Twitter is Launching "Twitter for Writers"
My recommended answer for Substack writers: HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-No.
I have an even better, shorter answer, but this stack is a family-friendly space. Use your imagination.
They are trying to compete with Substack by luring good writers away from the platform that hosts “hate and conspiracists” (like yours truly).
Anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together should read the T&Cs. This is only a quick read pointing out some very glaring issues. It’s a long document, I don’t have much time to spend on it and I am not interested in Twitter for Writers.
Twitter wants you to sign up to the following:
The content you create is turned over to Twitter, and so is YOUR LIKENESS. And Twitter, or anyone acting on their behalf (CIA? NSA?) can use and possibly manufacture your likeness, including video/audio, CGI (caricature or simulation) and any future technology developed (hologram? some other techno-bullshit by which Elon will beam you to Mars?) They are saying it’s for Twitter marketing - that’s an extremely broad statement as Twitter’s advertised plan is to be an “everything app”. Nowhere it says that only you can be the source of your likeness. Nowhere it describes how you or anyone else will determine that each instance of use of your likeness by Twitter and its agents was approved by you. But here you have signed up and agreed that Twitter has the right to do it, sell it and represent it as your content:
Twitter: We can’t compete with you directly ourselves, but we can authorize our employees (mwhahahahahaaaa!) to put our billion dollar marketing department to work writing a counter-narrative against yours that, God forbid, gains traction in the direction that we don’t like (i.e. the truth). Note that per clause above, we can manufacture fake content with your likeness (that we own) and assign that speech to you when we feel like it:
Twitter: We can still shadow ban you, after you agreed to all these extra terms and can’t sue us for anything:
It’s experimental! (But is it an EUA-used Countermeasure, Elon?) I think I have had enough experiments in the last few years, thanks!
Further, they tell you they have no liability for anything and want you to rep and warrant that you will comply with all laws and FTC regulations that large corporate advertisers have to comply with (and have money and lawyers who can defend them, but you don’t!) and of course agree to indemnify Twitter, and only have arbitration as recourse.
Tucker Carlson - did you sign up to this?
This morning’s post by Substack:
Dear Substack - you are beautiful the way you are, don’t change your strategy. Unique, high quality content is king and Twitter is making it easy for you to succeed by just being yourselves.
Art for today: Commissioned Portrait (A Likeness).
After 2020, I will never take any mRNA jabs. It's that simple. I am very weary of any vaccines, and unlikely to take any going forward. I am now a confirmed through and through Anti vaxer. They labelled me and at first I rejected the label, but now I like the label. I embrace the term they have given me, and I introduce my self with the anti vax label to all.
Twitter still has me banned for calling their hypocrisy on ivermectin for onchocerciasis.