Aug 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

So first they cause an obesity crisis with all the hormones, fillers, and additives in food and by compromising the food chain and making fresh food less accessible— then they glibly push pricey drugs for people to lose weight and no telling the adverse side effects. Greed really is evil.

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Aug 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

Death is the ultimate weight loss program. Not to worry. They're working on it

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Aug 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

Greed never sleeps.

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It's in competition with rust.

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Rust is now a programming language. Apparently the super intelligensia have no creative ability to actually find a name that hasn't already been used for something else. Sometimes language tells you more than the words being spoken..

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Well... Erm... The Food and Drug Administration (and their balling buddies over at the CDC) presented the American public with the upside-down food pyramid, soft drinks laced with tablespoons of sugar, destroyed the whole foods industry, and allowed the marketing of toxic chemical soups labeled as food "additives". Let's give the US Patent Office a big hand!!! Also: Let's not allow the *alleged* medical profession off the hook. They could have *advised* their patients to stop swilling like pigs at the cattle trough... Instead they prescribed yet more chemical soups and poisons. Nice work if ya can get it...

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I believe Carlos fentanyl cures the problem of excess weight , by killing the imbiber. What weight?

Dead folks don't need to diet

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Dead weight... gets yet another meaning..

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Crystal meth is also a terrifically effective weight loss plan, and while it'll shorten your life expectancy, it certainly doesn't kill you quite as rapidly as fentanyl does.

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Check out this Incredible interview of Calley & Casey Means (brother & sister).

Calley worked as lobbyist for big pharma & food industry.

Dr Casey was a surgeon & she QUIT the system in her last year of residency (9 years in)... all bc the unethical, immoral system. Calley also ended up leaving the system.

They talk about all the corruption of big pharma/ food companies etc, Ozempic - the great obesity drug that's all the rage right now. A ton of great info here.

Calley & Casey Means: How Big Pharma Keeps You Sick, and the Dark Truth About Ozempic and the Pill


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Well, Dr Ardis has told us the horrors of Ozempic! People should be very careful, especially the pharma products that are injectable.

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it is funny in a poetic way, that to lose weight, one only need stop eating, yet the unsatiable must find one more thing to stick into themselves to attempt to stop sticking things into themselves.

Insanity is a zip code that's based on weight and insatiable desire.

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I think excess weight has more to do with what is eaten. Some foods seem to fail to turn off the satiety alarm.

I have never been overweight in my entire life, and I also rarely eat junk foods. Parties are the exception, but I limit junk. And I don’t even have to be a PITA when eating with others.

I was fortunate to have a mom who refused us snacks before meals, desserts if we didn’t eat our meal (but dessert was normal after meals) and if ever got soda, it was in a very small glass with a big ice cube. She also reduced sugar in many of her desserts and other foods. I had no idea how important my mom’s restrictions would benefit me later in life until I reflected back and realized how much impact it had on my eating habits.

I quit drinking sodas maybe 50-years ago. I never missed them.

Thanks, Mom!

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yes these are truths, so few learn. My point is obesity can easily be treated by fasting which improves your health as well as your weight. But rather than show some self discipline and not eat for a day or two a week, they would rather inject a drug of dubious lineage into themselves and continue shoveling PUrina People Chow into their gullets in front of their screens big and large.

Its really simple to see that so many are overcompensating, trying to fill a void in their life, through over eating, over spending, frivolous travel and shopping, generally bad behaviour and unsustainable lifestyle and all this comes when religion in public life is at an all time low.

People have a great need to be connected by common bonds and to have a feeback network. These ideas and behaviours have been severed (deliberately) to make people pliable, and easily manipulated.

I have never seen as many obese people as in modern times, I went to Europe in the late 1980's and everyone was skinny and now I see pictures and they are becoming as inflated as Americans, and I walk in any grocery store and I see people buying more food, when they can barely fit in the door or have to ride in electric carts because they are too fat to walk.

Alarms should be ringing in people's heads, but they are all hypnotized to beleive this is normal and healthy and folks shouldn't be hatin on fatties etc.

Really a drug, to do what you could or I could do, by simply saying "i'm full" even if I don't feel full, and to stop eating. reason is gone replaced by insatiable desire, bigger cars, bigger houses, more food, more blind, more shopping more, more,more. and these desires are never slated, for the things they bring are not the things they need, and these desires are merely proxies bereft of things they really and truly need. Love, community, religion, understanding, hope, and all the rest, cannot be bought, are not on sale on Amazon or at the Costco, etc..

the world is quite mad indeed.

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I’m not saying much but I went to the UK and I was addicted to Dr Pepper and my mom called it a caffeine headache when you got off of it I guess what I started drinking their Dr Pepper and I got the same damn headache and had caffeine in it supposedly so my deduction was it was chemical And that’s what I believe. All these drinks are, especially since the ants won’t eat it if you leave it out on the counter.

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Dr Ardis already tells us the toxin in Ozempic.

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Sounds like a great business model to me.

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Greed? Perhaps.

Worshipping the god of money. Most definitely.

Money, the frontispiece of the World System. A literal museum of all the human motivations for theft, murder, covetousness, adultery, bearing false witness. Sound familiar? It should.

Greed, one of the seven deadly sins. And, the love of money; all wrapped up together in one tidy package. A sort of 2 for the price of 1 value.

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I would agree that greed is one of the sins. Lust? I don't know... I wish someone would reduce the number to six...

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3 really, if lawyers wrote the bible, with maybe a subcategory or two and some vague clauses at the end of the bible in very very tiny print..

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The love of money is the root of all evil.

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Big pharma doesn't want to prevent disease, it wants to propagate health problems. Big pharma is in the business of treating disease, not curing it. The more disease, the better for big pharma. Any entity that wants to find the root causes for disease and/or medical conditions wants something big pharma is terrified of... a reduction of profits for the medical industry.

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Yes. Exactly. Weapons manufacturers would go broke if no one created wars...

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Fpr sure and there might also be some political turnover

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a reusuable bullet would bankrupt them..

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+100 points. There *are* reusable bullets, but picking up the used shells and casings has gotten too expensive... Good thing we just leave our unspent armaments behind when we leave places like Afghanistan. I hear the opium trade is doing quite well over there...

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RFK Jr better watch his back. Seriously.

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Yea the Fauc's minions may be coming for him!

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Minions, or masters?

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deletedAug 29
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Polypharmacy benefits everyone except the patient.

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Michael Jackson was being prescribed something like 15,000 pills a month, I read somewhere. No wonder he died.

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These celebrities are not the kind of polypharmacy I meant, although that's pretty bad too. I'm talking about your average old person taking multiple prescriptions, many of which are to deal with the side effects of the other prescriptions.

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Doctors are tools of Pharma. That's who supplies their prescription pads:).

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Of course. Also who funds medical schools.

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highly unlikely


30 ÷


500 = pills a day is rather a lot to digest

Mr. Jackson died from terminal overwhelming fame and a side order of anesthetic.


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Prescribed and ingested are two different things. Maybe he just liked to hoard them.

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Good news, I guess. I submitted my sample "destroy" request to 23andMe and closed my account sometime in the last year. It was at one time a wonderful community for people doing genealogical research, and I miss those days (and yes I did know about the people behind it and I just didn't care at the time).

Whatever the sequencing data might actually represent, it was and is useful for finding family relationships. It offers clues that can then be tested by other means. False positives are OK, because they are only clues. For me, many of them checked out, when I located confirming documentary evidence. Others never did. The clues served as pointers to where to look more closely, among a vast array of possibilities. The strongest matches were confirmable close relatives of mine, whether I knew it or not when I first saw the match. This is more than correlation.

The "health" feature that they later introduced was interesting but not really useful. It could "confirm" things that you already knew about yourself, sometimes. And it could confirm other things that you didn't know and that were not health problems for you. False positives, false negatives. Results probably not much (if at all) better than random.

"Weight loss" drugs? Pure evil. For many people, weight control can be simple, though not particularly convenient. Stop eating and drinking poisonous "industrial food", and eliminate poisonous pharmaceuticals. Use common sense. Just Eat Real Foods (JERF). Or don't. Whatever. And yeah, it's not simple for everyone.

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Caloric deficit is the mechanism for weight loss. Trouble is, it requires behaviour change and that is where folks (especially the obese) struggle.

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It does work, and it is the approach I used up until 2010 or so, but there are other factors and I work with them without really understanding the big picture. There are also differences in the people themselves, not just what goes into them.

I have experimented with varying carbs and fats -- independently, not just one high and the other low. Other important factors include lowering palatability and increasing satiety of food choices. Salt is also involved, and the processed food industry manipulates the ratios of these things and introduces palatants, all to encourage overeating, which leads to greater revenue. Then there are the contaminants.

It's not simple. But eliminating processed foods eliminates a lot of the intentional interference with health and particularly with appetite. When your body is working as designed, and you are eating what you are designed to eat, your appetite regulates your weight, rather than your choice of foods.

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Yes. But we sure wouldn't want to offend the gluttonous pigs that continue to destroy themselves and hog medical system resources with their self-induced disease...

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Were companies such as 23andMe simply using databases from genealogy and purchased data from data mining companies to construct the family connections and constructing nationality backgrounds pulled from those databases? When I see how easily they are fooled when someone sends in nonhuman DNA and it returns laughable results, it seems possible and plausible.

DNA “science” somehow reminds me of virology. Oh, and one-atom-thick self-assembling nanobots that can do whatever imaginary feat the “scientist” claims. It’s always amazing.

I say these things because extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and I am trying to sift through BS before it buries me. There seems to be copious piles of it everywhere nowadays.

Anyone who has more clarity on these items, I welcome your comments.

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Ekoh if you understand how the DNA testing works (I only have a very basic understanding) you should be able to work out how we can come up with likelihood matches for people such as criminals etc. but not tell much else about anything. The primers are looking for matches in sequences that is all. More matches makes it more likely that the 'dna' is yours (or someone related to you). But of course the matches could come from anywhere at all even non human sources it's just less likely you would get as many matches.

For example the primers looking for the supposed sequences of an imaginery virus could find them anywhere they are present including fruits and vegetables.

Then there is the possibility of the false positives due to other reasons such as failed tests etc.

Honestly I wouldn't waste much time on it all. I only went as far as I did because this was my wife's job both working in the lab and as a DNA expert at court.

There is something to DNA but like everything else we are not being told the whole truth.

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When I first retired and actually had free time for a while, I set out to develop a database app that would attempt to detect potential relationships through geographical proximity using GIS. I had been able to solve several family mysteries -- missing branches of the tree -- by doing this kind of thing manually, and I wanted to see if I could do it on a larger scale working with a graph database. I put a good deal of time into it, and I wasn't seeing much in the way of early results. It was a major undertaking.

I eventually found that I needed to go back to work, as a consultant working from home, and there was no longer time to work on the project but yes, things like that can be done. But with the repeatability of DNA matching? I doubt it.

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Thanks. Interesting that you solved some family mysteries. I appreciate your efforts and comments

Did you ever use AI to collect information? Just curious.

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No, I did this work 7-8 years ago, and AI wasn't a thing, yet. I hadn't thought about the possibility. I was looking at proximity in time and geographical location together.

AI would seem to apply more to the overall contents of documentary evidence, rather than to comparing dates and places. The AI search tools I use now are rather stupid with regard to time, but there might be a way to put it all together, comparing documents that are of proximate origin. Or something.

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Do 3 REPS PUSHAWAYS per day...

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it is simple for everyone, its just that excuses get complicated. we are the sum of our intake, reduce out intake and our sum becomes less. This is not difficult to understand, many religions have included fasting as a way towards enlightenment. it also produces regular lightening of our body weight,

It requires no potions or pills, simply desire - an emotion usually in surplus in the human condition.

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"Artificial intelligence models fail at predicting biology"

Thank God

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Well. Intelligence didn't work either. Not sure who to thank for that one...

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"Artificial intelligence models fail at predicting biology".

I believe the opposite also applies:

"Biology models fail at predicting Artificial intelligence "

I'm speaking to those that 'invented' AI

Other forms of intelligence might also apply.

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Aug 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

GLP-1 agonists are toxic and dangerous…

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Aug 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

those drugs cause a slowdown of digestion, which is how they affect appetite. But in some it results in paralysis, and for some, the problems don't end when they end the drug.

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I second the general claim that all these high-speed, Big Data, Human Genome Project based hyperbolic claims, including that it represents a new dawn of modern drug discovery, is bunk.

I reasoned why this was by far the most likely outcome of investments in these fields, way back in the late 1990s. This was an unpopular & unwelcome opinion, in a company in which such investments were sold as the future of drug discovery.

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Big Data, Human Genome Project based hyperbolic claims, including that it represents a new dawn of modern drug discovery, is bunk."

Yes bunk but they are pushing it big time recently read in China they kicked out the art spaces to make way for this:

"In interviews with ARTnews, industry insiders said that, during the past decade, the West Bund area has faced significant changes, with the government pushing out policies such as rental discounts to attract galleries, museums, and artists. However, in recent years, this policy has shifted, and more efforts have been made to cultivate the area as a zone of technology and finance, with a special focus on AI and big data."

Plus financial people are pushing investment in uranium mining as a way to fuel small nuke reactors to power all this. It is bunk to enslave us with surveillance through the phone.

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deletedAug 30
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“Fake realities will create fake humans. Or, fake humans will generate fake realities and then sell them to other humans, turning them, eventually, into forgeries of themselves. So we wind up with fake humans inventing fake realities and then peddling them to other fake humans.

It is just a very large version of Disneyland. You can have the Pirate Ride or the Lincoln Simulacrum or Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride – you can have all of them, but none is true.” - Philip K. Dick - (December 16, 1928 – March 2, 1982)

I appreciate your candor. Best regards.

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Interesting how the market place is exposing what many of us have been saying or years - viruses and DNA are phantoms of the imagination of greedy fake science.

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There seems to be an avalanche of evidence showing deception, falsehood and worse in science. I notice I'm attracted to these stories like the allure of pulp fiction. However, I hope we can explore how so many of us, for so many years, were hypnotized into believing this stuff. To me, THIS is the important story.

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If we're not careful, Libraries will need to start moving the 'Science' section over to the 'Fiction' area.

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👏 comment of the day

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repetition of propaganda by those in a position of authority is the standard means of building deceptions into institutions. Its not hard, it begins by removing education, from education. If you are not taught to think, you can only beleive. and in a heirarchy human nature (nature's programming) requires us to defer to those at the top of the heirarchy.

that leaves only heretics and those who enjoy thinking and self education to see the unclothed emperor and his mad subjects.

Study says is a daily dose of indoctrination, surveys, experts, slogans, all the tools of propaganda appear before us daily, most never question, only beleive and they reap what they sow. Prisoners of their own illusions.

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From your comment: "If you are not taught to think, you can only believe." +100 likes. Right on target.

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Just ask Dr. Sam she write whole books about it

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How well I remember: working at Google and going to a talk by Ann Wojcicki, at the time still married to Sergey. They had spit kits for anyone who wanted to have their DNA scanned. I didn't do it. Their business plan was:

1. Collect lots of DNA

2. ??????

3. PROFIT!!!

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Same business model as AI. Will be the same outcome.

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When you give away your information, your information gives itself away.

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It's true when ypu offer it up and voluteer for it, but i hink most of our information has been stolen and known for a long time. I was a witness to a meeting between a recruiter and a potential recruit today. The kid bad offered up a prior, potentially unpermitted psychological diagnosis, when another guys said," cpme on now the kid was honest and what if he didn't tell you?" He said we have access to everyones medical, psychological history, anything ever documented. Just think what's been done with blood from jist checking choleterol, etc.

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Aug 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

Gd vs.the anti-Gd technocommunists.

Guess who wins?

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Aug 29·edited Aug 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

I was literally reading another blog article yesterday about the fact that the DNA double helix is just a theory. Here's the article https://northerntracey213875959.wordpress.com/2021/05/25/going-viral-a-recipe-for-disaster/

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Going to take a drive by CSH Labs soon… they’re expanding! I’ll be sure to let them know.

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Aug 29·edited Aug 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

Yep DNA is pseudo-science. A little more on the farce of Crick Watson.


They couldn't cure anything with genetics. I contend that genetic manipulation like GMOs are a scam where they use it to patent nature. In reality, the genes are changed with carcinogenic toxins in the lab. Remember the GMOs that are Terminator seeds where they cannot reproduce? Somehow they spread to other fields, where they were sued for using seeds they didn't pay for? WTF is that bullshit, the seeds cannot spread unless they're actually not sterile.

Crispr is another farce and it's not done anything of substance besides the stupid sheep cloning which apparently didn't last lol.

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I'm not certain glow in the dark sheep would have been possible without Crispr.

Crispr would be a great name for a character in a book about a modern frankenstein created by the Bioengineering complexes of the 1st world governments.

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Aug 30·edited Aug 30Liked by Sasha Latypova

Crispr makes me think of a store brand version of rice krispies 😆.

So, they did glow sheep in 2013 and it's been 11 years and nothing else? You would think that if it worked, they would be trying other genes and having other successes.

It could have been a parlor trick... Put something that makes them glow in their food or inject it. Who knows in the medical research world where it's known that half the papers or more in journals are falsified.

For all we know it's a parlor trick. Who knows in the medical research world where it's known that half the papers or more in journals are falsified.

My gut feeling is that it's been a farce and these stories are/were hype.

COVID was the time where we see that the man behind the curtain, OZ, really has no powers besides propaganda 😂.

Gene therapy by moderna, run like Theranos.

It was never successful, but somehow they pretended it was and still used the same toxic lipids without having fixed their huge issue:

"For Moderna, that meant putting its Crigler-Najjar therapy in nanoparticles made of lipids. And for its chemists, those nanoparticles created a daunting challenge: Dose too little, and you don’t get enough enzyme to affect the disease; dose too much, and the drug is too toxic for patients."


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Crispr may have played a role in the COVID fraud: First, someone extracted some material from a sick person and genetically sequenced it (using Crispr?). Then the sequence was used by BLAST to "design" the primers and probes used in the PCR "test".

This process looks like one lie built on another.

And I must admit I have yet to find a specific claim of what software was used to sequence SARS2. Should you have that info, please advise!

I agree, cloning sheep is stupid.

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Aug 30Liked by Sasha Latypova

So, 23andMe is not a women's clothing line?

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Now that would be a better business pivot than weight loss drugs.

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Aug 29Liked by Sasha Latypova

Don’t suppose you missed this! lawsuits are flying re gastroparesis (stomach paralysis) and vision loss from Ozempic and other GLP-1 agonists. Stay tuned as these appear to be growing.

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"At the completion of the human genome project, Svante Paabo could not coherently explain the difference between a chimpanzee and a human, while any 5 year old will have no difficulty explaining it."

Five year old. Ya. The bald one is the human. Monkey's don't wear glasses...

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Aug 30Liked by Sasha Latypova

Duh! Genes are like a book. It matters HOW that book is read via epigenetics or tags on the DNA, if DNA is what we are told. What is expressed from the genes matters. Patients have brought their DNA results to me over the years and it is worthless clincially. Just as worthless are the genetic tests that give supposed information about how psych drugs are processed. These tests do not predict who or who will not respond to any drug. Again, worthless. What matters most for heallth is lifestyle: sleep, diet, exercise, clean air, food, water and quality relationships. Nothing fancy about it.

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Do you know much about methylation?

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Enough to know that methylation is what determines if/when genes are expressed. Trauma is passed intergenerationally this way

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