The food is toxic and full of chemicals! We live in a toxic sludge! Everything is toxic around us! We need to ban seed oils to combat the epidemic of obesity and cancer!
Have you heard these messages? Congratulations! You have been exposed to the relentless ABV brainwashing.
In this 6 min clip I discussed the basics of the ABV strategy = “Anything But Vaccines”:
Full interview here. Note that I don’t believe Trump is “antichrist”, that’s the podcast host’s opinion. I think Trump is simply an unprincipled liar, purchased by the same owners as all politicians sell out to including the pharma lobby.
Brief points from this clip:
They will tell you anything causes cancer. They will put proposition 65 notices on just about anything including Starbucks cups and say it's known to cause cancer. They already banned smoking, so they can't pin it on smoking anymore. So they go after food. All of this is BS and distraction into “toxic everything”, Wi-Fi and 5G and nanobots and chemtrails, and let's ban everything in agriculture so we can't grow anything anymore. But nothing about vaccines in that MAHA policy at all.
Calley and Casey Means came up with this policy (and likely were instructed by their father, Grady Means). Calley Means claimed that he convinced RFK Jr. to join Trump's campaign.
After Trump announced RFK Jr. as a special guest at his rally in Glendale, AZ on August 23, RFK Jr. spent several minutes of his speech promoting the previously unknown Calley Means as a food expert who has apparently advised him for years in “all things health” and “soil regeneration” (???) This stood out of place. Why spend so much time at such important moment discussing an “advisor” whose name carried no significance to any voter at the time?
For in-depth information on the Means family, please see Debbie Lerman’s 2-part investigational series here. It is becoming very clear that the pharma lobby/deep state represented by the Means duo have manufactured the MAHA policy, eliminating any messaging that criticizes vaccines or brings accountability to the Warp Speeded mass murder.
This week, confirmation hearings for RFK Jr, nominated for the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), are scheduled for January 29 and 30th. If you are in the area on these dates, you can attend the hearings in person. The instructions are here.
It’s going to be a shit show, I can feel it already. I worry that the anti-vaccine message that we all thought RFK Jr was going to carry has been already defeated by the owners of the Trump administration. I don’t know what will transpire, but I can tell you one thing for sure - professional propagandists are psychopaths (master manipulators) and they are not stupid. They will stop at nothing, defending the innermost-sacred-to-them-castle, the cult of “infectious disease prevention” by which they control the bodies of their slaves via forced poisoned needles. They are not only going to shout “safe and effective” from the main street media bullhorns, but they have also captured most of the “alternative” space via advertisers, sponsorships and just plain business opportunity to grow large media following. Once you know what to look for in the messaging, you can see it easily.
For example, a very popular “health freedom” account on X, Died Suddenly, posted this piece of clearly ABV propaganda:
This is meant for a lazy-stupid audience. No source. A picture of Amish kids and “they are the healthiest” message. Do I believe they are healthier than an average obese-autistic-allergic-to-everything American child? Yes, because Amish don’t vaccinate. However, as you can see, the anonymous “health freedom” leader must tell you urgently about pesticides and not mention vaccines. Similar high profile anonymous accounts will tweet all day long about chemtrails, toxic food, 5G, toxic seed oils, etc. etc. They will also tweet anti-vaccine messages, but their function is to fill the media with messages that treat all of these things as EQUAL health risk, even though this is not true at all. This is a “drowning/sideline” media strategy manufacturing consent of the health freedom community that on average, vaccine risks alone are not that significant. Drown the anti-vaxxers under the avalanche of marginal, insignificant or even imaginary health risks.
The truth about this tweet above is the Amish farmers DO USE PESTICIDES and CHEMICALS!! Their kids eat food that’s grown with pesticides and chemicals and are exposed to them on the farms. The reason their kids are healthy is because they don’t vaccinate.
Newsflash for anyone who doesn’t understand agriculture - you can’t grow enough food by organic practices only. If all our agriculture turns organic overnight, most farmers will go out of business and YOU WOULD STARVE. Your food bill would exceed your mortgage bill quite suddenly. Please understand that I am not endorsing Roundup at all. But also please understand that the government promising you to remove “toxic chemicals” from food supply means the opposite of what they are promising. Government regulations go in one direction only. The next nutritional guidelines approved by the Means Team will include Bill Gates’ healthy, seed oil-free synthetic meat and cockroach flour…
Art for today: Lilac, oil on panel, 9x12 in.
IMHO RFK Jr hasn't been confirmed yet, and if they push the vaccine point too hard before that he'll never be confirmed; I think it's strategic rather than an abandonment of the work that got him to this point.
Sasha, I always appreciate your bluntness and directness. It’s necessary. This ABV propaganda is indeed very sneaky, as it has seeds of truth mixed in (many of these other things are indeed unhealthy, of course). Endless distraction and diversion. I try to tell people that ‘no one is their hero’; but it always falls on deaf ears. It doesn’t matter who is ‘elected president’, in my opinion. Only minor tweaks, which are always effective diversions. (Squirrel!). I see the new admin is into AI, data centers, mRNA crap, etc. What I don’t see is anything about stopping vaccine mandates, shutting down bioweapon labs, outlawing Rx ads in media, etc. I feel as if I’m living among brain-dead zombies. It’s lonely, but that’s my problem of course. Substack is great, but I’m sick and tired of most commenters’ discussions devolving into ‘Republican vs. Democrat’ arguments. I’m especially sick of comments based on wishful thinking rather than reality. For five years now. So many comments use the word ‘hope’, ‘should’, etc. “Wish in one hand, and shit in the other; see which one gets filled the fastest”.