innate resistance to conformity kept them safe. The others had prospered in their safe behaviors and thoughts lives and may have lucked out in this with the crappy jabs and the trivial non lethal "bioweapon" out of Wuhan. This whole thing has been so farcical it would not surprise me that the jabs were crappy by design to minimize their damage. Imagine if they had done it right and all vials within design spec.

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yes, one argument was that the vials are not shaken .. so the first 3 shots from each vial is relatively inert. the gunk sunk to the bottom. The last shot has all the gloop in. Whole batches were inert placebo in the uk cos they couldnt make the real thing fast enough .

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They couldn’t kill too many too quickly early on. The batches are clearly a mix of different components and strengths.

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Could very well be. I see now that belief in this "magic juice" is certainly a dangerous occult religion, with "doctors" being substitute priests.

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....., and I call them Branch Covidians. Now they are easily spotted with their light blue face diapers.

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They were blessed with entirely inert or blank batches. Can’t have all drop at once. Some said batches were targeted to certain locations. Old news. howbad.info

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Obesity can be protective with these or other jabs. If the needle is a regular size, the contents of the vial will not get into the deltoid muscle. Not saying they are obese; just pointing out one non jab related variable.

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so many seem to be happier to belong than to survive. So true. So sad. So unbelievable!

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That's why I think we need to focus on what makes us think the way we do. The others seemed to know what they thought was right. If we have different values we have to know what those are and why.

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The difference is moral courage: https://mamaearthdesignshop.substack.com/p/the-opposite-of-fear-is-courage

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Not moral really. More ethical. Moral means group norms. For many people the moral thing is to comply. Ethics go beyond the group mind. Sadly many people think this stuff is all round 'good' . Fully compliant body , mind and soul. :(

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Sometimes, it helps me to think we are all going through the craziest times in all recorded history, if not by quality at least by quantity. It's weird bullshit ALL THE TIME!

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Sep 21Liked by Sasha Latypova

As Terence McKenna said 'Things are going to get weird. They're going to get so weird that people are going to start talking about how weird they are'. Welcome.

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Ah, Terence McKenna! Ostensibly, a deep thinker. I remember his awful voice. I'm looking at his natal chart. Yep, another Mercury retrograde person, like I thought. These people often have something unique. There is about 1/5 odds that you find a person born under a Mercury retrograde. Not rare, and yet they stand out like a Biden body double.

His enervating voice and cadence was probably related to his Virgo Moon.

He was both Scorpio Sun and Rising and he had a heavy 9th house. That quote you bring up sounds to come directly from the 9th house.

He himself told a ton of weird bullshit to people, to the general amusement of his audience. That's probably Chiron in the 11th house. You just have to like people with Chiron in the 11th. These can be some of the best comedians.

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I'm intrigued - I've never heard of the Mercury retrograde thing. I'll have to find something to read on it. Terence did have the most amazing voice but I'd totally forgotten about it because it just stopped announcing itself to me after a while. I remember when I first found him thinking 'am I going to be able to listen to this?' And of course the cadence.

He did spout a lot of weird stuff but I loved his mind. Definitely a comedic gift as well

(like a Biden body double!)

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Linda Goodman's "Sun Signs" (ISBN 0-553-02777-8) from 1968 is a good one. She got me pegged.

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Me too! Nice to see some astro lovers here.. we should have a substack to chat about it... I mean, who's awake, who isn't, I consider myself 5 steps ahead of the world these days but that's what you would expect with an exact Mars/NN progressing in Aqua 6th ;))

Goodman was an artistic miracle and o how she got me pegged.

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looking it up!

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Hah - you're reminding me of how little I know about astrology, though it's always hovered on the margins of my attention.

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Family, friends, colleagues.... Some days I think I have my mind around this sad fact, and some days I don't. It's like a bad dream where I'm watching a really bad horror movie, it's just madness to attempt to talk to the actors on the screen, and I can't find the exit.

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The propaganda has effectively brainwashed those who believe in the vaccine religion. Fear of truth keeps them in their cocoons.

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Yes, they are. Like Sasha also correctly points out, they're not programmed by the shot.

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Have them watch Vaxxed part 1-4 part four comes out any day now. Not to mention there are so many books out now on the "vaccines" and the history of the Industry. Or they can also watch the movie ( short documentary) called Protocol-7 to get some history. I have a big family and about 5 of the 40 got the injections for "covid", one brother's girlfriend had to have surgery to get rid of a clot ( her doctor told her it must be from your injury when you were at kid), two nephews ended up in ICU but fortunately got out as soon as they could ( shots required to work), and one sister in law who was freaked out and she got one right away. It is surprising to me how many millions of people do not research these things on their own. But I have been anti-drugs, anti-chemical medicines for decades. We also don't drink alcohol., but that is us we are just not interested in zeroing out our perceptions.

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The propaganda has effectively brainwashed those who believe in the vaccine religion. Fear of truth keeps them in their cocoons.

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let the dead bury the dead

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That's heartbreaking. I hope that can change.

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So sorry to hear that. I will pray for them.

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Lovely painting Sasha

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Sep 20·edited Sep 20Liked by Sasha Latypova

I read some about the 19th century race between poisoners and doctors engaged in forensic science of examining bodies for evidence of poison. Widespread newspaper reporting of poisoning cases led to a wave of incidents until there were established methods to detect various poisons. The rash of such cases led to some of the first limitations on the sales of chemicals at apothecaries.

As I was reading through the comments on this article, I realized that we're still in that race except that the poisoning is industrial and likely motivated by an anti-human ideology rather than petty personal animus. However, this time we don't lack the forensic science to expose the murderers.

We can already show that vaccines are the likely cause of SIDs, that all new polio 'cases' come from vaccines, that vaccines cause chronic illness, that covid injections cause higher mortality, that many vaccines include ultra toxic substances, and so on and so forth...

So the means of detection, the evidence of murder is all there, but why is that insufficient? What we are so far unable to do is defeat the dogma that vaccines are safe and effective, nor can we penetrate the mass media veil of deliberately cultivated ignorance and apathy. As long as the hand of the murderers are hidden behind time delay, false medical dogma, and active propaganda, they can't be stopped nor held accountable.

I don't think it is possible to turn most people away from dogmatic ideas about vaccines as long as the powerful manipulative presence of mass media is engaged in constant propaganda efforts even should we present the very best evidence possible. Dogmatic beliefs are instilled from childhood and extremely difficult to disrupt.

I hold out the hope that by educating our children about the myths of vaccination, we can create a critical mass of skeptics that will disrupt the entire false edifice and stop the assault on human health.

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Well said and now you know what we're up against.

"Revisionism is an historical discipline made necessary by the fact that all States are governed by a ruling class that is a minority of the population, and which subsists as a parasitic and exploitative burden upon the rest of society. Since its rule is exploitative and parasitic, the State must purchase the alliance of a group of “Court Intellectuals,” whose task is to bamboozle the public into accepting and celebrating the rule of its particular State. The Court Intellectuals have their work cut out for them. In exchange for their continuing work of apologetics and bamboozlement, the Court Intellectuals win their place as junior partners in the power, prestige, and loot extracted by the State apparatus from the deluded public. The noble task of Revisionism is to de-bamboozle: to penetrate the fog of lies and deception of the State and its Court Intellectuals, and to present to the public the true history of the motivation, the nature, and the consequences of State activity. By working past the fog of State deception to penetrate to the truth, to the reality behind the false appearances, the Revisionist works to delegitimate, to de-sanctify, the State in the eyes of the previously deceived public." - Murray Rothbard https://mises.org/mises-daily/case-revisionism-and-against-priori-history

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+100. One of the clearest descriptions of indelible bamboozle I've ever read. "Court Intellectuals" indeed...

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Those were the days that journalism was honest….and the MSM wasn’t run by the Club of Rome!

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Club of Rome, indeed. There are plenty of players in the club. But we're not in it... >>> Refer to the organizational chart as included in this article. >>> What Is the Global Public-Private Partnership >>> IAIN DAVIS OCTOBER 6, 2021 >>> https://iaindavis.com/what-is-the-global-public-private-partnership/

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beautifully said.

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Sep 20Liked by Sasha Latypova

Maybe we can inject replicons into Kamala to down regulate her cackles and fake accents.

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Sep 20Liked by Sasha Latypova

Excellent. Replicons were the artificial people on Battle Star Galactica. The plandemic seems to be a sci-fi show.

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Yes. Life has been repackaged to emulate science fiction... An essential reversal of film directorship and character acting...

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As a Trekie, I got Borg vibes with the non stop social control going on.

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It’s like watching the Borg ships in the VAXX vials. Reminds me of Fantastic Voyage with Raquel Welch, if you are that old.

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Thank you, you are a voice of reason in a world gone so confusing!

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Sep 20Liked by Sasha Latypova

Absolutely, positively! Sasha shows us the straightforward, honest, intelligent and loving communication is possible!

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Sep 20Liked by Sasha Latypova

If you can't make a Toyota... outstanding. We'll said.

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Ahh , Corona

. as my fav. priest often jests Mar Mari Emmanuel, Syrian Orthodox, Sydney Australia


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Sep 20Liked by Sasha Latypova

Nice review of your work. It usually calms me; today is no exception!

Your watercolor is outstanding (as usual) , but today’s color dominance matches our seasonal atmosphere here in northern Michigan.



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Sep 21·edited Sep 21Liked by Sasha Latypova

I agree.

I wonder how many people remember how hard it was for anyone to acquire one of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine vials.

There were criminal penalties for anyone who took one. People were wanting to test the vials in the beginning, and they were being stopped -- threatened with criminal prosecution. They even prosecuted a doctor in Texas because he took one vial home.


Then there's this article from Nature:



The COVID-19 vaccines are such new products that the availability of formally established biological measurement standards or reference materials associated with them is limited.


There were groups that were supposed to test the vials, and they admit, they're not sure what they're looking at!?

It concludes with this finding:


The independent testing of COVID-19 vaccines prior to their availability to the market adds a critical and impartial quality and safety assurance step. With COVID-19 vaccination programmes as a current exemplar, vaccines are evaluated in clinical trials involving thousands of participants and then rolled out to millions of healthy individuals. The pandemic has called for compressed timelines and highlighted the potential of novel platforms such as mRNA vaccines for infectious diseases. Trust in the vaccines by both the public receiving vaccinations and authorities responsible for the vaccination programmes and post-marketing surveillance are supported through testing which is independent of the manufacturers. The physical testing of samples of the vaccine batches by independent NCLs, as opposed to review only of manufacturers’ data, strengthens the confidence in vaccines and novel technology platforms.


Basically, none of the vaccines were independently lab tested.

Magic Vaccine Juice is a big unknown. The people who would normally verify the consistency of these products can't and hasn't. So, you're being injected with *something...*


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"The people who would normally verify the consistency of these products can't and hasn'"

and we not believe them anyway. not now.

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Sep 20·edited Sep 20Liked by Sasha Latypova

Yes, you are correct in your assessment, although what I got from James’s article is that if mRNA is poison, then saRNA might be more potent poison(which is quite possible). Anyhow, some comments made me think about something my neighbour said when asked why did he turn down the mileage of the car he was selling- “People are begging to be lied to!” and I am starting to see what he means- some people really prefer to be lied to but stay comfortable in their false reality, instead of challenging their fluffy beliefs…

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"The self-amplifying bullshit is bullshit."

Yes, agreed, (next topic!), but some of our psychos are surely disappointed, if not humiliated that they couldn't pull it off?

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Sep 20Liked by Sasha Latypova

Only thing is the dumb F's are too dumb to be humiliated.

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Ha. Love the Toyota Corolla analogy. Perfect.

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My reaction to the self amplifying vax was similar. Why, indeed, spend money to develop something new when you can just reuse the old non-gmp toxic sludge you’ve been using previously, and call it some hi tech name with “science” papers to hype the fear and “potential”?

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shedding on steroids.

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Yes, quite right about "fear selling clicks." Same with grifting hopium and the 'impending win.' It amazes me that people still have not figured this out yet.

People do not really want to hear about personal responsiblity. It's like that Simpsons episode where he becomes a garbage collector: "can't someone else do it?!"

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