Leaded gasoline ...oops, I mean Red3 dye is now banned in all 50 states - MAHA!
Looking for the 2022 FDA petition document that resulted in banning Red3
I have a much more intelligent post coming on Monday, on a more interesting topic, I promise. This is a short post asking for help from my audience tracking down some food toxicology papers.
Since yesterday, the “ban toxic food” team headed by the Means siblings and their handlers are celebrating a major win - the FDA finally banned the cancer-causing toxic agent, the Red3 food coloring additive!
Let’s see what the FDA says on this matter:
Regulatory Information
The FDA will no longer allow for the use of FD&C Red No. 3 in food and ingested drugs. On January 15, 2025, the FDA issued an order to revoke these authorizations. Manufacturers who use FD&C Red No. 3 in food and ingested drugs will have until January 15, 2027 or January 18, 2028, respectively, to reformulate their products. Consumers could see FD&C Red No. 3 as an ingredient in a food or drug product on the market past the effective date in the order if that product was manufactured before the effective date.
The FDA is revoking the authorization for the use of FD&C Red No. 3 based on the Delaney Clause of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act). The Delaney Clause, enacted in 1960 as part of the Color Additives Amendment to the FD&C Act, prohibits FDA authorization of a food additive or color additive if it has been found to induce cancer in humans or animals.
The next paragraph on the FDA website mentions a “2022 color additive petition” - but the link to it is broken! I can’t find this petition. I would like to read it. Can anyone help locating it? Who are the authors of the petition? Could they write a petition about mRNA shots as they seem very talented in this area?
The FDA determined that the data presented in a 2022 color additive petition show that this ingredient causes cancer in male laboratory rats exposed to high levels of FD&C Red No. 3 because of a hormonal mechanism that occurs in male rats. Studies in other animals or in humans did not show the same effect and there is no evidence showing FD&C Red No. 3 causes cancer in humans.
I tried to look up toxicology studies that prove Red3 causes cancer, as the “ban toxic food” advocates and all press articles on this matter insist. It would be useful to see what type of causation data convinces everyone in the mainstream press, so we could compile the same for the vaccines. So far I am not finding much, and I am hoping to crowdsource this effort. Please post any papers that you think demonstrate this - either in animals or humans - in the comment section. One study that I found claimed toxicity in male rats only, after many weeks of injecting Red3 dye, or, alternatively feeding the rats Red3 dye for 86 consecutive weeks! That study showed toxicity after this, but not cancer. To note, rats live short lives ~24-36 months. and at the end of life frequently develop tumors. On the other hand, can you show me someone eating the same levels of Red3 in human-equivalent quantities for 86 weeks straight?
FDA states they banned Red3 from food or ingested drugs. This means they did not ban it from injected substances, such as vaccines!
Finally, the FDA also states that Red3 dye has not been used for a while in consumer products, and had been replaced with Red40.
Hey everyone, we won! We have defeated the Big Oil & Gas: as of yesterday, you are not allowed to drink leaded gasoline at the consumer gas stations in all 50 states! MAHA!
Art for today: Ink sketches of hoopoe birds, my sketchbook.
I can see the CNN headline now. Red Dye now thought to be responsible for the recent rash of turbo cancers!
Haha but don’t laugh about drinking leaded gas. Back when we had leaded gas my dad would make me and my brothers obtain the gas needed for mowing our large lawn by siphoning from the family jalopy. This involved sticking a small diameter flexible tube into the gas tank and sucking out gas, trying to time the release point where you take the tube from your mouth and put it into the can so that you don’t end up spitting out a mouthful of gas. This never worked and we ended up spitting gas. One time I didn’t get the tube far enough into the car and took a mighty pull trying to get the flow going only to pull a lung full of gas fumes. I was seriously dizzy after that, I don’t think I mowed too straight that day. I’m lucky to be alive still in this age of marvels!