Rabies Recipes: How sane doctors were defeated by the insane scientists 140 years ago.
Viruses and vaccines are the same thing - both are manufactured poison pushed under false theories and faked statistics by the insane scientists with a God complex.
True cases of rabies disease are vanishingly rare. Rabies can ONLY be diagnosed post-mortem, and ONLY by fraudulent never validated non-diagnostic lab testing methods where decaying brain cells are mixed with numerous cytotoxic chemicals, no controls are used, and causation claimed from microscopy images of the resultant products of cell death. CDC claims fewer than 10 human cases a year, in a population of 330M, and of course, has never provided any details nor independent verification of this claim. Do you trust CDC? I don’t. They are proven liars. As of recent statistics, over 70% of Americans don’t trust CDC either.
In the book “Pasteur and Rabies”, published in 1890, available here, the author, Dr. Thomas Dolan writes about ludicrous claims by Louis Pasteur and his “murderous” treatments for rabies (at the time the disease was called hydrophobia and was a different illness vs what is called rabies today). Dr. Dolan noted that rampant mistreatment of dogs was the primary cause of dog bites which could result in hydrophobia in some small % of cases. He had treated hundreds of dog bite patients in his medical practice (in the late 1800’s), without any “inoculations” and has not had any deaths from hydrophobia. In the Preface to his book, Dr. Dolan published a letter written to him by Professor Peter, a member of the French Academy of Medicine, citing the near non-existence of rabies illness at that time (same as today):
He then described how the mortality from rabies increased (instead of diminishing) in France due to the “treatments” pushed by Pasteur. As is typical with all “vaccines”, the cases of illness and deaths post vaccine rollout increased, and additionally, a new disease presentation developed - the vaccine-induced paralytic rabies. The letter also mentions the case of Lord Doneraile who died as a result of Paster’s administering his injected rabies treatment. Pasteur claimed that the injection was administered too late and the patient died because of rabies. This strategy of denying deaths from “vaccines” has been used by the public health officials and doctors ever since.
Pasteur and other zealous vaccinators not only induced new, more dangerous versions of rabies illness, but also killed animals with other botched attempts at vaccination, such as the anthrax “preventative” (anthrax is “charbon” in French):
Dr. Dolan also points to fallacious statistics adopted by Pasteur and by the British and French medical authorities - pre-supposing ALL dogs involved in biting to be rabid (other than normal but mistreated animals).
This exact fallacious assumption is used by the CDC and WHO today, assuming ALL dogs and cats are rabid and mandating rabies vaccines on pets at least every other year. Despite constantly jabbing all pets (presumably they are “vaccinated”, right?) they still fear monger and push unnecessary and inherently dangerous post-bite injections on anyone who gets bitten, regardless of the bite severity and regardless of whether the animal in question is rabid (remember, they also claim that this can only be “diagnosed” post-mortem).
Dr. Dolan’s book provides carefully collected statistics on annual rabies mortality in France in the years before and after Pasteur started “inoculations”, i.e. post bite injections with concoctions derived from the spinal cords of rabbits. The statistics demonstrated that after Pasteur’s magic juice, the mortality in the “vaccinated” increased!
At the same time, Pasteur and the medical authorities made fantastical claims about “saving thousands of lives”! We hear this statement about all vaccines all the time, don’t we? Now we know the original author of it. It will come as no surprise to you that among statistical “modeling” techniques utilized by Pasteur was wild exaggeration of the risk of death from the rabies illness. A hospital in Moscow which took care to only compile cases of bites where the dog was definitely determined “rabid” (i.e. ill with the CNS system involvement) published that the total mortality was only about 1.35% (8 deaths from 591 cases of bites). Including bites from other animals such as wolves, the mortality was possibly up to 4% but the wounds were more severe as well. In cases of symptomatic hydrophobia illness post-bite, the available statistics indicated about 15% death rate, however, not all cases of bites were equally likely to progress to death. Large bites to the head were much more dangerous than to other parts of the body, and bites through clothing were the least dangerous at 0.6% mortality rate (possibly, because the saliva carrying proteins was absorbed by the clothing).
The total mortality from rabies for the whole country of France normally ranged from 10-20 deaths/year before Pasteur’s poisoning campaign. Pasteur, without any basis, claimed that rabies was 65%-93% lethal for purposes of supporting his claims of life saving vaccines! After his rabbit juice went into wide use, the deaths started climbing to 30-40/year, and thousands of dogs were claimed to be rabid. His project should have been named Operation Death Star. The rest is history. We are still living it… the contemporary medical literature claims that symptomatic hydrophobia/rabies is 100% lethal!
Here is another pearl from “science” about “rabies virus - see paper here:
Sometimes paralytic rabies is caused by the rabies “inoculations”, and sometimes healthy animal bites produce rabies illness. Shut up and trust the science!
Does unique rabies illness exist? Of course, animal bites carrying certain proteins/toxins (e.g. from an animal feeding on carrion, raw sewage, etc.) CAN cause blood poisoning and symptomatic illness. Remember that Charles Richet demonstrated that even benign food proteins can be toxic or lethal if they reach the blood stream directly via injection! The proteins carried in the saliva of a biting animal can in some cases reach the spinal cord and brain, especially if delivered to the head, and can cause the Central Nervous System (CNS) disease which can manifest with symptoms ascribed to the rabies illness. The biting animal doesn’t have to be ill at all for this to happen! The proteins in their saliva are not “viruses”, they are parts of the food being eaten and generally pose no danger as long as they go through the digestive system. Wild animals like racoons and foxes fight over food, and bite each other, often aiming at the head and neck area, so it is possible that proteins from saliva can reach the brain in some cases. That’s how even a benign protein becomes dangerous - by getting injected directly into the blood/cerebral fluid. The stress and aggression may play a role too! It is possible that under conditions of extreme stress, saliva is “modified” by the stress hormones, and becomes “venomous” to some extent. However, none of this means there is a special “rabies virus”!
Dr. Dolan stated that no special microbe was isolated at the time Pasteur made his voodoo soup from the spinal cords of rabbits. None was properly isolated since, and pictures from the electron microscopy of the cytopathic cell effects today are not a replacement for the proof of causation. Viral causation of this illness has never been established by the scientific method with proper controls. Blood/cerebral fluid poisoning by toxic foreign proteins and/or modified by stress hormones can provide just as valid explanation for this extremely rare illness.
In fact, the injection of foreign proteins into the brain is the only method by which the virologists produce “rabies virus” in the lab!
Because rabies virus is as common in nature as Chupacabra, what are the professional poisoners (aka virologists/vaccinologists) to do? But of course! They manufacture it.
One of the papers included by Katherine in her article was titled “A Mouse Test for Measuring the Immunizing Potency of Antirabies Vaccines” (published in 1939). True to the virology narrative, the authors state that it is difficult to obtain this rare virus, so they are describing a reliable method of manufacturing it. As a reminder, the original meaning of the word “virus” = “toxin” or “poison”. So, what these writers are describing a methodology to produce a characteristic type of CNS poisoning.
Here is the precise recipe of manufacturing the “rabies virus”:
Obtain a bunch of inbred, congenitally brain damaged W-Swiss mice from the Rockefeller Foundation’s proprietary mouse line.
Inject the mice with a preparation called “rabies virus”, i.e. “Virus-containing brain tissue diluted 1 to 100 with 10 per cent horse serum plus distilled water and injected intracerebrally in 0.03 cc. amounts into 3 weeks old Swiss mice is passed on serially from the brains of the injected mice when they become prostrate.”
Note that the methodology section in this “science” paper carefully avoids to mention how the “virus-containing brain tissue” is produced in the first place. You can see how ridiculous this is: first they inbreed some congenitally damaged animals with a CNS disease that can be called “rabies”, then select the worst cases, take their rotting brain matter, mix with chemicals, inject it in some other poor animals, and repeat this a few times. That’s what “serial passaging” means. This is what the “biodefense” racketeering club wants you to believe will one day unleash a flying Ebola, because trust the science. The serial passaging has been conducted since at least 1939, and the flying Ebola is yet to materialize. Unless it’s a “vaccine” sprayed, for example, from a drone, i.e. a deployed chemical poison. However, poisons do not “evolve”, nor “spread” by themselves, in cases of secondary shedding quickly attenuate in potency, and thus have a very limited reach.
You may ask, if this virus is so rare and difficult to find, why manufacture it on purpose? The answer is - quit using logic so much!
Let’s make a direct connection from the late 1800’s to 2020. For example, the same question should have been asked of Col Wendy Sammonds-Jackson, ideally in the setting of a criminal/bioterrorism investigation into the actions of her employers. On March 5, 2020 she announced at a Pentagon presser that the DOD was manufacturing stocks of “covid virus” while the illness was practically non-existent in the US and barely in the world. The viral causality was not established then, or ever since. There was nothing but an imaginary computer sequence uploaded to Genbank by who knows who.
Since Col Wendy and the Pentagon contractors were making chemical brews ahead of any “pandemic” and “emergency”, this means that these actors faked and forced these events on everyone on the planet. She is a key witness and should be interviewed as part of the true inquiry into the covid crimes.
The answers to the 1939 Rockefeller-funded rabies making and the 2020 DOD-funded covid situation are the same - these people are insane psychopaths funded by other insane psychopaths, running a continuous global protection racket and weapons trade. They make the poisons and scare you with nonexistent “viruses” so that you line up to voluntarily inject yourself, your children and your pets and domestic animals with more of their patented poisons (vaccines). Both “viruses” and “vaccines” are the same poison brews.
This is crucial for everyone to understand. The way “viruses” are recovered by the CDC/NIH/DOD and other criminal cartel participants are by first poisoning animals or humans with a variety of injected chemical poisons, and then collecting the expelled products of poisoning. They are “harvesting” toxic materials and then claim that these materials exist independently as causative agents, and fly in the air, posing danger from even a slight casual contact (a massive lie to the public perpetuated for centuries). Then the poisoners use these materials wrapped in more poisoning chemicals, food-derived proteins, aborted fetal cells, cancer cells, etc. delivered as injections and cause the chronic disease epidemic, while renaming the resulting diseases into numerous “conditions and syndromes” and ascribing them to genetics (falsely), habits like smoking (not very dangerous by itself) and now trying to pin all this on food and agriculture.
Let’s appreciate from 140 years of distance the prophetic words of Dr. Dolan that have stood the test of time. He perfectly described the madness of the fabricated “viral pandemic” and the murderous response:
A careful and caring physician is humble and respectful of the God’s marvelous gift of life. A mad scientist detests and fears it, enamored by his chemical kits and other fabrications, feeding his God complex. We do not need to follow the science. We do not need a more scientific approach to medicine. What’s urgently needed is the return of the physicians like Dr. Dolan.
Art for today: Rabbit, watercolor
Fantastic post. My current dog (have had many) has had seizures and 3 weeks of lethargy after each of her 2 rabies vaxxes. Not going to let her be jabbed ever again. Your rabbit art is incredible! 💕
Eight years ago when I brought home my terrier puppy I googled rabies cases in my county. And I live in the woods with lots of critters up to and including cougar, coyote, wolves, bears etc. The last case was in a bat in the 1980’s. And now I know that was probably a lie. I saw no point in giving her a rabies vaccine. If you don’t license them, you can get away with it. But grooming? It’s not that hard. I do it myself. But how do you get them spayed? You call around until you find a vet who will do it without giving that shot. It might take 10 or more phone calls. Might take driving an hour or two. They ARE out there. My dog is worth it. What if your dog bites someone or another dog? Training and socializing work. And if you can’t trust it, muzzle it in public. Rabies shots have the HIGHEST rate of adverse reaction of all pet shots. Lepto is pretty toxic too and completely worthless. I consider standing up to vets all these years ago to good practice to standing up to my doctor when they push things (flu, shingles, Prevnar & Covid shots) I do not want. And guess what? When you don’t give these shots your pets rarely if ever need a vet! Love the bunny painting!