The Energy of Time: Nikolai Kozyrev's Model of Causal Mechanics.
Current life sciences including medicine are in a dead end, this article will help you understand why.
Happy New Year to all my subscribers and your families! This Substack is 2 years old and is read by 52K+ people in 190 countries of the world. I am beginning the new year with an article on a great man, Nikolai Kozyrev, whose mind, work and life story are astonishing, to say the least. I mentioned him in some of my interviews, and I hope this stack will be of interest to you, too.
In his 1958 paper N.A. Kozyrev proposed a "causal" or "asymmetric" model of mechanics, arguing that time possesses a directional property ("flow") that distinguishes the living World from what the dictates of the mainstream mechanical models (Newton, Einstein and quantum). Kozyrev examined discrepancies in then available astrophysical data, specifically the longevity of stars and the lack of observed thermal death of the universe that would be expected had Newtonian laws of thermodynamics were proven true in the natural (non man-made, non mechanical) world. He explored the implications of this theory, proposing that time can perform work and generate energy.
The most profound implication of this model is that the World has absolute, objectively identifiable cause-effect relationships determined by the flow of time, all the way back to the prime Cause of everything.
It is not surprising that Kozyrev spent many years in a Soviet labor camp. I will publish an article on his life story toward the end of January - it is even more astonishing than his theory of time. He nearly died in prison, but eventually was released and allowed to work at Pulkovo Observatory near Leningrad (St. Petersburg). This paper in English discusses his history and offers perspective on his research.
Prison and labor camps robbed Kozyrev of the valuable time to develop his theoretical models fully. He conducted many original experiments demonstrating his theory, and some of his work has been since replicated by others. Some research work on his theory appears to be ongoing in Russia. However, these ideas are relegated to the largely unfunded fringe of science, or, inappropriately, to mysticism.
For this article I used Kozyrev’s 1958 paper in Russian. Even though I am not well versed in physics, I found his writing very clear. Unfortunately, most of the available English translations are of poor quality, so I am using my own translations for the most part here. I am commenting only on his theoretical reasoning from the paper. I am not qualified enough to critique his mathematical and the experimental work.
Mechanics is the foundation of the exact sciences. However, the theoretical model of mechanics has been developed only for two extreme abstract cases: 1) Newton-Einstein mechanics, which corresponds to the World where the flow of time is assumed to be infinity; and 2) atomic (quantum) mechanics, where the flow of time is assumed to be zero. In the real World, as the experimental and theoretical material presented in this paper shows, the flow of time is a finite value. Therefore, exact sciences, developed deductively without taking into account the finite flow of time, cannot give a real representation of the World.
Classical models propose the first and the second principles of thermodynamics. The worlds that [hypothetically] conform to these models describe processes in which there is only an increase in entropy which leads to thermodynamic death. The real world, however, due to the finiteness of time, has peculiar properties. This world appears to fight [entropy, thermodynamic] death with an opposite process, which can be called the process of life.
The Classical Model of Mechanics Neglects the Asymmetry of Time
Kozyrev's primary criticism of the classical mechanics is the failure to acknowledge the directional, asymmetric property of time, and the neglect of causality or inability to distinguish physical causes and effects. He criticized the classical mechanics principle "causa aequat effectum" (the cause equals the effect), which underlies concepts like the conservation of energy. This principle, together with simplifications such as replacing forces with energy, eliminates the possibility of distinguishing between cause and effect, reducing mechanics to a descriptive science concerned only with mathematical or statistical formulations of physical laws.
Kozyrev argued that time possesses active physical property, a "flow" that differentiates the future from the past and objectively establishes the distinction between causes and effects. The causes are always in the past, the effects are always in the future, and there is always a non-zero time and non-zero space between the former and the latter. This simple reality is absent from the Newtonian model that ignores the non-zero time between causes and effects, while the quantum model allows causes and effects to occupy the same space. He demonstrated, theoretically and in some cases experimentally, that time's flow enables stars to generate energy, counteracting the second law of thermodynamics.
Instead of treating time as a “mass delusion” or as a measurement tool, Kozyrev proposed that time is an objective, material, physical property of the world:
All of us perceive the flow of time.
[…] a concept that is not acknowledged by the exact sciences.
We may now formulate the following proposition:
V. Time possesses a special, absolute property distinguishing the future from the past, which may be called directionality or flow. This property determines the difference between causes and effects, for effects are always in the future in relation to causes.
This last provision introduces into mechanics a new physical concept - the passage of time. The properties of this concept must be studied experimentally.
We should expect that the flow of time in our World is determined by some universal constant with a certain sign. In a different world, this constant may be different and may even have a different sign. The course of time must be defined with respect to some invariant […] the directionality of time can be defined as the direction in space.
Kozyrev introduced a universal pseudoscalar “constant”, c2 to distinguish from c1, or the speed of light in Einstein’s special theory of relativity. It is only a constant in a sense that it describes the current state of the current system, but in principle can change to describe another state of our system or a different system. As I mentioned in previous articles referring to Rupert Sheldrake’s work, it has been demonstrated that the speed of light and other assumed physical constants are NOT constant, suggesting that the system we live in undergoes fundamental changes of the physical reality.
Kozyrev’s c2 denotes the speed of transformation of cause into effect in our World that can serve as an absolute measure of the flow of time:
the greater c2, the smaller is the time interval corresponding to the same interval of space, and, therefore, the faster the passage of time.
He demonstrated experimentally that c2 ~ 550 km/s with a positive sign in the left coordinate system, and demonstrated that we live in the left coordinate system. I read his paper while on a long road trip (my husband was driving), and it was helpful to be on a divided highway while reading this. The “mirror world” that he uses in several of his thought experiments is akin the opposite lanes of the divided highway, i.e. the opposite lane is a helpful mirror image of the world you are moving in. Everything looks the same in the mirror, the “movie” runs forward, not backward, in both images in a similar manner, but the left and the right are reversed. He argued that the right and the left, i.e. the system of coordinates for the World are determined absolutely by the directional flow of time.
He proposed that this knowledge would enable a revolution in science and engineering, i.e. provide an objective way to identify physical causes and effects:
Now that we know the sign of c2, we can distinguish the active forces from the passive by mechanical experiments, i.e. distinguish causes from effects. If, for example, a decrease of forces is observed in a rotating body, the active force will be the force facing the location from where the rotation seems to occur clockwise.
Note: I tried to translate the above sentences as accurately as possible. If we assume that the Earth as a rotating body (acknowledging that this is not as settled as many people think), then, according to Kozyrev, the active force (the cause) is acting on the North pole, from north to south. If you look at the Earth’s rotation from the South pole, it is clockwise. From the North (observing from Polaris) the rotation is counterclockwise.
This fact fulfills the basic requirement we have for mechanics:
5. The active force from the passive, or the cause from the effect, can always be distinguished by mechanical experiments. Therefore, a device showing the position of causes and effects is possible in principle.
Asymmetry is the Hallmark of Nature
…the [positive or negative] sign of the flow of time allows to determine the absolute concepts of right and left. Geometry distinguishes right from left only in relative terms, and geometry itself cannot determine what is called right and what is called left.
However, conspicuous objective differences between right and left exist in nature. These differences have long been known in the organic world. The morphology of animals and plants provides numerous examples of persistent, inherited asymmetry. For example, in mollusks, in the overwhelming number of cases, shells are twisted to the right side. The predominance of a certain symmetry is also observed in microbes that form colonies of spiral structure. In highly organized creatures, the asymmetrical position of organs is always observed. For example, the heart in vertebrates, as a rule, is located on the left side. A similar asymmetry exists in plants; for example, in the preference for left-handed spirals in the conductive vessels.
In inorganic chemistry, stereoisomers form racemates, i.e. mixtures with the same number of right- and left-handed molecules. However, in protoplasm [organic biological matter], there is a sharp inequality of the right- and left-handed molecular forms [see chirality]. The effects on the body of right and left isomers [mirror-image versions of the same molecule] are often very different. For example, left-handed glucose is almost not digested by the organism, left-handed nicotine is more poisonous than right-handed nicotine, etc. Today, all these questions constitute a major scientific problem…
Kozyrev hoped that his theory would help the scientific community in solving these obvious problems and inconsistencies with prevailing mechanical theories. Instead, “The Science” ignored these issues, and poured money into nonsensical and outright fraudulent research to compensate for failures of the prevailing theories, as we find it today. For example, the reasons that it is not possible to make viruses in a lab (even if infectious viruses existed), or cure cancer, or change your “faulty” genes, etc. are explained in this short paper. The prevailing scientific model of the living nature is based on “dead” mechanical theories and does not even admit that the process of life is objectively different.
The directionality of time as a physical reality follows simply from the very possibility of life. Indeed, the essence of life consists in processes directed against the increase of entropy. This means that in organisms, in some processes, the flow of time may differ from the world’s flow of time. Therefore, similar to the astrophysics, accurate biological experiments should show in the processes of life a violation of the usual balance of energy due to the use of the time flow by life.
Asymmetry of Planetary Shapes
Based on his theory of causal mechanics, Kozyrev proposed that the southern hemispheres of planets, including Earth, Jupiter, and Saturn, are more elongated than their northern hemispheres, a prediction that was later confirmed experimentally. The asymmetry in planetary figures contradicts traditional mechanics, which predicts that a planet's shape should be symmetrical about its equator.
Kozyrev attributed this asymmetry to the directional property of time, which creates additional internal forces acting on rotating bodies. He suggested that these forces cause a "northward shift" of the planet's mass. Kozyrev and D.O. Mokhnach measured numerous photographic images of Jupiter and Saturn, and their results confirmed this asymmetry. They also estimated the asymmetry of Earth based on the latitudinal coefficient of asymmetry in the distribution of gravity.
Shape of the Earth: The mainstream science today claims that the Earth is an oblate spheroid, meaning it is slightly flattened at the poles and bulging at the equator. Kozyrev argued that this conclusion arises because the theoretical calculations are based only on mass and centrifugal forces. Thus, they assume that the shape must by symmetrical, but for some unknown reason, the mass at the North of the Earth is greater than in the South of this supposedly symmetrical object.
Instead, Kozyrev proposed that the planet's meridional cross section would resemble a cardioid [shape of a physical heart], flattened in the north and elongated towards the south. He found it significant that the Earth, with its Antarctic continent and northern polar basin, along with the predominant location of the land mass in the Northern Hemisphere, exhibited this cardioid-like shape.
His theoretical analysis of this issue and practical experiments are very extensive (and mostly beyond my knowledge to critique). He started by reviewing numerous prior experiments with free-falling objects at different latitudes beginning in the 1600’s, and ultimately conducted several of his own experiments with specially designed objects, testing inclination from the vertical fall at various latitudes. He also conducted experiments with falling gyroscopes, with vibrating lever scales and with electrical impulses applied to the objects. These experiments were repeated at various latitudes.
He demonstrated experimentally the asymmetric forces acting along the axes of the Earth’s rotation and calculated the “critical latitude” = 73 degrees at which the forces acting north - south cancel each other out. He noted that in the Northern Hemisphere this latitude marks the end of the continents and the beginning of the Arctic ocean basin, and in the Southern Hemisphere the same latitude marks the rise of the Antarctic continental shelf.
As recently as 2013 Kozyrev’s findings have been confirmed by space observations using modern technology:
Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) team discovered “the striking difference” in elevation between northern and southern hemispheres: “on Mars, the South Pole lying about six km higher than the North Pole, … the planet’s center of mass (is) 3 km north of its geometric center” (Physics Today, Oct 1999, p. 34). The same topography we have for solid Earth: low Arctic and high Antarctic with the same difference 5–7 km. No sound explanation of NS asymmetry was proposed: impact, planetary evolution, mantle convection … are rather artificial and vague. Meanwhile, NS asymmetry is inherent property of any freely rotating flexible celestial body as it follows from Kozyrev’s Causal or asymmetrical mechanics. Relations of Causal mechanics are supported by experimental study of vertical component of causal force by weight change measurement of rotated gyroscope and the study of its horizontal component by pendulum deflection measurement. Kozyrev made measurements at latitudes φ from 45° to 84° and proved that causal force is directed along Earth rotation axis: to the North for φ < 73° and to South for φ > 73°. The magnitude of causal force has order (1–5) × 10−5 of gravity force.
Stars as Machines that Use Time to Generate Energy
Kozyrev's analysis of then available data on stellar density, temperature, and energy expenditure demonstrated that stars lack internal energy sources, i.e. the observed data contradicted then (and now) prevailing theory that the stars are powered by thermonuclear processes. Instead, he proposed that the stars generate energy from the flow of time. He argued that these seemingly distant and isolated systems that should have succumbed to heat death long ago (if traditional thermodynamics held true) instead, radiate immense amounts of energy over vast timescales. He suggested that time itself possesses energy and stars act as "perpetual motion" machines that tap into this energy source.
While Kozyrev did not provide a detailed explanation of the physical processes by which stars extract energy from time, he suggested that these processes might be electric in nature.
Interaction of Matter with Energy, Time as an Energy Source
According to Kozyrev, matter shows an interaction with energy. His theory suggests that we can consider all material objects in the universe as a kind of sponges which are submerged in water (i.e., energy) and are soaked completely with it. If such sponge is squeezed, cooled, or rotated fast enough, then it yields the water (energy) in its interior to the surroundings, diminishing its own mass. But as soon as one leaves the sponge alone, the pressure on its pores decreases and it absorbs the water again and returns to its initial mass. It is also possible to pump still more water into such a sponge, for instance by heating it or vibrating it, and thereby to induce its pores to expand and absorb more water. Kozyrev demonstrated this in his experiments.
Time energy, according to Kozyrev, can be absorbed, shielded, and reflected by matter. He demonstrated experimentally that different materials do this in various degrees. In some substances time is stored for a longer time than in others, as for instance in aluminum it is two times longer than in lead, in wood it is five times longer than in lead. Aluminum and polyethylene films, as for instance PVC foil, can act as shielding for the flow of time. Kozyrev also believed he had discovered that the flow of time moves not in a straight path through space, but performs a rotational, spiraling movement (torsion). This is reflected in the prevalence of spiraling shapes in nature. According to Kozyrev, right-handed molecules, as for instance sugar, absorb the flow of time and slow it down, while left-handed molecules, for instance turpentine or salt, increase the flow of time and accelerate it.
This is just a small collection of excerpts from Kozyrev’s work in one Substack post, I could go in much longer, as his research is vast. I hope that this small selection gave you an appreciation of just how uncertain the real science is. The real science is constantly wrong and constantly seeks to correct itself. The fake science is assured that it has completely settled itself…
When writing this article, I tried to use NotebookLM (an AI which you can limit to just one pdf source, so it claims…) to translate and summarize Kozyrev’s 1958 paper, with some hilarious results. It seemingly translated Kozyrev’s paper, and sometimes produced correct summaries. On the question about the shape of the Earth, it lied to me, confidently quoting something Kozyrev never said. It also gave me a scolding that the shape of the Earth is an oblate spheroid and I need to quit reading misinformation and conspiracies… It also lied and gave me a totally incorrect numbers when I queried it about the speed of the flow of time.
Life is objectively different from death, but it is not treated as such by “The Modern Science”. We should not be shocked then as we are observing “The Science” trying to “hack the software of life”, equalizing the living beings with dead mechanical objects or electronics, in the name of “saving the planet”, “public health” and other anti-human nonsense. After all, they are just trying to prove us, the living men and women, wrong.
Art for today: Peonies, oil on panel, 11x14 in.
Further proof that God's designs are sublime :-)
I've spent the vast majority of my life studying and practicing science. When "The Science" can describe where a duck comes from, maybe they'll be getting close.
The reality is we are living in a magical entity we call Earth. And we have no idea where we came from or where we are going. I enjoy trying to figure it out, but we never will. The only sure thing I know is all living things come from other living things. No living thing will ever come from the non-living. And, in order for living things to survive, other living things must die for food/fertilizer. This is why you say grace.