Dying Fast and Slow - Part 1
Post-injection mortality patterns in US VAERS data - significant unexplained variability over time and across the US states and territories.
This article is based on analytical contributions by Jason Morphett, Marek Pawlewski, Craig Paardekooper and Douglas O’Connor.
Part 1 - analysis as of December 2021:
My colleagues and I have been looking at VAERS reports for Covid-19 “countermeasures” (inappropriately marketed as vaccines) since early 2021 and identified some really odd patterns in the data. This article is based on our findings over approximately 12 months period, from middle of 2021 to middle of 2022. It should be emphasized that all data discussed here are from 100% vaccinated population (from VAERS reports), no unvaccinated populations are included.
My overall position on the analyses of mortality and injury data related to (supposedly) medical interventions:
All medical interventions are dangerous UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE, and even after proven “safe for most people”.
All mRNA/DNA products had been suspected of causing covid disease enhancement. It was a known risk for the entire class of these products, documented by the regulators since at least 2015, and documented in many previous failed attempts at putting these products on the market. This was recorded by the scientific literature, manufacturers documentation, by FDA and even the DOD mentioned it in the contracts for Janssen, Moderna, Novavax and Protein Sciences Corporation.
All manufacturers of covid-19 injections failed to exclude the risk of covid disease enhancement in animal and human studies, yet again when running the fake covid-19 “vaccine approval” studies. I am surprised that they didn’t try harder to fake it, they had a lot of opportunity and legal cover to do so. Therefore all covid-19 shots should be deemed covid disease enhancing injectable materials, since they were not proven to be free of this risk.
When a death report in VAERS contains “covid” as the first symptom - the most medically appropriate assumption is that the person died because of the disease enhancement CAUSED by the covid-19 injectable material. The excuse given by the “experts” and sadly repeated by many in the health freedom community that “it was covid and we can’t count it as vaccine death” - is a lame scientifically unfounded excuse.
More about the destruction of the immune system by C-19 injections, and (therefore enhancement of covid illness among other factors leading to death) is in these excellent articles:
Back to my colleagues and I performing analysis of VAERS in 2021, before we knew of their status as “prototypes” or biowarfare agents. This is us still naively thinking CDC, FDA, academic “experts” would give a hoot about the horrific looking VAERS data. We now know better - they absolutely do not and never intended to monitor any safety signals for purposes of ensuring public safety. They do monitor them, apparently very carefully and using much more sophisticated databases than VAERS (10+ databases available for FDA/CDC), but this monitoring is done for other purposes - counting the dead and injured as intended consequences of this military special operation.
In VAERS it is possible to search for the number of days between the injection and the report of death submitted. The longer this period of time, the less likely the death to be reported to VAERS, and we expected to see a steady drop-off of the reports over time. To our surprise, we found that the post injection mortality had 2 visible peaks: deaths immediately following the vaccination, which subsided after 30 days, and then the second wave of mortality started around 100 days after vaccination and peaked at around 180 days (see Figure 1).
This pattern became particularly visible after the 2nd dose of the injection and was significant even for younger age groups:
Figure 1.
Very similar pattern, even more pronounced is visible in the hospitalization data after vaccination, see Figure 2.
Figure 2
Our initial hypothesis was that the second dose or “booster” injections were driving the second peak of hospitalizations and deaths, however, it turned out that the second peak represented the delayed effect of the injections administered earlier in 2021 (between January and March) as was demonstrated by subtracting all deaths that occurred 100+ days after vaccination. This eliminated the entire second peak of mortality (see Figure 3).
Figure 3. Deaths on each day of 2021 following the vaccination. Gray = all deaths, Blue = deaths <100 days after vaccination.
Analysis of these patterns by US state revealed an even more unusual pattern – in most US states, as of the end of 2021, the second peak of deaths was entirely absent. The delayed mortality was loud and clear in only some US states. In fact, when looked at the US totals, the delayed mortality pattern (deaths 100+ days after injection) for the entire country was attributable to just a handful of states: Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, Texas and Florida. These states also exhibited abnormally high rates of deaths per absolute number of vaccinated population – 3-6 times higher than would be predicted by a statistical regression model (see Figure 4). Conspicuously, other states with both high population and vaccination rates like California and New York did not exhibit the second peak of post-vaccination deaths. California was the outlier in the “good” direction, exhibiting far fewer deaths per vaccination (dot below the regression line on the right of the graph).
Figure 4.
Two distinct patterns of mortality – with and without delayed peak of deaths was identified. States with abnormally high deaths per vaccinated population all exhibited the delayed mortality pattern. Figure 5 below illustrates the 2 patterns by example of Kentucky and California. Kentucky, where approximately 3 million people were injected by end of 2021 reported 385 deaths, while California where 10 times more people received injections during the same period (30 million) reported only 272 deaths. This very large difference cannot be explained by normal demographic or under-reporting factors.
Figure 5. Deaths in KY and CA by Month 2021, Blue = All Deaths, Orange = Deaths <100 Days After Vaccination.
When patterns for all states were examined, it became clear that “fast” and “slow” deaths are very unevenly distributed by geographic locations in the United States (see Figure 6).
Figure 6. 2021 Deaths following Covid-19 “Vaccination” by State by Days After Injection. All Ages.
When symptom fields in VAERS were examined, the deaths within 30 days of vaccination were predominantly cardiovascular deaths, while the “slow” mortality was overwhelmingly related to covid illness. This is indicative of the vaccine-induced antibody enhancement that was known as a major risk factor associated with these drugs by both the FDA and the manufacturers, who failed to exclude this risk in preclinical and clinical trials. The antibody enhanced disease was likewise predicted by many scientists and experts in this field. Curiously, as of end of 2021 it was very unevenly present across the United States.
For comparison, similar graphs are constructed for deaths reported after seasonal flu vaccination by state for the same period (Figure 7). Note that approximately 50% of the US population gets annual flu shots (at leas did so historically). I advise against all vaccines as systematic poisoning agents, however the graph below is simply to show the data cimparison.
Figure 7.
In Part 2 I will show the update of this analysis using VAERS data as of July and October 2022.
Art piece for today: Portrait of a kosak, oil on panel, 16x20.
Thank you. And Shared. Also Thank you again for taking a serious dig at the following ...
I also have noticed a significant tendency to give credence to the whole thing in various wordings and statement given by those "at the forefront". Credence to a "pandemic" that was really a "pandemic" of the flawed PCR test. A "pandemic" where the average age of death was close to life expectancy. A "pandemic" where 75% of those that "died from it", died with 4 co-morbitites and a "positive" PCR test.
And when that was "admitted", it was done w/o illustrating the significance of such an admission. Where when considering what that meant at 3, 2, 1 co-morbidities, could by simple calculations, be shown that (if the stupid thing exists at all) ~95% actually died from something else entirely.
A "pandemic" that "occured" while the regular flu 99.99% completely disappeared.
Anyway, w/e the case ... glad your digging in.
Such an excellent painting.